Pantheon (1)

Heinrich St. Landgard, the saint of Outerica, is a white knight who suddenly appears on Earth and instantly becomes a celebrity by demonstrating tremendous divine power.

Even after the terrorist incident of Awakened, which was his debut stage, he continued to tour various hospitals and make his presence known to the public.

-Day 24 of Auterica conversion. Today again, I prayed while looking at the saint’s photo.

-Certification) I printed a large picture of the saint and put it up in my room, and my loss of appetite and insomnia were cured, my stress was reduced, and my life became happier! Let’s all try 1 Heinrich a day.

-I’m going to purify my eyes again today♡

Of course, Heinrich’s outstanding appearance was also one of the main factors that further increased his popularity.

Mysterious silver hair that seems to be flowing with light and gold eyes that sparkle brilliantly as if soaked in the sun.

His attractive appearance, as if he were a protagonist who had just come out of a cartoon rather than reality, combined with his abilities, personality, and various facts revealed about him, made him literally cult-like.

A warrior chosen to save the world and a faithful saint who carries out God’s will.

Since a character that seems like something out of a story has appeared in reality, isn’t it natural for people who learn about him to be enthusiastic?

Of course, his continued ‘volunteering’ in the process aroused the dissatisfaction of the entire medical community, including the hospital, but they did not dare to protest against it openly.

Not only did he use that power mainly for critically ill children and those suffering from rare diseases, but he was also concerned that he would face a backlash if he recklessly interfered with the miracle of divine power, which is not easily accessible to the general public.

‘Well, these days, I tend to send avatars to the Kangwhan world, so my visits to Earth have become a little less frequent.’

Outing Heinrich, where Outerica was his main base, could only be done when he had time to “Summon Otherworld Transfers,” so if he had already used the transfers for other things, he had no choice but to give up that day.

Of course, since there is a time difference, it would only be a few days.

And now, Heinrich is visiting Earth for the first time in a while.

At a time when the streetlights along the road were just starting to turn on, I was looking down at the city center below from the rooftop of a building.

“···Things turned out better than I thought.”

He muttered softly as he thought of the people he had just met.

He had just come out from delivering a letter to Se-ah Lee’s family as he had been asked to do not long ago.

They couldn’t help but be taken aback by the secret surprise visit of a completely unexpected guest… a person famous enough to be on the news, but it was nothing compared to the topic he brought up right away.

“yes? “Is that really true?”

“oh my god···!”

They carefully accepted the letter with an incredible story.

It didn’t take long for her family to fully believe Heinrich’s words.

‘Well, I guess I can’t help but believe it when my daughter’s image pops out so vividly.’

The letter delivered to the family at Se-ah Lee’s request was not an ordinary item.

As an archmage, she put a lot of effort into creating it. It was a type of magic tool that was activated the moment her family, who were related to her by blood, opened the letter.

-“···So, I’m doing well. I think I’ll probably be able to go back soon… Um, about two months Earth time? In fact, it might be shorter than that…”

It was no wonder that her family, who had been tense the entire time, reacted violently the moment a three-dimensional hologram, like something out of a movie, was projected onto the letter.

“…You’re safe. Okay, that’s enough.”

“Oh my, saint! thank you! And… please take good care of my daughter in the future as well.”

“Wow, my sister is a wizard!”

The father, who pretends to be calm and has tears in his eyes, the mother who makes a fuss and bows repeatedly, and the younger brother who is immaturely happy.

Heinrich was able to leave Isea’s house only after receiving their warm thanks.

‘Anyway, I’ve definitely completed what I was asked to do. Since I received a proper reply, I can go back and deliver it to Isea.’

He quietly looked at the night view and slowly nodded.

In some ways, it could be said that it was a favor that was no different from an errand, but he didn’t care about such trivial things.

Anyway, such a small task wasn’t that difficult for me.

And above all.

‘···Now then, shall we start moving in earnest?’

Compared to what he would do in the future, this was just light entertainment.

Until now, all the things he had done, claiming to be a ‘different world from another dimension’ and showing his face here and there, were all work for later.

Just as I had originally planned – to raise the value of my name as much as possible and to definitely bring up the Buncheonhoe hidden in the dark.


A different world religious union organization that encompasses numerous levels of religion.

Now it was my turn to contact them.


From the moment Heinrich appeared in the media, the Pantheon showed great interest in him.

Not only does it move at the Korean branch level, but it even dispatches an investigation team directly from the US headquarters, which rarely moves first due to the organization’s structure as a union.

But that’s also worth it—.

Because so many different denominations had gathered in one place, the miracle that Heinrich showed was truly shocking to them, who could only prove their faith to each other through divine power.

A transfer of such enormous scale that only the highest level of clergy, such as popes, saints, and apostles, could be accomplished, even at the level of their respective origins.

To begin with, the power of divine power on Earth was rapidly decreasing, and as no one from the Awakened priests had risen to that level in this world, he naturally had no choice but to become the subject of attention.

What exactly is the author, so that he could be loved by God like that?

And that curiosity did not diminish at all even after he revealed his identity as a ‘different world person’.

No, on the contrary, the interest in him became even stronger.

A saint chosen by God could directly cross dimensions and reach Earth.

Isn’t this truly an unprecedented event?

‘Now, it doesn’t really matter whether he’s really from another world or not. Either way, it’s great.’

Taesan Kang, a junior member of the Talent Management Bureau who had been called here to assist his senior, let out a silent sigh as he diligently set the refreshments on the table.

I’ve been here before, inside an office that at first glance doesn’t seem to have anything special.

Here, like last time, people dispatched from various places were gathered in one place.

From the Pantheon General Headquarters to priests who flew across the sea, as well as priests belonging to the Korean branch, officials of the Returned Association, and agents of the National Agency for Supernatural Abilities.

Everyone was interested in Heinrich and was tracking him down.

“So what do you guys think? “Is the White Knight really from another world?”

“In the meantime, while he was traveling around hospitals and doing volunteer work, he disappeared for quite a long time. All attempts to trace it there also failed. But if it was because of returning to the original world… “I think it’s quite possible.”

“But you also have to consider the possibility that even though you are a returnee, you are imitating someone from another world…”

Those who gathered here had only one common interest.

Heinrich, a self-proclaimed person from another world.

However, the air between them was completely different from the previous heavy atmosphere.

For some reason, they seemed to be filled with anticipation, curiosity, and excitement.

They looked at each other carefully, chatting about this and that, and then burst into awkward laughter.

“hehehehe, anyway, I don’t know what he’s thinking. “To suddenly ask to meet me like this…”

“That’s right. “When he was chasing me like that, he didn’t even pretend to see me and just ran away.”

“…I don’t know how much I suffered because of that. “What in the world makes instantaneous movement so much like eating?”

Today was the day to meet face to face with the person in question.

Past days of wasting time without much gain flashed through their minds.

So far, they have really tried their best to contact the other person.

However, despite countless attempts, Heinrich never responded, repeatedly walking away as if he was deliberately trying to distance himself.

However, the other side finally contacted me and said they would like to sit down for a conversation…

Of course, they had no choice but to be willing to accept the request.

“Well, the past is the past. Who knows what has happened so far? “Now that we have a place like this, if we can talk openly, we will be able to resolve any misunderstandings.”

“That’s right. But now it seems like the appointment time is almost over. When is that friend coming? “You’re not planning on hitting that guy, are you?”

“···Could it be so? “It probably won’t come soon…”

Did they say that even tigers will come if you tell them what to do?

“Then you can go in here.”

When the place was becoming slightly chaotic with a bit of anxiety, the door finally opened and a man entered inside, guided by an agent.

Clap, clap, clap—

The sound of heavy metal rubbing periodically resounds.

The people who were talking to each other all turned their eyes in that direction and then—.



I faced the other person head-on and silently let out a small sigh and closed my mouth.

It was just an instinctive, natural reaction without any meaning attached to it.

‘That man is…!’

With such a heavy atmosphere flowing in the audience, Kang Taesan, who was standing quietly in the corner, quietly swallowed his saliva.

Beautiful features that match the gorgeous features of silver hair and golden eyes.

Contrary to the soft and benevolent smile on his face and the godly atmosphere surrounding him, this man naturally exudes hot and powerful energy like a burning flame.

He was Heinrich Saint Landgard, a saint from another world who did not feel the slightest sense of incongruity even though he was wearing pure white armor that did not suit modern times.


Kang Tae-san’s eyes, who had been looking at him blankly, momentarily met his.

Golden eyes slightly widened as if something was unexpected.

However, before anyone noticed, it disappeared in an instant and was soon covered with a soft smile again as if nothing had happened.

‘Wow, you’re really handsome.’

Kang Tae-san, who suddenly made eye contact and was even attacked with a smile, grumbled quietly to himself.

I knew very well that the other person was a benefactor who saved the lives of not only myself and my grandmother, but also my friend, and I was grateful to him for that, but that was a separate issue.

But even in the midst of that, there was a feeling that was creeping up deep in my heart without me knowing.


That wasn’t just him, it was the common sentiment of everyone present.

I already knew more than enough about the other person.

In the first place, what they had been focusing on was investigating that white knight.

It was no exaggeration to say that all available information was obtained, from video data, eyewitness statements to analysis reports.

The impression I felt after meeting him in person was on a different level from what I had simply received through information.

‘···How can they do that? The space around that man seems to be a completely different world.’

‘Somehow he doesn’t seem like the same person. A person from another world who crossed over from another dimension… Was that really true?’

‘This presence. It’s more than I expected. Could it be that he has grown more during this time?’

The pressure of feeling like I was facing an unknown being of a higher level, rather than a human of the same level.

The minds of those present here began to spin busily.

As they also have their own social status, I have met quite a few powerful people, so-called transcendents, but the presence I feel from the white knight now is quite different from them.

“hello? My name is Heinrich St. Landguard, the first sword that serves Outerica. Nice to meet you all.”

A voice that made even a simple greeting sound reverent rang out, and Heinrich’s eyes, who had been looking around the audience with a faint smile, turned to a foreign man.

A priest in his early 40s with brown hair and a sturdy build.

He was the representative of the investigation team dispatched from the Pantheon headquarters in the United States.

‘He is from a Holy Knight. I’m not sure about the denomination I belong to, but it certainly doesn’t seem like an evil spirit.’

However, since he already knew that the person behind the investigation team was the secretary of the Beoncheonhoe, he was someone who could never let down his guard.

I don’t know if he is directly related to the Buncheonhoe or if he is just being used…

‘I guess we can figure it out slowly from now on.’

Heinrich’s eyes, hidden behind a smile, shone sharply.

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