
Ezio wasn’t the only one who came to the Student Union in relation to Circle. Before today’s date changed, there were several freshmen who came to join the circle with their friends. Rubia and Yuri were among them.

Rubia’s eyes widened as she saw the door of a room that would have been impossible to enter without a person in charge, and a familiar face walked out of it.

Ezio Cranil.

A childhood friend who has been in a relationship for a long time, and a male student who has recently made his mind dizzy. Rubia made eye contact with Ezio, who had paused for a moment, and then naturally turned towards him.

An unknown woman was there.

It was as if I heard a voice saying hello. It was clear that Ezio had just been chatting with that senior woman. Rubia’s judgment was swift. It was late at night, and Ezio came out of the circle room. If you look at the nameplate, “Masterpiece” is written in a nice font. It’s like seeing that name on the list of circles provided, Rubia thought.

Coming out of there… …

right then

“What, why are you here?”

Yuri took a step forward and asked first.

After a while, Ezio asks with a shyness.

“… Can’t I stay here?”

“It’s not that I can’t. What are you here for?”

“Then why don’t you ask me… … ”

Ezio, who was scratching his neck, suddenly looked back.

“They are friends. same class.”

Then, he whispers and shares the story with Raylin behind him. Leilin nodded her head ah- and immediately smiled and waved at the juniors.

“Have a good time in the Student Union, guys.”

Apparently he was busy, so there was no separate greeting.

After letting Ezio out, Raylin slammed the door to the circle room, leaving only Ezio, Yuri, and Rubia in the long, quiet hallway.

“… … ”

“… … ”

“… … ”

The atmosphere was unnaturally rigid for a moment.

“… Do you know old man?”

It was Rubia, not Yuri, who asked that question.

Ezio looked at Rubia and nodded.

“I talked about it last time. One of the seniors who promoted the circle to me. 3rd year Raylin Iona-senpai. You are the president of the fashion circle that is written here right now.”

Raylin Iona. A name as pretty as a jewel. Rubia, who was rolling out Raylin’s name in her mouth, asked quietly.

“I think you two are pretty close.”

“What… right?”

It would be a lie again if I said that we weren’t close at all. In the affirmation without a single thought, Rubia looked silent for a moment.

… I know I shouldn’t be concerned about this, but what do I do with it?

There was no other way to stop it. really.

Ezio made another new relationship in a place that Rubia herself did not know. At first glance, I saw him as a fashion circle president, he had a good style and was a pretty senior. If Ezio says that, the relationship doesn’t seem too bad.

‘Feel… Strange.’

It was always a feeling. It feels a bit stuffy as if her chest is tight, and her gaze on Ezio begins to shake little by little.

he is still here

Ezio felt increasingly distant.

‘… Why?’

If you feel that you are getting farther away, you should be closer to yourself. I couldn’t do that recklessly. It was no longer a matter of courage. Rubia seriously contemplates whether she really is in that position several times a day.

So little by little, little by little. At this moment, whenever I see Ezio, I’m in the process of realizing the identity of the emotion that floats to the surface. Rubia knows that she will never be able to bury that feeling for the rest of her life.

If so.

Bad things will happen. certainly.

“What are you doing?”

Then, at Ezio’s question.

Rubia, waking up from a brief thought, answered.

“we are… … I’m here to join the circle.”

“Oh, you too?”

Ezio tilted his head as if it was understandable, and Yuri glanced over Ezio’s shoulder and asked as if throwing it.

“Why did I ask you here, did you come here with an application for membership?”

Rubia, who was next to him, had the same idea. If they had come to the student union just like themselves to join the circle, and had just left the circle room, they probably had only one purpose.

“It’s fashion. I didn’t know you were interested in that. … Ugh, the thought of putting on my clothes and pretending to be cool already makes me feel nauseous.”

“I’m sorry, but the president here said that if I were me, I could turn the fashion world upside down.”

“What? How do you turn it over? In shock and horror?”

“… … ”

Ezio, speechless, shook his head and opened his mouth.

“Anyway, I didn’t come here to apply.”

“… … No?”


“Then why are you coming out here?”

“He invited me to join, but he came to say no because I had to go somewhere else.”

“No, if you sign up, you sign up. … ”

“I’m sorry, isn’t it? If you don’t know, be quiet. Hey.”

“Then what are you sorry for… … ”

Ezio stared intently at Yuri, and Yuri, who was making every tackle, quietly avoided Ezio’s eyes and turned around. There, there was Rubia, who had not spoken much since before.

“He and I are going to apply now, so don’t follow me. Just in case you see us going in, you can follow along and apply.”

what an absurd concern I’ll be fine. Ezio shrugged his shoulders thoughtlessly, and Yuri quickly turned her head with her arms crossed.

“Then we now… … ”


The moment Yuri was about to lead Rubia to somewhere, Rubia’s mouth suddenly opened.

“Uh, why?”

what’s going on

Ezio asked briefly.

after a while.

“Circle, where are you going?”

“… … ”

what was that

Come to think of it, it was Ezio who forgot to tell Raylin as well. There was nothing else to hide anyway, so he gladly answered the question.

“I thought about a lot of things, but the first thing I was drawn to seemed to be the best option.”

“So where… … ”

“Travel. Was the name of the circle “Exodus”?”

Yuri’s voice saying “Eh” came out.

“… … Why are you so surprised?”

“no… I’m serious?”

“What are you doing by lying like this?”

Yuri was clearly perplexed. They talked about travel circles, but they seemed to have no idea that they would really choose to go there.

Even Ezio had no intention of joining the travel circle at first. I was thinking about whether to just choose what I want to do and create a new circle.

However, I thought it would be cumbersome because there seemed to be too much to manage, so I stopped, and in the end, I chose the travel circle according to various trends.

What… If you do, there is a way to resign. If it wasn’t for the central circle, there was also the option of duplicating membership. In the case of Gabriel, he was forced to join the health circle, the central circle, so he could not join the travel circle that Ezio was going to go to. Unless you escape from there. Like a poor guy

Ezio was also a formidable exercise enthusiast, but he didn’t want to live immersed in his muscles even to circle activities… …

“… Do I have to go in there?”

“It’s my heart. why. What. Got a problem?”

“… … ha.”

That’s not right. As if in trouble, Yuri rubbed her forehead with her finger and turned around. Then, looking at Rubia’s reaction, Rubia didn’t just say anything, but she had a more troubled face than Yuri.

But it wasn’t like glass.

Rubia carefully opened her mouth.

“We tried to get in there too.”

“… … Uh, really?”

Ezio blinked. From the moment we started talking, it seemed like they were leaning that way, but I’m sure they’ll join the same circle.

Now, for some reason, the decision made by the agreement between the two of them was overturned, Yuri only showed signs of trouble.

Another one said, “It’s a trip with that guy… … uh… … ” He was muttering the same thing, but he wouldn’t be the first to say it once the itinerary was decided. Instead, you will be making very difficult choices, such as choosing a place to sleep. Even if Ezio wasn’t there anyway, it was clear that he would be very strict about traveling with the opposite s*x.

“Nope… I absolutely hate it… … ”

As Yuri covered her face and moaned, Ezio grinned and reached out toward Yuri.

“Let’s do it, we.”

“I hate it… … ”

Of course, there was no handshake.

Reluctantly, Ezio withdrew his hand, this time looking at Rubia next to the glass.

Rubia seemed to have something to say.

“… Are you okay?”

“Uh, what?”

I have asked such a question.

… are you okay?

“Not uncomfortable… don’t you?”


What would be inconvenient?

Ezio tilted his head for a moment because he could not interpret the intention of the question, and in the end, he had no choice but to come up with an answer that was different from what Rubia meant.

“I’m just going to try not to be uncomfortable. I think I need a break now, so I’m going on a trip.”

“It’s not… … ”

“… yes?”

Rubia shook her head a couple of times.

“… … Nope. nothing.”

In the end, he puts in his mouth words that make the situation go away.

“Yeah, what… ”

Something was shaky, but Ezio didn’t have any questions about it. Rubia probably didn’t know for a long time, because she accidentally overheard the conversation she had with Professor Zeppelin, and that Rubia was still thinking that even if she said something like that, she might feel uncomfortable in the same circle as her.

“Anyway, let’s do it. I don’t know if a lot of fun things will happen if I’m with you.”

Travel is usually fun.

As Rubia gave an ambiguous nod, a small muttering voice from somewhere crept through the room.

“I think it’s the other way around… … ”

Glass, which has been murmuring from before.

“What are you complaining about? Hey.”

When Ezio, who narrowed her forehead as if looking at her daughter who was not speaking, tried to poke Yuri’s forehead with her finger, Yuri made a squeaking sound and quickly retreated back.

Then, he takes a pose to protect his smooth forehead with both hands, and then shouts.

“I told you not to touch me!”

“You haven’t done it yet.”

“You were trying to do it!”

“So you didn’t.”

“If there is a chance, I will touch it again!”

“Is that so?”

“What could it be, hey!”

Rubia, who was watching the conversation between Yuri and Ezio, who was really useless, quietly scratched her cheek with a clumsy smile next to her.


There were three people who were forced to accompany them along the way.

Except for Stella, few of their friends showed interest in travel circles, so I thought this was the end of the members applying for membership today——.

“… … ”

“… … ”

“… … ”

“… … ?”

Ezio, Yuri, and Rubia stopped when they saw Mew standing in front of the “Exodus” circle room.

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