My biological black technology

Chapter 56 We no longer develop drugs directly

A race with a short lifespan has no future.

Simple words directly impact the depths of the hearts of everyone present.

Compared with the less urgent energy crisis, the inability of mankind to develop at the forefront of science and technology is what really worries researchers. The modern knowledge system is too huge, and this hugeness is compared to humans' slow speed of knowledge acquisition and short life span.

Just to systematically study the knowledge of a subject or a certain direction requires almost a Ph.D. degree. By that time, an ordinary person would be around thirty years old. Graduating with a Ph.D. is just the beginning of research.

The easiest age for human beings to produce results is before the age of fifty. Once they reach the age of fifty, their energy, physical strength, thinking ability, and imagination all decline. If you want to continue to make major achievements, such people are very rare and cannot represent the mainstream.

Therefore, the period from thirty to fifty is the golden stage of research. But what can be done in just twenty years? Based on the current average speed of knowledge acquisition by human beings, if you can make some achievements in your own research point in twenty years, it will be considered good. However, if you can master several more directions in this subject, it will be very outstanding and can be called A leader in the industry, but want to span multiple disciplines?

The answer is almost impossible.

It is a huge knowledge system that it is difficult for ordinary people to read and understand, let alone comprehend it.

Therefore, with the explosion of modern knowledge systems, it is almost inevitable that science and technology will gradually stagnate while the efficiency of human beings in digesting knowledge remains constant. This is more terrifying and desperate than the energy crisis and the greenhouse effect.

The former is just a symptom, while the latter is the root of everything.

If this root cause is not eliminated, human development will gradually stagnate under its influence, and eventually it will be permanently trapped on the mother planet.

The audience was a group of high-level intellectuals, and if it was of slightly more importance, almost all of them could understand it, and many people fell into deep thought.

Cheng Xiang also stopped at that point and switched to the next picture without going into details.

Now that we have finished talking about the meaning of overcoming cancer, it is time to get to the point of how to solve the problem of cancer.

Everyone in the audience watched the PPT change and immediately paid attention.

I wonder how Professor Cheng will prepare to comprehensively solve cancer?

In my opinion, the greatest possibility is to divide cancer into many types, and then distinguish them into major categories, and then find solutions for each. And among them, I guess a very important means may be bionuclear electronic technology. Combined technology.”

After all, Professor Cheng is the best in that field.

Everyone speculated.

However, when the new pictures were fully displayed, they exceeded everyone's expectations, and there was a burst of exclamation from the audience.

How can it be!

Can something like this really be realized?

The picture was very clear and there were not many words, but it caught everyone in the audience off guard. Not only were they, the newcomers, caught off guard, even Shen Kangwen and Tang Zhengming, even if they had seen this PPT before, were still so shocked when they saw it again now.

Even though everyone doubted Cheng Xiang to a certain extent, they understood that Cheng Xiang would never make a joke in such an important meeting. If this is not a joke, then what is happening on the big screen is possible now, if it can really be realized!


They can feel the huge weight of it. There is no doubt that if it is really feasible, this will definitely set off a new change!

But, can this really be achieved? After being hit one after another, everyone in the audience had unconsciously put down the arrogance in their hearts. They had no time to argue about anything else. The best way was to wait for Cheng Xiang's explanation.

Cheng Xiang lived up to expectations and continued, The essence of cancer is the disordered proliferation and differentiation of cells caused by genetic mutations. The fundamental principle of modern targeted therapy is to use specific protein molecules or gene fragments in tumor cells as targets for treatment. .

The superiority of this treatment need not be overstated.

Small molecule drugs are the general trend, and the biggest difficulty in developing cancer-targeted drugs is finding the target.

“Every time a pharmaceutical company develops a targeted drug, it is based on a large amount of statistical data and a large number of sample comparisons to find a common target. However, this model of developing targeted drugs is destined to be such a small product. Molecular drugs are generic drugs, and the disadvantage of generic drugs is that their efficacy cannot be optimal for individualized human bodies.

However, this method is currently the best research and development model for society and pharmaceutical companies.

In order to make profits, pharmaceutical companies pursue the universality of drugs and give up the specificity of drugs to individuals. From the past to the present, it is rare to hear that a pharmaceutical company will develop a new drug specifically for a certain person. .The closer we get to modern times, the less likely it is.”

And this kind of drug development thinking is no problem when applied to the extensive drugs of the past.

However, if we continue to focus on the development of small molecule drugs, we will fall behind, which is the biggest disadvantage!

“The biggest characteristic of small molecule drugs is that they can treat diseases at the cellular or even genetic level, which means that the drugs themselves need to be personalized to the greatest extent.”

It is contradictory to still use the past universal approach to develop a targeted drug.

However, it is impossible for pharmaceutical companies to directly redesign and develop drugs for each patient.

So, what do we do?

The answer is simple, it's on the big screen behind me!

We need a new drug research and development model, and this is what I will focus on today, and it is also the most important thing we will do in the next topic.

We no longer directly develop drugs. What we want to develop is a more abstract drug model, or a biological factory that produces drugs. We use this biological model or factory to replace us and complete the process according to the personality characteristics of different human bodies. , to produce the most targeted and most precise medicines!

That's the only way! What the patient finally takes is a drug that is completely suitable for his or her needs and has the best efficacy.

Only this kind of medicine can truly comprehensively and completely conquer all cancers!

In the near future, cancer will no longer be scary. For us humans, cancer treatment will be as easy as treating a cold.

When Cheng Xiang's last words came out, the whole audience was silent. How much confidence does it take to dare to say such unwavering words in front of hundreds of professors at such a meeting.

Even before the project started, I was sure it would be successful. It’s not as simple as shooting and never looking back.

Comprehensively conquering a big issue like cancer is even more difficult.

But how sure did the young man on the stage have to be so convinced? With that astonishing momentum and courage, even though everyone in the audience clearly still had countless doubts and questions, they were forced by Cheng Xiang's personal aura and were unable to make a sound in the first place.

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