Jeron’s Suffering (4)

A great battle inside immortality.

In an intimidating atmosphere with countless Death Knights lined up on the left and right, a lady in a black dress was giving a report to the person sitting on the throne.

[…As you commanded, the continental invasion plan is proceeding smoothly… Still, because of the saint’s wisdom, the advantage of a surprise attack isn’t great… This time, they were able to achieve satisfactory results with their overwhelming strength, taking advantage of their lack of preparation…]

Then, that translucent lady, Banshee Queen Olivia, listed the results of this operation step by step.

The raiding party formed under the command of the Immortal King attacked more than a dozen places all at once, and all but a few places, including the place where the warrior party intervened, succeeded in achieving their intended purpose.

Of course, most of the undead army was destroyed by the punitive forces of each country afterward, but from the beginning, except for a few commanders, all the soldiers were consumables, so there was nothing to lose.

After all, the undead were overflowing around this immortality.

[Whoops— Good job, Olivia. How dare you deal with this body with such complacency? It must have looked very funny this way because I had been playing for a while.]

When her report was finished, Hans let out a small laugh as he sat on her skull and bone throne.

And after taking a moment to assess the undead crowding around the castle, he swallowed his regret.

‘If there were more numbers that could be moved at once than now, I would have been able to flip the continent much more efficiently. After preparing for several days, attacking dozens of places is the limit.’

Of course, even if there were overflowing undead that could be used as troops, moving them to the invasion point was another matter.

In the first place, it couldn’t have been easy to send such a large army across the continent.

‘At least it’s possible because it’s about as big as this body.’

Originally, the existence of a mage was the law to exert the highest efficiency only in an environment thoroughly prepared.

And the immortal king, who could be called the pinnacle of black magicians, was no exception.

‘Use the energy of death that fills the area as a catalyst to make immortality the nucleus of a huge magic circle. In addition, if this body’s near-infinite dark magic is supplied…’

The result was a portal that allowed large-scale transportation only for the undead, prepared on one side of the castle.

This was possible because immortality was the ultimate magic ‘labyrinth of eternity’ that could be manipulated at will.

If I had to point out one downside of this portal, it was that it was basically a one-way street specialized for the sender.

Since there were only a handful of commanders who could return anyway, it was a problem that could easily be solved by bringing a few liches with them.

[Also, we are carrying out the investigation you ordered before… Unfortunately, access to key figures in the South is still sluggish… However, I have been able to understand to some extent about the Obaipo Clan located in the eastern part…]

He thought quietly as he listened to Olivia’s additional report.

The Confederacy of Southern Tribes cut off all exchanges with the outside world.

As if following the case of the Kingdom of Thalia, Obaipo of the East is taking control of the political situation of the Republic.

‘It can’t be a coincidence that they moved all at once at this time.’

In addition, the attempted assassination of the princess in the empire this time and the anomaly of the enamel continent that Harris is investigating.

All of them were suspicious.

‘The one who neglects them and the one who handles them. Which one is more profitable?’

Of course, he wasn’t just concerned that they were causing trouble.

Right now, his only concern was earning huge amounts of karma through his ongoing ‘continental invasion plan’.

‘Once they have them, it will be easier to destroy the continent. In the short term, the supply and demand of karma will be greater there… In the long run, it will inevitably become a variable in small screens.’

Immortal King Hannibal Strauss, who was lost in thought for a moment, looked over the situation of the other avatars connected to him, and then spat out a word.

[Yeah, I guess I need to go out on my own at least once.]

A word hinting at a major event to come.


When Stab raised a claw-shaped dagger.

‘Ah… Is this the end?’

Surprisingly, the fear of death that Riley felt was not so great even at that desperate moment.

Rather than that, the regret for the things I’ve done so far and the sorry for the relationship I had to let go was bigger.

‘Sae-ah, you must be very sad, right?’

Especially, when I thought of Lee Se-ah, whom I had a close relationship with more than just her family, that feeling became stronger.

To think that she couldn’t even say goodbye to her properly, let alone repay her for all the hard work she had done for herself.

‘I hope she returns to Earth safely and doesn’t force herself to take revenge.’

The next person who came to mind was Hesperon, an earthling like Isea.

Actually, her relationship with him was not very long, but what the hell did she do? His presence was clearly recognized right before the incident, so it was naturally associated with him.

‘…I seem to have enough means to get out of here by myself, but why is it like that?’

While fighting the traitors with all sorts of outlandish items, his feelings were vaguely felt through the connection that gradually grew stronger.

He kept trying to get her something out of her, with her strong will to rescue her somehow.

‘I’m just going to run away alone…’

I’ve shouted that inwardly several times since before, but he was just absorbed in what he was doing in silence.

To be honest, it was true that he had been looking forward to it for a while, but that was really over.


Finally, the grotesque dagger in Stave’s hand was swinging at him.

Riley couldn’t bear to see it and closed his eyes tightly…

At the same time, I instinctively and strongly grabbed something that instantly extended from the ‘passage’ with Hesperon.


Right after that, the first thing she saw when she opened her eyes feeling something familiar was.

“Oh man, it was close.”

It was a confident smile that could not be hidden even when it was covered in blood—even dazzling.




Then, Riley opened her eyes.

The familiar ceiling I’ve always seen.

But now, for some reason, a landscape that felt even unfamiliar came into view at a glance.

“…Is it a dream…”

She brushed her hair, raising her torso from the soft silk-covered bed.

The shiny blonde hair was flowing down, dazzling the morning sunlight coming in through the window.


It was still vivid at that time.

Well, at that time, only a day and a half had passed, so it might be natural.

She glanced out of her window and hurriedly got herself ready and went outside.

Of course, the attack on the princess brought a huge aftermath to Jeron.

When she suddenly appeared at the main gate of the imperial palace hugged by a man covered in blood, how surprised the guards were to see her, as they rushed to see her moving in an unauthorized space.

It was strange that there was no uproar as he even staged a terrorist attack in the capital to assassinate the current first heir to the throne, who had already been appointed as the crown princess.

Isn’t that beast even the captain of the imperial family who should take the lead in protecting the people of the imperial family?

Thanks to this, the Imperial Guard’s work was paralyzed for a large-scale investigation, to the extent that the Imperial Inspection Department and the Imperial Palace Mage Tower, as well as the Royal Guard Knights, which only acted for the emperor, stepped forward for the task.

Perhaps if it hadn’t been for the undead army’s continuous raids day after day, and if she hadn’t sent a message that she was safe, she wouldn’t have been alone with Ise.

Naturally, her party, Princess Riley, also had a very busy schedule scheduled for that day.

As soon as she wakes up, the first place she goes is…

“Are you here, Princess?”

“Did anything happen last night?”

It was the imperial hospital where Hesperon was hospitalized.

Lying on the bed, she looked at him as if he was dead and quietly asked the director of the hospital next to her.

“I had a high fever several times, but I quickly recovered and now I am stable. It was hard to believe that he was a wizard, his body was trained. In fact, if it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t have made it this far.”

Located on the outskirts of the imperial palace, this place was called the antipode of the afterlife, and it was a super luxurious hospital where the best medical staff in the empire gathered together.

A pharmacist who can handle almost all medicines in the world, a doctor who can perfectly stitch together even a body cut by surgery, an alchemist who can create artificial organs as well as potions, a high-ranking wizard who specializes in healing magic, and even invited from the main church. Even a resident bishop-level priest.

It was a place with such a reputation that it was even said that it was on par with the ward of the Great War of Roselia in the Holy Land where the saintess is located…

“It was treated with great care, so it shouldn’t be life-threatening. However, you have to be prepared for a permanent disability in the future.”

“… Handicap… How much…?”

Of course, something was impossible here.

To Riley’s trembling voice, the head of the imperial hospital replied calmly with a grave expression.

“I don’t know how to use my right eye because I sacrificed myself to turn it into power. Most magic tools of that level would be strictly managed, but I don’t know how I got them.”

At least, if it was just traumatic damage, I would have done some kind of regenerative procedure or even transplanted a newly cultured eyeball.

If the loss was at the cost of a particular ritual, there was little they could do.

“The right hand also… It seems impossible to cure it because the curse that has been mixed with the abyss has dug deep. Of course, it can be weakened to some extent, so it’s best to suppress it with a seal so that the curse doesn’t come out like now.”

However, he soon added that the curse sealed in his right hand could run rampant again if he overused his power.

No matter how much his status was strengthened, Hesperon was just a wizard who had just gotten out of the lower class.

Not only did he face off against numerous high-ranking knights, he even caught the knights at their extremes, so there was no price to pay for the exercise of excessive force.

If it wasn’t for Heinrich’s divine power, he wouldn’t be alive right now.

“Oh, there is also a method of transplanting a new arm after amputation. It takes a lot of time to rehabilitate, and I won’t be able to exert as much strength as before because of the side effects, but if you want to live only as a wizard in the future, that’s not a bad way.”

It is an alternative between living with a dangerous seal for the rest of your life and maintaining your former strength, or cutting off the root of the problem instead of attaching a new arm that is weaker than before.

Riley looked down at Hesperon, who fell into a deep sleep, with trembling eyes.

It wasn’t something he could decide for himself.

When he wakes up… He’ll have to make his own choices.

For her, knowing this man’s overflowing talent, her current situation could not help but feel sinful.

“Hmm, I apologize for sounding so incompetent. Still, the energy and vitality damaged by excessive use of black magic tools were somehow restored. In the process, I used a lot of valuable materials, but it should be enough to be the life saver of the princess.”

This was followed by more emotionless words from the hospital director, but Riley just stood quietly looking down at Hesperon without any reaction.

Then the director of the hospital stopped what she was saying, bowed her head cautiously towards her, and walked out of her room with quiet steps.

Keeping a cool head under any circumstances was his creed, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t aware.


Right after the hospital director left.

She stood still, motionless, and slowly reached out her hand and gently stroked his right arm, which was tightly wrapped in a runic bandage.

Then, her hand moved slowly up to the corner of his right eye, which seemed to be asleep.

“…Again, I’m in debt.”

He still hasn’t paid off all his debts.

Even though he was able to escape alone, he was the one who took out dangerous items to save himself.

Perhaps his user himself, to some extent, expected this to happen.

‘Like an idiot’

Nevertheless, he chose that path without hesitation.

From noble mtl dot com

As if he hadn’t thought about the aftermath, as if he was satisfied with saving her, he smiled with no regrets.


Riley hurriedly removed his hands from him and caught his breath.

After staring at him for a moment, she took another deep breath and turned around to step out of her room.

“I’ll come back later.”

Because she still had a lot of work left for her to do.

Her expression slowly froze as she stepped out of her ward, and when she finally got out of her ward, she began to feel chills just by looking at it.

“How did it go?”

“Sir Stave, who escaped, is currently being pursued, but he is not in good health and is expected to be caught soon.”

“All those who have fallen out have already been arrested, and interrogation has been conducted to find out additional collaborators.”

“We are already making a list of those who exhibited abnormal behavior prior to the incident. I’ll take a look and post it today.”

To her muttered words, the attendants who had clung to her like shadows one by one added a few words.

“It is express. Definitely behind it. You know?”

“Yes, I will pass it on to all personnel.”

“I will do my best.”

The iron-blooded princess, poisoned by her preemptive attack, bared her teeth to retaliate.

She brought together the strength of the forces she had gathered and the cooperation of the empire.


A remote area of ​​the Elven Kingdom on the Enamel Continent.

It’s been four days since I went on a search following an unknown intuition.

Harris was finally able to find a group of people he identified as the cause.

‘Ah… What is that again…’

They walked on two legs and had the head of an animal, and although they looked similar to beastmen, they possessed completely different energy. They were a race he had never encountered before.

They are rejected to the point of being similar to vampires, and you feel an instinctive reluctance from the moment you see them… Werewolves, lycanthropes.

However, apart from feeling that way when I saw them, their presence was so vague that I couldn’t feel it just by looking at them unless I looked directly at them.

Didn’t he have a lot of trouble finding them because of that?

He probably wouldn’t have found it this early if he hadn’t decided on a rough location based on his feelings.

However, even that momentous fact was not so important right now.

‘Why is the rift in the abyss here…?’

Compared to the existence of a very pretty hole in front of them, sucking in even the light.

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