Approaching hand

A Korean community.

<But since the dragon I saw in Japan appeared>

-It seems like they gave up wearing Hahoe mask now, and they don’t stop taking pictures or videos? A few days later, all of a sudden, the evidence is pouring in frighteningly hahahaha ​​Although it was all filmed in Japan.

└ It’s funny how he debuted in such a splendid way and now hides it. But why don’t you bring out that dragon again! I want to see you again!

└ Ha Hyung… When will you come back to Korea…? Ha, the night roads are scary because I don’t have hyung.

└ But the Hahoe Mask villains who popped up one by one after going to Japan seem to disappear quickly these days? Looks like the Guardian is finally starting to work hahahaha

It was less than a week after Hahoetal unveiled the dragon seen in Kyushu.

Of course, on the Internet where the heat has not cooled down, it is inevitable that the topic will continue every day.

Of course, new incidents still happen every day, but the shock at that time was not weak enough to fade after only a few days.

Its presence was strongly imprinted in people’s minds, and of course it was to the extent that it even appeared on overseas topics!

It was only natural that Koreans, who react sensitively to reactions from other countries, showed a deep interest in Hahoe masks, which are active abroad wearing typical Korean masks on their faces.

Of course, it wasn’t just that there were favorable reviews for him…

-By the way, can people in our country do things like that in other countries? Isn’t that a diplomatic problem?

└ Fact) Hahoe mask is already a criminal who has been allowed to do whatever he wants in Korea.

└ But isn’t this a disgrace to the country? Criminals who were missed because they could not be caught in their own country are active abroad and are making their names known.

└ Well, even in Japan, the criminal can’t be caught.

It was because the number of people who felt uncomfortable with his radical move was not so small.

After all, it was unavoidable because it was revealed that he was a criminal who abused judgment at will, and that he was a necromancer who used black magic that was notorious.

In addition, the reactions seen abroad when the news of the Hahoe Tal came out were generally similar.

A subtle reluctance underpinned by a certain degree of curiosity.

In that respect, public opinion in Japan, where the ‘purification work’ is currently underway in real time, was a crucible of confusion, with various opinions mixed.

-The masked dark hero visited our neighborhood yesterday. Today, I saw that there were cops all over the place.

-They didn’t care whether they were police officers or guardians, so I was scared and lived my life watching them… Can I have some peace of mind now?

From the one who shows subtle anticipation for the changes that will follow after Hahoe Mask’s visit.

-I live in Fukuoka, and I can definitely feel it. Of course, it wasn’t long before the small pikes took over the empty seats.

– Still, it’s on a different level in terms of scale, so it’s much better than before. I don’t know how long this will last though.

└ Where I live is like that too. Some of the newcomers have a shy side. I hope that Lee Neung-guk will definitely deal with it when things are down like this, but it would be faster to pray for the masked hero to come back than to hope that these incompetent guys do their job properly, right?

A person who expresses subtle satisfaction with the results after he has already been there.

-Are they all retards? Korean criminals have come into our country and are massacring Japanese people. Why do you like it so much?

└ My words. What is Lee Neung-guk doing? Don’t catch him soon! Can he live in anxiety!

└ But they say they only hunt criminals like Hahoetal and Yakuza?

└Aren’t Yakuza Japanese? Even if we catch it, we have to catch it. Why did the Korean guy come out! For this he should be compensated by Korea.

└ Isn’t it a problem because they’re all related already?

From people who recklessly express disapproval of feelings between countries to those who oppose it.

Since they are direct parties, I had no choice but to react more sensitively than other places.

And that interest could only get worse if it went to a specific organization, not to ordinary people—.

Criminal organizations in Japan, which were immediately on fire, and Beoncheonhoe, who tried to catch Hahoe Mask and retreated with one shot, were representative of them.


An inn in China full of colorful decorations.

Zi Ying— Jing—

With the sound of a machine vibrating in his head, a man in his thirties sitting in a wheelchair moved his eyes steadily with an expressionless face like a robot.

As a result, the data collected from all over the world and systematically organized were stored in his head.

Not only the information they researched on their own, but also the content that others analyzed for fun and posted on the Internet was thoroughly reviewed and attached.

It was the result of information gathering that the branch devoted all its efforts to.


However, after reading all the reports displayed on the office monitor, the man, Yulryeongja, leaned against the back of his chair and let out a disgruntled tongue.

As if he didn’t like something, he frowned and rubbed between his eyes.

“The Ruler~? It seems that things are not going well!”

Then suddenly

His body flinched at the sudden frivolous voice.

Up until now, it was clear that he was the only one in this room.

But even that was short-lived, he immediately lowered his hand that was rubbing his eyes and turned his head away calmly.


There, too, a familiar middle-aged man with scattered gray-brown hair and a messy beard was looking at him with a smile.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen you! Okay, are your new eyes okay?”

“Yes, thanks.”

“Poo-Hyaa! That’s right, thanks to me! So… What’s more disappointing?”

The doctor, who smiled brightly in an instant and raised his end in a low voice, as if he had laughed out loud.

As always, the lord of the law only lowered his head in his mood.

“I heard the news from Japan. I heard you ate it very big?”

“… I have no face.”

“Wow, can’t it be! Oh my God, the Bone Dragon! I didn’t even think of it! Are you saying you’re more fun than you thought? Break it!”

The doctor burst into laughter again, as if his madness had subsided, and soon, wiping the tears from his eyes, he brought out the main topic he had been looking for.

“I received a call saying that Hoeju has returned.”

“···Is that so.”

The trend of Hoeju was a top secret.

Of course, he was also the head of the East Asian branch, including China, the origin of the Buncheonhoe, and he was never in a low position as he was in charge of banning major members of the organization.

Perhaps the news reached him soon.

However, he had no choice but to give priority to information rather than the doctor, who was also Hoeju’s right-hand man.

But why did he come all the way here to say this…

From noble mtl dot com

“Even Hui-ju was very interested in seeing the Bone Dragon! Don’t you usually like unusual things like that?”

“Could that be…?”

“That’s right! At this point, why don’t you say you’ll see the smile mask in person? Of course, I’m thinking of getting one too! Phehehe!”

“Are you speaking directly from the Lord? The Oracle…”

When Yulryeongja, who was taken aback by that sudden statement, brought out the name of another person, the doctor’s expression, which had been laughing and laughing, crumpled as if he had heard something he couldn’t hear.

“…Hmph, for some reason, the woman wasn’t really sure this time either, right? So what are you going to do? She has no choice but to quietly crouch!”

However, that was short-lived, and soon, with a triumphant expression on his face, he continued his words proudly.

“It was so refreshing to see a woman who used to squeak noisily when she tried to do something but shut her mouth! Isn’t the future something you have to pioneer yourself? It would be nice if Hoe-joo didn’t listen to such a woman too much!”

They were diametrically opposed to each other in terms of their abilities and inclinations, and they had a very bad relationship with each other.

If the doctor is Hoe-joo’s right-hand man, she is his left-hand man.

If it wasn’t for his existence, they probably wouldn’t have been in such an organization.

“Then, the sashimi is now.”

“Wow! Knowing that personality, what do you ask?”

Indeed, as it was said.

Sensing something, the ruler nodded slowly.

“It’s about time to arrive…”


Then, as if the doctor had stopped talking, through the wide open door without warning.

“It’s been a while, everyone. Ruler, are you feeling better?”

A man with a strange air around him entered the room with a low voice.

At first glance, it seems normal, and when you look at it again, it gives off a breathless intimidation, but when you try to see it properly, it feels blurry—.

An unpredictable existence.

“Yes, thanks to your concern, I feel much better.”

“Keu~ Even the devil comes when I say it! You came just in time, Hoeju!”

The head of the Buncheon Society, a transnational criminal organization that exerts enormous influence behind the world in the dark.

After a long absence for some reason, he finally set foot on Chinese soil again.

In order to directly capture the Hahoe Mask, which is active in Japan.


“Why are my ears tickling so much?”


Continuing my routine at the home gym as usual, I carefully put down the heavy barbell and rubbed my ears hard.

‘Bitter, is anyone even talking about me?’

The thought flashed through my head for a moment and then quickly disappeared.

If I had to put it that way, there were a lot of things I could understand, but there were so many that it felt like it was natural.

I shrugged lightly, then bent down again to pick up the barbell.


Hans had no choice but to be in a position where he was cursed.

There is nothing to talk about in another world, and recently, I happened to be active publicly in Japan, and isn’t it the point where there is a lot of talk?

Of course, I knew the trend of public opinion right away.

‘I have no intention of changing my course of action based on public opinion, though.’

So far everything has been going well.

In the process of overthrowing Japan, he broke the trap of Buncheonhoe and, conversely, inflicted considerable damage on them.

Based on my experience so far, they aren’t the ones who will remain silent even after being victimized, so there will probably be retaliation in some way sooner or later.

He just had to prepare for that time and quietly do what he had been doing so far.

‘The task of completely burning down their base.’

Without realizing it, a smile leaked out.

What could be more enjoyable than tearing down a tower that others must have built with great care!

‘Only a few days have passed since the first collision. They’ll need time to reorganize too. Still, I don’t think I’m going to completely abandon Japan, so that period won’t be too long.’

Of course, the second time, he would have prepared more thoroughly, but it was meaningless whatever preparations the Buncheonhoe had prepared.

The Bone Dragon Heratos, who can now be used without hesitation, and the newly joined Abyss Revenant Salma, of course…

‘Because if it’s necessary, I’ll just jump out.’

The ultimate escape of summoning cancellation was also ready at any time.

‘Then the earth is done. The situation on Auterica’s side is a bit complicated, but… Well, at this rate, things should go pretty well.’


The barbell landed on the floor again with a heavy sound.

After completing the training set, I relaxed my shoulders and glanced sideways.

“Hoo-wook! Hook-! Hook!”

Sweat dripped from his body like rain, and his breathing seemed as if he would run out of breath at any moment.

There was a tall young man in light clothes training his lower body with squats with a barbell slung over his shoulders.

‘Hmm, he’s handsome as expected.’

I looked at him and nodded happily.

Of course, that identity was ‘Hugo’, the newly created avatar.

As always, it went into extreme hard training mode right after it was created.

However, if there is one peculiar part… This time, he did not change his appearance in particular, and like the alter egos he created in the beginning, he had the same appearance as this one.

‘It doesn’t matter anyway, since I can always modify the appearance of [Customization] later.’

Hugo’s job now was to do various chores and to act as a double for me when I was away.

With this, I’ll be able to clean up the empty spaces that have been left frequently due to the recent use of [Entity Projection].

Of course, there wouldn’t be a big problem if he was away for a while, but originally, everything was fine.

‘Hmm, more than that…’

On my way to the shower room with a towel over my shoulder.

I walked slowly, inspected the situation on the other side of the world, and nodded.

‘Should I focus on that side a bit more for now?’

It was right before a meaningful event in Auterica was about to begin.


When the blue light came out of the swirling gate.

The first person Heinrich met was a face very familiar to him.

“Welcome, saint. You have suffered a lot during this time.”

A girl with bright silver hair and sparkling golden eyes that scatter the light around her.

St. Hatianus of Riesta, wearing a halo that lit up the surroundings just by appearing, greeted the warriors with a soft smile.

“Welcome to the Great Temple of Roselia.”

It was the moment when Heinrich finally arrived at the Great Hall of the Holy Land to participate in the 2nd Continental Summit after a long trip.

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