My biological black technology

Chapter 72 The matter may be serious

Let's go take a look. Ma Baomin greeted Wang Jinxi and walked to Chen Wenli's experimental site together.

Ten minutes later.

Ma Baomin and Wang Jinxi have repeatedly reviewed Chen Wenli's experimental process.

The experimental records and videos are sound, and there are no problems with the cell aging process and operation. The only problem is that these cell samples were tested according to the rapid cell aging method given by Cheng Xiang. The timing of the appearance of the aging characteristic points is slightly wrong, a little faster than expected. Generally speaking, this kind of problem is somewhere between a problem and no problem.

After the observation, Ma Baomin was the first to speak, Compared with the expectations of the experimental design, it is indeed somewhat inconsistent.

According to the experimental plan, aging characteristics should not appear so early. Moreover, these early aging characteristics may seem messy, but they are also vaguely regular. In just ten minutes, Ma Baomin could only see these things. Old Wang, what do you think?

My thoughts are similar to yours. I can't tell you exactly what's wrong. However, as far as the problem itself is concerned, there are only two possibilities. It may be that the problem is really discovered, but it cannot be ruled out that it is Director Cheng's premonition. There is probably a slight error. Wang Jinxi said.

Ma Baomin thought for a while and nodded. Lao Wang's opinion was very pertinent. In biological experiments, it is very common for practice and expectation to mismatch. However, this kind of thing has almost never happened to Cheng Xiang. Therefore, this kind of slightly regular behavior The error attracts their attention. Otherwise, according to their previous experience, when encountering such an inconspicuous error, the methods and results are almost consistent. There is only a small allowable difference in the process, which is almost normal. But things.

But now, because the aging cell plan referred to Cheng Xiang's suggestions, which clearly marked the timing of the appearance of aging characteristics, and now that this mismatch occurred, they naturally chose to be appropriately cautious and did not directly ignore it.

But what exactly is going on. No one of them can draw a conclusion for the time being, and they dare not make a decision easily.

They were wondering how to deal with this problem.

Wang Jinxi thought for a while and said first, I suggest that the sample size can be appropriately expanded. This will not waste time and can test whether there is really a problem with this.

The plan proposed by Wang Jinxi was a compromise. Ma Baomin thought about it and thought he could try it. Cheng Xiang's attainments and authority in research made him feel the need to test it. Yes, according to the aging plan revised by Director Cheng, aging is not possible. Restricted to human cells.”

Wang Jinxi nodded in agreement, Yes, we can conduct preliminary aging tests on common experimental animal cells. In addition, the sources of human cells should also be more diversified. Then we can establish a reference comparison.

This is almost the simplest verification scheme.

They have done this kind of thing too much and are very experienced. All they have to do is just follow the rope and pull it down.

Ma Baomin nodded, That's it.

After making the decision, Ma Baomin turned to look at Chen Wenli, with a rare smile on his face, Wenli, you are able to discover such subtle differences at the beginning. You have done a good job. Doing research requires such meticulousness and the spirit of excellence. Just now If we didn't observe with the problem in mind, this kind of problem would probably be easily ignored.

Keep it up.

Chen Wenli was very happy to hear this and nodded vigorously. This was the first time in a month that her work in the research group had been affirmed, and it was also affirmed by the group leader Ma Baomin. With Ma Baomin's academic height, this kind of affirmation was especially special. precious.

After confirming Chen Wenli's work, Ma Baomin turned to arranging work, Everyone else has their own tasks now. This verification experiment will be completed by me, Lao Wang, and Wen Li.

Okay. Wang Jinxi and Chen Wenli nodded.

A few hours later.

The three of them had completed the inspection of most of the samples. As the experiment progressed, they each found that things seemed to become a little complicated. The expressions of Ma Baomin and Wang Jinxi gradually became serious, and they were no longer as relaxed as they were at the beginning.

Soon after, the experiments were all over and the three of them reunited.

Wen Li, how is the situation of the small animal group you are responsible for? Ma Baomin asked directly.

Chen Wenli immediately replied, In the test experiment just now, I took blood samples from mice, rats, guinea pigs, and nude mice.

Five samples were prepared for each category. After the aging experiment, the aging characteristic reactions during the experiment were completely in line with the experimental expectations. Chen Wenli said with a frown. It stands to reason that such a controlled experiment, if it is a naturally occurring phenomenon, Then, the same aging method should be reproduced in mice. However, the actual situation is that it does not exist. Not only mice do not exist, but also other commonly used small experimental animals. Now, the problem just discovered is not possible. Something is wrong, but there is a real problem.

Ma Baomin looked at Wang Jinxi with a solemn expression.

Wang Jinxi didn’t waste any time. “I conducted aging experiments on blood samples collected from rabbits, chickens, ducks, sheep, cows, and pigs. The results were fully in line with the expectations of aging experiments, and there were no abnormalities that occur when aging human cells.”

No. Ma Baomin frowned even more, and without waiting for Wang Jinxi to ask, he directly told his results, The part of the human cell aging experiment I was responsible for used thirty samples, and each sample came from different sources. Source, and by the way, comparisons of different ages and genders were made.

As a result... Ma Baomin felt that this problem was getting more and more difficult.

What's the result? Could it be! Wang Jinxi quickly guessed.

Yes, these samples are all exactly consistent with the abnormalities previously discovered when Wen Li aged human cells!


It turned out to be such a result. This result was not expected when they decided to test this guess. It was not that they had not thought about this situation, but that the probability of such a situation occurring was too low, and once it occurred, it would probably be a It was a shocking discovery, so they just ignored it.

At that time, they were more inclined to think that Cheng Xiang's revised aging plan had a slight error, or that the occurrence of this situation was just an isolated case, as long as this phenomenon was also the same in other organisms, or that other The source of human cells meets the experimental expectations, so this matter can be over for the time being.

However, the final results completely overturned their expectations. The situation that they thought was impossible was right in front of them.

Facts have proved that Cheng Xiang was right. The aging plan was completely correct for other organisms. However, abnormalities occurred in human cells. Moreover, abnormalities occurred in all the human cells they sampled.

The meaning here is a bit intriguing.

The atmosphere was very quiet, and Chen Wenli couldn't get a word in on this matter. But based on her intuition, she felt that this matter might be very serious. It was related to human cells, and there were problems at the cellular level. Even just a little bit was enough. Let all biologists be on high alert.

What's more, now this matter is related to the aging of the human body! You have to be more cautious.

What are the causes of those deviations?

What do they do next?

These are all worth pondering.

Second update sent, thank you all for your support. The cold wave is coming, please pay attention to keep warm. Just give me a vote.

Thanks to Hua Su for the 500 reward.

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