silent war (2)


The fading consciousness was suddenly awakened.

The shattered lungs regenerated and their breathing burst out, and the heart beat violently, and blood circulated throughout the body.

As the fatal injury began to improve little by little with “super recovery”, the body gradually regained strength.

‘···I really lived and died…!’

If it hadn’t been for the “Instant Death Immunity”, a privilege that Hans got from achieving the achievement of ‘The King of Immortality’, he would have really died.

However, since the condition was so serious, it seemed that it took quite a long time for him to fully recover.

It was good to have a completely shattered organ to take shape as if it were rewinding time, but the condition was not so good.

“Lord of the company! Here is the potion!”

“I will take you straight to the temple! Just hold on a little longer!”

Watching the mercenaries around him frantically stuffing emergency potions into their mouths, Hubert accelerated the accident and calmly analyzed the situation.

‘He was a vampire, but it was the first time I saw him.’

In addition, the level was very high enough to hide everyone’s attention and give a sneak attack on him.

It was a story about escorting the mercenaries, as well as ignoring Brokoslac’s surveillance network.

‘Hubert’s sensing ability was not so good, so he couldn’t understand his opponent properly, but for this to be possible, he must be pure-blooded at the minimum.’

Among them, he was at the top of the list, and he was supposed to have the ability to specialize in assassination.


‘Is such a high-level manpower only aimed at Hubert, an ordinary merchant, a fluke?’

Candidates who might have instigated this job quickly passed by in my taut mind.

From the top of the competition that caused friction while expanding its business recently, to the nobles who were aiming for the Hosh*tamtam market, to the organizations in the back alleys that were crushed by him.


He prides himself on growing his business as proudly as possible, but due to the nature of the work at stake, there were no enemies.

‘But why are you a vampire? Is it just a coincidence? ···Damn, too little information. First of all, I think we should dig into the point of being an unknown vampire.’

I didn’t think that Brokoslock would have hit the back of the head.

Those who were subordinate to King Heinz II as “pure blood” could not have disobeyed the order to fully support Hubert.

‘In order to properly understand the situation, it is most effective to move the clan through Heinz, but at this time, he left his seat… In addition, since sending Howard in, Bae Sung-jin is already in a cooldown state.’

Unfortunately, it seemed difficult to solve the problem easily.

But now the most important thing was something else.

“Cool! for a moment···.”

Hubert fed him a potion, stopped the escorts who were rushing to the temple, and unilaterally delivered the task.

I will hide in a safe place for the time being, recover my body and come back.

‘If he finds out that I’m not dead, this time he’ll definitely put an end to it.’

He left immediately, convinced that he had dealt with him, but he never knew when he would return.

Since you can’t expect “instant death immunity” now, it’s best to avoid this place as soon as possible.

“…and Howard and I have a personal way of contacting him, so in the meantime, through him… Whoa, I’ll pass on the work. Let’s spread that to the higher society…”

“Yes, yes? No, how are you going to hide yourself…”

I couldn’t take any more time.

As soon as it was judged that the situation had been roughly conveyed, Hubert immediately disappeared from the scene by ‘unsummoning’.

Of course, there was a question as to whether the mercenaries could be trusted, but they could not be worried about that right now.

‘They were recommended by the three southern warriors, so you’ll be able to trust them to some extent. Of course, people don’t know what’s inside…’

At that time, all I had to do, including Harley and Brokoslak, was to make sure they pay the price.

“Ha, by the way, what kind of lightning bolt is this all of a sudden?”

woo woo-

A bright beam of light illuminating the room permeated the body of the person lying on the floor.

I had now become Heinrich through “Object Projection” and was pouring out divine power on Hubert, who was summoned back to Earth.

‘I saved my life thanks to 「Immunity to Instant Death」…’

It was only barely enough to hold her breath, so it seemed difficult to get better quickly.

No matter how much Heinrich was recognized as a saint, his abilities were focused only on the battle side.

It was only natural that he had no blessings related to healing and recovery.

‘Still, the divine power is ignorantly beaten, so the 「Auterica Holy Method」 alone is quite effective.’

In addition to that, there is also a common skill, “Super Recovery”, so it seemed that if I meditated for a few days, I would be able to recover enough to be able to move.

It didn’t matter now, though.

‘Things are bothering me. I don’t know where things went wrong.’

It was impossible to determine whether the company was involved, whether it was a vampire, or whether it was related to Harley because there was no information.

It was intended to develop an intelligence organization in case such a situation occurred, but it happened while Heinz was away for a short time.

“Whoa— well, it has already happened, and there is nothing I can do about it. What matters is what to do next.”

Fortunately, there was another intelligence organization here.

It’s a little out of character to be used for this kind of thing, but…

‘Ah, that’s what it’s meant for in the first place. It’s a little bit different in nature, but it’s enough to give you an idea of the situation.’

Although they were slightly weak at understanding the fights between humans and political maneuvers, they were in some ways superior to that of the informants.

‘Let’s order it so we can start right away. I don’t know who they are, but I touched the wrong person.’

So, under the immortal king Hans, the immortal corps intelligence chief Olivia and many ghosts.

He began to move to investigate the background of the assassination of a merchant.


In a space that smells fishy and bloody.

The white-eyed vampire, Bisque Yupersch, took a deep breath and opened her mouth.

“How are the preparations going?”

“It is going smoothly. Combatants are gathering according to the summons, and a number of blood gates have been established along the path to the Kingdom of Thalia.”

The shadow in the dark answered his question quietly.

Blood Gate is a kind of simple space movement gate used by the Upersh Clan, and it was a unique blood magic that made them work on all continents.

Its moving distance was not far and it had the disadvantage that a large amount of blood was required to install it, but compared to the convenience when using it, there was no such restriction.

“If you go straight to Talaria, you might be caught off guard, so we set a goal for the city of Rappella, which is a few days away. Of course, we could reach the capital in less than half a day.”

“Hmm— good.”

Bisque made a satisfied sound and nodded quietly.

“And, there has just been a report that the work has been completed in Tarak in the Kingdom of Tulk.”

“Well? What was there?”

Buried himself in the chair, he tilted his head and looked at the shadow.

I told you to focus all your energy on promoting Brokoslak in the Kingdom of Thalia, but why did that story suddenly come out?

“…there was information that Brokoslak was thinking of stepping in that direction, or that he was expanding his power in connection with one of Tarak’s tops. So, in order to divert their attention, I have given you a report that I am going to assassinate the person in charge at the top…”

“Ah— it was. I forgot because it was nothing.”

Bisque nodded and stroked his chin.

To him, the life or death of a single human being was a trivial matter that was not worth paying attention to, so his attitude was too light.

“It is said that Klein, who was nearby, took care of some of the vampires of Brokoslac together with the boss. As the child went out on his own, you don’t have to worry about leaving a trace.”

“Klein, I remember you. For a pure-blooded person, he was definitely a useful guy. There’s no such thing as a kid who can handle things quietly and surely?”

“That’s right. Among the current pure blood, he is the most likely to become a genuine blood person.”

“Yeah, well, you know what? In fact, it doesn’t matter what it is.”

Bisque, who already thought that the clan’s force alone was not enough to carry out his work, waved his hand insignificantly.

In fact, he didn’t say much when he saw the underdogs working hard for this job, but he was confident that he could wipe them out on his own.

It’s just waiting as planned because the final goal isn’t the end of getting rid of the opponent.

“So, when do you think the preparations will end?”

“I expect it to take a week or so to complete the work in the most confidential way possible…”

“Long. Reduce it further.”

“····The period can be shortened by urging a little more, but there is a risk that the work of installing blood gates will be discovered if hastily done···.”

“In a week— maybe two days. Finish it in five days.”

“…Yes, Lord. I will follow your orders.”

When Bisk, who had no intention of listening to his subordinates, cut his words out, the shadow could not protest any longer and bowed his head.

As long as the Holy Blood’s command fell, it was just the way it was.

“I am looking forward to meeting him. How the hell did the clan’s dominion pass? They must be of the same bloodline… but I don’t know what the English is.”

In anticipation of being able to answer that question in a few days, Bisque Yupersch smiled coldly.


“thank you! Goodbye!”

“Yeah, yeah~ Uh huh, little girls are really spunky. I want my son to see and learn too. oh ho ho~”

Seeing the old lady leaving the grocery store smiling, Diana stretched her bent back.

It was late and now it was time to close the business.

“You did a great job today, Diana. I don’t have to help, aren’t you busy studying?”

“No, uncle. It also helps to do things like this yourself. Even the teacher said that learning only from books is dead knowledge!”

Diana, a girl who had a relationship with Heinz and came with him from Ajanto to Rappella, said with a bright smile.

She had completely mastered writing and arithmetic at the academy, and was personally learning accounting and commercial law from the instructors she made a connection with there.

Of course, the cost of education was quite high, but it wasn’t a big deal because Heinz had a lot of money for it.

‘It’s all thanks to you that we can live like this, so I want to help you with anything.’

But for Heinz, there weren’t many areas where Diana could be of any help.

She was in poor physical condition and had no special skills, and at best it was all about using her hair, but fortunately she had a great talent for it.

Even the instructor in charge of training was so impressed with her excellent understanding several times.

‘There are many talented people who manage money, but few competent and reliable people!’

She didn’t know what Heinz was doing, but she thought a finance officer in any field would be helpful.

He is still lacking, but if he works hard, he will become the man he needs.

It was the moment when Diana was cleaning up the store while recalling her courageous aspirations.


From somewhere, a stench stung her nose.

‘In addition···.’

The smell of blood that I have already smelled a few times today alone.

I used to feel it quite often before, but now the frequency has increased significantly.

‘Besides, the smell I smell these days seems to be something different.’

The unfamiliar smell of vampires was gradually increasing.

‘I wish nothing happened…’

Diana frowned and hurriedly cleaned up and entered the house.

Thinking that I should pay attention to my brothers Aaron and Rafi once more.

like that.

A silent war was approaching every minute.

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