209 – Self (3)


Shoot aaa—

I thought while taking a shower.


A little bit about Rubia… Fortunately, it’s in good condition. She talks and jokes normally. Hasn’t this made her much better? I want to

There are lumps that haven’t been erased yet. A skein of thread that I will have to untie with my own hands someday. We won’t be able to go back to normal until the guilt inside her is gone.

No, is it really possible to go back to normal? Don’t know this either. If you don’t know, just look for the answer. I would do that now.

‘There is only one thing that is most urgent.’

And Mu.

This is the biggest problem.

Shoot aaa…

I closed my eyes as I caught the stream of water with my whole body.

I never thought it would be this difficult to hand over a single word of honest apology. I made a decision, but I couldn’t put it into action. Exactly, the plate is not laid.

So why not just make the board yourself? It’s easy to think


‘It’s difficult to approach.’

That’s also very.

Did all the other men who approached Mew get this kind of attention? Had access been blocked with this attitude? I couldn’t figure out what to make an environment where I could talk to Mew.

Recall the efforts of the past.

─What is it, there were passengers? Training is good….

Even if you go to the gymnasium under the guise of training.

─Drinking… Also, is there any information in the library? There was something lacking in the senior’s explanation… Uh? This… !

Even if you follow the library you stop by from time to time and act naturally.

─What are you doing! Concentrate! Ezio Cranil!

— Yes yes!

At the swordsmanship lecture, when I secretly looked at him.



Without missing a single moment.

‘I was ignored.’

When Mew passed by me, the cold air fluttered and seemed to fly away. It was something I wasn’t used to.

He was always a talkative kid with a bright smile in front of me. To be honest, it’s kind of… It was scary. I wonder if I’m going to have a double-sex while talking.

‘… It’s good if you don’t get hit by a knife.’

However, if you think that the cause of Mew’s becoming like this is me and no one else, I have no choice but to have a bitter taste as if I drank over-extracted tea.

Should I give up? When these thoughts come to mind

─Have confidence. And believe in yourself.

Senior Elena’s words suddenly come to mind.

… Yes.

If you don’t act, nothing will change.

‘Judge and Judge.’

The important thing is not other people. I am myself. The only thing that can change my surroundings is myself. Everything depends on me

‘Whether it turns into porridge or rice, try bumping into it.’

After taking a shower and wiping off my body, I stood in front of the mirror.

I rubbed it off with my hand to remove the white steam. I looked straight at myself in the mirror. Water dripped from the ends of her hair that she hadn’t been able to wipe off. My familiar face now. A young man with gray hair and blue eyes.

Recalling the past, my height in the mirror shrunk. My hair has turned black from the roots. A small, feeble boy was there. Although everything has changed, there is one thing that has not changed.

Profit, benefit. Memories rewind like images flowing from a broken crystal ball. In the faded photo, someone smiles brightly.

─Do you know that senior has really pretty eyes? To the extent that I want to put it in a separate container and keep it for ornamental purposes… Oh, are you serious? Are you kidding, of course? … Oh, don’t run away!

My eyes that were once praised.

… Yes, it was.

With one small deep breath, I left the bathroom door.

I am now.

I am ready to accept whatever outcome comes out.


“Do you want some water?”

“… ….”

It’s almost time for dinner.

Mu was at the gymnasium.

It just happened to be empty. Right now, in this space, there were only Mew and Mew. The sunbaenim that I often see is nowhere to be seen today. She seemed like it would be annoying if there was any.

Wicked─ Finally, the sword of Mew said the end. His handle looked quite slippery. ‘Cause I’ve been sweating so much

“… ….”

Mew kept her sweatpants zipped all the way up, moving her chest and shoulders and breathing heavily.

Seureung─ clap

By the time that breath was swallowed again, Mew put his sword in the scabbard and tried to fly past me without looking at me.

“Take it. I didn’t hear anything.”

In a short moment, I lightly threw the canteen.

The canteen draws a parabola at a low place. Mew easily caught it with his hand while it was floating in the air. I opened my eyes slightly wide.

“… ….”

Mu suddenly stopped in place. What?


The moment I wanted to, Mew opened the lid of the canteen. Then he threw his head back and emptied the canteen at once, purring his pure white throat.


Pooh, he said, and tossed it across the street. As if he had drank rotten water, he crumpled his brow dripping with sweat.


Tong, tung, tung, roll…

The canteen rolled across the floor. It soon stopped moving.

It’s good that he didn’t avoid it, but he still seemed angry.


I called her name as she moved out of the gymnasium again. Mu really seemed to have stopped for a moment, but she just ignored me and made her feet go faster.

‘… I can’t help it.’

After thinking about it, she said that.

So you have no choice but to look back at me.

“Look at me for a second.”

Stand up─

Here Mew stopped holding on to the doorknob of her gymnasium.

“Are you angry?”

“… ….”

With that one word, he looked back at me slowly.

It was a terrifying look.

His mouth is tightly shut, and he is glaring at me.

To be honest, my hamstrings are all numb. As the purple eyes looked at me, I felt like I had to take a guard position right away.

I knew how to stare like that and deliberately provoked him. I didn’t know if I didn’t do this, I wouldn’t be able to have a conversation in my life.

Mu is a swordsman. She wondered what the prosecutor could do to relieve her stress. You might wonder if she’s too prejudiced, but that’s what wields her sword.

She’s just like Mu was doing.

“What is it?”


I heard Mu’s voice after a long time.

“What do you want to do?”

What are you doing right now? Won’t you turn it off right now? If you touch me any more, I will kill you. An expression of the same will was revealed.

Isn’t this really going to be cut short by Mew’s sword? Then she’ll have to defend herself. I bent down and picked up a training wooden sword that was scattered around the gym.

“It’s nothing….”

Tak, tak. Tapping the sword in the palm of your hand.

“I want to see you fight. You and me.”

When I naturally applied for sparring, Myu seemed to be dumbfounded.

“… Are you kidding me?”

“I’m not kidding. I am risking my life.”

I am sincere.

“If you hit me, it won’t just end.”

The difference between my swordsmanship and Mu’s swordsmanship is heaven and earth. There is no way a match will be established. Even if I use my abilities, the decision will eventually come in a matter of seconds. After that, my one-sided beating will begin.

It was an application for sparring with that goal in mind.

“Now is your chance to legally betray me. Opportunities like this are rare, so what?”

Tak, tak. The dull sound of the wooden sword echoes softly.

“… It’s a waste of time.”

Mu refused.

“Well, is that so?”

I also declined.

“You don’t know until you try. Pretend to be cheated and try it.”

“I will not be fooled by you.”

Myu bites his teeth.

“Never again.”

“… ….”

I was determined. At the same time I kept my mouth shut.

… Great. I knew it would turn out like this. Then, today’s concept was also decided. I’ll make it so that you can’t fight without betting first.

“I’ve been seeing a lot of seniors around you lately.”

Do you know who you are talking about? Mu’s expression changed completely.

Boom, boom─

As if warming up, he twirled his wooden sword.

“Are you close with that senior? What is your relationship?”

“… ….”

Myu looks at me as if he is at a loss for words.

She wanted to refute something, but then she closed her lips and finished her thoughts before speaking.

“You have to do something yourself.”

“No, well, just….”

Now is the time to bet. Throw up a challenge

‘Sorry, Mu. I’ll apologize for everything later.’

“Even though I feel a bit sad, I want to support you if it’s your choice.”

Half truth, half lie.

‘If this is the case….’

That was when I grabbed the handle of the wooden sword.



A shockwave that exploded in a circle.

Intense waves swept through my body.


The new model of Mew, launched from the front, was approaching right in front of me. It was swung at me with the whole sword.

“Are you sad?”

“…… ! Kut!”

Mu muttered right in front of him. The open eyes were bleak like midwinter. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Mew’s face this close.

My sword and Myu’s sword crossed in the form of a cross gradually gained strength. Koo Woo-wook. The veins on my neck became clear.

It’s a shame because I was prepared in advance, otherwise my head might have been smashed. Of course, if it was Mu, it would have stopped before that month.

‘I have to lower the power first… !’

I activated my abilities while concentrating on my senses.



‘What, strength… !’

There are two lines on the floor of the gymnasium. Having lost in the strength competition, I couldn’t stand it and was pushed all the way. He’s holding on to the wooden sword somehow, but the power of Mew is too strong. It was an inexorable monstrosity. It seemed stronger than before.

The ability was useless.

In front of overwhelming power, the remaining skills were meaningless.


As I concentrated my strength and pushed Myuu’s sword away, Mew pulled back the sword and swung it again as if he had predicted such a move.


“What are you cheering for?”


I twisted my upper body.

After spinning, he threw his body.


I narrowly evaded the sword attack, but a terrible sound of destruction rang out from the place where Myu’s sword swung down. Sweat broke out in my cold heart.

‘Ji, you seem serious. Quite a bit….’

That’s right. I opened my eyes and was deceived.

In other words, he must have been as angry as I was. It was me who had to fully accept Mew’s wrath.

However, as if he would not allow even such wandering thoughts, Mu’s next sword attack continued without hesitation.

I hurriedly corrected my posture and prepared to receive the attack, but



Kkap—! Percussion—!

When Mu’s slashes rushed in, he lost his wooden sword. My head jerked sideways. The wooden sword spun in the air and flew away. And it fell and rolled with a dull noise. The gymnasium became quiet as if a rat had died.

It was only for a moment that he collapsed from the powerless defeat, and his tingling palms screamed.

I was only in a hurry to block it, and I couldn’t even counterattack. Even when I blocked it, I thought it would break my bones.

‘I didn’t expect it to be this much….’

I lost my weapon. Dalian is over.

But it seems that Mew is not over.



I lost my balance and fell. At the spot where he fell, Myu swiftly approached and inserted the sword from the scabbard into the floor of the gymnasium. It was the space right next to my side.

I swallowed saliva. I looked up at Mew, and Mew looked down at me. Their eyes crossed each other in the middle.

“How. You say that… ?”

In a situation that is not strange no matter when it happens.

Myuu’s voice trembled weakly at the tip.

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