"What a joke, where does this kid get such a strong force? Can he still use that external force? Impossible! Such a strong offensive, even if he uses that external force Block it completely!"

The bloodthirsty and cruel pupils flickered with surprise, and Long Chi released Battle Qi to explore the trace of Lin Chen in the center of the energy storm.

If this formidable power collision is placed outside, a small continent plate can be torn apart!

I saw that above the ten thousand zhang, the silhouette of five people and one dragon appeared!

These five people are all Lin Chen! The whole body exudes a green brilliance flowing, and the gods are extraordinary!

Some both hands crossed near chest, with a relaxed expression on their faces. Some stand with knives, and their whole Blade Qi rises, arrogantly domineering!

Some stand against the wind, holding a scabbard and holding a sword, the sword circulates in the white jade green rainbow-like sword qi, and their faces are arrogant and indifferent, like a peerless swordsman on a lonely summit.

The fourth person danced with short hair, and his robe was curled up by the wind blowing and hunting. He holds the lightning bow, his eyes are sharp, and the Purple Gold rays of light rolls between his pupils.

As the leader of that silhouette, the five-color Dragon Spear is in his hand, almost unscathed!

Everyone is a 2nd layer mid-term cultivation base! It's all 1.3 million dragon power!

The Wood Spirit essence method was quietly operated to restore the blood in the body that was shaken by the blood energy. Lin Chen sighed secretly, his arm faintly pained.

"It's worthy of a blow from the 5th layer Peak. If it wasn't for the upgrade of the gun rank, and the purple high level Spear Art like the Hundred Spear Douhuang in hand, I might not be able to get the palm of my hand just now. Can take it!"

The 6th-layer change and the ultimate moment, the seventh rank high level high grade weapon plus the purple rank high level Spear Art, the Level 5 charge rune plus the penetration rune, and many trump cards are condensed into one. With the move, Lin Chen barely took the current Long Chi blow head-on.

"Fortunately, I spent all the cultivation technique essence before I came out. I learned half of the proficiency of the two purple-level intermediate battle skills, "Eternal Night Judgment" and "Blazing Green Rainbow", otherwise I really didn't have much to get The battle skill that can be used to contend with these old fox."

"System, activate the limit Return to Origin!"

[Consumption of 15000 innate talent points, activate the limit Return to Origin, already Replenish all Battle Qi for the host and Avatar. 】

"Damn it, promotion to Battle Sovereign is expensive! do it quickly!"


Lin Chen flaps the purple phoenix wings and urges movement method Sweep to Long Chi, take the initiative!

"courting death!"——Long Chi was furious, blood energy surged all over his body, and he drew a blood knife back to Lin Chen, blood glow burst shot, splitting heaven and earth apart!

"Battle Emperor 65 Style·Asura Broken Soul!"——The gun was shot out of the Star River, the vast Asura illusory shadow appeared on top of Lin Chen's head, holding the giant spear and slamming it down, tearing apart a bright light The half moon divine glow like a waterfall!

The two handed over in an instant, but Lin Chen did not gain the upper hand. Instead, he was gradually repelled. At one time, with the help of Purple Phoenix wings and movement method, he blessed Purple Gold Eye to predict a little action and dealt with Long Chi. Fight.

Tear and pull~!

At the same time, the afterimages of the four avatars flashed and turned into moonlight to the four Battle Sovereigns!

The expressions of the four people have changed slightly. They have fully understood the strength of these four Avatars! They must face it with all their strength!


Long Xiao broke through the air, and the Dragon Emperor spread out the purple phoenix wings to culminate in the direction of the late 3rd-layer Battle Sovereign! His expression changed suddenly!

"Mysterious Azure Dragon domain!"

Unleashing the azure light Dragon Qi vertical and horizontal domain envelope, greatly suppressing the action of the Battle Sovereign!

"Who...Which dear friend is here to help! I will give him all my reward!"

Battle Sovereign lose one's head out of fear looked towards the direction of the battle No one dared to respond to him!

Dare to shit! This fucking kid is a monster! The mid-term strength of the 2nd layer catches up with the 5th layer Battle Sovereign! None of the strengths revealed by its Avatar is weaker than the 4th layer Battle Sovereign!

Originally thought it was a sure battle, who would have expected such a dramatic reversal, turned into an evenly matched death match!

At this time, it is the best choice not to make a move. If you stand on the wrong team, the opponent will counterattack to death, and no one knows whether it is him or not!

In the realm of Xuan Azure Dragon, Dragon Qi's vigor as with no opportunity suppressed his actions, and the Broken Arm Battle Sovereign retreated again and again!

But his speed is not the opponent of the Dragon King at all. Lin Chen's Dragon King, on the purple phoenix bloodline, completely exceeds the purity of Long Kun, the gap is only in the cultivation base!

Azure Dragon flicks its tail, and the purple wing is swayed and slapped. A move method of "startling the dragon" is combined with the purple phoenix wings. The vast and majestic dragon body appears and disappear unpredictably, turning into several twisted dragons. Light, flash dozens of times! Dragon claw rips madly!

Boom! boom! boom! Tear~!

Shocked and impacted the Battle Qi defense of the Broken Arm Battle Sovereign again and again, and forced out his life-saving hole cards again and again!

"Well, awful! I will be killed by this dragon king in this way, what should I do, these guys are not planning to take action, should I self-destruct?"

With the broken arm Battle Sovereign stepped hundreds of steps, each step was accompanied by azure light gusts, moving thousands of miles of void in succession, but the speed of the dragon king followed closely from behind, the explosive attack made him more and more frightened!

The azure light dragon blade flashed and swept down, like a waning moon falling, the broken arm Battle Sovereign's "Purple Shadow Snake Pendant" burst into shreds! A life-saving seventh rank Treasure Item is compromised here!

"Damn it, I will fight with you..."

Thousands of cyan ray blades fluttered like snow flakes, rushing towards Battle Sovereign with their broken arms. go with!

pu! pu! pu!

The Battle Qi defense covering his whole body is as if the skin meets a sharp blade, it is easily pierced and cut into countless pieces, and even his body begins to crack and shatter!

Hundreds of attribute light balls rolled from his body and suspended to the void, colorful.


The Dragon King opened his mouth and swallowed, and swallowed the Broken Arm Battle Sovereign in one bite! die without a whole corpse!

In this scene, all powerhouse horrible to see the battle! A late-stage 3rd-layer Battle Sovereign, fell before the start of a quarter of an hour!

His arms at first were abolished by Lin Chen and lost his main battle strength. After being chased by the Dragon King, the current Dragon King’s overall strength is comparable to the Battle Sovereign 4th layer!

For the price of killing this Battle Sovereign, the Dragon Emperor was only slightly injured. Wan Zaixuan Azure Dragon's defense was immediate! With the speed of the Purple Phoenix, the opponent has no time to make up his mind to self-destruct!

Swallow the Broken Arm Battle Sovereign, its emperor's body is transformed into majestic energy into the dragon body, and the Dragon Vein continues to soar!

And those attribute light balls, all taken away by the Dragon King!

[The host gets 8800 innate talent points, 7550 Heavenly Dao points, 50 blank attributes, 385 Wind Element energy, 12500 rune energy,]

[Open three Amethyst Treasure Box, get: 10 rune evolution stones, 50,000 innate talent points, 500 blank attributes]

The fall of this 3rd-layer Battle Sovereign has filled Lin Chen’s innate talent points and Rune energy is consumed quickly in battle!

"purple light ten thousand thunder!"

Draw the bow in a row, intertwined with light, and the shadow of the arrow of Thunder Tribulation Battle Qi turns into a spiral storm the size of a hundred acres, twisting countless lightning The arrow glow revolves like a sky flower, and shoots away!

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