In the West at that time (4)

The results of the second investigation by interrogating the education instructor who was the ringleader.

His motives for the crime were jealous of Diana’s talent and greed for the money she paid.

Diana, who was thirsty for learning, absorbed all the knowledge she taught her like a sponge, and it was enough to arouse his inferiority complex after he withdrew from the front lines due to his lack of ability.

In such a situation, since she was willing to pay the fairly high tuition fee, she decided to set up this work with the intention of aiming for money at all.

“Tsk, I’m sorry. Take care of them guys.”

“Yes! road.”

Heinz roughly waved his hand and bit the vampire who had come to report.

He only got rid of it because it was annoying right in front of his eyes, and from his point of view, they were nothing more than minions worth caring about.

The work that followed proceeded swiftly as if sailing in a tailwind.

Just in case, he arranged for the best medical staff to check Raffy’s condition again, and ordered the priest of the church to check it again with a large donation.

In addition, the officials have been prepared in advance so that they can go through the immigration process as quickly as possible.

In fact, there was nothing in this country that he did not want to do, so it was only natural that everything went smoothly.

“Ehehehe— you’re going to throw away all these things now. What is the road ahead This is all burden!”

“Ah, but it’s a pity, so they say they threw it away. I should just bring it to Billy’s mom over there.”

“That would be nice. Let’s share all the things that are difficult to dispose of to the people who owe us this time.”

And the Bolt family also willingly decided to follow Diana, as if they had fallen in love with the city over this incident.

Of course, it wasn’t that there weren’t any neighbors who helped a little when they were in trouble, but there were far more people who ruthlessly abandoned them for money problems.

It’s a difficult time for everyone, so I understand, but as much as I’ve lived by giving to those around me, the wounds are bound to be big.

Rather than continuing to live here with a relationship that had already become awkward, he decided to shake off everything and start anew by helping his benefactor, Heinz, with Diana.

It’s been a few days since I moved diligently without a bird to open my eyes.

In the end, the family finally disposed of all their remaining assets and settled their small debts—.

I was standing in front of the transmission magic circle of the magic tower, carrying only a simple burden on my back.


“Omma, I’ve been to places like this since I’ve been living…”

“Brother, papa! Damn that shines! pretty!”

“No, Raffy! Hey, if you touch the things here, you’ll be in big trouble! really!”

Thanks to the full support of government officials, they quickly moved to Talaria, the capital city, and came to this place without realizing it on a schedule that progressed like flowing water.

In the depths of the Magic Tower, where a person who lived an ordinary life would never have had a lifelong relationship.

I fully expected that a person named Heinz was an unusual person, but I was dumbfounded to see all the necessary work passed through the free pass as he moved to national institutions.

It wasn’t even a different territory, it was going to a foreign country…

“Now, everyone, please climb onto the magic circle. We will start operating soon.”

At that time, the Wizard of the Mage Tower, who is synonymous with arrogance and eccentricity, gave them instructions in a kind voice.

It was also not suitable for this.

“You don’t have to be too nervous. Our Rockapelli Mage Tower is the best in space magic on the continent. The odds of something going wrong during transit are close to zero!”

There was a terrifying meaning hidden in those words that the probability was not zero, but they were so nervous that they stood on top of the magic circle with stiff steps without even having time to think deeply.


And as if he had waited for that, along with brilliantly emitting light and loud vibrations.


Five ordinary families from the city of Rapella in the Kingdom of Thalia were sent to Taraq, the county of Ionia in the northern part of the Kingdom of Tulk.


Unlike the gates of temples, which could not be used by anyone and could not be controlled with power, space movement through the Mage Tower was a means of transportation that could be easily used with money.

However, there were two major downsides.

The first was that it required a jaw-dropping amount of money just to use it once…

“Okay, are you both okay?”

“…Huh, I’m fine now.”

“···Me too···.”

Second, unlike the gate, the boarding comfort was not very good.

If it was serious, the wizards at the destination would hand over a bucket one by one as if they were used to it right after the transfer.

Unlike the three children, who managed to tolerate it because they were young, the two adults were lying on the bench with pale complexions, and were recovering their energy only after getting some fresh air.

“I couldn’t even say hello properly because I wasn’t in a good mood. Then let me introduce myself again. I am Hubert, the head of Hubert Firm.”

And when they barely managed to keep their bodies together, the greeting that they couldn’t share properly began in earnest.

“From now on, I will personally take care of all of you so that you can settle down here in Tarak, so you don’t have to worry. Heinz-sama and I don’t usually get along very well.”

“ah! You were the lord of the upper house. I’m sorry for not looking good from the beginning. My name is Bolt. Please make it easy for me.”

A haggard-faced Bolt held the hand that was lightly stretched out for a handshake with both hands.

Hubert didn’t come out particularly authoritative, but that low posture was an instinctive act that came out without me knowing.

Luxurious clothes decorated with luxury goods and jewelry accessories that flaunt their presence by flashing all over the body.

At first glance, it looked like a classy brawl like a rich man, but Bolt, who had a keen sense of long-time business, could recognize that they were not all common items.

‘Could that be all magic tools? Oh my God, then how much do you wear around your body?’

Also, what about the rugged bodyguards and the moderate-looking attendants who naturally surround this place from a little distance away?

The sharp gaze that sneakily headed this way with a sharp momentum made me feel sorry for myself without even realizing it.

“Ah, sorry about this. I raised the level of security a little while ago because something bad happened. Please forgive me if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“Oh no! No matter what anyone says, safety comes first, yes!”

The sense of intimidation that naturally flowed from Hubert naturally made him polite.

It was a golden charisma that originated from wealth, different from Heinz’ bloody charisma.

It was all about running a small grocery store, but a merchant is also a merchant.

Originally, for a merchant, a rich man was the best.

Hubert exchanged greetings with the other family members one by one and glanced slightly at Diana.

As expected, she seemed to have noticed his true identity, but her eyes were wide open and her lips were pursed.

‘Still, I’m not pretending to know.’

Since it was a relationship that they had to be together in the future anyway, Heinz had outlined the situation to her a few days in advance.

He said that since he is a vampire, it would be difficult for him to go with him, so he would go first, disguise himself, and wait.

Hubert, who had become ‘another version of Heinz’, looked at Diana, closed one eye, and signaled.

“Now, please take care of me.”

Diana, who read the signal, greeted him with an awkward smile and pretending not to know.

She knew that Heinz could change his face, and had seen firsthand how he hid his presence.

There is a little difference in smell because the individual is different, but when you think about it, it was more strange that it was completely the same even though it was so far to hide its identity.

She understood it on her own, and she nodded her head slightly.

“Then, since everyone seems to be fine now, let’s move on. I’ve prepared a wagon, but if you feel like you’re having a hard time on the way, tell the driver at any time.”

“Thank you for your consideration, Lord Sanghoe.”

The Bolt family huddled together and began boarding a wagon.

Raffy, who is excited and running around in a big and fancy carriage, and Diana calms it down.

Hubert watched the scene and slowly stroked his chin.

‘If you think about it, Diana’s ability is similar to Hubert’s [Emotion], so it’s an effective ability in this industry.’

She was said to have been of great help in bringing in fresh products even when working at a grocery store that was no different from an alley shop.

The ways to use that ability at the much larger Hubert Company would be truly limitless.

‘Originally, it would be difficult to properly use the ability I have due to career problems…’

But who is he?

Now beyond Tarach, isn’t he the owner of Hubert Firm, which is being reborn as the largest merchant company in the northern region of Tulk Kingdom!

With his full support, no one would dare to touch her.

A talented person who has a relationship with him and is highly reliable and even competent.

There was no way to find out the secret she was holding right away anyway, so it was nothing to worry about right now.

‘Sniff—smell it.’

It also smells very strong of money.

Hubert looked at Diana with sparkling eyes and smiled warmly.


Running a country was not a simple matter.

Power came with heavy responsibility, and it was not uncommon for historical kings to have short lives.

Judiciary, administration, economy, public order, military, diplomacy, etc.

Even when making a simple decision, the conditions to think about were endless, and the consequences of each choice were also unpredictable.

On days when even the wrong choice was made, it was not just an individual problem, but the country itself was often reeling, so it could be said that it was a hotbed of stress and a shortcut to shortening lifespan.

‘Even though that only applies when I personally took care of everything from one to ten.’

Heinz II, the de facto ruler of the Kingdom of Thalia, sitting in his office chair, leisurely tilted his wine glass and skimmed through the report.

<Plan for establishment of blood donation center nationwide (contents added 2)>

<Draft Criminal Punishment Standards (4th Amendment)>

<Design plan to minimize confusion in change (3rd revision)>

<Hybrid according to the international situation…>

“Hmm, definitely better than before.”

He read the papers one by one and nodded.

Originally, it was the surest law to leave the work to the experts.

If he, who has never played national management except through games, deeply intervened in state affairs for no reason, wouldn’t even a normal country be eaten up in an instant?

So he only gave the overall direction, but never meddle in the details.

“… Tsk, this is a bit like that.”

Of course, even in the midst of this, for various reasons, plans that deviated from the direction I thought were bound to come out.

However, as I said before, he couldn’t possibly have the ability to solve problems that experts missed…

Of course, there was only one thing he could do here.

– If you don’t like this part, think about that part and do it again.

Rolling the underling until it is right.

This was also an intervention in state affairs, but he did not forcefully push for a policy that would never work.

It just encourages smart friends to come up with better ideas.

There have always been many ways to go about everything in the world, and people have the potential to somehow find a breakthrough when faced with an extreme situation.

‘Because they’re nobles who can do it. I’ve been playing and eating comfortably until now, so shouldn’t I work hard even at a time like this?’

Of course, in this class society, there were only a limited number of people who could be called experts in state affairs.

They were none other than the highest ranks and intellectuals of the country, including royalty and nobles, and high-ranking officials.

While under the control of the Brokoslak Clan, the helpless ones who had been repeating the same policy just like inertia, finally had a place where their talents could blossom!

…I don’t know if they really wanted that.

‘That’s none of my business.’

Because he just laid the board for them to play an active role.

And so, the plans soaked in the blood, sweat and tears of the high-ranking officials of the kingdom of Thalia began to be repaired one by one.

It was only until the time when their resentment, lamentation, and resentment could be found in every single letter.

Finally, in the kingdom of Thalia, in the extreme west of the Ion continent.

The alliance of vampire clans, ‘Hybrid’, has appeared on the forefront of history.

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