Chapter 644 There is a child flying outside the plane!

In the picture that Mianmian calculated, the plane of the destined man's daughter was wandering left and right in the air like it was out of control, and then suddenly crashed into the sea, with pieces of the plane falling into the sea. Reports show that all more than 300 people on the plane were killed, and no one survived.

This time, although the lives of other people were being counted, Mianmian could clearly see that there was also a name on the report: Su Chenze.

That’s the name of the fourth great-nephew!

This plane is flying to and from abroad, and the fourth grandnephew is serving as the captain!

 The time when the plane crashed into the sea was 12:05, and the time was coming soon. There was no time to explain anything, Mianmian simply squeezed the magic formula into an inch, summoned the flying sword, and stood at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

 She did not use the invisibility charm, and when her whole body was exposed to the sky, she immediately attracted the attention of the Dragon Kingdom's anti-air system.

Because Mianmian was so small, the air-to-air system couldn't immediately tell what this creature that appeared thousands of miles above the sky was.

The system reported it to the administrator in front of the monitor. The administrator locked the screen through the satellite and discovered that the person who appeared at an altitude of 10,000 meters was just a little baby. The administrator was shocked.

 That's right, now I heard that with the rise of Taoism in China, many unimaginable supernatural events have occurred. For example, you can meet your dead relatives through a talisman, the entire school is occupied by ghosts, etc... There is also a new department called the Supernatural Administration.

But the administrator never expected that a supernatural event would appear in front of him at noon on his way to work!

 He hurriedly made a call and continued to report the matter, waiting for the higher-ups to make a decision.

Mianmian, who was 10,000 meters high in the sky, was currently calculating his bearings.

 This is the first time that the shrinking spell has been used so far. At this moment, the plane has just entered the domestic airspace. Due to the proximity to foreign territory, the position she came out of was a bit offset and she could not directly see the aircraft.

Having calculated the calculation, Mianmian took another step forward.

At this moment, I finally saw the plane in the clouds!

The plane swayed from side to side, like a drunk man flying the plane.

Mianmian used his flying sword to chase behind the plane.

The plane flies very fast, so she needs to find a suitable moment to use the wall penetration technique to penetrate into the plane at once.

 She saw the plane, and the administrator was dumbfounded.

He watched helplessly as the monitored target suddenly disappeared, and the next second it appeared on another display screen, with a passenger plane flying in his country in front of him.

Moreover, it is obvious that the purpose of the surveillance target is the passenger plane, which is currently wandering outside the passenger plane.

 While the administrator was bearing the impact of changes in the worldview, instructions came from superiors.

  [This child is the aunt who is telling fortunes. She has the privilege of staying in the air. Don't worry about her. If necessary, give her your full assistance! ]

At the same time, someone on the plane’s intelligent monitoring system also received an instruction: [The captain of Airliner No. 788 no longer needs to contact you, and the monitoring system of the aircraft’s built-in detection system is temporarily blocked! ]

 They saw that Flight 788 deviated from the route. They were contacting the captain, deputy captain and flight attendant, but the flight attendant and the captain and deputy pilot did not reply to them.

At this time, the administrator received the instruction not to continue contacting. Just as the administrator in front of the monitor was about to operate according to what he heard, he suddenly heard another instruction: [Give up management rights and let Black Dragon take over 788! ]

Mianmian found the right opportunity and used the wall penetration technique from the middle window of the plane.

The passenger in the plane sitting by the window and admiring the clouds outside the window is a blond lady from abroad.

Suddenly she saw a child appear at the window and face to face with her. She was startled and shouted: "Oh, my God, there is a child flying outside the plane!"

The companion next to the blond lady opened her eyes and saw a child. She covered her mouth to block the exclamation she was about to say.

 She prefers to read social media apps, and she recognized the child flying outside the window as her aunt from the Dragon Kingdom. To be honest, this trip to Dragon Country was just for her sister-in-law.

After suppressing his shock, the man quickly took out his mobile phone and took a photo of Mianmian flying outside the window. After taking the photo, she saw Mianmian crashing into the plane. She covered her companion's mouth and whispered: "I know this child. She is the aunt of the Dragon Kingdom. She can do divination. If I guessed correctly, she will appear here. There must be something wrong with our plane, so let’s not talk nonsense.”

 The blond girl nodded sharply after hearing her friend's explanation: "Then we should help her."

It is indeed a surprising event for a child to fly to an altitude of 10,000 meters, but if the child appeared because there was a problem with the plane, they should also help.

 There were also people on the plane who had just returned from traveling abroad.

 They also knew Mianmian’s identity and recognized Mianmian’s face.

 Seeing Mianmian's whole body miraculously appear inside the plane, some people wanted to scream loudly, but the next second they found that they couldn't make a sound at all.

Mianmian used the magic of transmitting sound into secrets and spoke to everyone on the cabin at the same time: "Don't be afraid, everyone, there is danger on the plane. Mianmian is here to save you. Do you know where the captain is?"

Passengers pointed to the front of the plane, where the captain's cab was.

Mianmian nodded and put an invisibility charm on himself just in case.

“Mianmian is invisible now. Don’t be nervous. Mianmian will go and see what the problem is.”

  The report said that the plane first departed from the route and headed to the nearest most densely populated city. Halfway through, it suddenly changed direction, suddenly flew to the sea, and then fell vertically.

Mianmian believes that her fourth nephew Su Chenze is an excellent pilot. He will definitely not make the mistake of disobeying the command and flying around.

The plane flew crookedly and suddenly changed direction. Someone must have forced the fourth grandnephew to do this.

 So, Mianmian thought of sneaking in from the cabin.

She was afraid that if she entered the plane through the wall from the cockpit, she would touch some buttons in the cockpit and cause problems.

 In fact, Mianmian made the right choice. The cockpit area of ​​the aircraft is small and there are indeed many control buttons on the front.

 In front of the screen and control area, there are two people sitting, the captain and the first officer.

At this time, there were people wearing black clothes standing behind the captain and deputy captain. The two men touched the heads of the captain and co-pilot with strange smiles on their faces, as if they were happy with what they were doing.

The aircraft cockpit is sealed and can only be opened by the captain from the inside. This is to prevent passengers from going crazy and suddenly entering the cockpit and affecting the movement of the aircraft.

 But these two people walked in through the door of the cab.

 There were four big men in the cab, which was very crowded.

When Mianmian walked through the wall and entered the cab, if she hadn't been a child, she might have bumped into the body of the man in black and been discovered by the enemy in advance.

After successfully entering, Mianmian said nothing and directly asked Lulu to take action and first collect the two strange people into the space.

 Then, she quickly slapped the Qingxin Talisman on the captain and co-pilot.

 (End of this chapter)

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