[The host opens the amethyst treasure chest and obtains: 30000 intermediate talisman energy. 】

Another 15 characteristic rune evolution stones! Lin Chen already has 22 more rune evolution stones in his hands!

The killing of two descendants of false gods in the Battle Sovereign realm, and the burst of new innate talent fragments, Lin Chen was ecstatic!

Especially the innate talent of'super-dimensional teleportation', which is literally an escape skill!

【Please collect more active innate talents for the host. If the amount of innate talents reaches a certain level, the system innate talent combo function can be unlocked. 】

The pop-up light screen of system makes Lin Chen yearning for innate talent combo skills! This is also a feature brought by a brand new version, which seems to be able to connect several innate talents together to form a super combo skill burst!

Just as Lin Chen was silent in ecstasy, the plain-clothed woman had already disappeared!

"This woman runs very fast, otherwise I will let you taste my two-shot golden spear!"

As the afterimage, Lin Chen takes it away All the attribute light balls floating in the void!

[The host gains 8950 rune energy, 21000 Battle Qi Essence, 6850 cultivation technique essence, 110 Wind Element energy, 2500 Heavenly Dao, 1800 innate talent, and 185 dark energy ,]

[The host obtains the top grade cultivation technique attribute light orb, and obtains: the high grade battle skill "Blazing Green Rainbow". ]

[The host obtains the top grade cultivation technique attribute light ball, obtains: the purple rank middle grade middle grade battle skill "Eternal Night Judgment". 】

Intermediate cultivation technique of double purple order! And there is a purple-level intermediate high grade battle skill that is comparable to "The Eight Desolation Fingers"!

"I have made a lot of money, haha!"

Lin Chen glanced at his cultivation technique essence column, just at this time there are 160,000 intermediate cultivation technique essence points, and then collect Some are able to inherit both of the two purple-level intermediate battle skills in one go!

"system, I want to upgrade the charged rune!"

[The upgrade is successful, the host's charged rune has been upgraded to: Level 5. 】

Level 5 charge rune! Attack power increased by 500% on the original basis! With Lin Chen's purple-level intermediate battle skill, it must be like a tiger that has grown wings!

And with the blessing of penetrating rune, increasing the formidable power of the charged rune is also improving the penetrating formidable power of the rune in disguise!

Taking away the spirit rings of the two false gods’ descendants, Avatar immediately accepted the newly born Treasure Item in the beam of light. It was actually a seventh-rank intermediate defense Treasure Item, golden silk and silver emperor. A!

This treasure seems to have been sealed in dust for a long time, spirituality has not been opened, Lin Chen’s blood-recognizing Master without pressure, this object turned into a golden light silver light shot towards Lin Chen, his silver robe set off a lot of brand new Golden light shrouded, this is the defensive characteristic of the golden silk and silver emperor armor.

"Golden Silk and Silver Emperor Armor, the strongest defense Treasure Item, can defend against the 5th layer Battle Sovereign, can withstand 20% of the formidable power, below the 5th layer, can withstand 40% of the formidable power. Good thing !"

When Lin Chen's eyes light up, waves of unrest have risen again!

The silhouette of the three shattered crystal walls of the space slowly appeared from the misty heights, and Lin Chen was instantly locked by Time!

"en? This kid doesn't seem to be in the Battle Sovereign state?"

"There is a Yuanzun state in the Asura tomb house?"

Two of them are puzzled On the occasion, the third person lost his voice in shock!

"Lin Chen? It's you!"

The one who came, turned out to be that Long Chi! 5th layer late Battle Sovereign!

These three are the most powerful three who entered the Asura tomb this time, and the other two are not inferior to Long Chi. It is also the cultivation base for the later stage of the 5th layer!

Lin Chen's pupils shrank instantly!


Phantom Clone, in its ultimate moment state, suddenly drew an arrow and drew a bow!

This arrow is as bright as thunder, domineering and aggressive, it is the'Ziwei Thunderbolt Arrow' purchased by Lin Chen for a unit price of 4000 sky coins! Compared with the arrows formed by Battle Qi, it is countless times stronger, and it is a consumable weapon of the low-level seventh rank!

"Shadow Thunder Jun!"

When the bow was fully drawn, Wan Xing Thunder Fury Bow slammed into Long Chi and shot a dark thunder arrow that tore the Star River. The purple light thunderbolt shot violently, like the purple light polar star in the breakthrough clouds, and shot towards Long Chi!

In the face of 5th layer Battle Sovereign, ordinary moves are basically impossible!

Lin Chen launched the ultimate Return to Origin in one breath, and then consumed all the Battle Qi and Level 5 recharges, Level 4 to penetrate the rune, and even the Ziwei Thunderbolt was taken out, decisively activated The Second Style of Dark Thunder Qianjun Arrow, "Shadow Thunder Jun", used all his best to shoot this arrow!

Without a word, after shooting an arrow, Lin Chen and many Avatars retreated violently, and withdrew to the deeper part of the tomb mansion!

At this time, there is only a single thought left in his heart!


5th layer Battle Sovereign, let alone the late 5th layer, Lin Chen simply impossible is the opponent! This is an absolute cultivation base gap. If the opponent came back to his senses, he would not even have a chance to run!


Long Chi swung his sleeves abruptly, and slammed his palms out of the space for a grip. The five finger marks of a few ten zhang zhang scratched the crystal wall of the space. very ruthless, like a hook, crushed Lin Chen's archery skills with one claw!

The penetrating formidable power entrained by the penetrating rune penetrated into Long Chi's arm. With a wave of his sleeves, he shattered the aftermath of penetrating!

"It is indeed a monster to be able to explode this kind of attack in the Yuanzun realm. However, this kid was much more than that at the beginning. Now he is only in the Yuanzun realm. Can't he use the original force?"

Long Chi was frightened, his expression suddenly showed a vicious meaning, and he cup one fist in the other hand and said: "Two, please help me take this child. Afterwards, I will be Long. People will be very grateful. In this exploration of the tomb, I let Long Chi share most of it. I only want the head of this child!"

The two are both puzzled and surprised. This kid's head is so valuable?

"You let the two of us take action to help you catch a Yuanzun realm?"

One of the gray robe elders frowned, and Long Chi's voice was hoarse, and said seriously—— "This child is not Yuanzun realm! The bloodfiend Avatar in this seat is all broken in his hands. If you underestimate him, you will suffer a lot!"

The two were surprised and put away their hearts. Contemptuously, the three of them kicked the void with their feet, crushed the space, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, chasing Lin Chen!

They spread out in the shape of'product'. Even if there is a lot of fog here, they can still clearly find the location of Lin Chen. The strength of the 5th layer Battle Sovereign can be seen!

"I am immortal, why did I meet him so soon, is it possible that a desperate fight? No! 5th layer Battle Sovereign, use Level 5 Rune of Slowness to seal one or two already It’s the limit. Three can’t cope with it!"

Lin Chen’s speed to the pinnacle, temporarily promoted to the late stage of the 9th layer, cooperated with the ultimate moment, and even blessed the pure power of the Dragon Emperor. The purple phoenix wings, like flashing moonlight, ran wildly among the mountains in the tomb mansion!

Shih~! The dull sonic boom ripped apart, and a finger glow ripped through dozens of mountains, pointing directly at Lin Chen and leaving!

His eyes of Nine Tribulations have moved to the extreme! Detecting the arrival of the crisis half a breath ahead of time, the silhouette turned around, and it was able to avoid the original position! Refers to crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, cutting off the veins and crushing the earth!

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