I took him another way and soon got rid of Xiong Kun and them.

We were also lucky. There was a small cave not far in front. I took him to hide in and turned on the flashlight.

There are many weeds outside the cave, but it's very clean inside. There are plastic bags and other things inside. I guess he may have lived here.

There are only two of us here now. I can safely ask him.

However, he can't speak, which is a very troublesome problem.

I took a small knife from my sleeve, put it on my face twice and told him that I would help him shave off his beard.

He was so frightened that he curled up in the corner and didn't dare to come out.

I thought about it, rolled up my trouser legs, kicked off my leg hair with a knife, and then pinched those hairs and said to him, "shave - Beard - son."

He didn't understand. I approached him carefully. He didn't seem so scared at first.

I smiled at him, took his hand and gently cut off the hair on the back of his hand.

Because the knife is too small to scrape against the skin, it is easy to scratch the skin. I am one centimeter away from the skin. Like cutting grass with a sickle, I remove the long part first.

The man was covered with hair. It was difficult to clean up. It took him a full hour to clean up the hair on the exposed part.

This face looks like the special effect Monkey King on TV. It's very strange.

At this time, I also judged from the general outline that this guy like a savage in front of me was my former teammate, MI Yong.

Mi Yong, one meter seven or eight tall, with distinct facial features and a national character face, likes to joke. He is the pistachio of our team. I didn't expect that a person who used to be so lively and cheerful has turned into this picture now.

My mood is very complicated, both happy and sad.

I held Mi Yong's hand tightly, hoping that he could spit out a word and a half, at least let me know what happened at that time?

But I found it very difficult. It was the greatest gift for him not to exclude me.

Finally, I gave up the idea of communicating with him again. I'll take him back to Chengdu. He can't dominate here.

However, if Xiong Kun finds out when he goes back, will he turn against me?

Anyway, even if I turn my face, I will fight to protect Mi Yong.

"Go home. Can you understand me when I take you home?" I tried to speak slowly.

His eyes gradually became calm and became a little popular, which surprised me. I always thought he recognized me, too.

"Go home," I said again and pulled him up.

Xiong Kun, they don't know where I left them. We just took advantage of this Kung Fu to go down the mountain.

Mi Yong certainly couldn't look like this, so I took off my coat and asked him to put it on. I also covered him with my hat and asked him to lower his head, so as not to cause panic when taking a taxi.

Fortunately, MI Yong was quiet enough and we arrived at our destination safely.

I didn't go to Ji MuQing. If she saw me bring such a person back, I was afraid to scare her.

I brought Mi Yong to abin.

A bin lives alone, has a lonely personality and rarely contacts with people. In addition, he is Kou Hai's brother. It's best to arrange Mi Yong here.

I knocked on the door of a bin's house, and soon they were opened.

A bin obviously didn't sleep and was still exercising.

I pulled Mi Yong in and told ah bin to close the door quickly.

I asked Mi Yong to sit on the sofa, run to Kou Hai's portrait and worship twice.

A bin looked at me with a puzzled face and didn't ask questions. He was waiting for me to take the initiative to explain.

After giving Kou Haihai incense, I came to abin and felt very heavy, "abin, do you know who he is?"

A bin shook his head slowly.

I went over and took off the hat from MI Yong's head, revealing his hairy head.

A flash of amazement flashed across abin's face. Even though he had never expressed any expression, he also showed shock at this moment. "Savage?"

"No, he's my brother and Kou Hai's brother. His name is mi Yong. He's a member of our blood wolf team." I said.

A bin's breathing became urgent. "A member of the blood wolf team? Mi Yong? Aren't you the only one left in the blood wolf team?"

"I used to think so, but now, this living man appears in front of us. We can't help but believe that what happened at the beginning is false."

"What the hell is going on?"

I also want to know what's going on, but I really don't know.

A bin and I sat down on the sofa. Mi Yong didn't reject me, but he was still a little timid to a bin.

I looked at Mi Yong and my heart became more and more heavy. "To be honest, I didn't think there would be such a day. I can't believe all this is true up to now."

"Maybe he's lucky?" a bin was looking for as many reasons as possible.

I shook my head, "no, it's absolutely impossible. I saw Mi Yong holding the last few, holding the other party's leader and dying with him. That scene, flesh and blood, how can it be..."

"There are other players. I watched them fall one by one. We are all flesh and blood. How can we compete with bullets?"

"Is he Mi Yong's brother or brother?" a bin put forward another hypothesis.

This assumption has been accepted by me. I think if there is an explanation, it is the most reliable.

Mi Yong's resurrection, I firmly don't believe it. Xiong Kun and others just compared this man's photo with MI Yong's photo, without making a deeper comparison. Therefore, it's too hasty to make a conclusion by relying on one photo alone.

"Anyway, this man must have something to do with MI Yong. Now the bears are looking for him everywhere. If they are caught, they may......" I made a move to wipe my neck.

A bin was very puzzled, "what did he do? The bears want to do this to him?"

"To be exact, it's not the Xiong family, it's the army. He was first discovered by the army and later escaped. The army compared his photos with the photos of the blood wolf team in the military region and said he was Mi Yong. After escaping, this man repeatedly did things unfavorable to the people."

"You know, the blood wolf team is taboo now, and no one dare mention it. And I have become a wanted criminal. So they decided to put him on the right track."

"Is this a decision that a military leader should make?" a bin showed a rare atmosphere. "Zhao Suo, don't you think it's strange?"

"Even if the blood wolf team is no longer what it used to be, they shouldn't be like that. Besides, it's been three years. How many people still click on the things of that year? They want to put him in the right place without informing the newspaper. What about you? Are you going to put you in the right place?"

"I've thought about it, but I haven't figured it out yet, so I brought him to you. I always feel that either the bears are lying to me or the wrong ones are lying to me. I'm going to get to the bottom of the matter."

A bin nodded. "Put the man here. Don't worry. I'll take good care of him for you."

I said anxiously, "I'm not afraid you can't take care of him, but... His hair is strange and grows fast, which is totally unreasonable."

A bin looked at the man and nodded, "indeed."

"You've been working hard for a while. Watch him for me. I'll pick him up when I've made things clear."

"OK." ah bin has always said little, but he will never go back on what he promised.

Before I left abin's house, my phone rang. It was Xiong Kun, "Mr. Zhao, did you take the person?"

I had expected that if I didn't contact them for such a long time, he must have guessed that I took them away.

I don't deny, "yes."

"Mr. Zhao, we agreed to cooperate. Why don't you believe me?"

"I really don't believe you. Because you have no reason for me to believe you. You keep saying that you worship us and respect us, but nothing you do is considered by us when we leave."

"What do you say?"

Since it's all about this, I won't beat around the Bush, "I ask you, what are you going to do if you catch someone?"

"I'll take people back to the military region." Xiong Kun was honest.

I smiled. "Didn't you say that your military region asked you to bring him to justice? Did you take him back to take credit?"

"You misunderstood. I took him back, just to restore his life. This is the minimum duty of a soldier."

"Reply? And then, watch him be killed?" I sneered.

Xiong Kun sighed, "Mr. Zhao, you have left the army for too long. Some things are not as simple as you think. Where are you now? I'll go to find you. Let's meet and talk slowly."

"No, I'm not with that man. It's no use even if you find me." I pointed out my words directly and made my attitude clear.

Xiong Kun was not in a hurry to ask about the man's whereabouts, but said, "Don't you want to know what happened in the military region in the three years since you left? Don't you want to know why our leaders ordered that man to be brought to justice? Also, don't you wonder why no one came to you in Chengdu for three years. It's not that they don't know your whereabouts, but that they don't want to know?"

Look at what Xiong Kun means. He knows a lot.

I have to admit that he is very clever. Every word comes to my heart.

These problems have been bothering me. It's inappropriate to describe it with good luck. There must be other reasons.

Since Xiong Kun has said this, if I refuse again, I won't leave a way for myself.

Moreover, I really want to know the truth, something I can't relate to.

I thought for a moment and finally nodded, "OK, we can meet, but I have to decide the address. Also, you can't bring anyone, you can only come alone."

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