League of Chalcos Tribes (3)

Beorsen is a city formed around a large oasis in the middle of the desert and also a transportation hub leading to other areas in the south.

No matter how strong the trend in the south was for military force, it was despised as a barbaric land in other regions, but it was the same as a land inhabited by people, so it was only natural that commerce was an important factor.

It’s not to the extent of being called a big city, but it’s one of the trading cities that connects several regions, and it’s always busy day and night.

That was Beorsen.

“… It was also Baltheon’s birthplace and base city…”

The image of the past is nowhere to be found, now behind the sand dunes, a little away from the city covered in ominous and dark aura.

“Okay, the situation doesn’t look too bad. It’s worth the rush.”

Misty, who guided her party of warriors to this place, let out a sigh and murmured softly.

She is a beautiful woman with healthy tanned skin typical of southerners, dark brown hair in several braids, and black eyes that shine like obsidian.

Befitting her name as a great sorceress, a gorgeous engraving was engraved on her forehead, passing through one eye and extending to her collarbone, but her eyes seemed tired and almost closed.

“Are you all right? You seem to be overdoing it.”

“It’s not okay, but I can’t help it. It was a situation where I had to overdo it.”

At Heinrich’s question, she rubbed her eyes and screamed in agony.

That’s right.

Shortly after encountering her party of warriors, she had to struggle quite a bit to move the warriors under her command to keep pace with them.

No matter how elite she is, even if she tried to follow the party of warriors on her own, by the time she arrived, they would have all spread out.

“Anyway, I’m not very helpful in combat. So she chose the most likely option. It must have been fate that I met you.”

Certainly, seeing the situation now, it seemed like a good choice to come with her warriors.

No matter what the purpose of the warrior party is, Baltheon and Hans, the leaders, there will be considerable obstacles in the process of reaching that point.

Misty, the great sorcerer who maintained the spell cast on hundreds of people for half a day and helped them arrive here quickly, secretly, and in the best condition.

“And our meeting must also be destiny.”



“Ah— I’ve never seen such beautiful muscles. These big biceps and forearm muscles… No, everything from her head to toe is a perfect work of art itself!”

hahahaha! The young lady knows something!”

The sudden action changed the look of the warrior party as well as the southern warriors nearby, but the simple Harley just burst into a satisfied laugh.

“Girl, it was so hard to control my trembling heart ever since I was carried on Harley-sama’s broad back. From the style to the physique, I never dreamed that my ideal type that I had only imagined would be in reality like this, right?”

Her tone, which had always been calm, changed to hazy.

No, not just the way he speaks, but also his actions.

Now he was hugging that forearm and rubbing his cheek.

“This is embarrassing!hahahaha—!”

“How can you even laugh so confidently?”

Harley more like a Southern Warrior than a Southern Warrior.

Where in other regions he could only be seen as a bloody savage, here he was the most handsome man that could literally only come out of a dream.

“Tch, as expected, good-looking things can entice women even if they stay still! Unlucky.”

“Ugh, Misty, the lofty desert flower…!”

“Hey, I understand your feelings, but calm down. Because that person isn’t all about being handsome. If you mess around, you could turn into a bloody cake.”

Not to mention the envy of the male warriors who came all the way here.

“Her! In any case, you should be jealous that the guys will be jealous. The difference in level is that much, what kind of jealousy are you?”

“Anyway, I was eyeing it too, but I never thought Misty-nim would come out like that first. Ugh~ Look at those arms, I envy you.”

“I thought you weren’t interested in men at all, but you just had high eyes, didn’t you?”

Even the eyes of some female warriors with regret poured into them.

“…Somehow, the whole time they were being carried together, they had their heads buried in their backs.”

And Lee Se-ah, who was looking at them from a distance, muttered with a confused expression.

When accompaniment was agreed according to mutual interests, Misty dared to ask Harley to carry her.

Of course, his wide back was not enough to carry two women on his back, so he was left with a lot of it, and I thought it was because a southerner like him would be more comfortable…

I thought rubbing my forehead on his back the entire time I was moving was an act that came about while concentrating on maintaining my sorcery, but it seems that I have been fulfilling my selfishness ever since.

‘Still, I don’t think I’ve expressed it for a while, but what about the current situation?’

He didn’t seem like a very discerning person.

Seah Lee, who was staring at Misty like that, suddenly realized that her eyes weren’t simply hazy, but were completely relaxed.

Like she’s completely asleep.

‘…Could it be that he’s talking in his sleep?’

I’ve been feeling a bit uneasy since before.

Lee Se-ah, just in case, approached them hahahaha ​​hoho and shook her shoulder cautiously.

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There was also no response.

“Hey, Mr. Misty? Mr. Misty! Relax! Now is not the time for this!”

Eventually, it wasn’t until Seah Lee screamed at her and shook her body violently.

“Hot! Yes yes? Suddenly what…”

As if waking up, Misty opened her eyes wide and slowly looked around her.

The eyes of the surroundings were driven in this direction.


Then she slowly lifted her head, following Harley’s forearm she was holding onto.

She stared down at herself, and as her eyes met his, her dark skin began to rapidly redden.

“···Sorry. I think I went out of my mind for a moment.”

Then, as if nothing had happened, I slowly let go of that arm and moved away from him, pressing down on the hood of the robe.

For a moment, there was an awkward silence in the hall.


As if trying to help Misty, who was wriggling and twisting her whole body, the saintess of Riesta, who had been quiet, raised her voice and drew everyone’s attention.

“…Now what? It’s getting dark. Fighting in the dark would not be a very good option if the Immortal King intervened. But I don’t think it would be good to procrastinate here any longer.”

But the topic she brought up was certainly something worth thinking about.

Beorsen, who was enveloped in thick darkness, did not seem at first glance to enter the night.

Heinrich looked around the party slowly.

He had been running for quite a while, but his party members were not at a level where their prowess would fall for this forced march.

The southern warriors joined in and adjusted the pace a little more.

Also, thanks to Misty’s sorcery, the warriors were in fairly good condition.

Even though she was a little tired, she took an hour’s rest from the moment she arrived until just before to recuperate, so the only person who couldn’t fight was the exhausted Misty.

In the midst of the agony, an active intra-brain meeting began to take place again.

-Harley: I can fight right now!

-Heinz II: Is there a need for adventure? I’d be sure to wait until dawn before going.

-Hubert: It’s frustrating that something that was always connected is disconnected. Certainly it would be safer to go after dawn. No matter how much Hans went crazy, he wouldn’t try to kill Heinrich and Harley, but the other party members didn’t know either.

-Howard: I think it’s better to go right away when you’re ready! Hans Is that guy going to get stronger by night and weaker by day?

-Hugo: Certainly not. But you don’t know what the trick is. Wouldn’t the damage to the warriors increase?

-Hesperon: No, if you think about it, the only answer is to go right now.

However, the meeting soon began to focus on one place as the clever Hesperon’s argument began.

-Hesperon: Right now, Hans must be devouring the entire city. To contaminate all soldiers who will be mobilized for war.

-Hubert: Civilians will probably be included as troops in the process.

-Hesperon: … That’s right. And when that work is all over, Hans will immediately move to the next location with Baltheon at the fore. To devour the rest of the prepared troops.

-Hugo: Come to think of it, no matter what the plan was, those soldiers thoroughly obeyed Baltheon’s orders. Even if the Immortal King appeared right in front of me, I couldn’t even resist.

-Heinz II: I see. Is that aura that now surrounds the city proof that Hans is still there?

-Hesperon: Now is the only chance. Once Hans starts moving, he will never be able to keep up with his mobility. If you’re going to stop it, he shouldn’t give you any more time.

My brain meeting ended with that.

In fact, the conclusion might have already been drawn from the moment I realized that there were victims one after another.

-Heinrich: Go right in. And···.

When Heinrich, the final decision maker of the party he had made up his mind to, revealed his thoughts, his party nodded in agreement.

Of course, the southern warriors who would be with them as their helpers also moved their bodies immediately according to the decision.

-Heinrich: …I will definitely drive the holy sword into the heart of that bastard, Hans.

Full of annoyance and anger, Heinrich’s steps headed towards Beorsen, the city where Hans was located.


“Trust us, Harley! Even if I have to die, I won’t let the janitors even take a step closer!”

“Actually, that’s the only thing we can do.”

“…But the former warchief, Baltheon, isn’t the problem. I didn’t know that the Immortal King would be behind him.”

A trio of southern warriors with Harley.

As they approached the city, they quietly whispered next to him as if to relax.

While coming here, I already knew enough about why they were here.

Originally from the South, they were periodically communicating with their hometown while serving as mercenaries.

As each of them had a conversation with such awkwardness, they realized that in fact all three had the same idea.

On the way, he stopped at Hubert’s store and left a letter for Harley, and went straight down to the south.

“Ah, come to think of it, I wrote a lot of embarrassing words in that letter back then. Harley, I think you better not read it and just throw it away.”

“Hmmm, I think so too.”

Coming down to the South like that, they came across Misty, who had just escaped from confinement and was being chased by pursuers.

Afterwards, after helping her and going through many twists and turns, she rallied her warriors who had not yet been taken over by Baltheon, and finally came to this place.

‘It looks like these bastards have also had quite eventful adventures.’

If so, should I do it myself?

He nodded his head in satisfaction, then raised his head and looked at the gates of Beorsen.

Even though it was a desert city, the number of monsters roaming around was not small, so a barrier made of hardened bricks surrounded the entire city.

In the middle of it, a tightly closed gate blocked their way.

“The door is closed, but there are no soldiers guarding it.”

Heinrich lightly tilted his head.

The quietest way would be for everyone to secretly cross the castle wall, but Hans would already know that they were approaching.

Then, after all, some people who have crossed the castle wall forcibly open the door…

He finished his thoughts before he even opened his mouth.

At that time, Harley had already strode forward to the gate without thinking.

“Wait, Hal…!”


It was after swinging a big fist toward the castle gate.


It wasn’t really a body transformation or the use of the light dragon’s scales.

The fist, which had far exceeded the speed of sound from the moment it was swung, was stuck in the castle gate.

Quad deuk-! Kurleung! Kwaaang-!

The large metal-lined door was fired into the wall like a cannonball.

And along the path of the terribly dented castle gate, the sound of something breaking and collapsing was heard one after another from the inside.

A more brilliant opening signal.



Then, as if stimulated by him, grotesque screams filled with anger began to resonate throughout the castle.

“Ok? Why? Did you call me?”

“···It’s nothing. Well done. Harley.”

It was sudden, but thanks to this, it was possible to know that a considerable number of enemy troops were ambushed inside.

And that too, already in a state of loss of reason.

“Let’s go. We will lead the way.”

“Oh! It’s good!”

That’s how the hero party is at the forefront.

A group of troops poured into the city to punish Warchief Baltheon and Immortal King Hannibal Strauss.

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