Imperial Palace (3)

After a party of warriors and Hesperon take Princess Riley 5 to her Imperial Palace.

At Heinrich’s request, cumbersome procedures were omitted, but that didn’t mean that the Empire was lacking in courtesy.

Aside from the fact that the leader of the party was a saint, treating the benefactors who saved the imperial family was a matter directly related to the prestige of the imperial family.

Wouldn’t it be all the more necessary if the princess was the most influential candidate for succession to the throne and even received the implicit support of the current emperor?

Naturally, the treatment given to them was bound to be luxurious.

The huge VIP lodgings were lined with expensive items that would cost the common people a year’s worth of living if they sold just one item.

In the kitchen of the restaurant, the imperial chefs were on standby 24 hours a day, ready to respond to requests for any kind of dish at any time.

In addition, veteran ladies-in-waiting were placed everywhere, and they checked everywhere meticulously as if any inconvenience could not be tolerated.

With a ghostly gait that reduced footsteps and presence to the limit, as if it were present or not.

‘Awesome. Are the maids-in-waiting in the royal family also learning stealth? It looks quite high, so it could be used as an escort in case of emergency.’

Unfortunately, however, they could not afford to stay and rest for a long time in this luxurious accommodation.

Of course, the warrior party didn’t have time to spend leisurely like that.

hahahaha! After all, it’s an empire, so the barrel is very big!”

“Ohh—the gold coins are flashing.”

Of course, the imperial family didn’t just try to beat them with treatment alone.

A more direct and material cost was also presented.

Top-of-the-line luxury equipment was custom-made and gifted to all personnel, and a huge amount of money was supported in the name of activity expenses.

They were never short of money as they were sponsored by the main church, but when it comes to goods, the more, the better!

“I really like this too. How are you, Heron?”

“You look even more dignified, brother! It is very creepy to feel the wildness that will bite you at any moment!”

In addition, it was sensible for Harley to process the leather of the top-notch beast, ‘Sabel Lion’, which would have been hung on the wall for decoration, not for general equipment, and made a ‘beast head helmet cloak’ that became his trademark…

Indeed, it was not an ordinary piece of equipment, as if it had been touched by a craftsman belonging to the imperial family.

‘I never thought I’d turn this into a magic tool in this short amount of time and give it to you as a gift.’

A magical tool containing special powers, not just a sturdy item.

It was a great piece of equipment that not only strengthened physical and magical defenses, but also had the effect of ‘intimidating’ opponents.

‘It must have been made through cooperation between a top leather craftsman and an enchantment wizard.’

From noble mtl dot com

Harley perked up, inspected the inside of the helm, and stuck out her tongue.

I could feel the mana stones densely embedded in the leather-clad interior and the meticulously constructed magic circuit.

‘Even if I had started production from the time I heard that Riley was saved in the Principality of Rohan, I would have only had three or three days to spare. Maybe even shorter than that. …Is this the power of the imperial family?’

It seemed that it was made in a hurry, but the circuit itself was monotonous and complex functions were not included, but Harley’s combat method was much more suitable now, which prioritized stability even if it was simple, rather than complex and delicate functions.

No matter how you look at it, it was something I liked in many ways.

‘… Um, after all.’

Harley, who was distracted by the helmet for a moment, turned her gaze to Hesperon, who was standing in front of him with a fierce expression.

‘Okay, let’s go this way in parallel.’

It was the moment when Hesperon’s career, which started as a summoning mage, expanded to an endowment mage through an authentic mage and battle mage.

Howard, who is still burning the branches of the World Tree and learning the dwarven secrets, will be able to make things with superpowers, but if enchantments are added to them, wouldn’t the effect be multiplied even more?

‘Because even Hans couldn’t do that.’

Of course, even Hans could make the magic tool itself.

The problem was that it was not a commonly used item, but a shady and evil cursed item powered by black magic.

‘…It can’t be helped by nature.’

However, there was no need for one person to try to be good at everything.

Originally, each person’s talent is different.

This world is a world where we live together, so it was a matter of concentrating on what each of us can do well and cooperating with each other!

‘Howard made an object using the branches of the World Tree that Harris brought, and Hesperon carves enchantments with Hans’ advice.’

In addition, Hubert needs to get the supply of other supplies, and Harley needs to get the by-products from the monsters.

‘Wouldn’t it be possible to make a pseudo-sacred sword if Heinrich’s holy flame was added throughout the production process? Conversely, if I use Hans’ abyss, the worst demonic sword might be born.’

Also, if it is quenched with the blood of Heinz II, it will be possible to make weapons using blood magic.

If many people join forces, endless possibilities will unfold like this!

‘As expected, life together, cooperation is beautiful.’

Just before the warrior party left the imperial palace.

At the same time as Harley raised the corners of her mouth viciously.

A mischievous smile appeared on Hesperon’s face, and a soft smile formed on Heinrich’s lips.

And at that moment, coincidentally…

A similar smile lingered on the lips of a few far away.


Although the organization called the Oath of Reversal was created by a revolutionary who was an apostle of the ‘human god’, that did not mean that all members had the same purpose.

Although he secretly attracted the leaders through some method and stimulated the desires of others to rally forces in the shadows, in the end, the essence was close to an alliance gathered according to each individual’s interests.

Thanks to this, as well as security as a branch organization, each person was able to handle work more efficiently with autonomy in their own area…

Of course, there were not only advantages there.


A purple flame burning in a dark space.

And at the same time…

[Come out immediately! Revolutionary man! This guy to rip and kill!]

Anger-filled cries broke out as if echoing in all directions.

[It’s noisy…]

[Ki-Hit! That’s what I mean~ It seems like money was taken away from calling so desperately? Kiki Kick!]

[Tsk, … Come to think of it, I can’t see him. I guessed that Lilith was attacked by the Immortal King.]

The black figures that had just appeared in the commotion complained one by one.

However, the large shadow, not caring what others said, just looked around in a fit of rage.

Even so, all I could see were shadows swaying to and fro as the purple flames swayed from the hearth.

And that size… The oath of reversal, Baltheon, who is in charge of the southern part of the Ion continent and the great warrior of the Kalkos Tribal Federation, finally couldn’t overcome his stamina and turned his attention to others.

[Keuu— you guys over there, if you know anything about that bastard, tell me right away! If you dare to hit me in the back and run away, I will definitely tear him to death!]

At that, the other three shadows glanced at each other.

Judging from the circumstances, it seemed that the revolutionary had gone into hiding after playing tricks on that stupid savage.

Of course, it was the same that they didn’t know much either, but unlike the two who watched the situation quietly, the other one burst into a frivolous laugh as if he had waited.

[Pu-hee! You mean that hard man did that? This, this, I wanted to bully you first, but the player was taken away!]


[Kakak-kak- look at this, how can you hold back when the reaction is so good? What? Are you angry?]

[…I’ll pull out your tongue first!]

[Hey, if you could come to the Enamel Continent, where did you look? I don’t know if that’s possible in your situation right now!]

The meeting room started to become noisy again as the two started arguing.

However, unlike usual, perhaps because the person who mediated the friction and led the atmosphere disappeared, the turmoil did not easily subside and gradually intensified.

As it showed no sign of stopping, a shadow that had been watching him reluctantly rebuked them in a gentle voice.

[Whoa—don’t you know that it’s no use trying to do it on our own? Let’s stop, let’s each bring out our business and finish it quickly. Anyway, is this all that’s left? I thought it would decrease one by one, but eventually it came to this point.]

The one who finished his words clicked his tongue lightly and shook his head.

One is a savage with emotional and harsh words and actions, the other is a crazy clown who can’t scratch the inside of others, and finally a wooden stone that just watches without saying a word after the first word of being noisy.

It was a lineup that made it clear that Jung Sang-in was the only one left.

‘Now the oath of reversal is over. It’s a pity. Wait, is that why the revolutionary disappeared?’

Still, when we were actively promoting here, we helped each other and reaped a lot of benefits in our own way.

It was a sad situation in many ways.

So some time passed.

[So the back of the head, what exactly happened?]

After hearing the truth from the more genuine Baltheon, they could understand why he acted the way he did.

A revolutionary who visited the South approached him to help with the work, but while he was careless, he stole the ‘seed of madness’ he cherished and disappeared.

Of course, as organizational support was crucial to bringing it out of the abyss, it couldn’t be said that it was entirely Baltheon’s own.

However, it was definitely under his supervision that the plan was completed and succeeded, and therefore, the immediate priority was also agreed upon to be with him…

[But he ignored it and took madness, so the whole plan was disrupted! Originally, all work would have been completed before the 2nd Continental Congress opened!]

Now it has become a situation where it is impossible to meet the deadline.

[Hmm—You mean you went so far as to ignore the agreed upon plan. That is also true…]

[Puhihi, you must have judged that such a thing is meaningless now! Well, how can there be one or two crooked operations lately?]

[…Has he already noticed something and turned to his own route…]

The air between them subtly stiffened.

Since it was already the yard where even the defectors came out, everyone intuited that this meeting was over.

Even that existence was the one who made the organization and was no different from the actual leader, so what more to say.

However, even if that is the case…

[Kick, so? It’s not like you’re planning to throw away everything you’ve prepared and go back into hiding, right?]

[Sounds incomprehensible! I’ve already started, I can’t back down now!]

[There have been several failures… But it is an undeniable fact that now, when the entire continent is in chaos, is the best opportunity…]

It hasn’t changed that, objectively, this is the best time to work.

[Then there’s no big deal, now there’s only one thing left for ‘we’ to do. I should do something like this.]

Sub-organizations as well as executives disappeared one by one, and now the power has shrunk to less than half.

Seeing how it goes back there, it is impossible to know when the rest will collapse if it stays still like this.

[Kikikick~ Good, good! Just in time, there was a vacuum in Enamel’s power, saying that it was the Continental Allied Forces, but I’ll wake them up!]

[Nothing to say about the South! There was a little setback, but the information control is perfect, so it’s a problem that will be solved with time.]

[Eastern part… Will take some time, but it won’t be a big problem… There are things I’ve been preparing all along…]

In fact, there was no action whatsoever.

Unlike before, when we planned thoroughly and meticulously, pursued the highest efficiency, and calculated the linkage effect as a bonus.

It was just because they were releasing the things they had been steadily preparing all at once.

‘The problem is that the operations that were implemented after anticipating the variables were all horribly destroyed. Wasn’t the whole board overturned after trying to figure out efficiency to minimize the losses suffered by this side? I should have done this right away.’

After the previous three people answered, a gentle voice followed.

[The central region… The Empire will lose its focal point and fall into chaos on its own if it handles only the 5 princesses who have returned. However, the problem here is that nothing has been arranged in advance…]

In the first place, not only was the crown prince and the princess kidnapped by the Immortal King, but the fact that the princess escaped alone and succeeded in returning her was a truly unexpected development.

Of course, there was no chin to have a separate means prepared.

[Still, let’s hurry up as much as possible, aiming for right after the 2nd Continental Summit. …Unfortunately, it would have been more convenient if Lilith had remained.]

Perhaps because the Immortal King, who boasts an overwhelming presence, took on most of the charges, the vow of reversal, whose name is not widely known compared to the incidents and accidents that have occurred in the past.

Their final outburst entered the countdown.

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