My Boyfriend Is A Campus Bad Boy

Chapter 56 - 56: Expectation VS Reality

One by one, the students were assessed, checked by the guards before leaving the school. They inspected every identification card for their safety and protection.

Almost half of the speculated number successfully completed and passed the quick inspection. While others sneaked, stayed inside of the school premises without the security's permission.

"Good evening everyone, we are encouraging you to proceed directly to the exit. We need to ensure your protection and go home safely. I repeat, proceed to the exit, present your identification card, and upon approval, you can go home with your family and or friends."

The head of the school's security announced it, spread a piece of important information regarding oneself's safety and protection.

Despite it all, there were still students who hid, lurked, and stayed with their friends. Few of them waited for their turn but most of them just wanted to play hide and seek with the guards.

But in the middle of the cold, night, Halora went onto the school garden to meet her secret admirer who gave the pale pink dress she was wearing.

A howling wind touched her skin, bringing goosebumps and a creepy feeling. "Woah! I am not sure if I did the right thing." She murmured, caressing her arms to warm herself.

She just arrived at the rendezvous by herself after leaving Roy on stage earlier. She left her things at the chair where she was seated.

Halora told him about it and so, their way fell apart from then. But, the longer she waited for him, the colder the night became.

Time was running but still, no one had arrived. The head of the security repeated the announcement and some guards searched and inspected every area where students can hide.

Halora checked her old model cellphone but no one sent her any message. "Come on! If you're just playing with me around then I think I should go by now."

She was still in shock after her name was being called in front of so many people. She never wanted a spotlight, people's attention, and even the world's recognition.

Suddenly, the sky became dark, gloomy, and dull. The weather had changed and according to the news, the upcoming days will be rainy and cold.

Its almost midnight yet the school garden was filled with a peaceful ambiance. The fireflies fly around the place as they glowed in the darkness.

Until many things came into her mind. The picture of Roy smiling widely at her, Sandra who rolled her eyes upon seeing her along the way, and Sebastian who cupped her face and looked intently into her eyes earlier in the marriage booth.

Until now, she couldn't get rid of his perfect face. She dreamed it for long, long years but the long wait was worth it.

As Halora reminisced the exact happenings, someone stopped behind her back. She felt his presence, the scent of the man who arrived finally.

"I'm sorry if I'd keep you waiting! I had to change my clothes first before going there to see you!" spoke the man with a deep, profound voice.

He was wearing a simple white shirt, covered with a black leather jacket and a pair of jeans and white shoes. He looked young, fresh, and alluring in the middle of the wide, silent garden.

But Halora blinked her eyes several times, cleared her throat, and gulped for the meantime.

"Aren't you going to face me?"

"I'm sorry but I didn't know it was you who left that brown box in front of my house!" She chased her breath. But astonishment urged her to face the man who stood behind with a bunch of flowers.

The moment she turned around, caught a glimpse of him, she stepped back and left open-mouthed. She didn't know it was him.

"Come on! I didn't know what you're talking about but yes, I used another number– Sandra's number to be exact and texted you. But about the box, I am purely innocent!"

"Liar!" She replied shortly."Tell me you left a brown box with this dress in front of my house before the event! Tell me it was you, Roy."

Halora never begged for someone's honesty. But the moment she expected things beyond, she began to question every little thing that surrounded her.

Roy flaunted the flowers that stop her for a couple of seconds. She had never received a bouquet since she became an ordinary, simple teenager.

Halora felt envied by the girls who have the same as her every time their admirers gifted them red roses, chocolates, and soft teddy bears.

Roy wiped out his face with his bare hand. He looked at her brown, weary eyes and replied, "I'm not lying to you and if you're asking why I texted you, I... I j– just wanted to give you these flowers personally! And I don't have any bad intentions to you."

"I am willing to leave but please, accept these flowers as my gift for deciding to be my partner on our trip! I... I just remembered you love the calm, blue sea, the soothing sound of the waves, and the beautiful sunset."

Guilt embraced her system when his voice changed. He was not lying to her as sincerity shown through his eyes. Slowly, she stooped, accepted her favorite flowers with a short smile on her face.

She gasped, "I'm sorry for acting that way. I th– thought it w–"

"You are expecting that it was him who sent you the message, am I right? You expected Sebastian to be here with you." His voice was calm as if he talked with his mother.

Despite the signs of pain and heartbreak, Roy chose righteousness over his desires and hopes. He never wanted to be the bad friend for her but instead, he wished to be the best friend she wished to be had.

But somehow, somewhere around that benign garden, Halora wished he was him. There was a part of her that craved for someone's scent and presence.

She looked away from his gaze, held tightly the flowers he gave to her. "I... I didn't mean to say that, R– Roy! O–of course, I am grateful to know that you're still caring for me, for your best friend."

Words weren't enough to describe how he felt that moment. Roy wanted to confess but the truth was– he wasn't sure of his feelings yet.

Instead of uttering a word, he grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to his chest. He encircled Halora around his arms until he saw Sebastian from afar.

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