My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

357. Old Jack’s Story (Part 1)

Gu Zhuo followed Aisha and listened as Aisha began to tell him about old Jack.

There was still a long way to go back, so Elsa simply spoke in more detail, almost summarizing Old Jack's life.

From Aisha's story, Gu Zhuo finally understood this person and the real reason why Night Owl was called a cursed weapon.


Old Jack's original name was Jack Jones Jc. Jack is the name given to him by his father, Jones is his mother's name, and Jc is his last name, but it is a very strange last name. It's awkward and rare, as if it's made up.

Jack comes from an ordinary family of craftsmen in the world. His father is a well-known machine builder who is employed by several small companies at the same time. His mother unfortunately passed away when Jack was born.

He grew up in a good family and has never experienced any particularly excessive or unfair treatment. Chelsea is also a rare and responsible father in this era.

But even so, Jack's childhood cannot be called a happy one: because of his hobbies.

Today, many years later, different human races have experienced countless rounds of blood fusion. The yellow race is no longer a pure yellow race, and the same is true for black and white people.

Take V as an example. He is 90% Asian and 5% Caucasian. The last 5% is a mixture of various strange ancestral bloodlines.

But overall, because his genes are closer to Asians, he still looks more like the Chinese people Gu Zhuo knows.

And Jack is very rare, almost 100% Germanic.

Gu Zhuo's first impression of him was correct. Old Jack looked very much like a great pirate, because his ancestors were the Vikings who were once famous throughout the British Empire and considered it the supreme honor to enter the Hall of Valor.

As one of the few pure-blooded descendants, he has all the characteristics of the Germanic race. He has been physically strong since he was a child, with thick hair and slightly droopy outer eyes and face.

In addition, he also showed extraordinary enthusiasm for rigorous mechanical subjects like the Germans many years ago. It can be said that he was born to build one piece of machinery after another.

In addition to his love, he is also a genius in this area. When his father locked himself in the workshop building various machines, Jack would put his ear against the door and listen to what was going on inside. When his father comes out of the studio, he will go into the studio to study by himself, and he actually develops many simple machine manufacturing methods.

Logically speaking, it would be exciting if your children could inherit your legacy, pass on your craftsmanship, and do this job better.

But Jack's father, Chelsea Case Jc, did not allow his son to study mechanical manufacturing. Even if it is a very good job, I can live in the world and live with dignity like a human being.

But Chelsea resolutely does not allow Jack to delve into anything related to machinery. He hopes that the child can become a company employee or a pet doctor in the future, and treat those who have changed their bloodlines for countless generations, and even look a little deformed in Jack's eyes. Cats, dogs, and even various pigs are examined for physical examination.

Jack is unwilling to learn these things, let alone live such a life in the future. When he was a child, he kept sneaking into his father's studio, but was kicked out every time. He also angered his father many times and received many slaps.

Chelsea wants to rekindle his hobbies. As long as his son is unwilling to learn mechanics, even if his son likes drinking, smoking, playing with fantasy, or anything else, Chelsea will be satisfied.

Jack has never understood why his father did what he did since he was a child, and his father would not tell him the reason.

Most of what Jack remembered about Chelsea Case Jc was his serious, livid face, thick beard, and smell of alcohol. The huge, red palm, and the words that struck him countless times:

"People in the Jc family are destined not to love machinery. This is a curse, a fate that they cannot escape at all."

Jack didn't understand what fate was, and he didn't want to.

At the age of sixteen, when he first went off to college, on the first day his father sent him to the College of Pet Medical Technology, he ran away from school like a young, free Viking.

Jack had read the story of Vikings.

The original stories and history about the past were blocked by the company and the senior officials who lived on Paradise Island. They may be afraid that people will draw spirit and strength from history, that they will understand something called "revolution."

Even though they have absolute advantages and exercise absolute rule.

But no matter what era the rulers are, they would rather have a group of ignorant people than a group of thoughtful people.

Jack found the books in his father's bookcase. Those books are the oldest paper books, not e-books.

When Jack found them from the sealed cabinet, they were yellowed and exuded a damp, rotten smell. Their covers have fallen off, leaving only a few vaguely legible letters.

Those letters are Old English, not the special universal script practiced now.

In order to understand this book, Jack specially learned Old English.

The first word he learned was: Vikings. It is also the only identifiable word on the ancient book cover. Translated, it means:


With continuous learning, Jack finally read all the books about Vikings.

Although those banned ancient legends are barbaric and vulgar, full of a lot of violence and darkness. The Vikings plundered, killed, and invaded. They were like natural war madmen, using the enemy's stumps as their own decorations.

But it is undeniable that in their story full of blood and iron weapons, they undoubtedly composed a soul-stirring ancient epic that Jack had never heard of.

Those were his ancestors, those Vikings who fought against the waves, those Vikings who would rather die on the battlefield, with their heads cut off by the enemy and hung on trees, clashing like wind chimes, than die peacefully at home. People from Beijing.

Those Vikings who were eager to cast their own legends in blood and bronze in order to gain the qualifications to enter the Hall of Valor were the ancestors of Jack Jones Jc.

There is no doubt that much of the spirit he later formed was infected by these Viking stories.

Therefore, on the first day of school, he did not go home. Like the Vikings, he wanted to find his own sea. Only in this way could he enter the Hall of Valor, drink mead with his ancestors, and be welcomed by the gods. The coronation of King Odin.

Jack's disappearance made Chelsea crazy. In this era of weak family ties, the distance between parents and children is so far away that it is worse than the masters and their androids.

Chelsea was still frantically looking for Jack. He not only stuffed a lot of money, but also promised to build a lot of free weapons for the Sheriff, so that the Sheriff made this missing child case that happened every day a key case.

Finally, on the tenth day after Jack disappeared, they found Jack's trace.

At that time, Jack found a hacker and destroyed his identity chip. So deputies were unable to locate him. He also found a false identity for himself, an eighteen-year-old boy who died unexpectedly.

However, he still failed to escape successfully. Too much technology surrounded him, and his whereabouts were eventually exposed.

When the sheriffs arrived, they saw Jack shirtless and covered in the red color of rusty iron filings. He was holding a hammer and pounding a red steel plate.

This is a kind of meaningless work without any fun. For most people, this kind of work is the same as sitting in front of a pile of incomprehensible data, staring at them in a daze, and wasting what they already have. Life of any use - forging steel plates is even more tiring than this kind of thing.

But before Jack was caught by the sheriff, his face always had a heartfelt, happy light. That kind of smile, that kind of spirit, had never appeared on him in sixteen years.

Chelsea took Jack home.

He didn't beat Jack up, nor did he use his red, rough hands to make many red marks on Jack's back like before.

He just let Jack sit in the car and told Jack that he would continue to take him to the College of Pet Medical Technology tomorrow, that he could not escape, and not to think about running away from home again.

Jack always remembered, even in his dreams, that it was one of the scenes he often dreamed about.

Chelsea told him:

"Jack, don't think about escaping, don't think about starting a new life. In this era, no one can abandon everything in the past and start from scratch, no one. No matter how far you escape, you will be pulled back. At the starting point of everything, all your efforts are in vain.

"I know you have read the story of the Vikings, but the era of the Vikings is gone forever. The Vikings have all died long ago, and there are no more descendants of them in this world."

Chelsea's expression was so heavy when she said these words.

The light on his livid face completely dimmed.

At that time, Jack thought Chelsea was talking about his life.

Unexpectedly, Chelsea was talking about their entire family, the life of the Jc family.

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