Hahoetal Rise (3)

The interior of the laboratory with all kinds of high-tech equipment.

“Okay, it’s done. Open your eyes now! A new world awaits you!”

The high-pitched man’s voice rang out loudly.

And a man in his thirties who was lying on the operating table as if waking up slowly opened his eyes ‘two’ and looked at the ceiling.

“Uhohoho! After all, it is a very revolutionary eye! hehehe~ I envy you, I envy you. You are so lucky! Actually, that’s what I was going to write first…”

Ignoring the chattering voice, the yulryeongja raised his upper body and looked around.

Indeed, the restriction on the left side of the field of vision that occurred two months ago has disappeared.

“I was going to gouge out one of my eyes and run with it, but I got caught by Hoeju just before I had to. How annoyed the ruler was! My head still hurts when I think of what I was scolded for then.”

He didn’t say much because it was true that he got new eyes thanks to ‘Doctor’, although he was worried about ‘Doctor’ talking hard to himself without replying.

‘It’s not just blindness, it’s because the spiritual body is damaged, so no matter how many eyeballs were transplanted, it was useless…’

A medically inexplicable, literally permanent loss.

But that problem could also be solved by circumventing it in another way.

“…Of course, it’s a pity that the unique skill is expressed through the eyes! Still, one side remained, and it was an opportunity to realize even the romance. Reform and evolution are the ultimate values that mankind must pursue!”

Zi Ying— Jing—

The exaggerated fuss flowed through one ear, and whenever the focus of the eyes shifted, a slight vibration was detected on the side of the newly implanted eyeball.

However, the mechanical sound produced by the movement of the camera’s diaphragm felt small only to the person himself, and was so quiet that it was imperceptible to the outside world.

He peered into his eyes through the mirror placed on one side.

In contrast to the normal black eyes, there was a circle of soft blue light around the border of the left pupil, which was so gorgeous, and the iris inside was filled with geometric patterns, mysteriously emitting light.

This ultimate prosthetic eye, born from the combination of mechanical engineering and magical engineering, took the form of an eyeball and was inserted into the eye socket, but the mechanism was a magical tool completely different from the real eye.

So while he was appreciating his new eyes…

chin! Whirik-!

With someone grabbing his shoulder, the eyes that swung around quickly filled his eyes with madness.

The doctor, who had come right next to me, terrifyingly thrust his bearded face in and grabbed the ruler’s head tightly.

Then she reached out with one hand and opened her left eye, where the prosthetic eye was implanted, and began examining her mother and grandmother again.

“Hey~ After all, the technology of the Calicas dimension is revolutionary, right? I should have been to that dimension! What a tragedy it is that you can only come in contact with it in such an indirect way!”

The ruler of the law sighed when he saw him spattering in his face again.

A middle-aged Westerner with a skinny lab coat and scattered gray-brown hair.

Despite his shabby appearance, this man was an opponent that could never be taken lightly.

Being a first-generation returner caught up in the first transfer to the other world was only a secondary factor, because he was a genius of the century who led the technology of the current Buncheonhoe.

The work of collecting and improving the mysteries of each dimension, such as magic and sorcery as well as alchemy and magical engineering, would not have even begun if it had not been for his demonic brain and his [Truth Eyes].

“Wow! It’s fortunate that I have a friend who just came back with this prosthesis, right? I heard that it is very expensive even in that dimension!”

“okay. Something so precious… Thanks again, Doctor.”

The fact that such a thing was on Earth meant, of course, that there was someone who brought it.

A returnee who returned after saving new eyes by pouring all of his hard-earned wealth right up until the moment of return.

Of course, he was no longer a person of this world.

“So what? I have a question for you, my statute!”


In any case, thinking that this man’s mood would be difficult to follow, the ruler reluctantly replied.

“The one who made you like that, ha ha ha ha?”

“It’s a Hahoe mask.”

“anyway! You mean that smile mask? I was very intrigued. I looked into it a little out of curiosity, but there are a lot of interesting sounds!”

The Doctor, who doesn’t listen to others, continued with an exhilarating tone to himself.

“You know, but Korea is the first time we’ve been smashed this way, right? Of course, the failure of the plan is not uncommon in other countries, but the foundation itself is blown away? ah! What do you mean by that? As long as the Huiju agreed, I’m not in a position to say anything!”

A smiling face as always.

However, those clear eyes were shining so brightly that it felt dangerous.

“So, when are you planning to start your activities in Korea again? Of course, it’s not urgent, so even if you don’t move right away, there’s no problem. Should I still do something?”

The corners of the ruler’s eyes twitched at the coy question filled with desire.

The damaged eye problem was resolved this time, but it was only two months ago that he became a living corpse in the fight against Hahoetal.

At that time, I had suffered a serious injury that would take me several years to recover from, so to be honest, it was difficult for me to breathe right away, and I was confined to a wheelchair because I couldn’t move my legs…

The problem was that the position of the doctor, the general manager of the technical department, was higher than that of the East Asia branch manager, Yulryeongja.

“. We can’t leave it there forever, so it would be better to prepare the ground in advance.”

“Ouch! All right, Ruler! If there’s anything I can help with, please let me know. I’m looking forward to the day when a good test subject arrives! What do you want to start with!”

And originally, all evil organizations were black entrepreneurs.


“Whoa— that’s refreshing.”

After going to the indoor gym as usual, I took a leisurely shower and sat in the massage chair using the sound of the TV as a radio, and gently closed my eyes.

As expected, the house was big and there was a lot of money, so I prepared everything I needed in advance so I didn’t have to go out unnecessarily.

Come to think of it, these days, it seems like I’ve been confined to the house except for going out through “object projection”…

‘Ah, what went out anyway, went out. To go out once a day and meet people. You’re very sociable!’

I decided to set aside the fact that using 「Entity Projection」, the feeling of moving the avatar was stronger than that of Han Seong-hyun as an individual, and most of the people I met were criminals.

If you look deeper than this, it makes me look so pitiful.

“Hmm, by the way, did you say that black magician… Ahn Seong-jin?”

I raised the intensity of the massage chair that massaged my whole body to the maximum, and remembered the talent I visited last night.

It was not possible to judge accurately as the world he was from was different, but he was a skill that fell slightly below the Archmage by Auterica standards.

However, considering the charismatic characteristics of black magic, the momentary combat power would not be greatly lacking.

‘Of course, what I want is not combat power.’

Fortunately, he did not reject the peaceful scouting proposal from this side and readily accepted it.

They even signed a contract with mutual consent, allowing them to exercise even a slight amount of force, so they wouldn’t dare to betray them anymore.

‘Because promises are precious. I don’t think he’s evil, so I don’t mean to treat him harshly, but I can’t tolerate nonsense.’

I had no intention of doing anything too hard anyway.

It would have been enough if you just did your best to bring the information you wanted.

In addition, there was a willingness to take care of various things in terms of employee welfare if they did a good job.

‘The work of turning the Thousand Demons into Undead is also going well…’

Of course, it was different from the corpses used so far, so I couldn’t handle it carelessly.

In order to properly use the best ingredients, you must invest time, effort, and resources appropriately.

Preliminary work was underway to turn the corpse of the Thousand Demon Emperor sent to Hans, the ancestor of Auterica, through 「Avatar Cloud」 into an undead.

‘If you need the undead, it won’t matter because you can take them out from this side as well, through the heart’s subordinate subspace. The capacity is not that large, so it would be difficult to have a large number of people, but there is no need for large-scale troops on Earth anyway.’

Since they are literally pouring in the finest ingredients, they will be reborn as a very satisfying guy.

Although the fact that the soul was damaged a lot as a side effect of the Abyss overdose was a bit of a negative factor, it didn’t matter too much since the undead were guys with a few screws missing anyway.

“What is the karma point… Oh?”

As I sat down on the massage chair and tidied up one by one, my eyes widened slightly.

Hans had used 640,000 ‘Mental Power Enhancement’ not too long before he raided Jeron, the capital of the Empire, but since the scale of the work he had done afterwards was so large, there were quite a few salty points.

‘The small screen effect is definitely good. It’s been a while since I wrote it, and it’s already 800,000.’

Even so, it was steadily increasing at a fairly rapid pace, and if other Awakened people knew about it, it was an increasing trend that would be considered ridiculous.

Now, 1.2 million points are required to enhance a unique skill.

If that’s the case, it won’t take too long to get to the next level.

– Then, shall we move on to the next topic? There’s a lot of talk these days, so you’ve probably heard it at least once. It’s about the awakened person called ‘Hahoetal’!

-Ah, that’s right! He is a very talkative person these days.

At that time, stories about him began to flow from the TV that had been turned on as a radio.

And, as always, the topic quickly started with questions about his identity and led to a debate about the legitimacy of what he had been doing so far.

-···Uncontrolled and reckless force is dangerous! The standard of judgment is one’s own subjectivity, which makes sense in a country based on the rule of law…

-···Of course, it cannot be said that the act was unconditionally right, but it is clear that he is contributing greatly to the security of our country. Isn’t it easy to know that just by reading a little bit about overseas news?

– Oh, that’s right. You said there was a big uproar in Japan this time, right? A disaster on the scale of hundreds of deaths…

Make sure to read from noble mtl com

Modern Earth was literally the height of chaos.

There are about 10,000 superhumans who have overcome all kinds of adversity and come back with strength in Korea alone.

It is impossible to estimate how many there are worldwide.

At least, the current system is maintained because the forces to protect society are stronger for various reasons, including family, but the situation is no different from a latent time bomb scattered here and there.

‘Not only dark magic users and demons, but also awakeners who are intoxicated with power and desire are formidable risk factors. Even now, when Hans’ force is suppressing it as if it were oppression, those guys continue to pop out, but if there is no such control…’

That’s just the current situation overseas.

Of course, other countries were not without strong people, and there were not a few people who ruthlessly hunt criminals like Hans.

Among them, there were those who had their own crime detection system like his work magic…

‘It can’t be compared to Hans who has all those abilities in one body. In addition, stealth and mobility.’

In addition, the fact that the land area is small compared to the population also played a big role.

These various elements have been combined to complete the present peaceful Korea.


I got up and slowly made my way to the terrace.

The wide garden, which was possible because it was a suburb of Seoul where land prices were cheap, was neatly and neatly maintained, and the landscaping stones and garden decorations placed here and there also created a quiet atmosphere.

‘Of course, if I step in blindly, I’ll experience hell.’

This place was a demonic landscape filled with crime prevention devices made by mobilizing the abilities of Hans and Heinz II, Heinrich and Harris.

The ornaments in the garden were all mediums for the magic ceremony, and their arrangement was also decided after careful deliberation with the [Path of Magic].

And the existence that becomes the center of this iron fortress is himself.

As long as I was inside, it was safe to say that I was absolutely safe.

‘Okay, now that the Korean side has been roughly sorted out, let’s broaden our horizons.’

This is the yard where I learned that the Buncheonhoe had been working in secret for quite a long time with the ‘Salma’ case.

It wouldn’t have happened just this once.

It is probably common not only in Korea but also around the world.

‘I’ve been neglecting them for a long time because they left Korea. Let’s start with the nearest country first.’

You won’t be able to manage it regularly like Korea, but cleaning it once will have some effect.

The fact that I could fuck them up was enough for a little hassle.

However, it is true that I am a bit reluctant to visit a foreign country that is still confusing.

Isn’t it a problem on a different level from patrolling lightly as if taking a walk with “Individual Projection” after being somewhat stable?

‘Hmm… What is Hans’ current schedule like?’

The process of turning Salma into an undead is scheduled for a fairly long maturation process, so there is no problem.

It was enough to instruct Olivia in advance for the process of leveling up the party of warriors by sending out the basic knowledge of the demon king.

‘Hmm, no problem. Well, if there is a problem, I can call it right away.’

Because that was the biggest advantage of Avatar Reverse Summoning.

Thus, Hahoe Mask’s overseas expansion was decided.

For now— to Japan, which is the closest and the right size.

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