Catch up (2)

When the first attack failed and the Immortal King counterattacked.

Geos thought he was definitely dead.

Sharp thorns that pierce the body and destroy organs including the heart, and the terrible aura that spreads through them like a toxin were not something that the living could withstand.

However, the life force that had already transferred to the bloody aura kept him from dying instantly even though the vessel called the body was damaged.

The holy woman’s baptism of divine power, which was not too late, was enough to hold his life for a while.

Riesta Saintess does her best to block the Bone Dragon and Immortal King’s waves of attacks, while at the same time maintaining the blessings bestowed on the party members, and at the same time using her surplus energy to restore Geos.

‘If I waste more energy on myself here, other people will be in danger.’

However, knowing that it was pouring water into the bottomless pot, he shook off the saintess who tried to hold him back until the end and forcibly stood up…

As I watched Heinrich’s fight against the Immortal King in the midst of it, I unknowingly exclaimed.


A reckless challenge that is clearly felt despite the considerable distance and the iron will to persevere.

Even as his body was torn, broken, and exploded, he never stopped.

With the determination to reach the goal that seems unlikely, no matter what.

Geos looked at the figure for a moment, then lifted his spear and prayed reverently.

‘My lord, I know I can’t be the main character, but…’

Burning the end of his life, which is not long now, to add a hand to that hero’s daily steps.

Perhaps that would be the most wonderful ending to his man named Geos Calkin.

‘Please allow this lowly life to help him on his future path, at least in a small way.’

So, he gathered all the energy that kept him alive and delivered the final blow.

The moment it was destroyed casually by the Immortal King, he despaired.

Right after that, as if answering her own prayers — she shuddered to see the dawn lightening the darkness dwelling on Heinrich’s body.

And the moment when the holy sword of the warrior is pierced into the heart of the immortal king, the absolute evil of this world that was thought to be untouchable.

He suddenly realized something.

‘Oh, I see.’

That this is the destiny of this world.

Even if he couldn’t defeat the Immortal King right here and now, the final outcome wouldn’t be that different from that.

Somehow in a distant feeling.

He was sure of its inevitable end.

“Gios! Wake up!”

“Mr. Geos!”

“Holy Son, hurry this way…!”

While I was immersed in such thoughts.

It was only when he felt a commotion close by that he realized that he had lost his mind and collapsed.

Was it just a dream that I realized just a moment ago?

It was unknown now.


He opened his eyes with difficulty at the sound of a low voice calling him and faced the warrior who was looking at him with a worried gaze.

Saint Heinrich, the hope of this world and the savior who will bring light to the continent.

“Kheung, brother. I brought you a present.”

Soon after, Harley appeared, dragging a lump in his hand.

With the already bare equipment tattered and looking more open.

“Ah! As for what kind of guy he is…”

Now that I didn’t even have the strength to open my mouth, just staring at him, he proudly proclaimed that the monster was the leader of the group that led the opening of the abyss.

It was a truly eye-opening and satisfying gift.

Even so, now that I couldn’t even lift my hand, I couldn’t help but be satisfied watching him get disposed of right in front of my eyes.

…No, to be very honest.

Now, revenge was all I could think of.

I didn’t know if it was because I had been hunting warlocks all over the continent to the point of getting tired of it, or if it was because of some realization I had just felt.

‘You can leave the rest to these people. Because they’re so much better than people like me.’

Right now I just want to rest.

For some reason, the voices of Riesta, Isea, and Lydia echoed from afar.

The moment when I felt like I was going crazy and sinking to the endless bottom.

“Good night, Mr. Geos. Have a nice dream.”

At the end of that warm voice that can be heard strangely clear.

He soon fell into a deep sleep with a small smile on his lips.

Just like that.

He hopes that he will have a dream of meeting his long-lost family.



When he opened the window, a fresh breeze blew in and tickled his face.

After enjoying the feeling for a while, I leaned against the window sill and stared blankly out.

As winter approaches, the courtyard comes to life in harmony with the surrounding environment in the cool air.

A garden retouched with the power of Harris, a high elf, through “Individual Projection”.

Perhaps thanks to that, the front yard of the house boasted more natural beauty than managed by a professional gardener.


After admiring the scenery for a while, I burst into laughter.

A colleague he had been with for quite some time had just died because of him, and he was thinking about this while looking at the well-decorated garden.

How absurd is this?

‘Really, it’s pretty much ruined.’

I quietly closed my eyes in self-loathing.


In fact, I knew from the beginning.

As much as he wants revenge… Maybe more than that, he wants his own death.

For him, the notorious warrior party might have been the best place for him.

Of course, since I had no intention of letting anyone die from the beginning, I tried to indirectly help with the revenge and tell them to calm down slowly…

‘I never thought things would turn out like this.’

A sigh leaked out along with a bitter laugh.

At that time, Hans sincerely thought of killing all his comrades present.

Perhaps, if it wasn’t for Geos’ active efforts, Heinrich wouldn’t have reached the transcendence in time, and the awakening of the main body would have been delayed, so perhaps all the members of the party would have been killed.

Heinrich was in a situation where he never thought that he would really do that until the enraged Hans showed his murderous intent to Geos.

‘…At least, it’s fortunate.’

It’s good to see the results that a colleague gave his life for.

I was aware that it was a bad feeling, but it was still better than facing the worst.

‘…Yes, instead, I’ll have to finish the revenge for sure.’

In fact, it was safe to say that most of the people involved in the incident, including Baltheon, were dealt with.

There should still be remnants left in the south, but that’s what the oppressed tribes will rise up and clean up.

‘Just in case, I’m going to leave Harley behind until things are clear. The problem is the revolutionary who is behind the end.’

In order to find out about him, he tried to scour Shiana, who was an officer of the oath of reversal, but he concealed his information so thoroughly that there was nothing useful about it.

After collecting various clues, we can only know that he is trying to bring ‘something sealed in the abyss’ back to the world.

‘I’m still not sure what it is, but I mean.’

That it would be worse than death or madness need not be questioned.

Maybe it’s a demon trying to destroy the world.

‘No, did I say that the Demon God is under the jurisdiction of Shiana’s hometown, the Demon World?’

Anyway, if I continued sabotaging the plan like I am now, he would eventually have to come to the fore, so that was the perfect opportunity to deal with him.

I opened my closed eyes and stared blankly down at the garden again.

Even though I organized my thoughts roughly, my head was still complicated and my heart was stuffy.

…Actually, Hans’s sudden acceleration in the final battle is largely due to mental contamination, but that wasn’t the only reason for the radical moves he had shown until then.

‘Actually, I’ve always suffered from temptation.’

If you put down a little bit of ethics and conscience, you can supply and receive karma much more comfortably and efficiently.

However, in order not to cross that last line, I was trying hard to ignore it with my learned humanity…

Did this bastard Hans have an accident?

In the meantime, the ego lacking morality, which has been a brake on impulse, eventually committed the work.

‘For the time being, the troops descending south from the Immortal Castle stopped before leaving the mountain range.’

Not only that, but the damage the Immortal Army had done to the continent so far was enormous.

But even in the midst of this, he was rationalizing himself, saying, ‘I can’t help what has already happened, I didn’t do it because I wanted to’…


A self-deprecating laugh broke out again.

I really want to be a person who can’t help it.

But thanks to those selfish thoughts, my complicated mind became much more comfortable.

And when that happened, attention was focused on the achievements that had been pursued even while crossing the line that had been kept.

In fact, I was a little excited because so many large-scale events happened in a row in such a short period of time.


And that expectation was met far beyond what was expected.

In terms of Earth time, I only slept for two days.

Even in Auterica time, it was only a little over 20 days.

『Karma Shop』

From noble mtl dot com

『Inherited skill enhancement (1,200,000)』

『Status Enhancement – ​​Detailed View』

『Possessed Karma – 9,999,627』

A number of points that I have never seen before.

It was there.


Unknowingly, a meaningless exclamation leaked out of that absurd unit.

‘Ten million is just around the corner.’

A total of 6.3 million points have been spent on strengthening unique skills.

If we add the points used to enhance the status, wouldn’t it be roughly the same?

To put it simply, the same amount of karma I had used so far came into my hands intact.

‘How long before I passed out? I don’t think there were too many.’

In addition, karma comes in a large amount immediately after experiencing a major event, but the amount that came later was not small due to the influence of the incident.

Perhaps this overwhelming number was fortunately a combination of those things.

‘No matter how much it is, you’re welcome…’

The society, which had been barely stable even in the monster madness, collapsed with Hans’ omnidirectional invasion of the continent.

The continent had to prepare for the immortal army, which could attack at any time, regardless of the frontline with the monsters, and as most of the territory went into war, Hans’ notoriety skyrocketed.

‘In addition, preventing Riley’s assassination in Geron must have been significant.’

Princess Riley, who led her own forces on her massive hunt with her imperial family on her back.

After her persistent investigation, she was eventually able to find out that the culprit behind the incident was the Duke of Herman Hart, the maternal family of the crown prince and the current empress’s parental family, one of only four huge families in the empire.

‘I haven’t made a big public announcement yet, but it’s probably only a matter of time before a conflict.’

Somehow, since the current situation is a crisis situation where the survival of mankind is at stake, there was a sense of caution.

Because it was a huge scandal that could lead to a civil war.

This was top-secret information that I was able to know because the woman who came to visit Hesperon every day and chatted about it herself told me about it.

‘The biggest event was, of course, killing the lycanthropes on the Enamel Continent and protecting the World Tree.’

Shortly after the incident, Harris was in a semi-vegetative state, so details were unknown.

However, protecting the World Tree, the incarnation of a god, and preventing the continent from sinking was an achievement in itself.

‘In addition to the incident that happened this time… Even the case of clearing up the disquieting elements in the south and defeating the Immortal King.’

Besides, didn’t the three of Harley, Harris, and Heinrich rise to the level of transcendence among the many processes?

Looking at what had happened, I could understand this overwhelming karma.

‘What can I do with this karma?’

In the face of the enormous reward that came to reality, the agony that shook his heart a moment ago had evaporated neatly.

The only thing that dominates my mind right now is thinking about how to use this!

Even in the midst of such high anticipation, karma was increasing rapidly.

There was also the effect of the time difference, so the numbers that were slightly lacking at all were quickly filled up.

Finally — the leading digit of the point has changed.

And that moment.

《Achievement Accomplished! Unused karma points have exceeded 10 million.”

“The hardships and trials that didn’t kill you will only make you stronger. As a reward, the privilege “Karma Shop Ver.2 Update” will be granted.》

《By completing the achievement, Karma is additionally increased.》

Unexpected phrases filled my eyes.

‘···Do you want to update the store now?’

Maybe this Akasha system.

It seemed that he wanted me to spend a lot of karma sparingly.

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