My Boyfriend Is A Campus Bad Boy

Chapter 92 - 92: Rare Moments With Her

Like a flash of lightning, Halora quickly followed Sebastian after she successfully fooled and convinced Sandra.

She giggled sweetly like a teenager who saw her crush for the first time.

"I'm sorry, Roy. But I have to lie to you this time." Guilt drawn to her face but there was no way of turning around.

From the middle of the wide grit, Halora glanced over the opened window and to the young man waving his hands on her.

There was a short, yet sweet smile on his lips that made her heart pounded too fast.

Halora bit her lower lip and waved her hands on him too. She gave him a signal to wait for her until she rushed to his room like an experienced scout.

"What's with me? Why do I'm feeling this way everytime I run to Sebastian?"

As she moved her body, her heart suddenly stopped beating. It was a strange feeling that she ignored over the time, and the more she resisted it, the greater it became.

Halora touched her chest, calm her system down before she knocked on the door before her.

"Don't look at his eyes, Halora! Don't forget it!" She reminded herself for the last time.

She then knocked on the door once, held her breath as she said, "It's me, please open the door now!" Her voice was embraced by fear and guilt.

Her posture was made up of eagerness that no one else would ever break it.

Suddenly, the door squealed and someone grabbed her hands, then pulled her inside of his room. He gasped, closed his fist as he only felt pain and discomfort.

"Sorry for the mess, I was searching for the first aid kit but I don't f*cking know where did they put it!" He started.

Halora looked throughout the entire room. It was quite huge, surrounded by modernized things and decorations.

The fragrance of his room was undeniably manly, alluring, and at the same time, it was filled with a different kind of warmth.

But, he was right. The windows were half opened, the pillows scattered throughout the wide bed, the crumpled mattress, the chairs, and almost all of the things inside were wrecked by a wild animal from the deep forest.

Halora sighed heavily and she said, "Alright, just take a seat and I will be right back with the first aid kit. Do you understand?"

"I'm tired, I surrender." He said shortly, lifted his arms like a guilty criminal that was being caught up by the cops. He seated, lifted his head, and looked at her face at the moment, "I'll be here waiting for you, I promise."

"G– good t– to h– hear that!" spoke Halora as she quickly walked into the door, pulled it, and closed it right away.

She then leaned over the door, caressed her chest gently, and took a heavy, long breath.

"I need to hurry up and run back to his room! I must treat his wound!" Guilt drove her to be eager, determined to help Sebastian.

By then, Halora quickly ran towards her room which was located two rooms after him. Her forehead was covered with sweat, yet, she opened the door when she arrived at her room.

"Where did I put it? Think Halora! Think!" Once in a blue moon, Halora became too attached to someone who only saved her from the group of Sandra.

He was completely a stranger to her but there was an invisible string that pulled her back to him.

Halora messed up her hair when she forgot about the kit. She had almost searched everywhere until she saw a small box under the bed.

She ducked, crawled into the floor, and reached for it. "Huh, I've never thought being a nurse is a tough job!" She murmured, stood slowly when she successfully got the small box.

Halora gripped it tightly, but before she left, she walked into the closet, searched for a refreshing shirt as she quickly changed it.

Without a doubt, she looked at her reflection, sighed deeply, and combed her hair with her fingers.

"I'm coming for you, Sebastian!" She whispered, blinked her eyes, and rushed to the first room.

Halora gulped, pushed the door forcibly, and saw him seating at the corner. He looked at the window, crossed legs as he didn't hear the sound of the door.

"Knock! Knock!"

"Ohh I'm sorry! I didn't notice you–"

Halora bowed her head as she cut him off with a genuine smile. "Sit down, I'll treat your wound now."

She locked the door, as she took steps closer to him. Halora had violated the rules but she pretended to be an innocent lover who hasn't been committed a crime.

"Lift your head!" His loud, deep voice echoed around when Halora was about to hit the edge of the table. She was looking at her feet, but because of him, she was saved from danger.

"Oh, thank y– you! I... I didn't know that you could clean up your mess only for a couple of minutes!"

Her voice was covered with amusement as she never heard about a guy who was always clean and knew how to be clean all the time.

Halora looked for another chair as she found one behind him. She said, "Can I borrow that chair behind you? I... I can't concentrate if I remain standing like a statue."

Without a single word, he stood, lifted the hair, and placed it in front of him. It was too closed that made her a little bit anxious.

"Take a seat. I don't want to see a girl standing too long before me." He said, pulled the chair until Halora was left with no choice.

She blinked her round, brown eyes. Seated slowly, starting at his wounded fist. But before she began, she opened the box as quickly as the flash of lightning from the heavenly sky.

"Give me your hand," she said. "Stay calm and don't move." Halora added.

Silently, Sebastian obeyed her orders. He was secretly staring at her red lips and rosy cheeks. Her brown eyes glinted as if extreme happiness lived within her for a long time.

But his pale face suddenly turned into a rosy one when he felt her skinny yet warm lap.

"I said, don't move!" She quickly hit his arms when he embarked to get off his hand away from her lap.

Halora didn't know what it was but for Sebastian, it was a strange feeling, and rare moments with her that needed to be cherished for the rest of his life.

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