Settlers (4)

Auterica was a fantasy world full of magic and all sorts of fantastic elements, but overall it was close to the Middle Ages in the West.

Even in this world, mysteries such as magic and aura belonged to advanced knowledge in their own way, so it was not easy for ordinary people to come in contact with them.

Fortunately, an outstanding talent was discovered and entered as someone’s apprentice, or it was impossible unless he risked his life to eat knives.

It was such an environment, so of course the security wasn’t that good.

In addition, monsters that even avoid wild beasts roam the mountains and fields, so need I say more about the danger?

What if it is now that ‘madness’ has spread across the continent?

It was not uncommon in this world to lose one’s life due to an unexpected accident.

Also, there was a tragedy that naturally followed such a death.

Right away, it was the fact that children who lost their guardians and were neglected had to live on their own from now on.

It’s unfortunate, but even at this moment, it must be happening all over the continent.

But even that situation was an exception here.

“Hey! That’s mine! Give it to me!”

“Ebebebe~ Catch me!”

“Guys, be careful! Then you get hurt!”

A nursery school in Chehai where the sounds of children running around can be heard resounding.

It was a sight that could not be easily found elsewhere, but here it was just a normal everyday life.

And on one side of the terrace in the courtyard where the children are gathered.

“Sister, I heard you are from the city?”

“And! How big is the city? Are there many people? There was a festival in my village not too long ago, and there were a lot of people. More than that?”

Seah Lee, surrounded by young girls whose eyes twinkle with curiosity, smiled awkwardly.

Apparently, she seemed the youngest among the outsiders who visited this time, so it seemed that her children accepted her more comfortably.

However, there was also someone who was attracting children’s attention in the opposite way…

“Oh oh!”


“Whoa, whoa— did I? Really did it! Now, whose turn is next?”

Amidst the cheers of the boys huddled in the courtyard, the boy’s triumphant voice echoed with heavy breathing.

“…Isn’t it Billy? It must have been like that…”

“What are you talking about? It’s your turn, Hans! Are you afraid?”

“Oooh~ Hans says he’s a coward!”

“Oh no! I just forgot! Shouldn’t we go?”

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A ten-year-old boy named Hans gulped down his saliva and, holding a piece of beef jerky in one hand, walked slowly towards the corner where the garden trees grew thickly.

And at the end of a careful gait, as if exploring a dangerous area…


The boy who had barely completed his goal screamed and hurriedly ran towards his friends.

He remained contemplative as if facing a monster.

A shady place in the corner of the garden where the boy went.

“Hmm! These are children who show the qualities of great warriors.”


Harley, who was sitting leaning against a tree, nodded happily and chewed the jerky in my mouth.

The beef jerky that a boy named Hans just put in.

What the boys were doing now was a kind of game of courage.

No matter how much he lost his momentum as much as possible, the berserk that seeped deep into his cells and leaked out implicitly was still burdensome for young children to face.

So I was deliberately hiding in a corner like this, but to come back and use it as a toy…

hahahaha! Facing your weakness head-on is the fastest way to become stronger! Now that you’ve learned to overcome your fears, you’ll be good fighters in the future!hahahaha!”

Harley let out a cool laugh at that arrogance.

Of course, that was from his point of view, and to the children outside, it was just a grotesque sound coming from the gloomy shade of the trees.

The child who was next to him was crying, but… That should also be seen as an ordeal to become stronger.

Also, the two of them weren’t the only ones hanging out with the children at the orphanage.

Geos, who was already acquainted with the children, was having a serious conversation with the children who had grown up and had to find a job outside.

Heinrich was sitting in the middle of the children like a totem, stroking their hair one by one with a soft smile.

And finally, Hesperon…

“Now, take this and do it.”

“Oh my! Thank you!”

While receiving a one-on-one lecture from Chehai, he greeted his wife, who approached with a tray of snacks, and readily accepted it.

She is a middle-aged woman with healthy tanned skin and soft eyes.

She was Chehai’s wife, the hostess of this orphanage, and the mother of all the children here.

‘This person is also a great person.’

Actually, money was not a big problem since Chehai had accumulated a lot while working as a mercenary and Geos supported him, but taking care of so many children couldn’t be that easy.

However, for the past 20 years, rather than saying anything bad, they say that they took the initiative to take care of the children every day…

Indeed, Chehai had such a character that one could think that marriage was good.

“Keuheum, then let’s take a break for a while. I’m going to see the kids for a while, so please rest in peace.”

“Ah yes! All right.”

After a moment of leisure, Chehai jumped up from his seat, left him alone, and headed towards the children.

As he couldn’t take care of the children while educating Hesperon, the other party decided to take over the role instead.

It seems that he was a little anxious to leave the work he had been doing to others.

“Hmm, it’s a unique skill.”

Hesperon, who was left alone in the room, sipped his drink and recalled the system phrase he had just thought of.

‘Come to think of it, it’s been a very long time since the [Avatar] skill has grown like this without karma. Certainly, lately I’ve been just using what was given to me, and I haven’t had any concerns about it.’

There were two ways to strengthen a unique skill.

Gradual growth through deep consideration and steady mastery, and evolution at once using the Karma Shop.

Until now, he had focused only on the latter method based on the overwhelming supply and demand of karma, but with this incident, it seemed that he had improved his understanding of his unique skills and achieved the conditions for strengthening.

‘Come to think of it, was the last time that my skills grew to such an extent that the system phrase came to mind like this right after Harley’s body transformation was over?’

After that, there were improvements such as a slight increase in efficiency or free distribution of mental power between avatars, but it was the first and last time that there was such a level of reinforcement that the system professed.

‘It’s been quite a while since I started making Hubert and raising him as a merchant.’

Other awakened people would have naturally dug into skills and repeatedly developed them to save even a penny of points, but he, who was rich in karma, was simply buried in the convenience.

He just relied on strengthening through the shop without thinking about skills.

‘It would be a problem to intentionally not use a card that can be used, though. Well, maybe I should pay more attention in the future. Let’s try to be bourgeois.’

We can’t help what has already happened, and since we realized it now, wouldn’t it be okay?

The know-how Che Hai taught was not something that could be called ingenious, but he pointed out in detail what he would not have thought of if he had been alone.

It wasn’t a sensation when using magic or divine power, but something special that helped to activate skills by dwelling inside.

The gist of the teaching was to be more clearly aware of it, to understand the mechanism of activating the ability, and to move more efficiently and only as much as necessary.

In the first place, it was more like advice than a specific skill, as each had different abilities, but that alone was enough to change his mind greatly.

‘For now, this alone is beneficial. The next enhancement point for the unique skill was a whopping 1.2 million.’

Of course, that wouldn’t be exactly the same as the effect of investing and strengthening karma, but just the fact that the number of avatars increased was a great income.

In fact, I still had enough senses…

‘Because it’s more and more— I’m sure everyone can use it anywhere.’

He stroked his chin and nodded his head heavily.

Also, Che Hai’s teachings did not stop at his advice on unique skills.

He saw Hesperon’s “Avatar Cloud” And thought it was a space-type unique skill similar to his own, and he explained in detail the vision he created using his “Phase Refraction”.

He must have decided to completely spread what he had started, and he was truly a generous teacher himself.

Of course, since he had reconstructed the technique to use his aura himself, it was unreasonable for the wizard Hesperon to use it directly.

However, the underlying principle had room for application to other fields.

‘Such a high-level theory alone…’

Indeed, it was a part that showed how much he had devoted himself to his unique skills after the system disappeared.

In the process of forcibly reproducing it, there were numerous restrictions, and the versatility and freedom that I had before were completely bound by the frame of ‘technology’… But that must be an unavoidable problem.

‘Can I use this as Harley’s “Bio Aura”?’

The [Bio Aura], which was created by processing the biological power of monsters, was similar in nature to a general aura, but the mechanism of action was completely different.

Still, it was worth a try as it is the most similar energy to him.

‘I’ve been allowed to use it by the other party, so even if I can’t learn everything right now, I can always ask Geos.’

It was Chehai who established the theory, but Geos’ proficiency would not be so lacking as he would have learned from it and further refined his skills through countless practical battles.

The moment when Hesperon was immersed in agony, thinking about what Hesperon had achieved so far and what he would gain in the future.

“Good work, Heron.”

“Ah, Master.”

Isea, who was in the courtyard, opened the door and entered the room.

Indeed, as if she had some income, too, with a faint smile on her lips.

As an archmage, her senses and ability to think were at a level far beyond the imagination of her culprit.

It is said that listening to all the stories going on in this room and organizing them in your head while talking with the children in the courtyard is not tidy.

“Really, age cannot be ignored. I also put Riley and her head to head and said she was working hard, but I felt that she was still lacking a lot.”

At her self-deprecating words, Hesperon turned her head and looked into the distance.

Instead of being in deep agony, she was just busy indulging in the coveted fruits.

“…By the way, Master? When will Master reveal…”

“Kuhm, hmm!”

Isea clears her throat, cutting off Hesperon’s question.

She could easily hear the conversation in the room if the others were willing, as she could be.

As usual, you can’t use magic in someone else’s house to set up a soundproof barrier.

‘Well, aren’t they going to reveal it sooner or later?’

Hesperon grunted inwardly, slightly averting her stare at her.

Now, she might have revealed to the party that she was also a foreigner, but she still kept it a secret from the others.

She was in fact she related to him, although she once asked her insinuating…

The answer that came back then was quite absurd.

‘What else is missing the timing to say?’

I wonder if she would have said it right after Hesperon appeared, but now that a considerable amount of time has passed since then, she is embarrassed to reveal it belatedly.

She said that she had come so far because she was so prosperous, but of course she had no intention of hiding it all the time, so she only said that sooner or later she would see an opportunity and bring her up.

‘…Well, that’s probably not the only real reason. That must have been covered up.’

During the eight years she stayed here in the first place, it was something she had kept secret from everyone except Princess Riley.

No wonder she now has a visceral resistance to confide in people she has just met.

‘Simply put, it means that she needs time to prepare her heart.’

Hesperon was an exception because Riley intervened, and she was in her position to reveal her identity first.

‘Even though she already knows everything in the party except Geos.’

No, in fact, it was simply not at the level of knowledge.

On the contrary, her secret is cute compared to this one’s.

Compared to the shocking truth that, in fact, everyone except Geos is from another world…!

She didn’t know that, and she was proud of herself, but Hesperon didn’t say anything, just laughed without saying anything.

It was fun to watch this little master worry and agonize alone.

That’s how Hesperon and the warrior party arrived at Geos’ hometown, and with the help of Chehai, a settler from Earth, they achieved various achievements.

The second continental summit was already less than a week away.

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