My Boyfriend Is A Campus Bad Boy

Chapter 52 - 52: In The Name Of Love II

A deep, fatal stare met Halora's brown eyes. She was clapping her hands, gaping the whole time when she saw Sandra looked into her way. She gulped, gave her a short smile until Sandra looked away and waved her hands.

"And now, let us move on to the young, fine man waiting for his time to shine... Roy Adrian!"

As the people remained silent, Roy gave the small piece of paper to the male speaker that contained the name of the judge who will ask him a question.

The speaker smiled and flaunted the name of the lucky judge to the camera. "Alright, you picked Madam Sarah Woo, the CEO of La Milanosa Academy!"

Halora was taken aback by the sudden revelation. She knew that Sebastian came from a rich, popular family but she never knew that his mother was the owner and the same time the CEO of the school where she was studying at.

"Wow! The campus bad boy's mother is a goddess!" Few of the girls were stunned by Sarah Woo's rare beauty.

They took photographs of her until she stood, lifted her closed fist that symbolized silence and rest.

"Good evening to all of you and especially to the young man standing right before me on stage. But here's my simple question for you... If you will be given one last chance to confess everything to the girl you love the most, where will you take her and why?"

A long, deafening silence filled around for a second. Roy tilted his head, looked intently into her eyes as he grasped the mic tightly.

He said, "Good evening to all of you, and thank you for an intriguing question." As a show of respect to one of the most promising women in the country, Roy bowed his head with a short smile.

Ideas popped into his head but he had a hard time constructing a sentence. He then breathed heavily, closed his eyes for a second until he lifted his head with confidence and honesty.

His real vision in joining the competition was only for fun and to meet not everyone but someone who will be his crying shoulder like Halora.

But things were difficult enough to handle as he would always mumble her name. "If that juncture will come true, I'll take her to the church, wearing the best and my favorite sleeve I have in my closet... but why? That's the biggest question."

Sarah Woo was quite impressed by the way he talked in front of the crowd. His confidence was greater than the expectations of other people.

"Saying how much I love her since the first day we met will never be enough. I brought her to the church not just to confess my secret feelings simply, but to take the risk and ask her for the first and last time if she would marry me in front of Him! And no matter what happens, I will respect her decisions and I will secretly love her from afar."

He took a long sigh of relief. Stared at the innocent girl who was wearing an attractive pale pink dress.

"Thank you for that brave answer! Whoever the girl is, she's lucky to have you. Don't give up on her and be brave enough to tell her while you have still time." The female speaker mumbled.

"You are right! And once again, Sandra Coleen Lee and Roy Adrian!"

For the last few seconds, Sandra and Roy walked on stage with posture and glamour. Their supporters became wild during the Q and A portion as they felt and touched it.

Those words of wisdom were unexpected from them. The panel of judges gave scores to them before the next pair's turn.

At backstage, Sandra's friends ran closer to her. Their eyes were draped with happiness and contentment of their performance earlier.

"Wow! That was so amazing and everyone was astonished by your answer!"

"Don't be too naive, we all knew that she's a good actress since then!" Roy coldly said before he walked first to his quarter with the make–up artist.

He looked tired, but they have to wait still for the top five pairs finalists that will be announced after the Q and A portion.

"And Lou has the video of the whole portion!" Garry gave a clean, wet white cloth to Sandra.

Roy stopped, lifted his right arm, and said, "Tell her I will crash her camera after the competition."

"Don't mind him! He's acting like a child again!" Sandra rolled her eyes as they walked back to their quarters until two of the contenders blocked their way.

They wore the same color of the gown but with different styles and highlights. One of the girls raised her brow, put her hands on her waist, and said, "Do you think that you will be crowned? You're not even qualified for this kind of competition!"

"Even you are the daughter of this school's principal, the judges will choose the girl with not just beauty but with brain and intelligence!"

Both of them started everything. They tried to provoke Sandra but she has plans and no one shall ever destroy them.

She replied shortly, "Are you done barking?"

Sunny and Garry giggled secretly at her sarcastic response. Sandra effortlessly blew up the two girls with her not so not-so-good behavior.

She closed her arms, stood like a queen while waiting for the girls' response. But they looked devastated and speechless. They couldnt even blink their eyes, close their mouths for good.

"Well, take this with you girls. Wipe your mouth and stop drooling over me, understood?"

The short girl frowned, closed her fists like crumpled a piece of paper. She gritted her teeth, controlled the anger within until Sandra bumped her shoulders.

"Ohh, I thought you're a pillar in the middle of the way!" Sandra's true colors shown but the two girls glared at her, wished her for the worst things in the world.

Sunny sighed heavily in her relief. She thought about the girls earlier who appeared about of nowhere.

She walked to the mini table, took bottles of water, and gave it to Sandra who looked calm like nothing happened between those cheap contenders.

Her face filled with a high level of energy. She knew it, she sensed it every time Sandra's madness drowned her to the deep edge of her mind.

Sandra crossed her legs and never touched the bottle of water. She looked at nowhere until she mumbled words that left everyone astounded and open-mouthed.

In the name of love, she was willing to sacrifice every little thing she has– even her own happiness and life.

"Hatred will never be enough as revenge. Hang in there, and you will see what I am willing to sacrifice for my greatest love."

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