205 – Overlook (10)


An instant match between 2nd year Carmelo and 1st year Mew took place.

“If I win, what will you do for me?”

“Nothing. You won’t be able to win anyway.”

“Ha, I will turn. I mean, it’s really funny. You.”

Surprisingly, Carmelo didn’t run away from her crush. Even though she already has a history of being brutally broken.

Perhaps because her friends were watching, she couldn’t easily bend her pride. Mew was vaguely thinking that way.

Being full of vanity. It is not courage to fight a battle that you are sure to lose, but recklessness. Having already grasped Carmelo’s level, he was her poorest of poorest.

There is no way you can’t win.

With her strong convictions and fading cold rage, Mew called Carmelo to her first year gymnasium.

The purpose of the sparring should be known without anyone asking. Since the level of being annoyed has crossed the line, he will tell you who is on top through the sword. After the ordering is over, don’t approach me again. If you don’t comply, next time I’ll really make you a half asshole.

Mew intended to say that, as she always did, pointing the tip of her sword at her neck.

Carmelo’s friends who were by her side were mobilized as spectators, and sparring began as they watched.

Kang─ Kang─ Caang!


After a minute, the sophomore playing the role of referee shouted.

“Stop sparring! Stop Dalian!”


Blood was scattered. Mew’s eyes widened a little when he saw the scattering drops of blood. She was so fleeting that no one could stop her. Carmelo’s sword flies away, and the students in her audience gape at her in amazement.

Mew frowned at the unfamiliar sensation she felt through her sword. This feeling that penetrates soft things.

The sharp tip of her sword pierced the back of Carmelo’s hand.


I saw Carmelo’s face contort violently. He screamed at her with the sword lodged in the back of her hand. Seeing her arm tremble from her convulsions, Mew clicked her tongue and placed her hand on her sword. She and she pulled behind her with all her might.


“Kkeuh, cow, your hand… Shuuu!”


“Carmelo! Are you okay!”

Uncharacteristically embarrassed, Mu pulled out her sword. Then Carmelo grabbed her hand through her hole. She must have wanted to stop the bleeding, but as if she was useless, boiling blood leaked out and stained her hands red.

“You bastard! What are you doing?! Who does sparring this way!”

One of the angry sophomores yelled at me. It is an overkill. A situation where the wrist could have been blown off. Mew opens her mouth nonchalantly as she looks down at her dripping sword.

“It was that guy who said it was okay to use a real sword.”

“What kind of crazy bastard would stab you for real! A man’s hand almost flew off!”

I broke the rules of Dalian. It was Carmelo himself who said that she could fight with a real sword, but Mew didn’t expect this result either.

‘Noisy, really.’

Of course, I didn’t say I felt guilty.

What’s wrong with getting your hand stabbed?

You’ll get well soon if you go to the temple.

Isn’t that rather overbearing?

‘And above all… ….’

Mu thought for a moment.

‘I didn’t do it on purpose.’

Mu said she didn’t think she was a person who made mistakes. She had so much confidence in her swordsmanship skills.

A chance to end the sparring always existed for Mew. This sparring flowed according to Mu’s intention from beginning to end.

Except for one moment.

‘I didn’t dodge the attack…… Maybe.’

As the sword surged in a straight line, Carmelo twisted her step in a wrong beat. She chose to block rather than dodge, as she had always done.

But she wasn’t blocking it with her sword, but with her other hand. No matter how broken her posture is, she is acting incomprehensible unless she intended to be stabbed in the first place.

Or was it simply a lack of skill?

From the outside, it seemed that he was distracted for a while because of her defensiveness, but as he was predicting all of Carmelo’s movements, he only raised doubts.

Overall, this was purely self-inflicted. However, other people didn’t seem to think so.

“The appearance of playing with a sword mercilessly. Saw it all You will be punished. 1 Grade.”

An angry 2nd year student strode forward and stood in front of Mew. She began to surround Mew like an iron wall except for the student who followed him to examine Carmelo’s wounds.

At that time.

“Gp… You shut up! Stop interfering!”

Carmelo staggered to his feet.

“Sir, embarrassing….”

With her complexion pale, she swallows a blank laugh. She was smiling even as her blood drained all the way. She was like a crazy person.


“Stay still. Keugh… Because I have to say something.”

Carmelo approached, shaking her body. Mew tightened the handle of her sword she was holding again. I don’t know what I can do in that state, but if I can’t control my anger and rushes at it.

“Ha, I lost.”


“You really wanted to kill me.”

Carmelo quietly declares defeat.

“No, that’s you—”

“A strict bitch.”

Looking at Mew with her devastated eyes and her breath.

“I won’t approach you anymore. Okay? … Kut.”

Then he stumbles and turns his back. Totally different reaction than expected. The second-year students also looked very puzzled, as if Carmelo knew how to grab her by the collar with her free hand.

But he soon follows and supports Carmelo.

“… I’ll watch. 1 Grade.”

“I feel lucky. Carmelo doesn’t often do that.”

“From now on, at least we won’t be able to take a good look at you.”

“There has to be a certain level of arrogance. Tsk.”

Each of them threw a word and left.

Mew just stood in the middle of the gymnasium covered in her blood.

“…… If I had known it would come out like that, I would have blown her arm off.”

Well, getting her hand stabbed and getting her arm blown off are two very different things. It was a little regretful that I couldn’t make her a one-armed person.


The Dalian ended with Mu’s victory.

“… ….”

Strangely, the uncomfortable feeling did not go away.


After Dalian.

The rumor that someone in the first year stabbed someone in the second year and seriously injured it didn’t spread. From the context, it was clear that Carmelo was in control.

‘I was thinking of dealing with bullying as a group.’

The good was the good. Mu didn’t care about him anymore. She went to the temple and was not seen to see if she was receiving treatment. I wish she would disappear altogether.

Maybe it will come around when you want to become a one-armed person. Then he would draw the sword without hesitation.

After a while, Mew stopped by the library for a while. She read, in order to re-read her ancient swordsmanship books. Most of the content was just that there is such a swordsmanship, but Mew used him to invent new swords.

Myu turned over the pages of the book and suddenly ran his hand over his ear. His straight black hair flowed like the scales of water.

At some point, Mew took her eyes off the book and looked around. It’s because she felt deja vu.





Myu stole Sasha’s bag of snacks and walked very quickly to the trash can and dumped the cookies there. Excellent number. Potato chips fell like hail. And closed the lid. Quietly.

“Ah… ah… ah… ! I haven’t even eaten half yet… !”

Sasha slumped on the floor as she reached out her hand.

This is also a self-employed benefit. If you break the rules, you deserve to be punished. Mew thought so and opened her book again.

Yes, if you break the rules….


─The appearance of playing with a sword mercilessly. Saw it all You will be punished. 1 Grade.

No way, the thought crossed my mind.

It can’t be. Seeing as the self-respecting type of hers, she wouldn’t be able to easily go around saying that she was broken by a freshman, even for the sake of her own face.

… Are you proud of yourself?

When I see her backing down at the end, I question that again.

Even though she tried to erase it, the thoughts that kept coming to her mind were interfering with her reading. Although she never even thought about it. Be punished Will I be expelled if I receive it?

If you look at the level, of course it was ridiculous, but when I focused on the keyword expulsion, a person suddenly came to mind.

‘Ah, I just thought about it.’

Then, her mood cooled rapidly. It is as if you are sinking under the endless abyss. Myu, who furrowed his fine brow, let out a sigh. As her dislikes overlap and overlap several times, she gradually builds up her stress.

At times like these, Mew swung her sword.

Today was the same mindset.

Mew glanced behind her before leaving her library.

“Ooh… Ooh, ooh ooh… That is unfair… She ate quietly….”

Sasha was sniffing in her corner. She just said that there are a lot of sweets in the world.

And on the other side….

There was Carmelo who wasn’t even paying attention to Mew. She pulls a book from her bookshelf with her bandaged hand, and opens it from her front page.

She decided not to approach her now. What is the acceptable range for her? She’s in a bad mood when you think you’re breathing in the same space. She can’t even kick her out of the library. If you talk to me, I’ll kill you.

As she passed through the library door, she was greeted by moderate sunlight. And she strides, on the way to the gymnasium.

─You must have been absent from school, should we just go out to eat?

─Is the restaurant open now… ?

─Let’s eat outside. Change your mood a bit. What do you think.

─That’s fine. Actually, if it was going to be like this, she might have been better off just eating and coming in.

─Okay, I’ll live for today. Then….

—Ah, ah! Wait! Then I suddenly remembered something to do. It is an important matter that must be dealt with quickly.

─What? Suddenly?

─Yes! It’s a pity, but please eat the rice with two people! See you soon, everyone!

—Huh? Hey hey! Stellar! Where! Hey!

“… ….”

For some reason, I found a group of noisy students and swallowed it with a deepest sigh.

‘Today is fucking all day.’

He said.

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