The bus stopped suddenly, and another large truck turned and turned its front side to avoid hitting Gu Zhuo. Gu Zhuo pressed the horn. The loud sound of the car horn seemed to be a warning, telling them not to resist any longer.

When Wang Li saw this, she knew that they could not be Gu Zhuo's opponents. If this batch of goods was not returned, she would have to explain it here.

But unlike the panic of others, Wang Li's expression looked a little strange, as if she had expected this to happen.

She said to the younger brothers beside her:

"Don't come down. Let me get out of the car and negotiate with him first. You guys wait for me here."

Of course, the boys didn't dare to get out of the car. When they heard that Wang Li was about to get out, the boys nodded quickly, as if they wanted to drive her out of the car themselves.

Wang Li did not take any weapons, raised her hands in a gesture of surrender, and got off the bus.

Gu Zhuo watched Wang Li get out of the car and looked her over.

"Who are you? Can you give me a name?"

As soon as Wang Li got out of the car, she raised her hands and asked Gu Zhuo.

"Gu Zhuo."

Upon hearing this name, everyone on the bus and truck was stunned. They didn't expect that the person in front of them turned out to be Gu Zhuo, a great man who was well-known but had never seen a real person.

When she heard that the other party was Gu Zhuo, Wang Li changed her expression. Looking at her, she seemed a little excited?

"Why is this woman a little weird? She doesn't look like she was caught by the enemy at all. There can't be any fraud in this, right?"

Chaoying noticed something was wrong with Wang Li's expression and talked to Gu Zhuo.

Gu Zhuo shook his head. He didn't know what was going on.

"First ask her which force she is from, and then contact Feng Hongxi after asking her clearly."

After talking to Chaoying, Gu Zhuo asked Wang Li:

"Tell me exactly which force you belong to and what your name is."

Wang Li did not hide anything, she said bluntly:

"My name is Wang Li. I don't belong to any force. I robbed Boss Feng Hongxi's goods today. I did it on purpose and had planned it for a long time."

"Nonsense, I can see it."

Gu Zhuo was a little impatient. He didn't know what kind of medicine this woman had sold in her gourd. All kinds of abnormalities showed that this incident was not a simple robbery.

"Gu Zhuo, I have something to show you. Maybe you will know everything after you see it."

After saying that, Wang Li raised her hands and took a few steps forward.

She didn't seem to be afraid at all that Gu Zhuo would stop her, nor was she worried that Gu Zhuo would launch a sudden attack on her. Looking at her, she looked as if she was sacrificing her life for righteousness and dying with dignity.

Gu Zhuo waited quietly. Anyway, as long as he sat in the car, he was invincible and he was not afraid of Wang Li's tricks.

Wang Li walked to Gu Zhuo's Doomsday Fortress, and then took out a mobile phone from her bag. She held up her phone and waved it in front of Gu Zhuo a few times:

"Everything I want to show you is here."

Gu Zhuo saw the mobile phone shaking in Wang Li's hand. He controlled the robotic arm, reached over, and took the mobile phone from Wang Li.

When Wang Lichu saw the robotic arm, she showed a surprised expression.

The robotic arm lifted the phone to the car window. Gu Zhuo looked at it carefully and found that the phone did not look like a well-disguised time bomb, but just an ordinary mobile phone.

He opened the car window and the robotic arm handed the phone in.

Gu Zhuo took the phone and then opened it. When he opened it, it was a very simple and plain screen saver that came with the original phone, with blue water drops, which looked quite fresh.

There is basically no software in it, just a photo album, a memo, a camera, and a recorder.

Wang Li said there was something inside for him to see, but she didn’t say where it was. Gu Zhuo clicked on the memo first.

The memo is empty. It seems that the thing is not in the memo.

Gu Zhuo then opened the photo album, and a video suddenly appeared in the photo album.

The cover of the video showed a middle-aged man sitting there wearing a suit and leather shoes. Gu Zhuo had never seen him before, but it seemed that he had recorded something for Gu Zhuo.

As for Wang Li, she is just his middleman.

Gu Zhuo and Chaoying looked at each other, then he opened the video, and the two of them watched the content of the video together.

When I turned on the video, the middle-aged man started to move. At the very beginning of the video, he first adjusted the collar of his clothes, then sat upright and said:

"I don't know who will see this video, but I believe it will be someone from Feng Hongxi or Gu Zhuo, because I have always been at ease when Wang Li does things. Let me introduce myself first. I am Hao Yuanshan.”

After Hao Yuanshan said this, he paused, as if he wanted the listeners to digest what he said.

Then he continued:

"My purpose in shooting this video is also very simple. First of all, I want to apologize. I used a dishonorable and even very impolite method to get to know you. But it is this method that has the least risk. It will not make Wang Zhian suspicious.

"Wang Zhian is an old fox. I can't tell how much of what he said to me is true or false, but one thing I am sure of is that if I believe them all, or if I don't believe them all, then I will be a fool.

“Sometimes in order to verify the authenticity of words, I have to explore it myself.”

Hao Yuanshan kept speaking in the same tone. Gu Zhuo watched the video and Wang Li's movements at the same time, fearing that she would do something he didn't notice and let her run away.

Fortunately, Wang Li just stood there, silently waiting for Gu Zhuo to finish watching the video.

"Wang Zhian told me that Feng Hongxi was checking my information, and Gu Zhuo regarded me as a thorn in his side. I think he wanted me not only to deal with the Prophet Cult, but also to deal with the two of you. But this was originally not within the scope of the transaction between me and him. He seemed to want to take advantage of me.

"After all, not all information checking is to deal with people. I also believe that Feng Hongxi, Boss Feng, is not the kind of reckless person who deals with others without knowing their details.

"But in order to use me to deal with you, Wang Zhian deceived me. He even found someone to deceive my men. Do the several spies he planted around me really think that I don't know any of them?

"It's such a pity. He overestimated himself and underestimated the IQ of the people around me. He thought Wang Li was easy to deceive, and never thought that Wang Li could live for so long in the apocalypse. Could she be a fool?"

Hao Yuanshan shook his head,

"There is only one reason why I shot this video, and that is if people from Feng Hongxi or Gu Zhuo can see this video and do not have any ill intentions towards me as Wang Zhian said, please let Wang Li go back alive. If you have anything to say, you can naturally tell me via video.

"Wang Li is absolutely loyal to me. She will not peek at my videos and can safely record everything you want to say.

"Also, in today's incident, Wang Li may have been a little cruel. I'm extremely sorry. This is also the order I gave. After all, the acting must be more realistic, so that Wang Zhian can feel that he has really deceived me. If Boss Feng If Gu Zhuo wants to blame or hold him accountable, I, Hao Yuanshan, will definitely find a way to send him there and try my best to compensate."

At this point, Hao Yuanshan's video ends.

After watching this video, Gu Zhuo put down his phone.

"Should you tell Feng Hongxi about this?"

Chaoying asked Gu Zhuo.

"Well, you must tell him."

After Gu Zhuo finished speaking, he looked at the time. It was still too late, so he made a video call to Feng Hongxi.

Feng Hongxi quickly answered the video call. It seemed that he had been waiting for news from Gu Zhuo for a long time.

As soon as the video was connected, Feng Hongxi couldn't wait to ask:

"Gu Zhuo, how is my batch of goods?"

"We've been stopped. I'm on National Highway 8 now."

Hearing that Gu Zhuo had stopped the goods, Feng Hongxi breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to say thank you, he saw that there was no relaxed expression on Gu Zhuo's face.

"What happened? Did something happen to the cargo?"

Feng Hongxi was a little nervous. His goods wouldn't be destroyed by those angry guys.

"No, I have a video to show you. Please take a look."

Gu Zhuo said, sliding Hao Yuanshan's video to the beginning and playing it to Feng Hongxi again.

Feng Hongxi looked at this video, and his expression gradually became serious like Gu Zhuo's.

After watching this video, he frowned and said to Gu Zhuo:

"Do you think what Hao Yuanshan said is credible?"

Gu Zhuo is not the roundworm in Hao Yuanshan's belly. There is no accurate number of how true or false he is.

He can only rely on his own inner feelings to judge:

"I think Hao Yuanshan's words should be credible for now. The Wang Li he said behaved very differently from what was said in the video. I'm afraid that Wang Zhian was behind all of this."

Hearing this, Feng Hongxi nodded and agreed with Gu Zhuo's view.

"Then those guys, do you want to let them go?"

Gu Zhuo was referring to Wang Li's group of people.

Feng Hongxi holds a grudge, and if he allows others to steal his goods without any warning, and others find out, wouldn't it mean that he is easy to bully?

He said to Gu Zhuo:

"Just watch and teach them a lesson. As for Wang Li, just leave her alone and let her go back and send signals to Hao Yuanshan."

"no problem."

"Let me take a video for Hao Yuanshan as a response. If possible, we can even try to bring this neutral organization closer to our side."

"Okay, then you show your face and I won't."

After Gu Zhuo finished speaking, he followed Feng Hongxi's instructions and turned on his cell phone camera to face him.

Feng Hongxi looked at the camera, but he didn't look unnatural.

"I have seen your video. I am Feng Hongxi. As for what you said in the video, indeed, Wang Zhian did not lie to you. I was investigating your information. But the reason for investigating your information is We feel that you are also the person selected by the government’s god-making project.”

Feng Hongxi murmured into the camera, briefly telling all the parts that could be talked about. Of course, he didn't go into too much detail. After all, he was still very wary of Hao Yuanshan.

Gu Zhuo listened to his story and looked at the situation of Wang Li and the other two cars outside.

It wasn't until Feng Hongxi finished saying everything that he wanted to say that Gu Zhuo stopped recording and planned to return the phone to Wang Li.

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