Chapter 594 Why did you arrest all the sharks?

Mianmian felt embarrassed when she saw Xiaoyu facing her.

 When they were in the green space, she couldn't feel anything. Now that they were released, she could immediately feel an inexplicable connection between her and the little fish.

“They are like Mianmian’s babies.” Mianmian sighed, “Is it because they are connected by blood?”

While Mianmian was saying this, two humanoid figures appeared among the scattered fish.

"Mommy mommy."

As soon as the two humanoid figures appeared, they called "Mom", then pushed the other little fish aside, and looked at Mianmian against the glass.

These two scared Mianmian. He has a human body, a snake tail, and fish scales on his face. He turns out to be a shark!

“Green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green green”

Lulv was also surprised: "No, we didn't catch the shark."

“Mom, mom.” The two sharks looked like adults, but they could only say one word over and over again.

Mianmian thought for a while, ate the water-proof beads, found the entrance to the aquarium area and entered the sea water.

As soon as she entered, all kinds of fish inside surrounded her. There are also two big sharks, showing their teeth and threatening other small fish.

 But these fish were all afraid of the sharks. When the sharks came over, they all moved out of the way to make room for the sharks.

Mianmian reached out and put her hands against the heads of the two sharks. After reading their thoughts, she understood what was going on. It turns out that when Lu Lu and the others went to catch the sea creature that had eaten her blood, these two mermaids were also there. They sang to confuse Lulu and the others, and then they got into Lulu's space.

Lulv thought that all the fish she caught were ordinary fish, so she didn’t care.

"So that's it, you want to be with Mianmian." Mianmian touched the heads of the two sharks and shyly took out clothes from the small bag, "You have to wear clothes, your upper body is not wearing any clothes. ,this is not good."

It’s okay for the male shark to be naked, but the female shark is also naked, but the key parts are blocked by her long hair, which is too unseemly!

 “Mom, thank you, mom.”

While looking at the memories of the two sharks, Mianmian passed on the words. The two sharks, like the werewolf Saiyan, suddenly learned how to speak.

It’s just that Mianmian was only taught how to speak, not how to dress.

In order to teach the two sharks, she took another piece of clothing and put it on herself. After doing this, the two sharks were able to put on their clothes.

Mianmian breathed a sigh of relief and touched the heads of the two sharks: "Mianmian is still young and can't be a mother. Just call Mianmian's name."

The confused shark tilted his head left and right, as if he couldn't understand Mianmian's words.

Mianmian blinked his eyes.

These two sharks are almost the same as the little white dragon. It seems that all their tribesmen were killed by the black mist. They hid in the sea and even went to foreign waters, where they were almost captured as mermaids.

 They have always only known how to run for their lives, and they need their mother's love and care, but there is nothing they can do about it.

"Okay, then Mianmian will reluctantly be your mother." Mianmian said, looking at the other fish, "Mom, go and see the other babies now. You guys can see for yourselves whether you like the new home."

 The two sharks watched Mianmian swimming past them, her beautiful blue and white tails waving gently in the water. His confused expression turned into a fierce expression in an instant, and he stretched out his hand to pull up his clothes.

The speed of changing his face was astonishing to Lu Lu.

Lulv originally wanted to tell Mianmian that the sharks were not as good as they appeared, but Mianmian had already turned around, looked at the two sharks and sighed: "You can't go without clothes, Mianmian's aquarium is for everyone to visit, don't you? If you wear clothes, you will be arrested by the police!"

 Without any clothes, you are acting like a hooligan!

 The two sharks felt the lingering anger and lowered their heads. It took a long time before they spoke: "Clothes, make clothes."

They were fair-skinned and extremely beautiful. Their tails intertwined together and they suddenly started dancing. While jumping, strands of silk came out of his mouth. The silk thread is sparkling and very beautiful.

With the threads in hand, the two mermaids turned their hands in circles and turned the threads into cloth the same color as the sea water.

 “Shark Gorge! It’s Shark Gorge!”

Mianmian exclaimed in surprise.

Shark gauze is a cloth made by the sharks from sea water. It is a cloth that only belongs to the sharks. It is as light as nothing and can be waterproof. In ancient times, many kings regarded shark crotch as the supreme treasure and wanted to get it very much.

 But the sharks are hidden in the vast ocean and are difficult to get.

 Seeing Mianmian so happy, the two sharks were also very happy. Their slender fingers flew around, and in a short time they made clothes out of the shark's silk.

This clothes are exactly the same as the clothes Mianmian gave. They are both short-sleeved T-shirts, but the material looks sparkling and more beautiful.

 The two sharks took off their clothes, put on their own clothes, and walked around in circles happily.

Mianmian was extremely satisfied: "You guys are great! By the way, I haven't given you a name yet!"

Looking at the two sharks surrounding her, one on the left and one on the right, she had an idea and pointed to the male shark on the left: "Your name is Zuo Zuo."

He then looked at another female shark: "Your name is Youyou!"

After finishing naming, Mianmian went to greet the other fish and asked them how the sea water was and whether they were used to it. After she finished speaking, she waved the little white dragon outside to come in.

Little Bailong was initially disappointed because Mianmian had a new partner, but when Mianmian greeted him like this, he instantly beamed with joy.

 He transformed back into his white dragon form and jumped into the water.

"This is your...well, Uncle Bailong! From now on, you must also listen to his words and live well in it."

These small fishes have developed intelligence and are no longer the same as ordinary small fishes.

The suppression of the bloodline caused the ordinary fish who were testing the water inside to hide far away and dare not come out. But this is how nature works, big fish eat small fish, and small fish eat shrimps.

Mianmian finished her instructions and asked Bailong to stay here and get to know each other with the small fishes before he came out of the water.

She has other things to be busy with. She has to take Uncle Xuanwu to the polar region to complete the scene first.

 Uncle Xuanwu said that he still needs to play in the peak competition to improve his score, and is very busy.

 Arrived in the polar region, Mianmian asked Xuanwu to take action.

Xuanwu snapped his fingers. In an instant, the field was covered with ice and snow, and the temperature dropped by more than ten degrees.

Mianmian quickly got herself a high-temperature charm and put it on her body to prevent herself from freezing.

"This will always be like this from now on." Xuanwu raised his lips, "So what do you want to raise here? Let me take a look."

Mianmian smiled and said: "Okay, indeed there are small animals here today, but they are still in the frozen truck and have not gotten off."

She took the key, opened the car, and asked Xuanwu to help cool down the little animals, so that they would not get sick before they reached the polar regions due to the temperature difference.

 Watching the penguins lining up and jumping down one by one, Mianmian asked Yang Xian to take a video. After the filming was completed, he posted it on Weibo to promote the zoo.

As soon as it was posted on Weibo, netizens who were waiting for the results of Mianmian’s transformation were so cute!

The little breasted dumpling is followed by a waddling penguin or something, so don’t be too cute! Worth watching again and again!

 (End of this chapter)

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