
“Are you really okay? The infirmary is open 24 hours a day, so you can lie down and go… … ”

“no. thanked. Then, have a good time at work.”

“Yes, please enter carefully.”

Of course, there were people here too.

After stretching a few times, I checked that my head was no longer spinning, and when I thought I had recovered to some extent, I stepped out of the hospital bed.

It’s also a really deceptive body. Even when I collapsed right away, I thought that I would have to lie still for two or a day, but to recover my condition so quickly. It’s very fortunate, but at the same time, it’s a strange feeling. I’m slowly getting used to it, but should I still say it’s awkward… …


As I left the building with a sore throat, I saw the student center in front of me.

It is still dark and dark outside. The slightly flattened moon was scattering a yellowish light on the ground. Seniors passing by gas lamps. At first glance, it seemed that all the tests were over, and his steps seemed light.

After saying hello for a while with the seniors who found me while walking, I immediately moved to the 3rd dong. We were going to cross the road and head to the dormitory.

There, you have to change clothes first, then come back to Building 3 and visit the fitness room to fill up your daily workout.

If you skip the routine even for a day, you feel really bad. The next morning I was greeted with a feeling of not being refreshed at all. Still, I was very worried that my muscles would melt because there was another gap of two weeks.

He continued walking while rubbing his slightly stiff limbs. Later, if you see Gabriel or Stella who took me to the infirmary, I should say thank you.


What is this?

Who in the world takes a test all night without sleeping? There is bound to be an unconditional adverse effect.

My basic stamina right now is quite high, but I don’t know if I’m just spending a normal day studying, training, exercising… … I was relieved that my body did not collapse immediately.

It was fortunate that he collapsed right after the swordsmanship test was over. That’s why I missed one last exam… …

All my karma, what can I do?

While I was sighing and hanging my shoulders, I thought for a moment while looking at the view of the student center still lit.

‘Are you still here, Raylin-senpai?’

I was thinking of getting some advice from someone who is going to be a senior in preparation for the upcoming practice, but I shook my head thinking that it would be of no use.

Because the content of the practice changes every year. Even Laylin, who is two years older than me, may not be able to tell me much. After all, it was way too late. It’s not even necessary that much. In fact, if you were working or sleeping when you visited, that would be a nuisance and disrespect. It seemed better to quit.

Besides, it is more likely that the seniors in the Exodus Circle will give you more useful information than Leilin, who says she dropped her studies on her own… … Is this kind of thinking rude to Raylin-senpai? No, you said so, what do you think?


As I went down the elevator, I remembered the wine-colored cardigan that was a gift from Raylin. If you are given original clothes as a gift, it would be polite to show them what you are wearing. Although I had worn it while going out for a walk at night, I had never shown it in front of Reilin until now. Would it be fair to say that I couldn’t afford it?

I came to the first floor with various thoughts.

I strolled through the dimly lit hallways, and looked around the first-year gym for a while before leaving the building.

Someone was there, but he didn’t have black hair.

Then naturally my interest disappears.

—Tuk, Tuduk. tuk.

The air outside was cold.

And it was moist.

Obviously, when I first came here, the sky was just black, but at some point a thin raindrop was pouring down.

I opened the door and stared blankly outside.

As you know, Buildings 1, 2, and 3 were connected by a passageway. So, if it rains outside, just go through the connected passage and head to the dormitory. In other words, there was no need for rain.

“… … ”

I’m going to wash it anyway, okay?

— Clap.

The spring rain was cold.


“… … What is this?”

I entered the dormitory with my shoulders and hair slightly wet.

I passed the empty lobby and headed to my room, and when I saw the mysterious box in front of the door, I expressed a slight doubt.

There were a total of two boxes. Both of them were engraved with patterns that they had seen before as decorations.

Until this morning, there was nothing like this. Who left it?


Swallowing his doubts, he carefully lifted the box. It was lighter than expected.


I removed the message card attached to the box and turned it over.

[ To Ezio Cranil Student ]

There was nothing more or less than that.

It only points to the fact that the recipient is me.

He looked at it closely and then nodded his head.

‘Are you going to leave it alone this time, the maid?’

I opened the door, tucked things in my side and lightly brushed my hair, stepped inside, and set the boxes down on the floor.

Then he took off his clothes, took a light shower, dried his hair roughly, sat on the edge of the bed, and lifted the box.

I think I know what this box really is.

In addition to the compensation money that I haven’t used in a while, it must be something that is paid to me in the name of compensation for damage caused by the incident in District 4.

It is definitely bigger than the box I received last time. Plus two. I don’t know what’s inside, but I can’t help but feel my heart pounding for some reason.

I had completely forgotten about it, but it felt like I was given an unexpected gift.

“Let’s see… … ”

What would you have prepared?

First, I picked up a box and opened it.


The moment the box was opened, the message card inside it fluttered and fell to the floor. After bending over to pick it up, I looked at the writing.

The seals of as many as the frontier general manager were stamped, and along with the contents of an apology for the past, explanations of the enclosed items were written.

[ Aegis’s shield ]

[ This artifact is imprinted with the absolute protection magic of the unmeasurable hierarchy. When worn on any part of the body, it can block fatal blows only 3 times. When all the charged magic is exhausted, this artifact is destroyed. ]

[ ※ You can also resist mental magic. ]

It was a bracelet made of metal.

It wasn’t such an elegant or complicated design, but it certainly made the impression that it was unusual in that it was an artifact.

“I’m really going to give you artifacts… … ”

I thought it was just a joke.

Besides, this was by no means an artifact of low quality. I know just by looking at it. Aside from the heaviness, the energy felt from the bracelet is at a great level.

An artifact that protects the wearer’s life from external attacks. I don’t know if it had an ordinary shield built-in, or what level of performance would it boast if it was an unmeasurable hierarchical protective magic? I don’t know.

It was clear that it was a custom-made item for me, who had suffered a lot of damage from the attack the other day.

If the headquarters were aware of the facts of the case, they would have adhered to strict standards and sent them to me. Is it possible to resist even the attacks of the Great Evil, this? Maybe you think that would be unreasonable. Because these guys are really strong on a different level… …

In any case, it was an undeniable fact that it was something I needed right now.

Anyway, I was getting caught up in some strange things. From what Elena and Tetra said, life doesn’t seem like it will ever be easy.

Besides, if I use it well, I wonder if it can be used in this practice as well.

“It’s okay.”

I like it.

Since it was not given to anyone or sold anywhere, I meekly looked at the bracelet and carefully put my hand in it and put it on my wrist.


“… Well?”

That moment.

—Ji Yiing.

Like the gleipnir that Tetra gave to me on the Star of Akasha the other day, the artifact has shrunk to a size that fits my wrist perfectly.

“Oh, what?”

When I waved my arm in a strange feeling, it seemed that it would never fall off. That way, you won’t have to worry about accidentally falling off or losing it.

good is good

I smiled brightly.

‘This is now over.’

After collecting the message cards and storing them in a box, he placed them in the corner under the desk and lifted the last remaining box.


It was bigger than the previous box. The weight is also a bit heavier. I opened the box slowly, handling it carefully to avoid damaging the items inside.

—Tick, drip.

“… yes?”


I tried to do that.


—Tick, drip.

Someone was knocking on my room door.

It was so quiet that I could hear the sound clearly, and without opening the box, I put it back on the bed and got up.

“Ah, clothes… … ”

I just came out of the shower, so I was in my underwear. Since it’s a men’s dormitory anyway, there’s a high chance it’s the same guy, but it’s kind of like that.

— Knock, Knock, Knock.

“Yes Yes. I’m leaving!”

I picked up some clothes and walked to the door.

‘Who are you, at this hour?’

It was now almost 12 o’clock at night.

I don’t know who it is, but it might be a bit of a nuisance to come here at this time. I’m glad I’m awake, and if I had been sleeping on the bed, I would have had to wake up in shock. Unless it’s a very urgent business, I think it would be a little bit.

cut profit.

“Yes, who are you… … ?”

I poked my head through the crack in the door.

“Ezio Cranil, right?”

“uh… … ”

Somewhere familiar face.

However, I couldn’t even talk to each other a few times, so a classmate who had only one face to face stood in front of me.

“Okay, you… … ”

“This is Aldrie Cambion.”

“Oh yeah. I know. Aldrie. What’s up?”

It was a bit disconcerting. Not Gabriel, but Aldrie. Did he have a reason to personally visit me? And at such a late hour… …

“Do you have any free time right now?”

“That, well… What’s going on?”


why, what I don’t know English

Aldrie caresses her chin for a moment.

“There is someone out there who wants to call you.”

“… … me?”

“okay. sorry for being late If you can’t afford it, I’ll tell you to go back.”

“No, it’s fine. So who called me?”

Aldrie, in plain clothes, looked around the lobby once, then turned his head to me again and opened his mouth.

“Stella de Feltrein… It would have been.”

“… What?”

He said that without making a single mistake.

Stella is me?

… … why?

read at https://readwn.com

Did you mean to say hello to me knowing I’m awake? But now? Looking at Stella’s usual behavior, it doesn’t seem like she’s calling me for that.

Still, I called it because there was a reason.

“okay. Wait a minute… … not.”

it doesn’t really matter I was dressed properly.

It’s a little sloppy, but if we’re just talking for a while, that’s fine. As I nodded and opened the door wide, Aldrie hinted at me.

“He will be right in front of you when you go out.”

“Uh, uh. Thanks for telling me Sleep well.”

“… … okay.”

It seems that he came to me after receiving a request from Stella from outside. You wouldn’t be able to enter the opposite s*x dormitory because you didn’t get consent in advance. Even if I received it, it is questionable whether I will be able to enter with the character of Stella confidently.

thump, thump.

Aldrie went back to his room, and after closing the door, I quickly headed out of the lobby, brushing my undried hair.


Let’s get out of the dorm.

As Aldrie had said, in the dark landscape, a girl with bright silver hair appeared.

“… … stellar?”

The rain had stopped at some point.

was it raining?

“… … !”

But Stella, dripping water from the tip of her slightly damp hair, turned around at the sound of my voice and her eyes widened.


“Uh, huh?”

“Wow,” he said and ran away.


Why are you doing this all of a sudden, boy? …

“Come on, wait a minute. What the hell is going on?”

“Ezio, I, I… … ”

Stella hugged me. He buried his face in his chest and wrapped his arms around my back with his hands.

Stella’s head and body were wet like me, who walked into the dormitory in the rain. Stella’s body scent mixed with moist moisture subtly stimulated my sense of smell.

“Nana… there is me me… ”

“Wait, calm down. stellar.”

“Nana… saw.”

I couldn’t do this or that, so I grabbed Stella’s shoulder and tried to separate it, but Stella said so and trembled finely.

Her small shoulders and her body were trembling. Maybe it’s because it’s cold because of the rain? It could have been, but something seemed a little different.

unrest. or fear.

… … what?

“What did you see?”

“The star, the star showed me… Ezio.”

“Star… … ?”

There was something flashing past that word.

I was immersed in thought for a moment, and Stella shook her head and held onto me for a long time, repeating the same words, and at one point, she gently lifted her head.

“It’s so vivid… I couldn’t help finding you right away.”

“OK got it. So, calm down and speak slowly.”

“Yeah, uh… Whoa. ha. Whoa, whoa.”

Good Stella listened to me faithfully.

I don’t know if other emotions preceded shame, or who might be watching, but he hugged me tightly and somehow touched my trembling lips.

“Ezio… From now on, listen to me.”

I didn’t ask otherwise. This is because the atmosphere of Stella was not so serious.

At the same time, I looked down and met Stella’s eyes in a straight line, and as I gulped down the neck of the neck for a moment, Stella in my arms bit her lip and-

“In this exercise, you must be absent.”

He said so, with the most determined eyes.

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