Doctor (3)

A case regarding the establishment of foreign policy due to the clan’s entry into the entertainment industry.

Heinz, who heard Jin Shao-ran’s report from Romania, slowly nodded.

‘If it goes as planned, it’s not a bad idea.’

Whatever it is, people cannot help but be instinctively influenced by the other person’s appearance.

In fact, isn’t the fact that most vampires are pretty men and women clearly aimed at that aspect?

This meant that an attractive appearance was useful in luring prey.

‘There is no need not to use the weapons you have.’

Of course, in the process, I had to endure various restrictions and cautious gazes, but it was a problem that was fully acceptable.

‘Because there will be quite a few people who want to go out to the sun like that.’

They were just enduring it because of practical problems, and of course there was no way all the vampires would be satisfied with their current life in the shadows.

If you think about it, Jin So-ran, the current working-level manager, could be said to be exactly such a case.

So Heinz left full authority over it to her.

Just take care of everything as you have done up until now.

‘···Because I’m already busy. If there’s a situation where I need it, I’ll tell you.’

I felt a little sorry, but it was something that could not be helped.

Wouldn’t you understand that you are being treated as such?

There were too many things for him to worry about right now.

“As expected, there is nothing new. “I was just wondering.”

Heinz took another close look at where the Doctor’s hideout was and shook his head.

While I was investigating on the Hans and Horus side after removing all the data and equipment that was inside, I came back to check again just in case, but I didn’t find anything additional.

‘You should be able to stay still when you’re spewing out foreshadowing so blatantly.’

The doctor’s last words passed through Heinz’s mind as he frowned slightly.

-“···Then see you next time! I hope I can see you and all your friends then! Pyahahahahaha!”

That’s why he’s going through such trouble now.

At that time, it was not a line spoken by someone who was about to die, so of course I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable.

“Hmm, I’m sure he died then.”

I was sure of that.

Heinz II is a vampire who gains karma and status by greedy for the lives of others.

Among them, he was the supreme one who rose to the pinnacle position.

There’s no way he wouldn’t be able to recognize whether the other person is a real human or an artificially created fake!

Everything, including life reactions and the flow of cause and effect, proved that he was the one involved, and I also confirmed with my own eyes that he had definitely died as a result of what happened at that time.

So, the last words he left were taken as a curse saying that we would meet again in the afterlife…

‘I guess that’s not the end.’

But little by little, as time passed and I gradually became accustomed to the new sensation, the feeling that I would soon encounter him again began to raise its head.

Although there was no exact basis, it was a problem that could never be ignored as the intuition of a being like Heinz sometimes bordered on precognition.

“…I guess there is some other means of resurrection.”

As expected, that hypothesis was the most convincing.

Even on Earth, they create dungeons that run by separate laws.

For someone with that kind of ability to accept death so easily, it would mean that there must be some kind of solution.


At that time, one thing suddenly occurred to his mind.

Now that I think about it, doesn’t even he have a resurrection bonus called “Extra Life”?

‘That was the power Hans received when he was considered an enemy by more than half of the world’s intelligent beings.’

But what if he also has something similar or similar?

Then that shameless attitude could be fully explained.

“Tsk, that’s a pain in the ass.”

Even if you search through the data he left behind, there are no hints related to resurrection.

But fortunately, there was no way for this side to do anything.


A drop of blood oozed from the tip of Heinz’s finger, which was stretched out in front of him.

Soon it began to vibrate slightly, scattering strange waves.

‘It was a good idea to keep it with you just in case.’

It was the doctor’s blood that had been left on the floor at the scene, which I had collected for some unknown reason.

All of the blood that poured out after being stopped while trying to commit suicide disappeared with his body, so this was all that was left, but in fact, this was enough to achieve the goal.


A strangely floating sensation spread through the waves emitted through the blood.

It spreads out in all directions along the causality of the world like an ocean current, and reads information about specific conditions within a radius of hundreds of kilometers along that flow at once.

‘Even if you change your body by switching to another body, it is of no use. Blood is not simply an appendage of the body, but a medium of spirit and body.’

And he was the pinnacle in handling blood and blood magic.

I was still having a hard time getting used to this power, so I had many shortcomings, but I was still adapting and growing steadily.

“…Isn’t there anything around here?”

Heinz stared at the drop of blood on his fingertip with his keenly shining eyes.

He shook his head, retrieving the drop of blood that vibrated a few times and then became silent without any particular reaction.

The range he could see right now was a little short of a radius of 800 kilometers.

It is so vast that it extends from Bucharest, the capital of Romania, to Athens, Greece, as well as the tip of Italy.

But the fact that I couldn’t find it…

‘It could be that he was resurrected outside of this range, or that he hasn’t been resurrected yet, or that he’s using that technology to hide deep somewhere.’

But no matter what, you won’t be able to avoid his eyes forever.

He was still quickly adapting to the current situation, and his locating ability was steadily improving.

In the end, it will only be a matter of time before we find him.

‘I was planning to use the power of divine blood to properly control vampires from all over Europe, and it worked out well.’

First, I planned to travel around Europe and take a look at it as a whole.

After that, you will have some outline.

‘I’ll make sure to handle it next time. Even if I have to call Hans if necessary.’

So as not to leave even the slightest possibility.

After scanning the room again with cold eyes, Heinz turned and took a step forward.

He still had a lot of work left to do.


Aberdeen, a city in northeastern Scotland, England.

There was a fairly large secret laboratory located in the basement of a building with few people there.

Not only is it unknown what it does, but it has been treated as a top secret since its creation, so few people even know of its existence.

Recently, a long-awaited change occurred in the space, which had been almost neglected with no one coming in or out.


The fully automatic system, which was usually in a dormant state and only repeating basic tasks, once again sucked in electricity and awakened its functions one by one.

Bubble bubble—

In the incubator, which was filled with a fluorescent green culture medium and fixed to one wall, elongating bubbles began to form.

Then at one point.


A large bubble exploded inside, and the incubator shook violently from the shock.

thud! Coo! bang!

A dull noise coming out louder and louder at short intervals, as if something was causing trouble inside.

And finally—.

Quang! Wajangchang—! Quarr—

Due to the accumulated shock, the incubator in question broke and the being inside fell to the floor.

The naked, naked male body was writhing intermittently, its entire body stained with fluorescent green liquid.

Cluck, cluck—

He crawled on the floor and writhed for a while, then coughed up a lot of what was inside and took a deep breath.


There was even a certain piety evident in his actions.

As if someone was born and started breathing for the first time.

So time passed.

After gaining some strength, he stumbled and slowly raised his upper body.

His gray-brown hair, heavily soaked in culture fluid, stuck to his face, but he just focused on his breathing and then slowly raised his head.


A voice cracking along with the sound of laughter leaking out from between teeth quietly flowed into the laboratory, where only the low mechanical noise could be heard.

The twisted corners of his mouth were clearly visible beneath the hair that covered his face.

“As for the loss rate… hmm, I’m not sure. “You have to check it carefully later…”

After that, he stumbled and tried to get up from his seat, but fell on the floor again, lay down comfortably in his seat, and started laughing insincerely again.

He felt a great sense of loss as he lost various abilities, including the energy he had built up in his body, but he did not care about such trivial things at all.

In any case, the important thing was that he still had a body capable of conducting experiments, his genius brain, and unique skills to support it.

“Phantom… and Masquerade…”

Two words came out of his mouth one after another.

A mixture of desire and desire burned greedily in the eyes of the doctor, the man who spoke.


And for a short period of time, the sounds of maniacal laughter echoed softly throughout the thoroughly soundproofed laboratory.


At a time when the world situation was moving in an even more unpredictable direction due to the turmoil that occurred in Europe.

A woman from Outerica was also experiencing a situation she could never have imagined.

“Uh, yes? “What did you just say…”

Lee Se-ah, who was blinking blankly, unconsciously asked the person who said something unexpected.

Her brilliant mind and cognitive ability allowed her to immediately understand what the other person was saying the moment she heard it, but the content was so absurd that she could not easily accept it.

“So… you’re saying you went to Earth and came back? “The saint?”

“That’s right. It was Korea, the hometown of Isea and Hesperon. “I think my relationship with the two people had a significant influence.”

“···Well, how?”

“Hmm, if you ask me how… I guess I can only say that the Lord guided me. “I will always be his sword.”

Ise-ah looked at him blankly at his confident answer.

He pursed his lips a few times, then closed his mouth and nodded.

In fact, nothing could be explained or understood by that alone, but the answer given by the faithful saint, ‘God’s will,’ was literally no different from the report of an imputation.

“···I’m very embarrassed. I’ve never thought of a situation like this. “I’ve never even heard of something like that being possible.”

“I heard that too. “Maybe that’s why there are quite a few people on Earth who don’t believe it.”

Ise-ah nodded heavily at those words.

In fact, I still couldn’t believe it, but he had no reason to lie to himself, so it was probably true.

The thought briefly crossed her mind, ‘Maybe Saint Heinrich was an Earthling?’, but even taking that into account, the fact that he could freely travel back and forth between Earth and another world was still absurd.

It wasn’t easy for him to suddenly change his mind when he had until now firmly believed that he was from another world.

“So the reason you say that to me…”

“I think I can be of help to Lee Se-ah in many ways. “Have you had a lot of worries these days?”

“···How did you do that?”

“Because we are colleagues. “Isn’t the time we spent together quite long?”

Heinrich smiled softly with a kind face.

Now, his everyday life is a fraud, and he doesn’t show the slightest hesitation.

‘Perhaps the “persona” that makes up Heinrich’s tendencies also contains quite a bit of a trickster temperament?’

If we were to be specific, it was because of his ‘belief bordering on fanaticism’ that formed his foundation.

The moment any word comes out of the mouth, even the person speaking it believes it to be the truth, so it is no exaggeration to say that the very existence is a fraud.

Perhaps, even with a lie detector or other powers such as the “Eye of Truth,” wouldn’t his words be unconditionally proven to be true?

Thanks to this, the conversation between them went very smoothly.

Ise-ah expresses gratitude for her kind consideration, and Heinrich lays the groundwork to use her later.

But the peace did not last long.

The moment they were in the middle of a conversation about a friendly topic—.


The sudden cry of Saint Riesta echoed in his head.

[“It has begun!”]

Heinrich’s expression, which had been softened by those words, suddenly hardened.

In the current situation, wasn’t there only one thing she had to say in such a hurry?

[“Now through the seal of the abyss…!”]

Before she could finish her words, his body ran like the wind.

To prepare to welcome uninvited guests as grandly as possible.

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