Chapter 602 It turns out that Arctic foxes are also very heavy.

The grandpa and the grandma hugged each other smoothly, but the daughter standing next to the grandma was at a loss.

  I did something shameful and was even shown on a live broadcast for millions of viewers to watch. She felt that she would be embarrassed to see people in the future. Originally, she was divorced and took her daughter back to her parents' home. What should she do in the future?

 While she was worried about herself, she was also worried about her daughter.

 How come the daughter is with her half-brother? What a crime. If I had known earlier, I would not have rekindled the old relationship with Mu Hongkang.

The old man was still a little shy and didn't point the camera at the girl next to him.

 He ​​held his mobile phone, turned the camera on himself, and spoke to Mianmian: "Sister-in-law, we are going to discuss what to do next. Thank you for telling us the truth. We will hang up the live broadcast now."

 After saying that, before Mianmian could say anything, the old man unilaterally cut off the connection.

  [I couldn’t stop talking after eating this melon, alas. ]

It can be imagined that if the connection is not connected this time, the old man will probably die when he knows the truth, or my aunt will let him take Suxiao Jiuxin Pills! ]

[The worst result is that the family will be destroyed, so people should still be loyal to their families and partners, and don't do such shameless things. Either get divorced and pursue true love again, or be like my grandfather, whose original wife has been dead for many years, and then find a relationship and want to be together. ]

Netizens commented on the live broadcast content, blinking their eyes, asking everyone to change their mood.

“Okay, that’s it for today’s fortune-telling live broadcast. Mianmian Zoo is going to receive a batch of new animals today.” Xiao Naituanzi said in a playful tone, “Today there are cute Arctic foxes coming to their territory.”

The territory of the Arctic fox and the territory of the polar bear are adjacent. Mianmian used spacers to separate the territories of the two species so that they would not fight to the death when they met.

 The polar bear only arrived this afternoon, and the little fox arrived in the morning.

Yang Xian held up the mobile phone holder and followed Mianmian. The staff has opened the container, taken out the box containing the fox, and sent it to the Arctic fox area.

The workers left after delivering the goods. Mianmian opened the buckle on the box and let the foxes out.

This time, a total of five Arctic foxes were sent from the zoo in the northeast. The long bumps made them very timid, and they did not dare to come out of the box for a long time.

Mianmian asked Yang Xian to step back, planning to leave the Arctic fox territory first and wait for them to come out.

As soon as she stepped aside, a pure white fox head popped out of the container and made a very cute "嘘嘘" sound.

Mianmian was attracted by the sound. Looking back, she was surprised by the cuteness of the little white fox.

“So cute, so cute, so cute!” She couldn’t help covering her mouth and whispered.

  [Hahaha, it’s really cute, the Arctic fox is really good-looking. ]

There are five little foxes, and there are four more that haven’t come out, right? ]

 When the audience said this, the little fox who appeared first had already climbed out of the container. Then, another fox popped up behind it.

 All the foxes came out, and there were six of them!

Mianmian counted the items and found that the number was wrong, so he quickly called Su Chenjin.

Su Chenjin turned around to confirm with someone, and finally confirmed that there was a zoo in the northeast that was holding foxes. A fox sneaked into the box and went to Beicheng with its friend.

Now that they are all here, we can only raise them together, and we can’t send them back thousands of miles away, right?

 Mianmian explained the situation to the audience, and then walked outside the territory of the Arctic foxes to watch their activities.

Arctic foxes like to dig holes to live under sunny slopes. The temperature in the site is cool, there is ice and frozen soil, and there are half-dug holes in advance. There was a larger fox. After quickly observing the surrounding environment, he took the initiative to choose a semi-finished hole, dug in quickly, and then couldn't hide out. With this fox taking the lead, other foxes followed suit.

 After a while, all five foxes entered the hole. The only remaining one, after inspecting the territory, tiptoed towards Mianmian.

It kept sniffing the scent, and after successfully reaching Mianmian, it circled around Mianmian several times.

The other foxes were hiding. When this fox came closer, Mianmian didn’t find it too strange, nor did the audience in the live broadcast room. Who said that my aunt is attracted to animals and can tame fierce horses, but she is still afraid of a little fox?

The little fox took the initiative to express his closeness, and Mianmian also gave it face, squatting down and holding it in her arms.

This little fox is even cuter than Hu Yaoyao's little fox clone. The white fur is purer than other little foxes, and the nose and paws are actually pink. It is said to be a little fox, but in fact it stands almost as tall as a fox.

It was being held by Mianmian, squinting its eyes and meowing. On top of the fox's face was Mianmian's fleshy little face. In the eyes of others, it was doubly cute.

When the little fox squeaked, Mianmian exclaimed: "It turns out that Arctic foxes are also very heavy."

Mianmian’s words made the little fox’s eyes widen, and his joyful chirping suddenly turned into a dog barking: “Ouch?”

Mianmian heard the little fox protesting, and covered the little fox's ears with her hands: "You didn't hear anything just now!! Okay, you can play here, Mianmian is still very busy, and she has to pick up the polar bear to live with her."

Polar bears were imported from Caiguo Zoo, with complete documents, and there are two in total, one male and one female.

Mianmian rushed to pick up the polar bear, but the little fox in her arms didn't give her a chance and held her tight.

There is no other way, Mianmian can only take the little fox with her to find the polar bear. Afraid that the little fox would be frightened when seeing the polar bear, she hugged the little fox tightly and decided not to give the little fox any chance to run around.

 As soon as she walked out of the polar bear pavilion, Mianmian felt her head grow bigger.

I went to have fun and came back in vain. Seeing her holding the little fox, he didn't jump on her, he just stared at her with a look full of resentment.

Mianmian's head suddenly got big. Before Bai Bai's attack, she hurriedly said: "You and Mianmian sleep together tonight. This little fox is a bit clingy when he comes here. Don't be angry."

With this promise, Bai Bai instantly grinned and stuck out his tongue, his tail wagging wildly, and he was quacking happily.

  [Created the animation successfully, ready to make an emoticon package. ]

  [Hahaha, I took a screenshot of the scene of my aunt holding a fox and meeting Bai Bai, and planned to add the words: Meeting your ex at the corner, painful! ]

You are all so capable. Unlike me, I can only enjoy the live version, and by the way, I can find more fun in the topic of my sister-in-law’s emoticons. ]

 After solving the emotional problems of her friends, Mianmian walked out and happened to see the helicopter transporting the polar bears lowering their cages.

 Polar bears are very large, so the cages they transport are also very large. Lifting the black cloth on top, the bear inside was exposed to the sun.

 After the cage was opened, the audience in the live broadcast room was silent, and so was Mianmian. They were promised to be two healthy bears, but the polar bear in the cage was so skinny and skinny that he didn't look like a bear at all!

 (End of this chapter)

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