Transcendence (2)

The Elven Kingdom was able to safely overcome the crisis of continental collapse thanks to Harris’ activities, but the aftermath of this incident was by no means small.

In addition to the enormous human casualties caused by the invasion of lycanthropes and giants, additional countermeasures had to be prepared because of the numerous cracks that had occurred throughout the outskirts.

Still, the trustworthy support to protect the World Tree, the High Elf Transcendant, was newly born, and the cracks near the border could have received support from neighboring countries, so it wasn’t the worst situation.

The real worst right now is not the Enamel Continent, but the Ion Continent.

It was a human territory that was going from moment to moment to deterioration due to the continuous offensive of the Immortal King.

Kwaaang-! Perong!

Flames erupted all over the town and a loud explosion erupted.


“Run away! We have to get out of the city quickly… Geuk!”

“Mom mom···!”

With people who run away in confusion about him.

Cheolguk! Clap!



Even the undead troops who annihilated the defenders who stood in their way and rushed into the village in gear.

It was a tragic event, but incidents like this were not uncommon in the Ion continent.

Even if the saint informed them of the attack location in advance, there was a limit to just blocking it, so there was no choice but to have a place to break through in the continued wave of offensive.

In particular, the weaker the national power, the more often this happened, and in the end, the three kingdoms in the western part of the continent gave up their pride and signed an agreement with the Kingdom of Talia, asking for help from vampires first.

Of course, not to mention that I conceded a lot to them in the process.

However, in the midst of such a hard time, there were some who moved busier than ever and showed results that were incomparable to others.

They are the saviors who continue the undefeated march, and the hope of the continent led by the saint of the main church…



hahahaha! Get lost!”

It was a warrior party.

In a gap filled with undead already teeming around.

Standing in the center of a large crater, Harley smiled ferociously as she looked at the Death Knight’s head buried in his large hand.

[Keugguk… Nonsense… No way. The sword of this body can only scratch!]

An intimidating momentum burst out of the enraged Death Knight for a moment, and the black magic that rose wildly dug into the body of the person who held his head.

It was a method of attack and defense that would kill an ordinary person just by touching it, and even a warrior who reached the extreme would be engulfed in a curse if he did not wear an aura.

[How naked…!]

At just that level, there was no way to dig into Harley’s body, the “Ultimate evolutionary life form”, Which had already surpassed completion and reached new heights day by day.

There was no need to energize him, and attacks below the level were all repelled by the vitality and madness that flowed through his body.

“Ok? No, no! You did a good job. I didn’t know that I could scar this body!hahahaha!”

Although it’s a stupid stone, that Death Knight is also an executive-level commander dispatched from the Immortal Castle.

Even after completely wiping out his initial target point, he remained until the end and continued to receive reinforcements from the Undead using his own body as the coordinates, and was a master-class tycoon who stirred up the southern area of ​​Lesque Kingdom.

Even so, it left only a few lines of scars on Harley’s body that had already been regenerated and left no trace.

It was a shabby achievement that did not match the greatness of beating numerous strong people in Lesque Kingdom.


Harley’s grip began to distort the Death Knight’s helmet terribly.

Of course, it was a metal that could not even be properly damaged unless it was an aura of the same class, but that was also a meaningless generalization in the face of overwhelming power.

[Off Geek! You, the apostle of madness! The Immortal King will not tolerate you…!]

“Yes, no.”


Remnants of metal poking out from between his fingers the moment he clench his fist.

It was shaped like a helmet, and it distorted into an ugly shape like clay held by a child and tumbled to the floor.

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“Hmm! That should be enough.”

After that, he easily tore his breastplate and crushed his heart flowing with dark magic. He lightly shook his hands and rose from his seat.

The undead that were annoyingly entangled in the surroundings simply fluttered lightly and bounced off as if they were hit by a truck.

Crushing the undead with his trembling hands and feet, he licked his lips as his comrades wiped out the rest of the undead.

‘This guy was a little fun, but it’s still lacking.’

Immediately after ascending to transcendence, the urge that was in charge of a large axis of his personality increased uncontrollably.

From then on, there was only one thing he wanted.

A fierce fight against an enemy strong enough to risk one’s life, delicious, nutritious and large amounts of meat, a destructive instinct to smash everything in the way, and a desire to show off oneself fully to the world…

‘What? Isn’t it one? Well, anyway!’

Although his needs were still being met to some extent, they were not very satisfying either.

Really forcibly, barely, barely… I’m just suppressing my impulses by tightly gathering the remaining pieces of reason.

‘Ah, I want to invade immortality! There are a lot of tough guys out there, how fun is that? King’s decision also worked very well. If I had hunted and ate it myself, I would have felt better. Come to think of it, I ate almost all of the dragon meat, but I wonder if there’s anyone hiding there? Why don’t you become a dragon hunter now?’

Fragmentary thoughts out of interest swept through his simplified mind.

While he was thinking about something else, his gaze suddenly turned to the desert on one side.

‘Anyway, when are you going to the south? The warchief over there must be strong, right? Oh, the old woman must be waiting for me. Uh? You don’t think I ran away because I was scared, did you? Huh?’

This is the southernmost area of ​​Lesque Kingdom located in the southwest of the continent.

In other words, it was adjacent to the desert heading to the Confederation of Tribes in the South.

‘…Just at this point.’

When I realized that my target was right in front of me, the urge I had barely suppressed surged up all at once.

And with the thin patience that I had been struggling with due to the influence of other avatars.

The corners of Harley’s mouth lifted slightly, revealing his sharp teeth.


Immortality busily prepares for the invasion, which now takes place every day.

However, the chief simply left all the progress to the subordinates, and he just sat on the throne of the Great War and was immersed in thought.

-Heinrich: Harley! Where else are you going! Didn’t I tell you to wait a little longer!

-Harley:hahahaha! I’ve had enough patience now! I’ll hurry up and get him to come back!

-Heinz II: I wish I could handle things that easily. Overbypo guys, they maintain a very complicated relationship, so it’s hard to tell where to cut them off. If you wipe them all out, it will lead to war.

-Hubert: It must have been quite impressive that Brokoslak swallowed the Kingdom of Thalia. It even makes it look more sophisticated. It looks like you did a lot of research while you were hiding.

-Hugo: Hey, shouldn’t we stop Harley first?

-Howard: Heng! That bastard now, he won’t die if he does, but it doesn’t matter. Rather, it is said that an ore called detrium can only be found in the southern desert, so pick it up while you go! It’s still hard to find because it’s an export banned item, but this time the smuggling route is also blocked, so Hubert can’t get it either.

Thoughts and exchanges in the head, busily coming and going as usual.

Because there is no main body to be the center, it is taking such a complicated method, but now the earth’s time has passed enough for one day.

Baron, who had roughly diagnosed it through Hugo, expected about three days to wake up, so he might open his eyes in about 15 days at the earliest.

[Hmm, it’s a full moon.]

The Immortal King, Hannibal Strauss, who was aware of this fact, once again took time for serious reflection.

While watching the Enamel Continental Incident, I was greatly impressed and realized one thing at the same time.

‘…Isn’t there too little accomplished in the past? Also I’m too lazy I thought it was strictly for profit, but it seems that the memories that remained in my body implicitly affected it.’

He could only send his subordinates to engulf the continent in flames of war.

Didn’t the Oath of Yeokcheon, which had been laughed at and regarded only as a hindrance, plan to submerge an entire continent and even put it into practice!

In addition, it almost went to the brink of success, so if it wasn’t for Harris’ intervention with the World Tree on his back, it might have really gone their way.

If so, how much karma could be earned…


The handle of the throne made of bone was crushed by Hans’ [Superpower].

It wasn’t a big problem for him to have no muscles to replace all activities with dark magic.

‘You’re hurting your self-esteem. I can’t believe this immortal king is inferior to them!’

Admiring them was admiration, and being able to accept it was another matter.

Because the true darkness of this world had to be you!

Every time he collided with the oath of reversal, he won a series of victories, and while taking most of them under his command, he was ignoring them a little…

‘Yeah, I shouldn’t have thought of people who could open the abyss and bring out madness. It’s definitely a mistake. I’ll have to admit what I have to admit.’

Now that the introspection was over, the next step was course correction.

In my heart, I wanted to ignore the promise and lead the army right away and head south, but if I did so, there was a high possibility that I would end up with only losses as soon as the main body woke up.

Once it started, it would have to be driven ceaselessly to gain more than Heinrich’s diminished prestige, but it was unlikely that the main body would continue to tolerate a large-scale war.

‘But now I can’t afford to come up with other plans. They said it was a plan that had been prepared for at least ten years.’

Deep in thought, his head began to spin.

From the most impressive leak of madness in the abyss, to the recent attack on the princess, the invasion of the Enamel continent by the lycanthropes, the tribal federation declaring the severance of relations and preparing for war, to the republic that has been encroached on by the Obipo clan and is making suspicious progress.

Considering the scale of the events that have taken place before, it is clear that even those that have not yet taken place will have a great impact.


‘Yes, I’ll take this whole body away from you.’

Of course, since karma follows a strict causal relationship, simply adding a spoon to a plan that has already been completed will not earn a satisfactory amount.

Even that would be better than not doing it at all… But if you’re going to do it anyway, it’s better to do it properly.

Having come to that conclusion, he immediately took action without waiting.

-Heinrich: Wait, Hans! What are you going to do! Enough for now! No more big problems…!

Heinrich, the troublesome self who always pursues the right way and only speaks the right words, started talking loudly.

That couldn’t stop his resolve.

-Hannibal Strauss: Hmm, it’s new, but I’ll correct one thing. This body is not Hans, but Hannibal Strauss.

-Heinrich: I didn’t decide to give up on that now…

Ignoring the thoughts still buzzing in his head, he slowly looked around after using his immortality to travel long distances.

A bright moon rising in the night sky, numerous stars, and sand dunes that shimmer and crumble in the light.

And far away, even in the middle of the night, a city in the desert that reveals its bright presence with countless torches.

This was the Kalkos Tribal League that Harley was targeting.

Among them, it was ‘Beorsen’, the base of the tribal chief and the center of the coup, which was found through long information collection.

Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding—!

“Emergency! Emergency! All ready for battle!”

“The shamans immediately wake up the berserkers!”


After all, it is an important base, so did they prepare thoroughly?

As soon as he appeared, the city became noisy, and all of Beorsen was covered in a strange barrier.

[Kheheheu— I like it as well. If they are incompetent, there is no need to have them in the first place.]

The Immortal King who unexpectedly attacked the South.

He thrust a huge spatula… No, a shovel into the plan that was going smoothly.

If you don’t serve it obediently, you’ll turn the table over.

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