Chain of Oaths (2)

Immortal King Hans couldn’t immediately come up with a solution to Hesperon’s problem, but he had a clear enough understanding of the theoretical part.

‘In the first place, a curse is not a kind of power that can be judged rationally.’

A curse is an act of wishing for misfortune to happen to someone, and the negative power itself manifested in that way.

It was also a faction often used in black magic, but strictly speaking, it could be said to be closer to witchcraft than magic.

From noble mtl dot com

‘That’s why unexpected things like this often happen.’

The curse now dwelling in Hesperon’s right hand was a kind of mutation.

After various reasons were entangled, it completely harmonized with the right arm and settled down.

In the end, it surpassed the limits of existence and acquired its own level, and now it was no different from a half-spiritual life form.

It is for this reason that it is difficult to properly seal it.

It was not simply the size of the power that was the problem, but it was a difficulty caused by actively trying to get out using the host on the side of the trapped side.

‘It’s been a while since I was born, so I don’t even have a proper self, so it’s still not enough to be called a spirit.’

But that’s why now could be said to be the best opportunity.

A leash that can be put around the neck of this nasty neighbor who has taken possession of someone else’s body without permission.

As a result, Hesperon immediately began preparing to implement what he had in mind.

“Well, I think this is enough here. Do you need anything else, Heron?”

“Ah! This is all right, Master.”

“If you need anything, just tell me. I can listen to pretty much anything.”

And in the process, he was able to receive help from Isea, who stopped by the imperial palace for a while.

She is, both in name and reality, one of the greatest wizards in the Empire.

Compared to the imperial mages who only sold summoning and contract magic, her professionalism might be a bit lacking, but the ceremony she was preparing was not too difficult, so her help was enough for her.

She, above all, had no other person she could trust as much as her teacher.

‘Because this can also be said to be a means of trump. It’s better to keep security if you can.’

Even if it wasn’t, she was the one who got the attention of the public because of her recent closeness to Princess Riley.

If he did something, it would spread as a rumor in no time.

At the stage where I was just about to start working, I didn’t really like such unnecessary attention.

‘Then, shall we begin?’

After all the preparations were done.

The ceremony finally began.

The center of the magic circle that filled the vast space.

Standing alone in the middle, Hesperon slowly extended his right hand forward—.

Parala Rock—

The bandages that had been tightly tied were loosened and his bare skin was exposed.

Along with the energy of the curse that had been suppressed.


When the seal was lifted, the black mist rose violently.

It was a sharper reaction than usual, as if expressing dissatisfaction with the stuffy confinement.

“I will activate the magic circle.”

And at the same time, Lee Se-ah, who was observing from the outskirts, activated the barrier surrounding her on all sides.

Since she was quite large, it was a task that required her considerable energy, but with her near-infinite magical power, it was not such a big deal.


Light and vibration flowing from the surrounding magic circle.

Along with him, the energy constantly heading towards the center suppressed the black mist that had been inflating and drove it to prevent it from expanding.

The curse turned into a black flame as if to resist it, but resisted, but could not escape the effect of the carefully prepared barrier.

‘Until here, as I thought.’

The proficiency of [Chain of Oath] he still had was quite insufficient to communicate with something invisible, so it was necessary to materialize it first.

In addition, unlike the first time when I woke up with great energy, the fact that my energy shrank to the fullest was also a considerable gain.

‘Now, aren’t you nice? Shall we talk?’

Hesperon immediately used [Chain of Oath] to focus on the black flame that started from his right hand.

When it was connected to his will, which can be called the host, in earnest, the curse also began to wriggle violently as if in response.

‘Okay, everything goes well…?’

It was immediately after that that an unexpected reaction appeared.

He involuntarily flinched and opened his mouth.



At the same time, Iseah’s exclamations could be heard from behind, but he had no time to pay attention to them.

Originally, the curse had no specific form.

In fact, it was only a matter of energy, so it was natural.

So, the curse that first came from Hesperon was only black mist and flames…

The moment it came into contact with the materialized aggregate of curses to communicate, it began to change its appearance according to the host’s image.


It was an unavoidable force majeure.

A curse that dwells on one arm that is normally sealed with a bandage.

Isn’t it a very obvious and cliché element that is no different from a symbol of a specific subculture?

‘…Hmm, honestly, at this level, I can’t help but assume that someone was aiming for it on purpose…’

Yes, no matter how you think about it, it was unavoidable.

That’s what made it look like that.

Hesperon, with an awkward expression, looked at the image that appeared in front of him and tried to rationalize it.


Black flames blazed.

A long beard, a fiery mane, and a pair of sharp horns.

And sharp eyes, sharp teeth, and a snake-like long body wriggling in the air…

A great black dragon was there.

“Uh… Kuh hmm hmm…”

A subtle clearing of her throat came from behind.

The back of my head is sore.

For some reason, a strange gaze flew in and hit me.

‘It’s just because of stereotypes. It’s absolutely not my fault.’

He let out a short sigh and immediately raised his head proudly.

In fact, looking at it objectively, it was a very nice appearance, and people here would think it was just some kind of strange-looking phantom species.

In other words, the fact that the black flame dragon became a symbol of the second grade was just a product of unfair prejudice!

‘Okay, now that it’s already been like this, what can I do? Let’s not mind.’

To be honest, there was no way he wouldn’t be bothered by it, but he consciously turned away from it and operated the [Chain of the Oath] with all his might.

It only had the shape of a dragon, but it was not particularly strong in reason.

At most, the accident of a dog is the limit.

However, as much as it had rotted his head, it was not so easy.

As the cursed black dragon twisted and rebelled wildly, black sparks flew in all directions.

‘Let’s go— calm down, friend.’

What was needed in this situation was an agreement for a pleasant communal life.

In fact, it was already clear who had the upper hand now.

Thorough preparations to prevent the curse from rampaging, status as the owner of the body it dwells in, unknown abilities called skills, and the forcing force of numerous growth corrections entangled in avatars.

Above all, no matter how much he awakened his spirituality, his essence was only a parasitic existence on Hesperon’s body.

How merciful they are to give you such an opportunity to negotiate even though you could get rid of him by cutting off his arm!


For such a short time, which is not so long in reality.

Through sympathy, many doctors came and went between each other.

All Hesperon wanted was for him to obey his will and be a force when needed.

What he wanted… Was to grow beyond what he is now, to build up his status, to escape from his current state and become a more complete object.

‘Like spirits or heroic spirits.’

That much was enough to help.

No, on the contrary, it would be of great help to himself if his rank rose that much, so it was something he strongly recommended.

So, the negotiations between them were dramatically concluded—.


The dragon of black flame, twisting his body as much as possible, nestled in his right arm again.

It was a bonus that the place where there was a black stain that looked like a snake had crawled changed into the shape of a dragon, as if it had been like that from the beginning.

《The entity has attained enlightenment through the contract. Acquire the special skill “Right Arm of Desire”.》

《The object grows by fulfilling the condition. The skill “Curse Resistance” evolves into the special skill “Cursed Devourer”.》

Thus, Hesperon was finally able to obtain the Black Flame Dragon on his right arm.

In exchange for a little shame.


<Object information>

-Individual Name: Hesperon

-Common Attributes: 「Mind Hub」, 「Persona」, 「Super Recovery」, 「Brightness Index」, 「Strength」, 「Nervousness」, 「Awareness」, 「Xenoglossy」

-Individual characteristics: 「Chain of oath」, 「Right arm of longing」, 「Curse predator」, 「Introduction to magic」, 「Martial arts」

-Special: Loss of the right eyeball. Through the oath, he was able to control the power of the curse in his right arm. Due to the effect of [Chain of the Oath], the potential of the bonded energy has increased even more. Immune to all curses, and consuming curses temporarily increases all abilities.

While cleaning up after all the ceremonies were over.

Right after getting the best results he had hoped for at first, Hesperon made excuses to Isea several times before he had time to enjoy it.

“It is like that. You know what it feels like? So, it’s just a kind of physiological phenomenon naturally associated with…”

In fact, he didn’t do anything wrong, so there was no need to explain, but the thief stepped forward as if he were afraid of his own feet at the strange gaze he felt implicitly.

To her teary efforts, she quietly nodded her head in agreement.

“Okay, okay. I don’t understand enough.”

“Whoa, yes… Then that’s a relief.”

“It’s nothing particularly strange. Actually, I guessed it from the beginning.”

“Uh, yes? What?”

The problem is that the direction of that acceptance was twisted in a slightly different direction.

“No, well… Hesperon isn’t a very common name, is it?”


“Besides, building it for a fresh start is a bit… Whoops, that was a mistake. We must respect your preferences.”

“No, Master? Misunderstanding!”

The runaway of the past came back like a boomerang.

In addition, the bigger problem was that it was not a misunderstanding.

It was true that it looked cool at the time when it was built.

Time passes like that…


By the end of a day that was noisy in many ways.

Hesperon, who was sitting on the bed of her inn, looked at his right hand with a light sigh.

Her arm was still wrapped in a bandage inscribed with sacred characters, but the situation was distinctly different from before.

The effect of [Chain of Oaths] wasn’t just to bond with the target, but also to strengthen the target and control it at will.

‘Hmm, it’s definitely good.’

What he gained this time wasn’t just the fact that he could freely handle the power of the curse when he unsealed it.

All of the curses that had been a problem and the sealing sphere to prevent them came under his control, and through fine adjustment, it became possible to use secret and anomalous powers with the projection of thinly drawn power.

It can be seen as a joint ability between the [Right arm of longing] and the sealing sphere, which can retain energy as much as possible and exert physical force outside.

‘…Yes, it doesn’t matter since I was planning to wear a mask when I was active on Earth anyway.’

As long as the performance is good, what does it matter if it’s embarrassing!

No one would dare to laugh at his overwhelming ability.

‘There are more things to practice.’

He buried himself in the bed and lightly waved his right hand to his side.

Then, the light disappeared from the luminous magic tool that was out of his reach, and the room was plunged into darkness.

And cutting through such a darkened space.

A thin, fuzzy thread was sucked into his fingertips.


An immortal castle located in the northern mountains of the Ion continent.


In the deepest part of that place, from the sim where the Immortal King had gone to seclude himself, a flash of light erupted.

Because the space inside was cut off, the laughter did not leak out, but even if it leaked out, the person responsible was in a very good mood so he didn’t care.

From noble mtl dot com

[…Finally completed.]

That would be too…

[How to go to another world!]

One of the studies that has invested quite a long time.

Because it was finally over.

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