
It’s about the type of a normal monster, I’ve seen it in books. It is also taught in the academy curriculum. Low-level monsters such as Goblin and Ghoul are typical examples.

However, as for why they were mentioned as examples because they were outdated in so many low-level monster categories.

─ Whoa!

“Mi, crazy, so disgusting!”

It’s because it’s the first time I’ve seen a ghoul in real life.

The slender belly is sunken, revealing the inner rib line.

Rotten gray-white flesh is barely attached to the limbs, and even that is falling apart in real time with violent gestures.

With corroded bone fragments protruding out of the crushed skin, the jaws opened at an angle that could not be opened as if someone had forcibly ripped them off.

Green saliva of an ominous color was flowing from its wide open mouth. A monster that devoured anything that was alive was close enough to reach if I stretched out my arm from my side.

─ Whoa!

He protrudes from the wall, scrambles his arms, and runs frightened as soon as he sees me.

crazy this is really crazy

Physiological disgust causes unbearable nausea.


A terrible stench that paralyzes the sense of smell. I’ll remember for the rest of my life what the smell of rotting corpses is. He reflexively wrinkled his brows and covered his mouth.

─ Percussion!

Barely enduring the nausea that was soaring as if her stomach was regurgitating, she looked around quickly and then hurriedly leaped backwards.

─ Whoops!

The ghouls scratch the pitiful air. The speed is not that fast. Are you happy if you are happy? The next moment, the ghoul’s neck broke and he looked at me.

He gritted his teeth, facing the hollow, empty eye sockets.

… … Should I run away?


That’s a bad choice.

From the moment the ghoul’s cry resounded, the cry of a monster could be heard as if resonating from not far away.

If you leave it like this, you will attract more monsters around you for nothing. It’s better to deal quickly and keep moving towards the center of the labyrinth.

It would be nice if only he could get away with the chase, but if a new monster pops up from the outer wall like just before, there is no other crisis situation.

Then you have to kill that monster.


What was the ghoul’s weakness?

─ Whoa!

The ghouls run at me once again.

It was still creepy, creepy, and I didn’t even want to touch that rotten body, but now is not the time to discuss all of those things.

The distance between the outer walls is quite wide. Enough for four adult men to sit shoulder to shoulder.

I glanced at the street and shook my head.

─ Tsuzuzuzu!

drag your feet back

He twisted his body slightly to match the ghoul’s beat.

immediately after.

─ Boom!

─ That’s it!

The round kick of conversion exploded in the ghoul’s side, leaving an indescribable soft sensation on the back of my foot.

“… … this.”

I kicked as hard as I could to destroy the connection between the upper body and the lower body, but the ghoul bumped into a hard wall and screamed, then tried to get up again, creaking as if he had not taken any damage.

It was quite expected. I didn’t even think in the first place that I could be tempted with a blow.

In the meantime, he quickly adjusted his posture and quietly memorized the spell while gently setting his backpack on the floor.


I don’t have a weapon right now, so I can’t pierce a weakness.

As long as it’s a dead corpse,

Let’s see if cremation works.

─ Shout out!

Flames shoot up from my open palms.

In an instant, the surroundings light up.

Aiming the blazing flame at the ghoul’s head, he licked his lips again.

“The wind that winds, gathers and becomes a slicing blade—Wind-Cutter.”

─ Whoops!

A gentle wind blows.

Immediately after, they converge to one point.

It soon became the blade of the invisible wind.

A crimson flame on the left palm.

A blade of wind in the palm of his right hand.

All movements were done very quickly.

After arranging the arms in a straight line as if pulling a bowstring, I felt the strength of the wind condensed so strongly that my hair fluttered.

─ Aaah!

Fuse the two magics.


─ Faan!

The air was distorted for a moment.

The fire does not go out, but winds in the wind.

The magic that successfully caused the attribute change has more powerful power.

It’s a magic that I’ve already practiced a lot while preparing for the exam with Stella. So there was no way to fail. The tense situation made me a little distracted, but that was only for a short time.

─ Awesome love!

The blade with flames went straight ahead.

cut the air,

before that too.

─ Uh-huh–?!


The blazing blade cut the ghoul’s neck cleanly. The ghoul unnaturally hardened in the same posture he had been running towards me.

─ That… uh uh… …

after a while.


read at https://readwn.com


The ghoul’s severed neck fell to the floor.


─ Quaang!

Even after dropping the ghoul’s head, the blade went straight ahead and hit the opposite exterior wall.

It left only a little soot along with the binge.

The flame that lit the labyrinth’s passage for a while disappeared like that, and all that was left was the ghoul’s body and head, which had been cut and cut at the same time.

“Whoa, whoa… … ”

The body of a ghoul who has lost its head collapses flawlessly.


The parted head and body never met again.

That was the end of it.

He muttered quietly as he picked up the backpack he had left on the floor.

“… … Did you do it?”

Are you really dead?


No more dreaming I didn’t even think of stepping on it or stabbing it.

Most of the monsters die if they cut their heads no matter what their hidden weaknesses are. So was the ghoul.

It was my first time dealing with a monster in real life, so I had no choice but to be embarrassed, but it was surprisingly easier than I thought.

As long as the magical powers supported it in the future, it didn’t seem like it would be too much of a burden to have one ghoul.

“… … Whoa.”

The surroundings instantly became quiet. He shook his chest with a sigh. I’ve solved one for now, but I don’t know what’s going to happen next. Without letting go of his tension, he turned his gaze to the dark front.

It is disgusting to stay in this passage any longer. The smell is also serious. I was feeling a little hungry, but thanks to that, I was able to save food.

After taking the compass out of my backpack, I contemplated for a while to determine the direction I should go by contrasting it with the road I had traveled so far.

It would have been nice if there was a paper on which I could draw simple drawings. The only thing contained in the given backpack is a compass, rope, healing potion, torch, and food and water. With the exception of the compass, the rest of the items have nothing to do with breaking through the labyrinth.

Why the hell did you give me the rope? To climb an outer wall? Is it ridiculously high for that?

I do not know.

The only thing that can be known is that the shape of this labyrinth is a curved shape.

If you walk along the outer wall, you can see that the road is strangely curved.

Since I came out of the cave, this labyrinth is most likely made in the shape of a circle.

A total of fifteen first-year students participate in the practice.

If the distance between each starting point is evenly divided in the round labyrinth, the center of the circle will be located in the middle of the straight line when you exit the cave of the beginning.

That would be the very center of the labyrinth.

A place where the ‘altar’ probably exists.

Assuming that my hypothesis is correct, that is. Because there are quite a few variables. Even though I’m not sure yet… … There is no other way right now other than that.

Let’s set the policy like that.

‘Is it the Northwest? … Well?’

As I looked at the compass, I heard a sudden sound of a bird moving as I walked, being careful that something else might pop out.

─ Aaah… …

The volume of the voice is very small. So it wasn’t that close. A small scream resounded like an echo in the distance.

I don’t know if I’ve fallen into a trap or a monster. Or it could be that he was simply stunned by a monster like me.

Even so, hearing the scream and confirming that I wasn’t the only one in this space, I was unintentionally relieved.

At the same time, I am anxious. whose voice is that

This is also unknown

No, I can’t care anymore.


I was distracted by the sound of a question.

stepped on the trap

─ Wedge love liquid!

I wondered if the arrow would fly, but I hurriedly flew away before it hit my calf. I hit my back hard against the hard outer wall.

A groan came out though.

─ Nettle! Nettle!

The arrow was not single. Two arrows rushing in again after a time difference flew towards my arm and neck, respectively.

I quickly lowered my back. He was almost lying on the floor, holding his breath.

No matter what happened, there is no time to calm down. Going crazy. Is it a time difference trap this time?

Then the area around the shoulder was as hot as a burn, and when I looked at it, the hem of the dress was slightly torn.

sick. It hurt, but it was bearable. It wasn’t a big wound. That’s why the magic built into the bracelet didn’t activate either.

Everything was fine, but one thing wasn’t good at all.

that all of this is real The moment the arrowhead hits the nape of my neck, it’s all over.

Still, fortunately, if it had been a trap with an awl rising from the floor, it would have been stuck on a skewer.

Relief… … easy?

“Whoa, you have to get up first… … ”

That was then.

─ Faah!

The floor that I touched with my palms as I leaned down.

It was shining brighter than ever.

no shit.


─ Thing Thing Thing.

─ Whew.

A demon appears from the summoning circle.

“Ha ha ha ha ha… … ”

After seeing that the skeleton that appeared next had a sad curve, and the ghoul was holding a wooden shield, he half calmed himself down.

Positive thinking makes people happy.


─ Grump… ?

─ Thing Thing Thing.

As I laughed out loud like a madman, the monsters who were supposed to have no intellect flinched and seemed to be unable to approach me for a moment.

What… …

The author’s intention is second.

Still, I was in trouble because I didn’t have a weapon.

That’s good.

“Come in, you bastards.”

─ Woo woo woo woo!

Closing his eyes coldly, he raised his magic power.


“That first-year student appears to be quite proficient. Even when faced with a monster, I didn’t panic and responded appropriately. Destroy traps carefully and quickly.”

“exactly. Some students are busy running away.”

On the screen projected into the air, the image of first year student number 15 Ezio Kranil and first year student number seven Sasha Elne were displayed in sequence.

“But… … Overall, he’s showing excellent skills, but I’m still not sure what makes that student special. Isn’t that enough for even the first graders of the general class to do it? I’m kind of curious as to why I was able to be selected for the Epic class.”

“Don’t complain, just watch. It’s just the beginning. As it is the decision of the Frontier, there must be something different.”

Frontier headquarters upper floor. In a place where the nobles who observed the practice gathered, the evaluation of Ezio Cranil was generally mediocre.


One, that’s all.

It’s not that special, and it’s not that bad either.

In contrast… …

“That student is truly amazing.”

“I’ve been watching you before. Truly an extraordinary skill. 1st year at all… … No, I can’t believe I was a student who should have been in the third year of middle school this year.”

“This first-year senior is like that child.”

“I agree too.”

Countless praises from the nobles continued.

─ Whoa!

─ Kwaang! Aww!

─ Pooh! Whoops!

The image of a girl breaking through the labyrinth literally like a human tank was captured on the screen.

The gait is unstoppable from the start. He took out a canteen from his backpack, took a deep breath, wiped his lips, and quickly exited the cave.

When a trap was activated and an arrow flew, they avoided it by tilting their head slightly, or caught it with their hands. And then it cracks and breaks.

Then he picks up a few shots and uses them as weapons. It pierces the neck and heart of the monster and makes the blood spurt like a fountain.

They are ghouls and skeletons, and they explode or shatter their heads relentlessly.

Girl── Nothing stood in the way of Mew. The only time Mew’s steps turned backwards was when the road ahead was blocked by a wall.

“little… … I’m afraid too. With such a beautiful student, it’s like watching a wild beast running wild.”

In other words, it was a flower stained with blood.

No one responded to the murmur of a nobleman, but it was clear that everyone had similar thoughts inside.

There was no time to admire Mew’s outstanding appearance. I’m at a loss for words as I watch the figure of Mew demonstrating his amazing power beyond the screen.

Then at some point.

“Neviros Ball.”

at that low call.

The long-haired man who was sipping a wine glass turns his head.

“Is this practice really okay?”

Where King Artina was pointing, the figure of a student screaming with an arrow stuck in his wrist was reflected.

1st year 10th Hati Euresian. A dwarf male student is lying on the floor and rumbling through his backpack. It was a very desperate move as if he was trying to take out the healing potion he had been given in advance.

“What are you talking about?”

“Even though it’s like a real-world exercise, I think the water level is too harsh. Although they are close to adults, they are still young students. It’s not that I doubt the frontier’s eyes, but if even one mistake happens… … ”

“I’m sorry, but the practice in the last Epic class was more than that, but it was never less. majesty.”

“… … ”

King Artina had to swallow the objection, “How do you know, outside the world,” through his throat.

“I understand your concern for your daughter. You must be afraid of getting seriously injured.”

“Hmmm. That’s the point of becoming a father… … ”

“But don’t worry.”

“… … Why?”

The other nobles also listened to Nevirus’ words.

The supervisor, Robert, was not present. Instead, Nebiros, who created the labyrinth, was joined by the nobles as an observer.

The existence of Nebiros was, of course, inevitable. Jaya’s Archmage. One of the Archmage who reached the apex of magic. A master of space-based magic who escaped the world and was wrapped in a veil of mystery.

Nebiros, whose detailed identity as well as what his appearance looked like, was unclear, was in front of them as a real thing.

Nebiros lightly fluttered the wine glass filled with dark red liquid, and said with a smile.

“The background of that labyrinth is an imaginary world. It’s a world where everything is fiction. Because of this, not everything that happens there is real. Simply put, whether your arm is cut off or your neck cut off in the labyrinth. As soon as the practice is over, everything will be back to normal. It was as if nothing had happened to begin with. It’s designed that way, so don’t worry too much.”

“That word… … How can you believe it?”

It has been a long time since the faculty of Frontier completed the preliminary verification. In the case of the wounds inflicted in the labyrinth, it was confirmed that they all returned to their original state when they came out. Even the nobles in this place must have heard of this fact in advance. However, King Artina wanted to hear another confirmation from Neviros.

“I do not know.”


Nebiros wet his lips with bright red wine.

“My magic is perfect. I have nothing more to say than that. If you have any doubts, do as you please. However, the fact that I, who am here now, still have the authority to manage that labyrinth… … Please let me know. majesty.”

“… … Nebiros Ball. Are you going to make a joke with the precious lives of the students now?”

“I’m sorry, but I’m not joking. I take great pride in my magic. Even if you have already confirmed the facts, if you are going to doubt it, I am a little… Just a little bit, because I feel bad. Just that. Do you understand?”

“… … ”

King Artina, who almost got up from his seat, stared at Nevirus sipping his wine glass without changing his expression from a smiling face, and finally sat back down with a sigh.


─ Kyaah!?

“… … ”

“… … ”

Using the telekinetic power of her telekinesis to catch the pitiful image of her daughter, who somehow took her step by step, King Artina and Queen Artina earnestly prayed and prayed that their hearts would not flutter.

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