
Saturday, noon.

‘Is this outfit enough?’

As I was stroking the ends of my hair in front of the bathroom mirror, I turned my head around and stroked my chin.

I guess going to meet a precious person—I don’t know if I’ll be able to meet you today or not—so I naturally pay attention to various things.


It seems that one of the heads keeps sticking out for some reason, but it seems to be resolved after a few presses. This should be fine.

After waking up like a knife in the early morning and getting ready to go out, I let out a deep sigh in front of the mirror.

‘I’m nervous.’

I couldn’t help it. I’m going to meet an archmage that I’d like to see once in my lifetime. Elena used to say that she wasn’t sure if she could meet today, but… … If the interview was successful by any chance, it would have been quite difficult as it was.

What should I go and ask? Should I hand out Elena’s note first?

No, before that, if you go to Akasha’s Star, how should you call Tetra? I don’t know anything.

If you don’t know, you should know now.

You’ll find out if you go.

As a student, I did not carry expensive clothes. At most, a neat shirt and pants. There is also one shoe, but I’m not sure if the quality is good. This time, I had accumulated quite a bit of money in the name of compensation for damage, but I forgot to bring clothes. I just hope this outfit doesn’t bother Tetra.

“Whew… done. let’s go.”

Put the bag over one shoulder. After checking the overall condition of the room once, open the door and go outside.

From now on, I must head to the entrance gate of each school district. I ran into Hector and others in the lobby, but I didn’t care and walked out of the dormitory.

I need to get permission to go out first. To be precise, it’s just a record. I had to head to the Frontier Headquarters first to get the permit.

It is not in the dormitory of each class to record students’ external access. Students who need to go out of the Frontier must handle the administration at the Frontier Headquarters. After all, there is an entrance gate where the headquarters is located, so there is less trouble in the process of moving.

Suddenly, I lifted my head and looked at the bright sky.

It was very bright and sunny, so it was difficult to open my eyes, but the sun was shining brightly in broad daylight.


In front of the station, I met Yuri.

Like me, Yuri, in plain clothes, was waiting for the tram without paying any attention to where she was going, suddenly sensed my popularity and turned her head.

“… … ”

“… … Why are you looking at me like that?”

Then, with his arms crossed, his face stiffened.

He looked at me and opened his eyes slightly, then fell asleep again. Something, a face that looks very uncomfortable. His lips twitched as if he had something to say.

As she tilted her head quietly, Yuri turned her head to the front again without saying a word.

‘… … ?’

I don’t know what the reaction is.

After all, I didn’t even say hello.

“Hello, Yuri. Where are you going?”

after a while.

Yuri wanted me to politely accept my greetings.

He said with a strange smile on his face.

“Yeah, hello. Talent killing.”



“Don’t call me by that nickname. Because it’s really f*cking crazy.”

“Puffy… ”

Seeing my tired reaction, Yuri grinned for a while and spoke in a subtle tone.

“Are you going to take my talents too? Telekinesis is a terrifying force, isn’t it? If someone who doesn’t know how to handle it, it’s going to be a really big deal.”

“So, you said that there is no ability to take away.”

“Then are you going to kill my talent? This time without leaving a trace? you’re a talent killer This criminal.”

“You are a criminal. Did I do nothing?”

“The killer is the original name. Besides, you fit the image of a criminal. Wouldn’t you like to drag people to dark places? For what you did to me here, the death penalty would not have been enough if this was the Kingdom of Artina.”

Maybe it is. As we saw at the entrance ceremony, Yuri’s parents seemed to care very much about Yuri.

But this was not the Kingdom of Artina. An autonomous school where the influence of students’ parents is no longer reached. Everyone is responsible for everything that happens here.

“It was because you were trying to say something useless.”

“But is it okay to treat a slender woman carelessly? Who is not a pervert? Do you have no guilt for what you have done?”

“Ah, huh. If you’re dissatisfied, just hit one. Why are there so many people in the business that have already been resolved?”

“Hit it? You said you would hit me?”

“Yeah dude.”

Shrugging her shoulders as if I was going to try it, Yuri sat down on the bench and raised her hand as if you were the one who started it first.

such a moment.

Yuri’s red eyes shone like fresh blood.

The surrounding atmosphere vibrates once, and strands of hair on the glass float upwards. In the midst of a flash of red eyes, Yuri stretched out her hand with a snap, like the conductor of any other orchestra.


“Well, it doesn’t work for you.”

When nothing happened at the same time as the white light flashed in my head, Yuri let out a sigh of relief and muttered something like that.

I asked in a shaky tone.

“… … Are you trying to use your telekinesis on someone right now?”

“It doesn’t work anyway.”

“No, I know. The intention itself is absurd.”

“What are you going to do? In the end, it didn’t work.”

Yuri’s lips puckered and spoke, just like a sparrow. I thought that I wanted to hold that ugly snout in my hand and stretch it out. Then it’s really just one.

“Didn’t Rubia tell you before? Don’t use your powers on people.”

“You are different. If it’s a matter of intention, I know it’s not going to work for you in the end, so there’s nothing wrong with that.”

“… uh huh okay.”

How can I control the glass?

“But it’s really weird. Why isn’t it working… ”

Eventually, Yuri carefully watched a stone rolling on the floor and stretched out her hand without saying a word.

Glass’s eyes shine again. When Yuri, who had been focused on raising her hand, lifted her hand up, the stone, which should have no wings, hummed and floated into the air.

This is the first time I have seen the telekinetic power of glass in such detail. Floating stones is a simple task that can be done even with floating magic, but the most important thing was that Yuri did not go through any kind of implementation process.

Yuri glared at me with her mouth open slightly and exclaiming a weak exclamation.

“… Originally, I could lift something as heavy as you. It’s not a big deal to float it in the sky and throw it away.”

After speaking, take your hand and drop the stone with a pop. Degur. The stone rolled and stopped at some point. Yuri looked at it carefully for a long time. Then he suddenly turned his head and looked towards me.

“… … So what are you going to do? Dress needlessly.”

“I was the first to ask where you were going.”

“That’s it.”

Tennis skirt and white t-shirt. A small handbag was placed on her thigh. Other than that, the blonde hair tied together and the black ribbon were the same. Looking at Yuri who said that with folded arms, I answered briefly.

“The Star of Akasha.”

“… … What?”

Yuri said with her eyes wide open.

“Why are you going there?”

“I have business to do.”

“What’s going to happen?”

“That’s not something to tell you.”

“… … Oh, is it? Huh.”

“It’s not that I didn’t tell you only on purpose, it’s that it’s really difficult to tell. Are you crazy?”

“… … Rice, aren’t you stingy?”

I can clearly see you’re emotional. As I said that, I could also see the expression on my face change quickly. it’s cute

“… … You won’t even let outsiders in? It’s a controlled area that you can’t enter unless you’re a member of the wizard, right there.”


“But what are you going to do?”

“I don’t know either.”


“I know I have to go. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get in, or what I’ll do if I do. They all go without knowing anything.”

“… … You have no plans?”

“It would be more accurate to say that there is no point in making plans.”

Yuri didn’t seem to understand what I meant.

“… If you are, then you are I don’t care anymore.”


I haven’t talked for so long.

When it was time for the tram to arrive, I opened my mouth.

“So where are you going?”

“… … Why do you keep asking that?”

“You were dressed up too. He’s wearing plain clothes, so it’s fresh and suits him well. He seems to care a little more about his face than usual.”

“… … ”

Yuri closed her mouth for a moment and made a small voice.

“… … Never mind. It’s just like you.”

“What? Are you going to Akasha’s Star?”

“No, of course it’s not. I mean, it’s something that’s difficult for me to tell you too. If you say that much, you will understand.”

“Hmm… … ”

dressed in plain clothes. Things that are difficult to say to others. weekend afternoon. A good time to go out to play. Also, I don’t have any friends who go with me, la… …

I smiled strangely.

“Are you going to see your boyfriend?”

“… … !”

Yuri was startled and jumped off the bench.

“Go, go, what is it all of a sudden!”

“Uh, what is it? Really? Why are you reacting so violently?”

“… … You said something strange all of a sudden!”

Yuri screamed like that with a reddened face, then sat back down on the bench with her wrists on her forehead as if dizzy.

And then he mumbled.

“You don’t know either. Do you think I will make something like that?”

“Well. People don’t know what to do.”

“ha… ”

Yuri seemed to have a bit of a headache.

“I will never do that in my life. Every man is my enemy. No one will have me by my side.”

“uh… … ”

Then I pointed at me and said.


“… … ”

“Am I by your side now?”

“… Noisy.”


I continued stroking my chin.

“Besides, are we friends? i am a man Then I’m your boyfriend… … ”

“Oh really! You said it was noisy!”

Yuri jumped up and punched my chest in the chest.


two hours after that.

“I’m sorry… Master Matthew is not here now.”

When I finally arrived there, I had to feel a sense of disappointment.

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