"Ming Qing, this is the youngster you are talking about?"——silver robe middle-aged man opened his mouth, and when his eyes were narrow, he could feel Lin Chen's body overflowing The devastating fluctuations.

This kind of Battle Qi fluctuation is not even available in the general 4th layer Battle Sovereign. This child seems to have stepped into the Battle Sovereign realm with external force. Although it has not reached the realm of the 4th layer Battle Sovereign, it is already strong. It's against the sky!

"Yes, Master Long Chi, this child is broken and I will wait for the transaction!" Yun Mingqing clenched the teeth, unwillingly said.

The silver robe man's eyes condensed like electricity, and his eyes suddenly shot two Battle Qi divine glow to Lin Chen!

Lin Chen flicks with the finger, the light robbery and Thunder Tribulation Battle Qi are turned into two finger glows, with a hard bang on the front!

Shih~! boom! The sky shakes the aftermath of terrifying energy, tore the void!

Lin Chen and Long Chi retreated two steps, Lin Chen flicked his nails and said with a smile indifferently.

"Your Excellency is not enough, so I sent an Avatar over. So, Mr. Lu was right, persuaded, he couldn't beat me, Lin."

When you fight, Lin Chen knows the true and false. This Long Chi is just a Battle Qi Avatar that's all. The cultivation base is about the 5th layer Early-Stage, and the real fight, whether it’s fighting endurance or endurance, Compared with the genuine 5th layer Battle Sovereign, there is still some distance.

"Young junior, sharp-tongued, I have to see how long you can control this external force! You guys, help me win this child together!"

Long Chi's Avatar extremely angry smiled back, and shattered the tornado that was raging across the sky.

He is standing with Yun Mingqing and the others. Today, he wants to see how long the external force this kid can use!

"Hammering you to death is more than enough!"

Lin Chen carefreely smiled, let alone Avatar today, even if the deity of Long Chi is here, someone Lin definitely doesn’t fear!


The five dragons’ emperor spears are rolling and circling with the five-color dragon light. At this moment, the edge of the seventh-rank intermediate high-grade war weapon is reappearing! Lin Chen is now able to give full play to its formidable power! !

"The magic spear cracks!"

Battle Qi Shen Ning, fire robbery Battle Qi gallops like a dragon, Lin Chen embellished the void with a shot, spear glow shattered the sky and turned into ten thousand Zhang's long scared rainbow thorn went to eight people!

"Shoot! Don't give him a chance to fight back! Yunhuang Great Sword Jue!"

When Long Chi Avatar drank heavily, he backhand shot the word'cloud' sword jue handprint, The sky collapsed and turned into hundreds of acres of sword palms and grabbed it!

Yun Mingqing drew out a seventh-rank intermediate knife and slashed out in anger, the blade glow turned the river into the air.

black robe Battle Sovereign punches in the air, Tyrant Absolute in the Whole World! Cloud Potian and the others exhibit divine ability, spare no effort!

Boom~! boom! boom! boom!

The magic spear was broken by a trick, Lin Chen pulled the golden war spear like lightning, one after another the five-color dragon light grew and pierced the sky, countless fire disasters, wind disasters, Thunder Tribulation Battle Qi A densely packed gun shadow, like a pear blossom in a torrential rain, pushed forward layer by layer, crushing the attack of eight people!

A mushroom cloud as large as ten thousand zhang exploded the space in the center of both sides!

Most of the Bloodfury Plains were torn apart, and the horrible to see cracks stunned many Battle Sovereigns who watched the battle!

Using Long Chi’s Avatar as an opponent, this child can actually take the combined blow of all of them?

"hmph! The unreached cultivation base of the 4th layer, a little brute force, Spear Art is acceptable. You have seen through your details!"

Long Chi sneered, When you step on the sole of your foot, the whole person is like a Void Teleportation. For a moment, it is an exquisite purple-level movement method?

Light theory grade, perhaps not inferior to Lin Chen's "Moonlight Lanying" level!

The Purple Phoenix Wing angrily rolled out infinite purple flames. Lin Chen who entered the Godslayer state, the True Flame Purple Phoenix Wing got a qualitative leap!

Long Chi, who thought he wanted to suppress Lin Chen with speed, the next moment, the fist of Seventh Gold Qi, who was entwined with invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, like a raging sea, crashed down on Long Chi’s chest. , His expression changed drastically, and the movement method changed drastically!

Shih~! boom!

Long Chi was blasted with a punch, Lin Chen held a golden war gun, ghost-like emerged from the void, raised the tip of the gun and aimed it at the top of Long Chi's head and slammed it down!

When the latter’s movement method turned around, when it could be avoided, the spear glow penetrated the void and pierced his heart. Spear Art was so sophisticated that even Long Chi felt horrible to see, with both palms horizontal. Pushing, the rotating palm shook back the approaching gun point, and Lin Chen punched Lin Chen in the head with his backhand!

Lin Chen is not inferior, raising his hand into a fist like an overlord smashing a tripod, two fists collided, the fist wind exploded, shattering the ten thousand zhang crystal walls!

Yun Mingqing and the others quickly joined the battle circle and slashed to Lin Chen with a knife. He waved the Five Dragon Emperor's spear, even dispelled it, and instantly fought with a few people and turned into a few. The road smashes the divine light of Heaven and Earth, and smashes the earth!

"Sun Luo Tianxing cut!"

Yun Mingqing swung his knife and slashed all directions, Lin Chen turned his spears in succession, and picked out the blossoms of Nine Tribulations Battle Qi. , In an instant burst of time, an infinite spear glow emerged, strangling and stabbing, a series of thousands of demon piercing the heart, forcing him to continue to urge the defense battle skill!

Yun Mingqing, who is as strong as the 3rd-layer mid-term Peak, can only be shaken back again and again!

"Master Long Chi! This kid has the true flame purple phoenix wings and the purple movement method, so I can’t fight him for speed!"

Yun Mingqing is giving Long Chi With a sound transmission, the spear glow intertwined with Thunder Tribulation and Dark Tribulation Battle Qi burst out without warning, piercing the arm of a 2nd layer mid-term Battle Sovereign!

Black robe Battle Sovereign smashed Lin Chen's silhouette with a fist, and was taken aback! It's actually an afterimage!

shua! shua! shua!

Lin Chen flashed seven times in a row, and his speed suddenly increased by several levels, so fast that even Long Chi was stunned!

"Why is this kid so fast?"

The tip of the spear from Thunder Tribulation and Light Tribulation Battle Qi crashed through the body of a mid-layer 2nd layer Battle Sovereign, rolling down a lot of attributes At the time of the ball of light, Lin Chen's body was surrounded by blue and secluded brilliance, making all the emperors who watched the game change their colors!

Long Chi turned his claws into his palms, grabbed them, and condensed into Baiyou's condensed White Dragon's claws, blasting away like lightning, hitting the plains of blood fury! Thousands of miles of giant pits are blasted alive!

Are you hitting nothing again?

Lin Chen who flashed to the other side of the void, the silhouette volleyed upside down, holding the gun in both hands, swept out in anger! Boom~! chi! A shot blasted Feiyun's head, and Yun Mingqing's lover of the red robe woman is no exception!

One after another, the attribute light spheres were scattered all over the sky, Lin Chen remained unmoved, looking directly at the remaining people.

One shot to kill the two emperors!

Those who watched the Battle Sovereign couldn't help but tremble at the corners of their mouths. At this time, Lin Chen, even if all of them swarmed up, I am afraid that they will only end up being counter-killed!

Lin Chen has no expression on his face, slams the blood from the tip of the gun, and scans the Yun Mingqing who is like prepare for there funeral indifferently and indifferently!

"Your movement method, is it an intermediate level of the purple order?"

Long Chi was stunned. With his movement method, Lin Chen can suppress it, so there is only one Possibly, the purple order intermediate movement method!

If you simply maintain the Godslayer innate talent status, it is really difficult for Lin Chen to win Long Chi’s Avatar. The 5th layer Early-Stage’s cultivation base is placed there, and Lin Chen is suppressed by the level.

But, what if Godslayer innate talent plus the ultimate moment?

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