Four Battle Sovereigns burst into anger and Hah!

"Shoot! Join forces to open space blockade, he can't break our Space Formation with a Yuanzun realm!"



The Space Formation with four people as the center stretched out and enveloped the entrance of Cave Mansion in a blink of an eye. Lin Chen's Purple Phoenix Wings disappeared like a ghost shadow!

Four Battle Sovereign pupils trembled slightly, his speed is so fast? Even the speed of the space blockade can't stop him half a point!

"It's a pity, that old fogey is here!"

Lin Chen, who flashed to ten thousand zhang in the void, glanced regretfully at the remaining three descendants of false gods who were still in shock, Yun Ming Qing is in the vicinity, and there are four Battle Sovereign glare like a tiger watching his prey beside him, he has no time to solve their three people!

"The inside is the ruins of the Vault of Heaven? Let's go in!"

Lin Chen smiled, lifted the 5th layer change, and turned into a stream of light into the entrance of Cave Mansion. Shocked the elders who were waiting for Formation to completely disappear!

"He even dare to enter the Yuanzun realm now?"

"There is a terrifying space storm inside. It can't be compensated by the movement method!"


As soon as Lin Chen left his front foot, a more terrifying aura greeted his back foot, and Yun Mingqing arrived!

"This kid actually entered the ruins first? Once my person arrives, you will be the bird in the cage!"

Yun Mingqing looked down at the entrance of Cave Mansion and sneered in his heart.


Step into the tunnel of Cave Mansion, the dark tunnel extends to the ground, a large amount of space moiré twists, and the space turbulence ejected from time to time is like a sharp blade. Without the strength above Battle Sovereign, I can't resist it at all!

"Nine Tribulation Eyes!"

A nine-color pupil shines on the top of his head. Now Lin Chen has launched the Nine Tribulation Eyes, which is completely different from the past. The nine Heavenly Tribulation combat bodies are complete. See through the space turbulence raging from the Cave Mansion passage at a glance!


The silhouette flashes vertically, Lin Chen easily avoids all space turbulence!

Suddenly, rays of light flashed like stars in the dim passage. When you look closely, it is a ball of attribute light all over the floor!

"It must be the ones left by Battle Sovereign's hard break into Cave Mansion, and it's cheaper for me, someone, Lin!"

silhouette flickering and faint moonlight, Lin Chen flicked over the suspension With the emptiness of the attribute light ball, all are missing!

[Host gains 9588 Battle Qi Essence, 3400 cultivation technique essence, 89 Wood Element energy, 8710 Qi and Blood Energy, 13 spirit strength, 12005 Battle Qi Essence,]

Boom~! More aggressive Battle Qi fluctuations spilled out of Lin Chen's body. The seventh Battle Qi Yuan Mansion has taken shape, and the cultivation base has entered the late 6th-layer!

Lin Chen, who is in Battle Sovereign realm and descended from the pseudo-god, has finally stepped into the late 6th-layer!

"It's the end!"

The rays of light are like blazing suns. After Lin Chen stepped out of the Cave Mansion passage, what he saw was a vast and infinite valley with bright light. A shocking energy explosion resounded across the sky!

all around there are more than a dozen Immemorial Stone statues, and rolls of clouds are rising up into the sky, and they are dizzying. When Purple Gold Eye fixed his eyes, Lin Chen took a breath of cold air!

These soaring glows are all cultivation techniques above the purple rank! To count them carefully, there may be dozens of volumes! If there is a volume of purple-level intermediate cultivation technique, it is enough to make any Battle Sovereign worthwhile!

"Huang Cang old fogey, get away!"

"hmph, five hundred years ago, the old man was defeated by your last four tricks, now I will report the sword of the year Enmity!"

Two Battle Sovereigns fought, the aftermath of the battle, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, even Lin Chen had to step aside! It is two Battle Sovereign 2nd layer Early-Stage!

"There are at least 20 Battle Sovereigns, what kind of chaos is this... Shit? Why is she here too?"

Lin Chen stared wide-eyed, many chaos In the battle, an elegant and beautiful figure attracted Lin Chen's attention, it was Yan Qianyun!

At this time, she was circling colorful rays of light and didn't know what secret technique was used. She was able to face-to-face battle with the Battle Sovereign Realm Ichihe in the late stage, and between the untouched hands and continuous shooting, battle in the Battle Sovereign Realm!

Ignoring the attribute light balls scattered around, Lin Chen rushed away. He could see that Yan Qianyun had only used external force. Once the time limit expires, he will inevitably return to the original cultivation base!

"Little Lass, but Yuanzun's 5th layer, how did you get here!"

The azure robe who played against Yan Qianyun, said with a sneer, a handful Sticking out his palm and grabbing it, five fingers are infiltrated with billowing flames, Battle Qi is overwhelming, trying to capture Yan Qianyun and the secret scroll in her hand with one palm!

The pretty face is slightly cold, the jade hand is connected to the void, and a finger glow crosses over, tearing the giant flame hand. When just preparing to counterattack, a gray talisman on the crystal wall of the solidified space exploded across the azure Robe's face changed a lot on the old man's head!

Tear and pull~!

Lin Chen, who launched the ultimate moment and the 5th layer change, became the incarnation of the bright demon. He fell from the sky and smashed with a shot. The spear glow intertwined with dark fire penetrated the body of the azure robe old man!

Boom! boom!

The spear glow intertwined with dark fire exploded repeatedly, and the penetrating characteristic shattered his defense Treasure Item. This spear was almost Lin Chen’s full strength. Faced with the late Battle Sovereign, he completely No underestimation!

The moment the tip of the gun hit his head in anger, Lin Chen stretched out his palm and touched the opponent's body like a ghost shadow. The ghost and the gods launched a new innate talent!

【Consume 5000 innate talent points, use the omen of God stealing, and steal 30,000 Heavenly Dao points. 】

A series of starlight merged into Lin Chen's arm, and the system light screen popped up!

"Seventh rank high grade weapon? What a Little Lass, and a helper!"

The azure robe old man was injured by Lin Chen's sneak attack, and his head was battered. , Rune of Slowness prevented him from immediately launching the Battle Qi defense.

"Damn it, today is considered to be in the hands of these two little boys. The situation is not good, please evacuate first!"

Seeing his own injury is not light, the Battle Sovereign Immediately flee away. If it is outside, he must and Lin Chen either the fish dies or the net splits, but in the chaos of more than 20 Battle Sovereigns, there is always the danger of falling!

"Lin Chen!"

Yan Qianyun looked happy, cry out in surprise. Lin Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, and he just said something.

"Eldest sister, you are stronger than me! Yuanzun realm 5th layer dare to come to this place?"

hearing this, Yan Qianyun chuckled softly and moved all over The multicolored rays of light are included in her ancient book, and the cultivation base has returned to the Yuanzun realm.

Lin Chen can enter here with the eyes of the Nine Tribulations, presumably she also avoided the space turbulence of the Cave Mansion passage with her own arithmetic.

Lin Chen cast a suspicious look, Yan Qianyun said with a smile——"This is the ancestral power I found in Mingzhou, and I can use the ancestor’s cultivation base for a short time."


"What are you doing here."

Lin Chen turned his back to her, guarding the surroundings.

"There is a secret technique "Thousands of Divine Prediction" that is extremely important to my Yan Family in the ruins of the sky vault. I must take it back. It is divided into two parts, and I only have one of them."

Yan Qianyun raised the simple secrets on the jade hand, Lin Chen urged Purple Gold Eye, glanced, and remembered the similar breath contained in the ancient book.

While looking around the audience, the two discovered that the second half of "Thousands of Divine Prediction" is being fiercely contested by two Battle Sovereigns!

Suddenly, Lin Chen's gaze that made Lin Chen feel cold and horrified suddenly locked him!

The fierce and domineering fist blows through the crystal walls of the space and arrives. Almost instantly, Lin Chen, who turned abruptly, pulled Yan Qianyun over, with a dark dragon palm in his backhand!

bang! Bang! boom! boom!

fist and palm collided, both sides retreated ten steps each, Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, staring at the star-robed youth in front of him.

"Half-step Sovereign?"

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