Continental Summit (2)

“Welcome to the Great Temple of Roselia. Mr. Lafori, Mr. Cecily. Long time no see. It’s unfortunate that we had to face each other through bad things.”

“Thank you for your hospitality, saintess.”

“Hello, saintess? I am Cecily Granwood, the High Elf of the Elven Kingdom.”

The elf girl, who was only a little special when she left this place, now became a full-fledged high elf and formally greeted the saintess.

For some reason, Riesta, who was soaked in a sense of pride, welcomed Cecily, and soon a friendly atmosphere was created.

Contrary to appearances, Cecily, an elf, was actually older than her, but that didn’t matter too much right now.

“ha ha ha. I also thought the last job would be my last foreign assignment, but somehow it turned out like this.”

Lafori smiled shyly and shrugged.

In fact, this was such an important issue that it was inevitable for Lafori to step forward.

However, it was quite unexpected that even Cecily, who should have been concentrating on her education in Drasha, participated in the delegation, which was the result of her strong desire to return to the Ion continent.

‘Because opportunities to cross continents like this won’t come often. At this point, I’ll be able to keep my promise to repay Harley properly.’

And the leadership of the Elven Kingdom also accepted her opinion.

The delegation itself wasn’t that dangerous, and this could also be a good experience as part of the training.

“I heard the news. Did Heinrich become a saint? Even then, I felt that he was an unusual person, but when I heard the news, I thought it was as expected.”

“Huh-huh… even the Holy Son will be happy to see you. Right now, he is busy reviewing the defense situation of the Great War.”

The meeting, which took place after such a long time, did not last long due to the busy schedule of the saintess who was in the middle of welcoming others.

The envoys from the Elven Kingdom are guided to their lodgings until the meeting begins.

Everyone was satisfied with the smooth schedule, but there was one person who was unknowingly depressed…

“What… what is it? I was not disappointed. I knew it would be like this from the start!”

Harris didn’t say anything, but she reacted in surprise as she fidgeted with the belt wrapped around her body.

“All right? With such a large-scale delegation, there’s no way there’s going to be a problem along the way, right? This is literally just in case…”

Still he was silent, but Shapiron, in a small voice, eagerly spewed out unconvincing excuses.

‘Still, pretending not to know here would be the magnanimity of an adult.’

Harris just looked at her with a warm gaze, and it was the same with Lafori, who glanced at her with a cute look.

Of course, he was also an accomplice.


As time passed, envoys from various powers began to arrive at the Great Temple one after another.

Of course, there was not a single place that was absent.

‘Actually, to be left out of such a big game is no different from self-imposed diplomatic isolation, so it’s only natural.’

It was not a continental ‘summit’ meeting for nothing.

I wouldn’t know if it was before the work was done, but it is impossible to be left out in a situation where everyone is already gathering in one mind.

In addition, there was a convenient means of transportation called the gate, so the fact that the time was tight was not a hindrance at all.

Time passed without such a big problem.

Finally, the day of the ‘continental summit’ that everyone has been waiting for has dawned.


The heart of the Great War of Roselia, tightly guarded by paladins deployed everywhere.

Heinrich, dressed in more shiny armor than usual, knocked lightly on the door.

“Saint Riesta? This is Heinrich. We have to go to the conference room now, are you ready?”

“Yes! I’ll be leaving soon!”

Shortly after the answer was heard, the door opened and she approached cautiously, accompanied by her priestesses, clad in formal robes.

It’s a public position, so I had to be careful in many ways…

‘You seem a little nervous. Well, it must be the first time I’ve ever had a seat this big.’

Riesta approached him stiffly with a hard face.

In fact, even though she has been active externally as the face of the main church, she is now only a 19-year-old girl.

Of course, it was the first time an event of this scale was held, and anyone in such a situation could not help but be as nervous as she was.

Of course, Heinrich, the master of emotional control, didn’t have a single moment of agitation.

He pretended not to know her nervousness and spoke to her in a calm manner.

“It came from quite a few different places this time. It’s the first time I see people from all over the world like this. I’m sure the saintess has already had a lot of experiences like this?”

“That… Kuhm, that’s right. It’s been over 7 years since I became a saint. I’m used to meeting various people, but…”

“Again, isn’t this all thanks to the saintess’ efforts in every way? It is a place prepared after a lot of hard work to unite people from all over the world.

“…because that was definitely what I had to do. The Holy Son suffered a lot too! You must have been busy checking the security situation at the Holy Land all these days.”

While moving to the meeting room with the attendants following her at a distance, as the conversation continued naturally, the saintess could feel her tension slowly loosening.

In the first place, as there are sex laws that keep her composure, the reason she was nervous was only because of the psychological burden.

In this situation, the saintess was the face and representative of the church.

‘But now that a saint named Heinrich is with me, I don’t have to shoulder the burden alone.’

The saintess must have realized this as well, and as she talked with him in a carefree manner, she seemed to gradually let go of the burden on her heart.

“By the way, other people must have checked it several times already, but was it necessary for the Holy Son to step in and check the security several times? Also, don’t wear formal clothes, but even armor.”

“Because I am a paladin and also a warrior who will fight directly against the Immortal King. Wouldn’t this look give you more faith? Also, the defense of this place is at stake for the prestige of our main church, so we must thoroughly check it.”

Representatives of major powers, including the Mage Tower Federation and the Mercenary Guild, attended as well as high-ranking officials who had been entrusted with full authority from countries located on each continent, as well as minor religious groups that worshiped the god of the sea or the earth.

In addition to the representative, including the attendants and escorts, a staggering number of outsiders flowed into this place at once.

Of course, the boundaries of Daeshinjeon had to be more thorough than ever.

Not only did the Paladin and the archbishop mobilize, but it was taken for granted that the saint, Heinrich, personally led them.

‘Also, just in case, the Heretic Questioner is secretly monitoring the attendees.’

Could there be people hiding with bad intentions?

Fortunately, no one has yet been found who came here with such intentions.

“Ah, both of you are here. Then, shall we go in?”

At the end of their conversation and movement, they were able to join Cardinal Cordelia at the gates of the convention hall to help with the practice.

I heard that everyone else has already entered the room, so once they enter, it will start right away.

The ‘continental summit’ will decide the future of this world.


A conference hall prepared inside the Great Temple of Roselia.

In the center, seats for the representatives and attendants of each faction were arranged in a circle, and seats for the envoys who followed them were prepared outside.

Right before the summit was held, most of the seats were filled without any vacancies, but the air between them was showing subtle temperature differences depending on the relationship between the powers.

‘Whoa, that’s hard. Please, I hope we can get something out of this meeting.’

And among them, there was one who moved the most busily and repeatedly contacted various delegations.

It was Archduke Dennis of Rohan, the heir to the Principality of Rohan.

He first approached the Empire, his closest ally, to ask for support, but the Crown Prince, who participated as a representative, just showed a troublesome attitude.

It is difficult to send troops right away, and we will provide enough military supplies as before, so just hold on a little longer.

I expected that it would be different if I asked face to face, but there was nothing different from the contents exchanged several times through the official route.

‘Of course, I’m grateful for the material support, but right now, hundreds of people are dying every day…! There is no one to use it.’

I understand that the empire was in the same situation as the monsters, but I couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

Compared to the Azerion Empire, which was holding up well, the Principality of Rohan was like a beacon in the wind.

Dennis slowly looked around the large conference hall.

Having all the powers that dominate the continent gathered in one place was a spectacle in itself.

Although it was a pity that none of these people could help his country.

‘…I couldn’t even say a word to the different races. Well, even if it worked out, I wouldn’t have been able to send troops because of the distance.’

His gaze turned to the envoys of the Enamel Continent, who were united in one place.

The ‘Elven Kingdom’, the kingdom of elves and the world tree,

‘Titania’ was founded by the dwarves who were followers of the ‘god of fire and metal’.

In addition to that, the ‘Wild Land’, a union of beastmen who believe in their own native religion, and the ‘Central Swamp’, a community of lizardmen, etc…

In the first place, except for the main church, they were heterogeneous races that were not friendly to humans, so it was not easy to even talk to them.

Make sure to read from noble mtl com

Most of them would not have even attended this event if it had not been for the church’s request.

‘Unlike the Ion Continent, which has become a mess, the Enamel Continent is said to be relatively intact.’

Of course, like the previous Immortal King incident, support was needed at the continental level for the purpose of extinguishing the fire before it spread, but what the Principality of Rohan, whose country was in precarious right now, wanted was not at that level.

It was a situation where more immediate and practical force was desperately needed.

‘The Republic of Zefia, which is not on good terms with the Empire, had no intention of listening to this side at all. As long as our principality is pro-imperial, it may be an unavoidable problem…’

However, despite all the hard work, there was no other country that responded positively.

As well as the coalition of four kingdoms in the west, Talia, Charlotte, Tulk, and Lesque, which suffered relatively little damage due to the low number of undead.

Everything from the southeast island nation of Wizette, where the headquarters of the Mage Tower Federation is located, to the Southern Chalkos Tribe Federation.

Given the chaotic situation, it is natural that he would be reluctant to turn his country’s power outside at this time, but from his point of view, he could not help but resent them.

‘The minority church doesn’t have anything to say about fighting power. At least the mercenary guild decided to introduce large mercenaries, but I don’t know how long it will take to negotiate with them.’

So the outcome of this summit was important.

The main church has already dispatched and supported the Holy Knights as well as Paladins to the Principality of Rohan.

If it were them, they would have properly grasped how serious the situation in the principality was.

It is likely to be dealt with as a very important agenda.

If the Continental Allied Forces were created and helped the principality, they would be able to overcome this crisis.

That’s how Dennis Lohan was thinking hard about what to do in the future.


The doors of the hall opened, and at last the representatives of the temple entered.

The gaze of the surroundings was focused on that place in an instant, and the people who were chatting silently shut their mouths.

Quite a number of people were entering at once, including those who would help with the process, but the only ones that stood out were the two men and women at the forefront.

“Huh—are these really the ones who are loved by God? It’s like a different world, only the space they are in.”

“That’s a newly born saint…”

“Um… I saw it at first glance the other day, but it’s a tremendous presence after all.”

After a moment of silence, the envoys started whispering among themselves.

Unlike St. Riesta, who was known through several external activities, everyone’s attention was focused on Saint Heinrich, who was the first official activity this time.

No, I had to focus.

Contrary to the soft and benevolent smile and the pious atmosphere around him, he naturally exudes a hot and powerful energy like a blazing flame.

Because he was the hero and hope of this era, the protagonist who would fight against the Immortal King and put an end to the current chaos.

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