My Clone Empire

Chapter 209: Full attack

Over the border of the Republic of Tanzania, five hundred drones hide above the clouds and sneak across the night sky.

After reaching the dispersion point, the five hundred drones dispersed into ten teams in different directions.

The mission of these UAV units is very simple. It is to clear all threat units in this area for the airship units that will arrive later.

When approaching the sky above the enemy camp, the hummingbird drones slowed down and released all the sub-machines carried by the drone into the air. The entire sky was instantly covered by dense drones.

In the border base of the Republic of Tanzania, several soldiers on duty in charge of air defense are sitting bored on the grass, chatting and drinking poor quality liquor.

"The Republic of Mali is separated from us by a country. If they don't walk from the territory of the Republic of Kenny, they can only come from the sea."

"We can't be the front line of the war with the Republic of Mali. I don't know why the chief wants us to be on the highest level of alert." A soldier kicked the stone at his foot and said depressed. They can't go back to sleep and still work here on such a hot day. , It is torture!

"That is, it is impossible for the Republic of Kenny to agree to the Republic of Mali. In my opinion, this war will not be fought at all." Another soldier belched a stalk of grass and said.

"Hey, what do you think it is?" The soldier sitting on the outermost side of the crowd inadvertently looked up and saw dozens of flashes in the sky.

"Ah? What is that?" Everyone raised their heads and looked into the air.

In the sky at this time, two hundred drone sub-machines had already turned off their engines, and leaned on free-falling bodies to land towards the base.

As they approached the base, the rocket thrusters behind them all started at the same time, and they began to accelerate the drones.

The flashes seen by the soldiers of the Republic of Tanzania on the ground were the flames produced by the burning of the rocket propellers!

The two hundred drone sub-machines, like a barrage formed by rockets, cover the entire base.

Although the explosive power of each drone sub-machine is not great, it can't hold up their large numbers.

Coupled with the advantage of being able to adjust the flight direction at any time, these UAVs can find high-value targets for destruction by themselves just like missiles.

For example, all the exposed weapons in this base are the objects of special care. Those two or three-story buildings are also under the special care of drones. The opposite is the open space in the base. There will be no aircraft in these open spaces. The man-machine is locked, even if the entire base is ploughed several times, there will be no more crater in the clearing!

"No, it's a missile!" When the drone was about to land, an veteran finally saw the true colors of these light spots.

But it is obviously too late. The speed of the free fall of the original drones plus the speed of the rocket boost has made these drones have exceeded the speed of sound.

When the veteran saw it clearly and shouted out the next second, these drones had smashed into various buildings and exposed weapons.

In an instant, the entire camp was covered by fires that burst into the sky. The explosion of a drone equivalent to two hundred rockets exploded, instantly reflecting the sky. Two hundred small fireballs rose into the sky. The dust was also blown into the air by the shock wave generated by the explosion!

The weapons and building fragments that were torn apart in the explosion encountered the impact again when they splashed outward, and they were all thrown into the air.

After a few seconds, dust filled the entire base, and the border base was like being in a thick and heavy mist, with nothing to see.

It took a few minutes for the dust from the explosion to gradually dissipate. At this time, there was no complete building and fixed defense facilities in the base, and the vehicles parked on the open ground had become black everywhere. Components.

"Infrared scanning in progress..."

"The number of survivors is zero..." A reconnaissance drone quickly passed over the base, lowering its altitude.

Surrounded by two hundred explosions, no matter how good a person is, he can't hide from the ubiquitous debris and shock waves generated by the explosion.

So the survival probability of soldiers in this base must be extremely low.

"Target No. 1 has been resolved, and the formation of UAV No. 1 has begun to go to the next target!" The drone above the clouds retracted the drone sub-machines circling around in the body, and all accelerated towards the next target.

The officers in the command of the Republic of Tanzania were also confused. They just suddenly lost contact with ten bases on the border.

No warning!

Not only did these bases not send back warnings in advance, but outside sentries did not find any abnormalities along the border.

The NATO organization did not warn them. You must know that the NATO satellites have flown over Heizhou for surveillance. If there is a change in the Republic of it is impossible to escape the eyes of these satellites!

In the end what happened!

"General, this is the news we just got from the media." In the command headquarters of the Republic of Tanzania, an officer handed a tablet to his superior.

The general furrowed his eyebrows and took the tablet, which was showing an emergency news from Eagle Country TV.

"According to a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Mali, their army has officially launched a retaliatory offensive against the Republic of Tanzania an hour ago."

"At the same time, the government of the Republic of Mali issued a warning to the NATO group represented by Eagle Europe and other countries, warning these countries not to intervene in the war between them and the Republic of Tanzania."

"This war is just for the Republic of Mali, and the Republic of Mali is the provoked party. Any country or individual who helps the Republic of Tanzania will be regarded as an enemy of the Republic of Mali."

The general snorted and turned off the TV. The Republic of Mali really didn't know the so-called. After only a few years of development, it swelled and even dared to challenge the giants of the world.

So it can be seen that the Republic of Mali is not to be feared. From the beginning, Convenience has been digging its own grave! All acts of participating in the war will be regarded as hostile acts against the Republic of Mali. This is simply the best excuse for the NATO organization to send troops.

As soon as the Eagle Nation and the European countries arrive, the Republic of Mali and the Black Mask International shouldn't worry about it!

The governments of Xiong and Xia have the same idea. They also think that the Republic of Mali is really too inflated, but it has been "reform and opening up" for two years, and they have begun to act on the surrounding countries. Also got into the Nanto Group!

At this time, even if they want to help the Republic of Mali, they have no way of starting. Now any behavior may affect their national layout.

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