My Boyfriend Is A Campus Bad Boy

Chapter 65 - 65: Staying With You

City lights brought life to the gloomy, plain, dark sky. The cold wind whispered to the busy, crowded City. A few of the people walked back home after their work.

While others stopped by to the restaurants and coffee lovers stayed at the coffee shop for enjoyment and relaxation. Despite the dark surroundings, the weather became too cold and difficult to deal with.

Even the employees who worked inside of their office needed to cover themselves with three to four thick garments.

But on the other side, at the twenty– eight floor of the Manosa Hotel. Some teenagers slept together accidentally. They looked like a real, sweet couple who were both legal and matured enough to handle things like this.

Little did they know, chaos waited for them when someone knocked off the door angrily and loud. A light, glowing mint green fitted dress suited to the girl who tried to open the door.

She was not alone. Her cousin accompanied her as he looked for his best friend too.

"Open the door or I will get the spare key!" Desperately, she shouted hopelessly yet no one heard her voice. "Damn it! They can't hear us because this room is for VIP guests like us!"

"I've told you to stop, Sandra! Why don't we go to the ground floor, ask the receptionists for the spare keys." Eager as ever, he tried to calm her down before bad things happened. "Come on! Maybe they gave us false information to complicate simple things."

Sandra remained silent at the moment. She knew it was the exact room that the receptionists referred to. But Roy was right, they needed the duplicate key to confirm her speculations.

But, as they turned around, the door squeaked and yelped. Sandra's eyes widened when the moment she waited for finally taken place.

"E– excuse me? Wh– what are you doing here?" The hotel's staff caught their attention. She came out with a towel in her arms, raised her eyebrows before she closed the door.

Yet, no one answered. She then cleared her throat and was about to leave when Sandra abruptly grabbed her arm. "Would you mind if I ask you something? B– because I... I am looking for Sebastian Woo, the s– son of the CEO of this h– hotel."

She was in her fifties but she looked healthy and strong. "He's still asleep. To remind you, young lady, do not disturb him or you will never forget it."

"Thank you! I'm so– sorry if my cousin sounded rude o– or whatever you call it b– but we only want to confirm if he's with someone else– w– with my best friend?"

While Roy explained to the hotel's staff, Sandra closed her fists. She looked upset, determined to see Sebastian as she quickly twitched the doorknob with all the strength she has.

Fortunately, it was unlocked and a sarcastic smile formed on her lips. She said, "Don't waste your time anymore talking to a cheap, hotel maid! Come inside, hurry up!"

The hotel's staff shook her head in disbelief. She was afraid that she might be kicked out of the hotel because of Sandra's childish actions. She rushed to her but it was too late her right foot slipped into the floor.

"No, don't do it, Young lady!" For one last time, she reminded her to stop but Sandra hardly pushed the door.

Her heartbeat was too fast when she recognized the things that were left at the corner of the room. The black backpack, the scent of her which made her angrier.



Roy called her but he stopped at the moment. He breathed deeply, blinked his eyes when he saw a girl sleeping peacefully in bed.

"Ha– Halora!" He whispered to the wind. "W– where is Sebastian?" He looked around the wide room while Sandra searched for Sebastian.

The hotel's staff chased her breath when she reached the young master's room. She gasped, smiled mischievously, and said, "Young master is taking a quick shower. He told me not to entertain guests and never disturb his girlfriend."

Her eyes turned to the girl who slept in peace and serenity. She snored, enjoyed the smooth, scented mattress until Halora's index finger move.

Sandra was taken aback when she heard loud footsteps from the bathroom. It stunned her as her lips and knees trembled in fear.

She gulped, looked at Roy who stood few steps away from Halora.

"Y– young master, I... I've tried to stop them but she compelled, entered inside without your permission! P– pl– please forgive me!"

Roy held his breath and looked at the woman who pleaded like a hopeless mendicant. He couldn't understand why he felt that way when Sebastian was called "young master" by the hotel's personnel since the moment they stepped into the hotel.

"I won't fire you, instead, I'm thanking you for trying your best. You can go back to your job now, I'll handle these things out."

Droplets of water fell to the well-carpeted floor from his wet hair. He wore a loose white shirt and black, denim pants.

"Aye, young master!" She bowed before the young man wiping his face. Before she left, she looked at Sandra who was terrified.

She never thought there was something about Sebastian that remained hidden from anyone.

"W– who are you?" She murmured as the door closed. She blinked her eyes, "Why are they calling you that way?"

"I should be the one asking you, Sandra. Why are you here in my room?" He asked, hung the white towel to his broad shoulder. "I repeat, why did you come here without my permission?" He stopped right in front of her, trembled in fear and worry.

His deep gaze stuck in Roy's eyes. As if he was punching his face to death. "And you even brought him here, what a bit–" He groused, paused at the moment.

"You don't have to insult my cousin! If you don't want to talk to her nicely, then we are leaving now!" Furiously, Roy told Sebastian who was speechless. He quickly grabbed Sandra's arms but she wiggled and stayed away from him.

Sandra shook her head, "No, I am not leaving our room!"

"What? Our room?" Sebastian narrowed his eyes in disbelief. "Who told you that?"

She smirked, crossed her arms, and replied, "Yes, I'm staying with you here for the whole week. And you know who told me that– my soon-to-be mother-in-law, Sarah."

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