"What's hidden?"

Gu Zhuo couldn't wait to ask her. He was also curious about what the truth behind these things was.

Chaoying shook his head and hesitated to speak, as if he didn't know where to start.

The two were silent for a moment. Chaoying's hair behind her was not dried, and a few drops of water dripped down. A few drops fell on the table, forming several small spheres, which were shaking slightly on the table.

Chaoying stared at the few round drops of water on the table, suddenly pointed at them and asked Gu Zhuo:

"Gu Zhuo, what do you think these are?"

Gu Zhuo looked where her finger was and saw a few drops of water, so he replied:

"A few drops of water, what's wrong?"


Chaoying shook his head heavily,

"Look at their shapes."

"It's a sphere. What's wrong? Aren't all water droplets spheres?"

"Yes, it's a sphere."

Chaoying answered this sentence without thinking, and Gu Zhuo didn't understand what she wanted to express at all.

Chaoying stared at the few water droplets still shaking slightly on the table. She tilted her head, then picked up the pen again and pressed the water droplets on the table, forming puddles of water stains.

With the end of the water pen, she drew the shapes of these water stains into several authentic circles. I don't know what she is doing.

"Now, what are these now?"

After painting these circular water stains, Chao Ying looked up at Gu Zhuo again.

Gu Zhuo was not a stupid person. Recalling her previous question, which was similar to this one, he answered:

"It's round."

"Yes, these are circles."

After Chaoying finished speaking, she did not stop, but continued to tell what happened to her in the room after he went out.

"After you went out, I lay in bed for a while and then woke up. I went to take a bath. When I was taking a bath, I noticed the water drops dripping down. When they dripped down, they looked like spheres. If you take them Press it down and it becomes round again, just like what you just saw.

“At that moment, I seemed to understand something.

"Look at these spheres and circles, are they the ones the mathematician drew for me on the scratch paper?"

As Chaoying spoke, he took out the mathematician's scrap paper and placed it next to the puddles of water on the table.

Gu Zhuo took a look and nodded:

"Yes, but what does this mean? Does this have anything to do with these formulas?"

"This is a circle in the two-dimensional world, and this is a circle in the three-dimensional world. They are all related to one thing. You must be familiar with that thing. It is called pi."

As Chaoying said this, he picked up another piece of scratch paper and wrote a very complicated formula on it. That line of formula also had several exclamation marks, and Gu Zhuo couldn't understand what it meant at all.

"This is one of the formulas that Ramanujan wrote down in his dream at that time. As long as you add enough terms to this formula, the calculated pi will be more accurate."

"Then what?"

Gu Zhuo was puzzled.

"Without then, infinite numbers are endless, and we can't calculate accurate pi at all."

Regarding pi, Gu Zhuo knew as early as when he was in school that it was inexhaustible. It is simply an infinite decimal that is endless and does not cycle.

But what is the connection between this common sense and the truth Chaoying explored? Gu Zhuo was puzzled.

Chaoying pursed his lips, still looking at the round water stains on the table, and let out a sigh of relief:

"You must have played a lot of games, right?"

"Ah, yes."

Gu Zhuo didn't expect that the topic would jump so quickly.

"Those circles in the game look like circles, but they are actually limited polygons, because artificial design cannot create truly infinite circles. Can you understand this?"

"Yes, but tell me directly, how does this relate to the truth we want to know and explore? I really can't associate them together on my own. I don't think they are the same thing at all."

Gu Zhuo scratched his head and said.

"Pi has now been calculated to 10 billion digits. If pi is calculated to all, but the existing mathematical axiom proof proves that pi is an irrational number, this means that there is a serious problem in the mathematical system, and calculus cannot be established. As far as human knowledge is concerned, Both the mathematical edifice and the physical world must be torn down and rebuilt.

"What's more serious is that this also proves that the circles we see in the real world are not real circles, but are composed of countless small line segments. Just like the circles in the game world we created.

"Gu Zhuo, can you understand what I mean?"

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo frowned when he saw her expression at this time, so serious and solemn.

At this moment, Gu Zhuo suddenly understood the meaning of her words:

"I should know. Are you saying that the world we are in now is probably fake and has been arranged long ago?"

"Yes. Because if even pi can be calculated, it means that there are no random numbers or random events in this world. The universe has asxs and an end. Everything is just like the single-player game you play, it is a given. Destiny is a code that has been programmed long ago.”

Gu Zhuo's breathing was stagnant. This matter was too heavy and he couldn't accept it. When Xiang Bi Chaoying first learned about this incident, he was also struggling with pain in his heart for a long time.

Breathing heavily, he asked:

"So you can calculate pi now?"

Unexpectedly, Chaoying shook his head again:

"No, the amount of calculation is too great. Using the most advanced and fastest computing computer in the world, it can only calculate to the 10 billionth digit. And the 10 billionth digit happens to be a 0.

"Your computer and my mathematician alone can't calculate it more accurately than a supercomputer."

"But what you just said..."

"look here."

Chaoying picked up the draft paper. This time she didn't let Gu Zhuo look at the sphere or the circle. She pointed at the exquisite formulas and said to Gu Zhuo:

“The pi just mentioned is just the basic background I want you to know, and what comes next is the key point.

"Look at this formula, it is completely different from Ramnujan's formula. If you use this formula to deduce, it seems that you can deduce the end of pi. It's just that this calculation process is too complicated, and I really can't complete it by myself."

Hearing this, Gu Zhuo was even more shocked than before:

"But didn't you just say that all existing mathematical formulas prove that pi is an irrational number? How come it has now become that the end can be calculated?"

"So I say, this is a discovery that completely subverts common sense, and it can help us discover the truth behind the world. But we are still short of a precise answer to this truth, a precise answer that cannot be calculated at all.

"But in other words, it doesn't matter whether there is an answer or not. Because as long as this formula exists and it has been proved without any flaws, we can infer that behind this world, there is a so-called god, a so-called God exists."

As Gu Zhuo digested these words, he saw Chao Ying lowering his head, looking pale and ugly.



These two words were so far away from them before, so far away that they felt that they would never be associated with these words in this life.

But now, these evidences are nakedly placed in front of them, making them unable to help but believe it.

Gu Zhuo sat on the ground, some beads of sweat oozing out from his forehead, covering his forehead densely. He stretched out his hand and wiped the sweat from his head. He wanted to say something to Chaoying, but he didn't know where to start.

After a long moment of silence, he sighed quietly:

"What is this? After fighting for so long, are you trying to tell us that we are just God's pawns? Is everything false, these monsters, these people's deaths, sacrifices, etc. Wait, is this all fake?"

Gu Zhuo suddenly felt angry, a kind of anger that was powerless against fate.

Yes, he thought about it, the end of the world came so suddenly, but everything was foreshadowed. The disaster that occurs once on the 14th also has such a hidden pattern. It is as if it has been set by someone.

Just like playing a game, the game planner will set up a special event for each node to hinder the player's progress.

This is simply a game of God!

“In your eyes, what looks like fallen leaves are falling and the ever-changing world is actually just a piece of music that has already been composed lying in the arms of God.”

Chaoying suddenly murmured this sentence, which he had heard from nowhere before.

The two looked at each other, and a sense of powerlessness and despair, like being treated as puppets on strings, suddenly surged into their hearts like a tide.

It turns out that the real apocalypse is never monsters or harsh environmental conditions. It's this deep feeling of powerlessness that everything has been arranged long ago and can only be carried forward by the waves.

A feeling of powerlessness that cannot be resisted or defeated at all.

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