216 – Shadow (1)


At the time the sun rose high, the opening ceremony ended successfully under the guidance of the dean in the auditorium where all Epic class students gathered.

Starting with the purpose of the festival to pray for gratitude, abundance, and well-being to God, the dean emphasized in a loud voice that the most important thing was the safety and safety of the students. For some reason, I felt like I was seeing the dean’s face for the first time this year. You were a person who existed, you… ?

Anyway, it wasn’t just Epic Class that held the opening ceremony. It may be happening simultaneously in other districts as well.

After the opening ceremony, it was clear that the frontier’s population shift would cause a cataclysm. I didn’t even want to imagine how many people would gather at the tram stop. I will definitely suffocate to death.

‘Oxygen… take away….’

It’s really unfortunate, but my prediction was exactly right.

“The heat is amazing….”

“Sure. Ooh, it’s hot.”

The sky was high and clear. The bright, direct sunlight burns the flesh. The sound of footsteps and talking did not stop here and there, and a squeaking noise could be heard from somewhere, while there was also a place where loud cheers erupted.

‘I just came out. He said he came out for no reason.’

I walked while fanning my hands. I’ve always hated places with a lot of people. I remember when I first entered Frontier. It was very crowded even then. It seems that it is a chronic disease to be choking in crowded crowds.

—Ah, ah. Students! Please move in an orderly manner! Everyone knows that accidents shouldn’t happen! Please cooperate! Yes!

As soon as I gathered together with my colleagues for today’s festival, I heard a voice raised with amplification magic from somewhere.

It becomes very difficult to control when there are too many people. It is a matter of course. Not long after the opening ceremony was over, countless people poured out whenever the doors of the tram stopped at the Epic Class stop opened.

─Wow, what kind of resort is this? What’s so big

─We have more students, but our facilities are narrower and poorer… I’m sad, so I’m going to do a regular class… ?

─Ah, ah! Who’s behind Don’t push! Go back!

Red, blue, green, colorful uniforms came into sight. The sound of footsteps thumping the earth seemed like an army.

Teachers and knights zealously control them as they scramble to escape. Do you suffer like this every year? Somehow I felt sorry for him. Of course, if you feel like you’re overheating, you’ll have to temporarily restrict tram operation or entry….

‘Please suffer a little more.’

I quietly cheered them on.

‘Ah, that’s right.’

Come to think of it, there must be an Imperial Guard around here. Among them, I heard that the two swordsman, Gileon Astabelle, was amazing.

Yes. One of the Seven Swords of the Empire.

It is said that he is a swordsman who is one level higher than Professor Abel, who is the third swordsman.

‘How strong can I be?’

I wonder if maybe some of these people came to see him. I can’t see it because it’s still hidden by the human wall, but it must be somewhere. I have no intention of going to meet you.

‘But thanks to you, I’m a little less worried.’

I wonder if my existence alone is reassuring.

The situation was completely different from the time of practice. In other words, it is the difference between heaven and earth. Even if demons appear, wouldn’t it be difficult to counter them with this much power?

At that time, only our students were locked up. There are probably no Demons willing to stick out their necks in a place where the first-class professors of the Empire and the Imperial Guard are scattered all over the place.

Well, if those guys had a normal accident, they wouldn’t have rushed at me like the last time… That’s another story

Anyway, no matter where you go, people will be packed, so you won’t be able to walk around nervously. Because if someone risks death and commits a terrorist act, there will be no small damage.

Besides, if your body gets hurt, it’s never over. Like last time That’s why Frontier has thoroughly prepared in many ways.

Meanwhile, I also asked Stella last night.

Have you ever seen anything through future poetry?

Stella’s answer was no.

Rather than that, did you say that you couldn’t hear the voice of the stars at all? It would have been a great fate if it was an event that would happen during a festival, but since he said he hadn’t seen anything in the future, it didn’t seem like such a big deal would happen.

‘No matter what happens….’

So we could enjoy the festival with peace of mind.

‘I will protect my body and my friends.’

The festival was only just beginning.


Originally, it was a day with lectures, but since when? In most classes, the curriculum itself was omitted until the end of the Taesin Festival, saying that the lecture could not proceed properly only if it was so noisy and crowded.

It was the same with Epic Class. The timetable for the next three days was empty. It is a short vacation.

Thanks to that, even though it was a weekday morning, everyone came out to enjoy the festival dressed in plain clothes.

“You never said that, Ezio… ….”

Mu stood behind me, hesitant.

“No, you all agreed. Wasn’t that why you came out?”

“Yes, but… ….”

“Who said to have fun? Rather than standing there, come closer. I need to say hello to the kids.”

“…… Ha.”

In the end, he reluctantly follows my gestures.

Of course, if the hanger is a certain size, it will live on no matter what you wear. Mu did just that.

It was Mew who wore only a uniform or training clothes almost every day, but not now. Full uniform. Did Mu have clothes like this? It was a coordination that was so hard that I couldn’t even think of doing it.

A white off-the-shoulder blouse that reveals the shoulder line. In addition, a sky-blue black skirt gave a contrast of black and white. The narrow waist line that looks above the ilium and the cute navel are very impressive fashion. The legs were also very long, so the legs were cool.

‘She’s pretty.’

It was a really new impression.

Even just standing still, I feel the prick in my eyes. Even so, few people approach Mew, probably because of the sword sheath hanging from her waist instead of a bag. He carries a sword even at festivals.

“What, what do you look at… ?”

“Just. Because it fits well Didn’t you usually wear it like this?”

“…… !”

When I said it honestly, Myu shook her shoulders in shock. She gently turns her head while pursed lips.

“What, what are you saying? Even if I praise you, nothing comes out… ?”


‘That’s natural. I am a beautiful girl. One compliment saying that he looks good on him makes his expression lighten up. All in all, he was a very easy guy.

She’s quite curious about what kind of reaction she would have if she said she was pretty, but she decided to try that later….



He lightly tapped his back and led Mew forward.

“Come on, guys. He will play too. Are you fine?”

It was already told to both sides that Mew and Rubia would be together at this festival.

Mu didn’t like it very much, but in the end, she personally came out like this. Rubia, what… It was a race that could not be refused. Even if she showed the slightest hint of dislike, what would she do?

He was a guy who still hadn’t learned how to say no. Then you should do what I say. If you feel unfair, start by mastering these three things: ‘No’, ‘No’, and ‘Don’t do it’.

Besides, I don’t think it was a bad proposition at all for them either. Sincerely.

He also makes new friends for Mew. While enjoying the festival together, let go of the strange resentment with Rubia. What a good plan. Am i a genius? Oh, he’s a genius now.

“… ….”

“… ….”

“What is it, isn’t everyone saying hello?”

Rubia was wearing jeans with a V-neck wool knit, and as soon as she recognized Mu’s presence, she closed her mouth and went silent.

I said hello and they just stared at each other without saying a word. It seemed that intangible sparks flew out of the place where the eyes crossed.

Damn it, if the atmosphere is like this….

“… Hello! Do you know me it’s yuri Yuri von Artina. I wanted to keep playing with you, but it went well. Let’s have fun together today. Nice to meet you!”

Thank you. Glass!

Yuri held out her hand with her bright smile.

Yuri next to Rubia had a noble fashion befitting her princess. She wore a bright beige blazer, a white shirt underneath, and a black short skirt. She’s fine with the color and the harmony is fine.

In a word, pretty. It’s pretty.

To tell you my honest opinion… He looked like a child in his parents’ clothes.

I wonder if it gives off the feeling of trying to show off as an adult. I wonder if she looked prettier in plain clothes. Why do I feel sorry for him every time I see him like this?

Of course, I can’t get these blasphemous thoughts out of my mouth. Just now, Yuri is because she did a very big job.

“… Oh well yes.”

Didn’t she feel the need to be hostile to Yuri? Mu shook her head and shook her hand with Yuri.

‘It’s still awkward… That’s enough.’

Come to think of it, Mew was on the active side in middle school. She had a lot of friends to say she was like this. She doesn’t seem to have many friends that she thought were really close… Whatever she was, she wasn’t a social person at all. Unlike me.

“Nice to meet you. Muya…. Please take good care of me.”

“… Yes! I also!”

For some reason, I felt a sense of numbness. Isn’t it an emotional moment? Mew just made a new friend. How not to be happy

“Please take good care of me too. Mr. Mu.”

“Oh, uh.”

Following Yuri, Stella also exchanged her greetings with Mu. Stella is wearing her usual dress and cardigan. It means to be orphaned as usual.

Right or left, the last thing left was Rubia.

“Me, boys?”

“… ….”

“… ….”

The surroundings are noisy, but only here was particularly quiet.

“… Whoa.”

Before the air between us became more awkward.

As if she had finally decided on something, Rubia let out a small breath and spoke to Mew with a smile.

“Festivals are not to be enjoyed alone. You know?”

Mu raises one corner of her mouth.

“You sound obvious. Festivals are the most fun when you two are together. Unfortunately, it failed because of someone somewhere… I’ll pass this time. Because I said I would never play with you if I didn’t go out with you.”

Rubia shakes her head as if affirming.

“Yeah, sure. Even if it wasn’t just anyone, I thought we’d have a lot of fun together. I can’t help but feel a little sad.”

Mu tilts her head.

“Oh, the regret is mine, not you. Was it me who suggested it first? I’m in a position where I’ve been taken away. Do you want to know?”


“… ….”

“… ….”

There was silence again.

… Yes. I didn’t even expect it anyway. We get to know each other slowly as we play together. It’s not like I’m asking you to smile amicably right now. The first goal was to put two people in one space.

If that is successful, then what about the rest….

It will work somehow. Maybe.

“Come on! Stop! That’s enough for greetings!”

I clapping my hands to refresh the atmosphere.

“Let’s start now. It’s a long-awaited opportunity to enjoy it, but it’s a shame if you’re wasting your time here. Let’s go and eat something delicious and that’s it…. What was it, Yuri I heard that the one you like is also sold in District 3 over there. Let’s take a look around here and go there. OK? Are you all good too? Then let’s go!”

“Ah, now, wait—”

After starting the three of Rubia’s party in the lead, I started moving forward while pushing Myuu’s back.

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