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Vampire Rise (6)


The bloody flame burned fiercely.

Yoon Ji-yoon, who was immersed in the battle, looked at it with sharp eyes.

A sudden intrusion and surprise attack by an outsider in a situation that continued violently.

The fight that shook the whole area ended so easily that it was futile because it cut off the pulse of the battle that was standing in the middle of the day at once.

‘No, it wasn’t a simple attack.’

On the surface, it was just that he suddenly appeared behind Alpha’s back, pierced his heart with his blade, and burned his body with the flames that started from there.

She could perceive dozens of complicated and delicate causal flows in the process.

A lethal blow that blocks all possibilities of resistance.

It would have been unreasonable for Alpha to respond to her, as her strength was drained in the fight against her, and she allowed her to surprise her at a critical point.

‘The leader of Korean vampires, Heinz.’

That was the reason why she was so nervous when she first met ‘Heinz’, a being she had only heard of so far.

‘This is more than I thought.’

No matter how moderate the recent blood alliance has been, most of its members were vampires that were not looked down upon by the public.

Of course, even in a friendly relationship, continuous vigilance was essential, and accordingly, I thought that sufficient investigations and preparations had been made perfectly.

‘In the first place, the information about the head was wrong! Level 8 at most. No matter how well I tried, I was judged to be at the top of the list…’

Even if I was wrong, I was wrong for a long time.

An overbearing force that still numbs and stimulates instinct.

Isn’t this level 9 no matter how little you hit it?

It’s not generally known, and even she, the head of the association’s branch, had only heard of a few in Europe…

‘In addition, no matter how distracted you are by the battle. I was in a state of thunder myth, but I didn’t even recognize the existence until I got closer?’

She was already a woman who perceived the world from a different perspective through her magnetic field flowing all over her.

However, this was the first time she had approached such a sense by deceiving it, so she had no choice but to be wary.

Of course, if you are nervous and prepared from the beginning in a combat situation, you might be able to notice it enough, but if such an existence surprises you during your daily life, can you really block it without damage?

‘… No, now is not the time to worry about that. Let’s think about that later.’

After all, conversation was a priority.

She opened her mouth to Heinz, who looked down at the slowly dying flames.

“Nice to meet you. Are you Heinz, the head of that heterosis?”

“Hmm, nice to meet you. To meet the famous Thunder Emperor in a place like this.”

Fortunately, he seemed willing to respond to her conversation, and he turned her gaze toward her.

They said that they had maintained a friendly relationship only implicitly, but I was a little worried because it was the first time we had formal sympathy like this.

“First of all, thank you for your help. Thanks to that, we were able to close the case quickly.”

But before that.

She also had a problem that needed to be addressed.

“But that thing just now, is it possible that it is a kinsfolk predation?”

Yoon Ji-yoon, who narrowed her eyes, looked at Heinz and slightly twisted his head.

Even though she was covered by her blazing blood, isn’t it possible that a strong person of her level would not notice the hint of her vampirism?

Vampires’ predation on their own kind was a sensitive issue.

An act that is taboo not only among themselves, but globally.

Wasn’t even Alpha, who was involved in this commotion right now, the madman?

However, despite her sharp question, Heinz only showed her calm expression as if it was nothing.

“I know what you’re thinking, but it’s just blood drawn and stored separately. That’s the easiest way to stop him from regenerating.”

Blood was the source of a vampire’s power, so it was a natural thing to say.

It’s because it’s close to impossible to take control of the blood from a vampire with 9 levels each.

Even Heinz wouldn’t have been able to deal with him so easily had it not been for a good opportunity like this one.

“···Okay. So, are you saying that you have no intention of using that blood?”

“Oh, that’s not it. No matter how dirty blood is, if it’s this high, it’s useful in many ways. It would be a waste to throw it away.”

Yoon Ji-yoon stared at Heinz’s eyes, who responded coldly to his own argument.

As befits her predator, a vampire, she felt a coldness like a non-human and arrogance typical of a strong person, but the twisted madness that the maniac showed was not detected at all.

‘It’s like giving an oddly good answer. I don’t think he’s a person with no sociability.’

Well, he is a person who changed the blood alliance, which was like a bomb that could explode at any time, into a socially friendly organization like today.

To be honest, I wanted to make that Alpha’s blood be discarded right away, but here, rather than overreacting and ruining the relationship, it would be better to take a step back.

“I think it was a sensitive issue, so I reacted sensitively. I’m sorry if you felt offended.”

“I don’t care. It was enough to worry about.”

For some reason, his demeanor gave off an old-fashioned feel, like that of a country’s king, but that wasn’t particularly strange.

Right now, when she was in another world, she was in a position where even the emperor couldn’t treat her carelessly.


At that time, the barrier surrounding the area began to slowly disappear, as if the outside had sensed that the battle was over.

Now, when the personnel to clean up her internal situation come in, she too will be busy taking care of her situation.

She said, “There are many conversations to be had, but the situation is not so good right now. How about making an appointment soon?”

“Good night. There is nothing we can do about it now that things have come this far.”

First of all, Heterosys was also a victim, but since he was involved in a major accident like this, he couldn’t completely withdraw his footing.

She could have been quite an annoyance, but Heinz didn’t think that was too bad.

‘Well, you can leave the cumbersome practical work to Jin So-ran. Rather, I might be able to use this opportunity.’

Alpha belonged to Buncheonhoe, and they were already a blacklisted terrorist group in South Korea.

In other words, if you use this incident well, wouldn’t it be possible to form solidarity with the country called Korea naturally!

‘They are a global secret organization hidden in the darkness of the world. I was thinking of raising an anti-Beoncheonhoe force to oppose him, but if Korea were included in that, it would feel more weighty.’

It depends on how you respond to work.

He never intended to follow his opponent’s intentions.

Heinz, who disappeared again, left quietly to avoid crowds of people flocking to the scene.

This time, he calmly sorted out the things he had obtained by blood-sucking Alpha.


<Shock! A large-scale terrorism occurred in Daeran-dong, Seoul. Hundreds of casualties, the total damage is still being counted.>

<The impact that one strong individual can have on our society. Korea’s national security shaken by just one villain.>

<The culprit is a madman belonging to an international terrorist organization?! Are Vampire Regulations OK?>

Right after the Alpha Incident.

The Korean media has begun to burn with enthusiasm for a large-scale terrorism that has occurred in a long time.

The scale of the damage, as well as other stimulating factors, attracted the attention of many people.

– Wow, crazy; The association was also quick to respond, but because of just one person, hundreds of people died in a matter of minutes.

– Seeing the CCTV footage taken from afar? I was moving slowly, but the building flew away as if it had been hit by a bomb.

-But it’s brain-deprived againhahahahawithout any injuries hahahaha

One of them was the powerlessness displayed by the villain.

In the meantime, I knew about the strength of the returnees through various media, but it felt different when I experienced it as a real event.

The same goes for the head of the Association who is said to have caught him.

In addition, various reactions such as condolences to the victims, anger towards the villains, hatred towards vampires, and criticism of the incompetence of the state and the association were pouring out in rapid succession.

However, in the midst of that, there was one unexpected public opinion—.

-Ah; What are you doing in Hahoetal? I can’t see you because I don’t have you;;

– ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ It’s like going back to the country because it’s been away for a while.

-But isn’t he really dead? Did you suddenly stop working in Japan?

└ Hahoe mask is not dead.

└If they were caught, everyone would have been bragging about it loudly, would it be as quiet as it is now?

-The terrorist looks strong, so he jumped out of fear.

└ First of all, you should see the Hahoe Mask achievements and the recorded video.

It was a story related to Hahoetal.

“Ah, is it really possible to say something like this? Since Hahoe Mask appeared, it was the first time such a big incident happened.”

I nodded while stroking his chin after examining the reactions related to him.

When Hans’ vigilante activities were in full swing, numerous violent criminals were executed every day, and as the criminals naturally shrank, no major incidents occurred.

There were not a few cases in which, if left alone, terrorism that would have spread into a major incident like this one was quietly prevented in advance.

‘Um, Hans is still in the middle of his research, and he’s a little cautious about using [Entity Projection].’

It was at this point that less than a week had passed in Earth time since Hans had run away after colliding with Buncheonhoeju.

At that time, I was able to get out of the seat by using the summon cancellation, but if I went outside using 「Individual Projection」 and ended up in the same situation again, I really had no way to use my hands, so I refrained as much as possible.

‘Research on the way to the Ganghwan world is in the final stage, but… After that, I’ll have to start working again in my spare time. I finished my work in Japan.’

Judging by the current progress, that won’t take too long.

And since it had turned out like this, during that period, Heinz, who had made a huge income this time, should have acted instead.

“Well, as expected, it wasn’t enough to cross the wall yet.”

I licked my lips lightly and shook my head.

It is true that Alpha’s blood helped considerably, but he was also an imperfect being who forcibly crossed the wall by combining elements from different dimensions, so the overall perfection was very poor.

‘It would have been much more helpful if he had grown up in one dimension all along and captured that essence properly.’

For example, a being that has achieved one to 100.

To put it bluntly, Alpha had only one 30 and seven 10’s, so it was needless to say which one would be more efficient considering that the loss would be added when vampiric.

‘Of course I know it’s greed.’

I checked the message that came to my mind right after I sucked all of Alpha’s blood.

《Collect new bloodsucking factors. Under the influence of the special skill [Mixed-Blood Evolution], the individual’s physical ability, magical resistance, and regenerative power are improved.》

《I gained enlightenment under the influence of the special skill 「Mixed Blood Evolution」. Acquire the skill 「Deception」.》

Perhaps there were still many vampiric factors that Heinz could not collect on Earth, and his body evolved closer to perfection after encountering the new factor.

He’s even awakened to the potential in his blood, which is a fairly low probability, so it’s fair to say he’s got everything he can get.

‘The mental ability to bewitch the opponent. You’ve got an ability that suits a vampire quite well.’

Moreover, that was not the end of what Heinz gained.

《The object achieved enlightenment by fulfilling the conditions. Acquire the special skill “Hunger for Lineage”.》

In a way, [Hunger for lineage] could be said to be the skill he needed the most right now.

Because this was a kind of guide ability to guide the imperfect factors remaining in his body to be completed.

And that ability was now telling him to get out of this land and head somewhere else.

A place far away from Korea.

Go to europe

‘It’s a very timely ability, though.’

The problem was that some subtle emotions were caught through the Mind Hub.

It doesn’t just stop at guiding, but it feels like you’re subtly forcing it.

Just like the name ‘craving’, it felt like it was inciting desire.

‘I can’t blindly follow him. Well, there’s no need to rush. I didn’t intend to go there anyway, so I’ll have to think about it more carefully.’

For the time being, the priority was to keep the public order at night, which would be chaotic in the aftermath of a large-scale terror attack.

While giving the members of the blood alliance a little bit of body care, and weeding out the troubled seeds that might have been hiding in the meantime.

‘Since I’m acting instead of Hans, can Heinz fit a mask for me?’

The reason Hans wore a mask was to cover his skull, and Heinz’s face was completely different from his body, so he didn’t really need to cover it…

Now that it came, it didn’t matter.

Just because I wanted to do that.

A white opera mask was chosen after much thought.

Following the Hahoe Mask, it was the moment when ‘Phantom’ appeared to the world in earnest.

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