My Boyfriend Is A Campus Bad Boy

Chapter 89 - 89: Losers' Treat

A beautiful sanctuary suddenly appeared in front of her. A peaceful, filled with flowers and grasses place gave her a piece of mind.

Colorful butterflies flied around the sanctuary until it slowly became blur and vague.

Loud, annoying voices helped Halora that brought her soul to reality. She blinked her eyes, looked throughout the place until she realized what had happened.

"Ahh, my head!" She endured, touched the right part of her head and felt something pain.

"How a– are you feeling right now?" Someone asked her but she ignored him for a moment.

"H– how are you feeling? Answer my fcking question, Halora!" Sebastian repeated his question but the surprising thing was he suddenly cursed and became angry.

Sandra gulped, tapped his shoulder but Sebastian effortlessly ignored her action.

While Roy ran as fast as he could back to Halora when he found the first aid kit in his room.

"Give way! I am her friend!" His voice caught everyone's attention.

Few of the tourists who had witnessed everything tried to help but Roy suddenly strived with the things needed.

Halora took a deep breath, caressed her temple when she felt guilty and vile. She was afraid of the attention they threw for her.

"Don't move, I need to clean clean your wound." Roy told her yet Halora didn't believe in it.

She then shook her head, wiped out the droplets of blood and she replied, "Don't worry, it's nothing."

"Clean her words, whether she like it or not! How could be a young girl waned her bestfriend's aid?"

Annoyingly, Sebastian put his hands on his pocket that pushed away few of the crowd. They felt afraid of his presence and the deep, husky tone of his voice.

Sandra rolled her eyes when she realized that once again, Halora won over her. The attention, the man she adored for how many years and her favourite cousin was stolen by a poor, cheap girl.

She stiffened, looked at Halora as she whispered into the cold wind, "What's within you that everyone around me always run to you no matter what? What is your secret weapon, Halora?"

"It will be gone for one or to two days. You're right, it's just a piece of cake but if it left untreated, it would infected." said Roy who smiled when he successfully put the band aid to her forehead.

Finally, the pain, the knife within his heart had vanished abruptly when he heard that she was totally fine. Sebastian closed his fists out of a great himself.

If only he controlled the rage he had felt, Halora wouldn't be hit by the ball earlier. It was all his fault and Sebastian waited for his punishment.

"Let's go! She's fine now." Few of the people slowly walled away from the area. They had witnessed everything until everyone left and went back to their businesses.

Roy helped Halora to stand but she refused to take his hand. She rubbed her hands, cleaned her body as thousands of sands spewed thorough her body.

"Let's stop the game, Halora need some rest to regain her strength–"

"No, I am fine and why would we stop the game? We were just starting, right Sandra?"

Halora's other side had finally shown. A sassy, persistent behavior didn't match her beauty but still, it stunned all of them especially Sebastian.

Despite the incident, her face was covered with a bright, genuine smile. She looked happy, even though she was hit by the ball hard enough to collapse.

Roy nodded, "A– are you really fine, Halora? If not, we can take a short break and–"

"I said, I am fine! Come on, let's resume and enjoy our remaining hours in here!" Halora grabbed his arms until he was hypnotized by her alluring smile and beauty.

But, secretly, Sebastian hoped that he was the one who cleaned her wound. Without Sandra, he probably took the responsibility from Roy.

But because he made a promise to his mother, he was determined to be in pain instead of his parents' agony.

He gasped and exclaimed, "Let's start!"

By then, Sandra lazily stood behind him. She was mentally absent until the ball bounced off to her knees and back to the ground.

"Ohh, please take my sincere apology."

Halora gave her a piece sign, faced Roy and they bumped their first for their first point. She giggled, swayed her waist and waited for another strike.

"I know, but we won't let you win this time around!" Determination led Sandra to be greedy and serious. She stepped back her right foot, bent her knees and prepared for an attack.


"Wow! Nice try!"

Their voices sounded off around while both team strived and did everything they could. Unfortunately, Roy and Halora had a high score than the opponent.

No one believed that Halora was a pretty good volleyball player. Her skinny, long arms were too flexible and strong enough that nearly hit Sandra's forehead.

Sebastian suddenly looked at the scoring board. He knew there was no chance of winning but he acted to be active for Sandra.

He shook his head, looked at his ally for a moment. "This is our last chance, if we won't get another point, it will be the end of the game. Do you understand?"

"Ugh! I can't imagine that Halora is a great player like Zenith! How did things happened this way, for heaven's sake!" She stomped, as fear drowned her mind and distracted her.

On the other side, Halora waited for the perfect time for her last, mindblowing attack. She then smiled sweetly, slowly turned his head and she said, "Are you ready to end this game?"

"Yes, nail it Halora. Surprise them with your amazing, hidden trick!" Roy replied and gave her a thumbs up.

Little did they knew, Halora used to play different sports when she was a kid. One of it was volleyball, and she knew that Roy and Sebastian weren't good enough than basketball.

"Losers shall treat the winners." She mumbled, loud enough to be heard by the foes until she made a breathtaking, intense strike for the last time.

Sandra looked at the ball at the air and forgot about the game.

"Damn it!" Sebastian cursed when he failed to catch the ball.

But he quickly turned around and stared at Halora who suddenly hugged Roy from distance.

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