The "True God Faith" they admire in their hearts is tainted by this child, so even if they sacrifice their lives, they will not hesitate to do so!

Cloud bridge battle, heaven falls and earth rends!

But no matter how they attacked, a Battle Sovereign corpse was blocked by Lin Chen’s three Avatars and the Dragon King like a chicken. Even the 6th-layer Early-Stage Battle Sovereign's strength was hard. Can't break through!

The soul house Elder is so angry, even hysterical!

In the old days, if any Supreme Elder of the soul family sat in town, how could it be possible to get this child to impudent!

But unfortunately, their soul family has the Old Ancestor with the 9th layer cultivation base and all recently left Divine State because of the missions dispatched by the great'True God', even the few Supreme with the 8th layer cultivation base. The Elders are also searching for the whereabouts of this child because of'True God's Fury'!

But absolutely didn't expect, this kid simply didn't run! He didn't even know what weird means he used to sneak into their soul family headquarters, but they still sneaked into the most important'forbidden warehouse'!

And Lin Chen himself, rushed into the ancient palace on the top of the middle mountain!

He can faintly feel that there are some powerful auras and rays of light in the ancient palace!


The purple phoenix wings flapped and flashed into the ancient palace. There are a thousand zhang high inside the palace. The chains formed by Spiritual Qi spar everywhere maintain a simple altar of vicissitudes of life!

At this moment, Lin Chen's pupils shrink slightly!

What appeared in front of him was a dark green spar like a heart!

No, I should say yes, the heart of dark green?

Dark green's'heart' is full of dark green veins and is beating, as if it has life.

Behind the dark green heart, there is a stone tablet of an agitated man. It even engraved three simple and vigorous characters: Fengshen card!

And that heart, the energy chain wound on the surface, connects the entire altar one after another, and its energy core goes directly to the ground!

"Fuck! Fuck!"

When Lin Chen explored with the'Golden Eye Twins', he was so angry that he couldn't help but curse on the spot!

This heart is absorbing the energy of the underground core of Divine State!

The Spirit Crystal circulating on the Nine Provinces continent is the trading currency, and the Spirit Crystal is derived from the Spirit Crystal vein. If the core energy of the continent is absorbed, the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi will become thinner. Out will continue to decrease!

This dark green heart, every time it beats, it is absorbing the massive spiritual Qi of the core of the earth!

"It's the ghost of that false god. Is this what the sages of the sacred world said to use the Nine Provinces continent to heal?"

Lin Chen gnashing teeth, suddenly, his eyes Squint, inside this dark green heart, he found the rays of light of the attribute light ball!

However, because the Spiritual Qi is too strong, he can't see what the attribute light ball is.

The energy contained in this dark green heart is too terrifying. Even if Lin Chen can forcibly take a part of it for refining, there is no time to absorb it!

When Lin Chen turned to look at the stone tablet of the agitated man, the corners of his mouth raised an arc of disdain!

"Fengshen card, a good one, draws energy from the Divine State continent to heal yourself, and when you recover from your injury, you will invade Divine State, and you will call yourself a god on the spot?"

Lin Chen extremely angry smiled back, spinning the tip of the spear in his hand, slamming the five-color Dragon Spear violently, and the sharp Seventh Gold Qi with the spear tip engraved the simple and vast characters on the "Fengshen Card"!

"This kind of ghost shit-like place, there is no need to exist! I asked you to seal the gods, after today, your fucking dog is almost the same!"

Lin Chen's eyes The fierce light was revealed, and the five-color Dragon Spear slammed into the sky, a move of "79 Style·Moon Broken Tianhe" crashed to the top of the great hall!

Boom! Boom~!

Lin Chen fired five shots in a row, and the entire great hall was split alive by him!

All the soul master Battle Sovereign who were still fighting at Yunqiao outside were taken aback!

"Hi! Isn't that the forbidden altar! That kid actually sneaked there?"

"No, no Ahhh! Mortals, you can't blaspheme divine might! There is it! The place where the will of God inhabits!"

Many soul master Elder screamed hysterically, and saw that the great hall that was split in half collapsed, and when the altar appeared, the dark green His heart is also presented in front of everyone!

In front of the Fengshen card!

Behind the dark green heart, Lin Chen stands on an energy chain.

He holds the gun in one hand, with his left leg in front and his right leg in the back, in a straight line, with his toes touching his heels.

The young man has a smile, white teeth and dew lips. His posture is very elegant, dignified, handsome, and handsome. Wearing snow-white gloves, he lightly wipes his five-color Dragon Spear.

It looks like the most professional billiard player is wiping his cue, like a first love teenager is stroking his lover's arms.

Very light and gentle.

After that, he raised his hips and closed his waist. His movements were very standard. The right hand held the gun body, and the front part of the gun body was placed between the thumb and index finger of his left hand.

"I have a gift for people from Nine Provinces."

The boy smiled.

His smile is very handsome, very pure, and even a little coquettish.

Boom~! Dragon power exploded! He has a'shot'!

Lin Chen stabbed the dark green heart with a shot!

At this moment, all souls of Battle Sovereign are stuck in place, despair in the twitching corners of the mouth and sluggish eyes!

The tip of the gun pierced through the heart of dark green, sputtering endless energy fluctuations!


Earth veins vibrate, valleys roar, like billions of volcanoes erupting, like thousands of giant dragons flying, condensed in an instant and erupted!

The dark green heart exploded violently with infinite energy, and a beam of light spurted out from the center of the heart, Straight Clashing Nine Heavens!

This beam of light shook the void, rushing out of the sea of ​​clouds, out of the Soul Family headquarters, out of the extreme east of Divine State, and directly above the starry sky in the center of Divine State!

Boom! The beam of light exploded, and heaven-shaking, earth-shattering screamed like a hurricane passing by, sweeping from high altitude, and plummeting from under the stars!

At the moment when the beam of light bursts, countless dazzling dark green rays of light seem to fall from the sky, like a lotus flower gradually blooming, scattered to every part of the entire Divine State!

The moment when thousands of meteors bloomed from the middle of the starry sky and exploded, more than half of Divine State absolutely 100 million people witnessed this scene!

The magnificent glow of dark green is scattered everywhere on the Divine State continent. These dark green energy nourish the Divine State land and take care of the Divine State territory.

Some people are on the verge of death. After being illuminated by the dark green light, they are full of vitality and come back to life!

Some people stopped at bottleneck for millennia, dark green rays of light flashed, and the breakthrough cultivation base was in place!

Some people are very poisonous, a photo of dark green light, the toxins have subsided!

These were all Spiritual Qi accumulations belonging to Divine State's own continent.

Now, in the most splendid and dazzling way, it is returned to all the people of Divine State!

In the sky, the remaining dark green light glow slowly condenses into a large energy character.

"Life and death are indifferent, it is my attitude to life. If you don't accept it, it is my performance art.——Lin Chen."

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