My Apocalypse Fortress Vehicle

174. Center of the storm

All I saw was a gray sky all around, with no distinction between heaven and earth, only the rotating wind visible to the naked eye, and occasionally a few flashes of blue, as if I had entered another world completely.

Mixed in these swirling gray winds were many torn trees, animals, and octopus heads.

But they won't fall down, they will just keep spinning and dancing in the wind, like a banquet of death.

If you stand here and look up, you will feel like you are in the center of the world, but also feel like you are abandoned by the whole world.

The feeling here is shocking yet lonely, great yet hypocritical.

"Are we entering a typhoon?"

After a long time, Gu Zhuo asked in a low voice.

"Well, we should have entered the eye of the typhoon. There is no wind in the eye of the typhoon, and there will be no weather changes."

Chaoying answered him.

Unexpectedly, the fierce battle with nature just now caused several people to directly enter the eye of the typhoon.

Gu Zhuo stared at it blankly for a long time, and then continued to ask:

"Then are we safe in the eye of the typhoon?"

"For the time being, it should be."

Chaoying was not sure and could only answer him this way.

Gu Zhuo did not continue to speak. He listened to the sounds around him. There was only the sound of distant wind, as if blowing in from the gap in another world. He was in a trance, so unreal.

Among the distant wind, there were some strange sounds mixed in. There seemed to be something, like a fish's tail, flapping on the ground.

The sound was very strange and terrifying, and it made people feel creepy in this space that was like a different world. It's like there are countless ants crawling in the bone marrow, trying to crawl along your bones into your heart and eat your liver bit by bit.

"Did you hear that? That voice."

Gu Zhuo got goosebumps all over his body and asked Chaoying and others.

"You mean that sound of something slapping on the ground?"

Jia Sheng's voice rang out and he was the first to reply to him.

"Did you hear that too?"

Hearing Jia Sheng's reply, Gu Zhuo couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief while his heart was clenched.

It seems that this sound is not his hallucination, it is real, and he has no mental problems yet. His nerves are always tense now, like a taut string that seems to be broken at any moment.

If this continues, sooner or later I will have a nervous breakdown.

"I heard it. The sound was uncomfortable and tight. I didn't know what it was coming from. It seemed far away and yet very close at the same time."

Jia Sheng said with a heavy tone. It seemed that he was also very irritated by this thing.

Gu Zhuo turned his head and looked at the two women in the rear driver's seat. They looked much better now, at least better than before.

"Did you all hear that too?"

Gu Zhuo asked them.

Both men nodded.

"I want to go and see what this thing is, pretending to be a ghost here."

Gu Zhuo couldn't bear to be disturbed, and then thought that the source of the sound might be the culprit of the typhoon, so he stepped on the accelerator, still holding the helicopter tightly with one mechanical arm, and drove a little distance ahead.

The further we drove forward, the clearer the strange sounds became.

Until the end, it was completely blasting in their ears, and it was difficult to ignore it.

Gu Zhuo could clearly tell that the thing slapping the ground must be wet, like the long hair of a drowned water ghost, crawling over and over on the ground, trying to catch the next scapegoat.

Countless horrific scenes flashed through his mind, and Gu Zhuo's expression gradually darkened, because he just suddenly thought of something.

The moment that thing appeared, all possibilities fell into place.

"Damn, damn, damn, it can't really be it..."

Gu Zhuo murmured and cursed, feeling uneasy.

When he drove the car forward for a short distance, the real scene at the center of the storm was finally revealed in front of them.

The moment he saw the real scene, Gu Zhuo was completely speechless. He just hit the steering wheel hard, the veins in his temples jumped, and he was completely in a state of rage.

It really is it!

That giant octopus that had appeared in the fog, that kept using him as a plaything in his nightmares!

I saw that its huge dark body was constantly rotating at this moment, and its countless tentacles were constantly flapping on the ground. There was a loud "pat-pat-pat" sound, like hundreds of war drums being beaten at the same time.

It kept laying eggs under its body, and the eggs burst open, and countless octopus heads crawled out. As soon as they climbed out, they were sucked into the air, and then were thrown into the world outside the typhoon through the rotating typhoon.

The falling octopus heads that Gu Zhuo and the others encountered outside turned out to be caused by this!

Judging from the movements of this giant octopus at this moment, this typhoon must also be caused by its continuous high-speed rotation.

"Gu Zhuo, what is this..."

Jia Sheng's horrified voice came from the communication device. He had never seen such a disgusting and weird scene, and he had never seen such a weird creature.

His sanity was about to be wiped out by the sight before him.

"That's a monster, a real monster."

Gu Zhuo had no choice but to answer him. He understood Jia Sheng's mood at this time. When he saw this giant octopus for the first time, he was confused and almost crazy.

"Now how to do?"

Jia Sheng's brain was completely empty and he could only listen to Gu Zhuo in everything. He asked Gu Zhuo helplessly.

Gu Zhuo did not answer. He looked at the giant octopus that was spinning at high speed in front of him. Its tentacles were like windmills, tearing countless cracks wherever they rotated, as if the air was torn apart.

The top of it is the top of the entire typhoon, like a mushroom cloud, covering the entire world.

The giant octopus didn't know whether it didn't notice them or for some reason, but it was still spinning on its own and had no intention of attacking Gu Zhuo and the others.

"Chaoying, the safety in the eye of the typhoon is temporary."

Gu Zhuo asked her, as if he wanted to verify something.

"Well, generally speaking, the eye of a typhoon will only stay in one place for about one to two hours. After this time period has passed, the eye of the typhoon will move, and the place will still be immediately replaced by the typhoon."

Chaoying answered him, she seemed to have guessed what Gu Zhuo was thinking.

Gu Zhuo nodded, did not answer her, and turned to Jia Sheng:

"Jia Sheng, I will let the robotic arm release you in a moment, and you will take off to a lower altitude, not too high, to ensure that my robotic arm can catch you at any time. Then you will listen to my instructions in the air and be ready to launch at any time. Missile, let’s attack that giant octopus together, do you understand?”


Although Jia Sheng's sanity was about to be wiped out, he still maintained 100% execution ability for Gu Zhuo's words.

He put his right hand on the touch screen again, and the moment Gu Zhuo's robotic arm released him, he immediately controlled the helicopter to fly to a lower altitude.

Then, he was always waiting for Gu Zhuo's instructions, and the two shoulder-fired missiles were ready to go.

Gu Zhuo, on his side, also aimed his air cannon at the giant octopus.

If you keep avoiding the fear in your heart, you will only be trampled under your feet by fear forever. But if you muster up the courage to face your fear, then you can truly defeat it.

Gu Zhuo took a deep breath and slowly charged up the air cannon.

He was going to try today to completely resolve the nightmare that was plaguing him!

[Author’s digression]: I’ll post three chapters first. I’ve been coding all afternoon. I’ll take a break. The fourth chapter will be posted later.

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