My Adolescence

Chapter 494

鎴戠殑蹇 灛闂 灛闂 鎻︻揣璧 鎻︻揣璧 鎻︻揣璧 鎻︻揣璧 鎻︻揣璧 鎻︻揣璧 鎻︻揣璧 鎻︻揣璧 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪澶勶纴鐒跺悗鍑犱箮鏄兂涔熶笉鎯 澶勶纴鐒跺悗鍑犱箮鏄兂涔熶笉鎯 殑灏辫 嬭 嬭 嬭 嬭 嬭 鑴 鑴 揩姝ヨ 揩姝ヨ 揩姝ヨ 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖庤 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖庤 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖庤 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖庤 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖庤 杩囧幓锛岀劧钖庤 噷銆

鎴戝垰鍒氲 杩涘幓锛岀劧钖庢潨鑻ョ惇灏卞皬蹇 杩涘幓锛岀劧钖庢潨鑻ョ惇灏卞皬蹇 缈 缈 缈 缈 竴鐪嬮噷闱 竴鐪嬮噷闱 竴鐪嬮噷闱 竴鐪嬮噷闱 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二 二跺悗鍙堢湅浜嗕竴鐪 捀鎷挎埧绱 捀鎷挎埧绱 捀鎷挎埧绱 鈥沧 鈥沧 鈥沧 鈥沧 鈥沧 鈥沧 鈥沧 鈥沧 鈥沧瀵 嚧鍑 嚧鍑 嚧鍑 嚧鍑 嚧鍑 嚧鍑

浼 濂 濂 濂 垰 垰 垰 湁钖缑澶︻湡鍒囷纴 湁钖缑澶︻湡鍒囷纴 湁钖缑澶︻湡鍒囷纴 湁钖缑澶︻湡鍒囷纴 湁钖缑澶︻湡鍒囷纴 湁钖缑澶︻湡鍒囷纴 湁钖缑澶︻湡鍒囷纴 湁钖缑澶︻湡鍒囷纴 浠ョ矖绮楃殑鐪嬩 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 鐪 娌 娌纴涓 杈 杈 杈 棰濆ご涓 棰濆ご涓 棰濆ご涓 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈 銆 銆 銆

鎴戣濂Silicon umbrella 纴鏁 纴鏁 纴鏁 浜哄 浜哄 浜哄 浜哄 浜哄 浜哄 浜哄 涓啺灞 涓啺灞 涓啺灞 涓啺灞 涓啺灞 涓啺灞 涓啺灞 涓啺灞濂 濂 濂 锛屼竾涓 琚彂鐜 琚彂鐜 琚彂鐜 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 璧 湪鍞竴镄勫 湪鍞竴镄勫 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶绱ф礂瀹岀寮€锛屽ソ璁╂垜蹇偣锲炴埧浼戞伅銆

濂 娉 娉 娉 ° ° ° ° Do you know how to identify 槸涔咃纴鎴戠瓑浜嗗 涓皬镞讹纴鏉滆嫢鐞墠娉 畲婢 纴涓嶈 纴涓嶈 纴涓嶈 纴涓嶈 纴涓嶈 璁╂垜 璁╂垜 囨侪镄勬槸濂 囨侪镄勬槸濂珶鐒 舵 病 夋 ョ潃绂诲紑娴 ョ潃绂诲紑娴 ョ潃绂诲紑娴 ョ潃绂诲紑娴 屾槸锲 屾槸锲 屾槸锲 屾槸锲 屾槸锲 鏉 鏉 槠鑹 槠鑹 槠鑹 澶 殑娴 殑娴 殑娴 殑娴 殑娴 肪 肪 肪 肪 殑娴 肪 肪 肪潵浜嗐€

鏉滆嫢鐞猰ove towards 鎸夋恳搴娄笂瓒 笅锛屼 笅锛屼 笅锛屼 笅锛屼 涔庢槸瀚屽 棿 棿 棿 鍓溂缃╄ 鍓溂缃╄ 鍓溂缃╄嚜宸 埓涓婏纴鐒跺悗 埓涓婏纴鐒跺悗 埓涓婏纴鐒跺悗 埓涓婏纴鐒跺悗 埓涓婏纴鐒跺悗 埓涓婏纴鐒跺悗 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 鑸 澹 澹 澹 澹 澹 澹 澹 澹 澹夋恳銆傗€

鎴戣 Umbrella 浼 浼 韬 韬 湪钂 湪钂 嬁鎴 噷 噷 噷 噷 纴钖埌濂 纴钖埌濂 纴钖埌濂 纴钖埌濂 纴钖埌濂 纴钖埌濂 纴钖埌濂 纴钖埌濂 纴钖埌濂 纴钖埌濂コ镄勬 庝箞杩欎箞澶 庝箞杩欎箞澶 庝箞杩欎箞澶 庝箞杩欎箞澶 婢 C C C C C C C C C 傞兘娣卞鍑犵偣 傞兘娣卞鍑犵偣 傞兘娣卞鍑犵偣浜嗭纴璁╀笉璁╀汉锲炲幓浼戞伅镄勶纻

鎴戞 夊惉鍒 夊惉鍒 夊惉鍒 夊惉鍒 夊惉鍒 夊惉鍒 帅 帅 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺 鎺笢瑗 殑鏉滆嫢鐞纴蹇冩兂 殑鏉滆嫢鐞纴蹇冩兂 殑鏉滆嫢鐞纴蹇冩兂 殑鏉滆嫢鐞纴蹇冩兂 傝秮镌 傝秮镌 杩欎 杩欎 链 链 链 链 链 链 链 链 链鍙嶆浣犳埓镌 鐪 鐪 鐪 涔熺湅涓嶈鎴戙 涔熺湅涓嶈鎴戙 涔熺湅涓嶈鎴戙 傛垜涓嶅彂鍑哄 傛垜涓嶅彂鍑哄 傛垜涓嶅彂鍑哄 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔 阔

浜庢槸 锛屾垜灏卞紑濮嬬尗镌 锛屾垜灏卞紑濮嬬尗镌 锛屾垜灏卞紑濮嬬尗镌 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐 罐嚭铡 纴浼佸浘绌胯 纴浼佸浘绌胯 纴浼佸浘绌胯 瀹ょ寮 瀹ょ寮 銆 銆

I am very light in motion and very nervous. I am afraid that I will be discovered by the other party. My eyes are looking at Du Ruoqi and I find that she is not aware of it. I am proud of it and feel that success is in sight.

But immediately I went to extreme joy turns to sorrow, because I put my attention on Du Ruoqi who was kneeling on the massage table, causing me to ignore my feet while walking on my feet, accidentally throwing a trash in the room. I gave it a kick and made a loud bang. Suddenly I was so pale that I thought I was going to die.

I thought that Du Ruoqi would definitely be scared. When she picked up the blindfold and shouted the security guard, she was shocked to find that she was still squatting on the massage bed. The eye mask was not picked, and even a kind of not very happy. The muzzle said: “Maya, how do you do things with heavy hands, even the trash can be kicked?”

I am hearing this wrong, and the feelings of Du Ruoqi heard the sound, because her maid Maya came in?

Look at her, I haven’t seen me yet. I quickly sneaked out, I turned and wanted to go, but Du Ruoqi’s crisp voice rang again. She said with a little command in her tone: “I’m busy all day, I’m exhausted. Maya, come and give I massage.”

Press, massage?

I am hearing this, I am stupid, and it is not standing here.

Du Ruoqi urged: “Come on, Maya, what’s wrong with you today?”

No way, if I don’t go up again, I guess she will take off her blindfold and see me, then I will die. I am forced to go, and I can only go up with my scalp and look at the big white towel wrapped in it. She, thinking: now she was discovered by her, it must be dead. But if I give her a massage, then I will touch her. It is estimated that if she finds out, I will not be as simple as cutting my hands. By the way, this is the difference between early death and late death!

Du Ruoqi is on the massage table. Pride Princess said, “Give me a shoulder.”

I will press the shoulder. When I was at home, Zhang Qingqing was tired of work, and I often made a trick to let her press her shoulders, so I tried to calm myself down. Then put her hands on Du Ruoqi’s delicate shoulders like a knife, and start to press her.

Du Ruoqi was very sensitive. When my hand touched her shoulder, she shrank her neck and sighed and said: “Maya. Your palm has become rough again. But the technique is a bit fresh, it is new learning. It seems very comfortable.”

Where did he dare to talk, and when he said it, he exposed himself, and his eyes turned two times, and he gave a very subtle voice with his nose: “Well!”

About normally those servants are afraid of Du Ruoqi. They don’t dare to speak loudly in front of her, so my mosquito is so small. I didn’t let Du Ruoqi find something wrong. She even put on a more comfortable kneeling position. Let me give me a shoulder.

What I didn’t even think of was that Du Ruoqi actually enjoyed the massage I gave her. She occasionally made two very comfortable buzzing sounds. At the end, she breathed a bit of speed, and her cheeks were painted. The layer of blushing color, the body is like a snake-like uneasiness, twisting from time to time, making a squeaky voice, I can’t help but think with a big eyes: I rely on, she should not have that feeling?

Sure enough, Du Ruoqi couldn’t help but say with shame: “Maya, your technique is really amazing. I can’t stand it anymore. You are tired, take a break for five minutes, you can pour me a glass of red wine. Come.”

When I heard this, I was relieved. I immediately turned and left. I left the room in an escaped way, because if I was discovered by her, it would be very ugly to die.

I have just left less than three minutes, and the maid Maya walked in with a basket of skin care products. She said to Du Ruoqi in a gentle and courteous manner: “Miss, I will give you a massage?”

Du Ruoqi took off his blindfold and looked at Maya’s mistake and said, “Hey, what wine do I want you to take?”

“Missy is going to drink red wine, I will go to you immediately.”

Maya knows that Du Ruoqi likes to drink red wine when it comes to beauty, because red wine also has a beauty effect, but Du Ruoqi wrinkled his eyebrows at this time and said, “Don’t you tell me to take it? If you forget it, you don’t have to, you continue to give I massaged, that feeling is really comfortable, more comfortable than ever before, I can’t wait to try that feeling again.”

Maya was confused, she didn’t know what Du Ruoqi was saying, but she told her that she could only do it, so she gave Du Ruoqi a shoulder.

Just two times, Du Ruoqi sat up and said, “Is it right? It’s not this kind of technique, it’s not that feeling, and… How can your hand not be so rough?”

Maya’s eyes widened and said, “I, I didn’t give you a big lady massage!”


Du Ruoqi’s pretty face was filled with the color of surprised and angry, and then remembered the rough and wide palms. At this time, I suddenly remembered that it was like a man’s palm. Her beautiful eyes instantly became murderous.

Chapter 569: Getting into trouble

I sneaked back to my room at 2:30 in the morning, thinking that the experience tonight was really dangerous and dangerous. At the same time, I was really sleepy, so I fell asleep and fell asleep.

When I heard someone knocking at the door, I suddenly woke up. It was already more than eight o’clock the next morning. I yawned and opened the door. I didn’t expect that the knocking on the door turned out to be Mao’s guy. This flowered Young Master was quite early. He looked at me with a look of tiredness. He curiously asked, “Hey, Mr. Chen, you. Why didn’t you seem to sleep well?”

Where did he dare to say what happened last night. Lie quickly said: “Oh, this villa room is too luxurious, I am not used to living, insomnia in the middle of the night.”

Mao ang is hearing this laugh: “haha. Actually there is such a thing.”

I talked to him a few words, went to wash, just dressed and neatly out, Mao Ang called me out to eat at the hotel outside. In order to learn the technique of picking up girls with me, this guy really didn’t have to say anything to me. I just respected and treated me as his teacher.

However, we just got down from the second floor of the villa. After passing through the very large living room on the first floor, we found that there were five or six male servants in the living room, and there were more than a dozen maids arranged neatly. Du Ruoqi was wearing a pair of tailored white-colored skirts, and looked at the crowd in the hall with her arms cold. She stood behind two soldiers wearing military green uniforms. Both soldiers carried a rifle, and the serious face of Du Ruoqi glared at the men and women in the hall.

My situation is a bit guilty, especially when I see Du Ruoqi’s arrogant pretty face, I can’t help thinking a little worried. This stinky girl shouldn’t find that the person who gave her a massage last night is not Maya. ?

When I thought about it, I couldn’t help but feel a little scared. I turned my eyes twice and whispered to Mao: “What are they doing?”

“I don’t know” Mao An is also very strange, but he seems to know his old sister very well, and then whispered: “Probably the servant stealing something, or secretly doing something that offends my old sister, My old sister wants to take the blasphemy out to punish?”

“Ah?” My heart couldn’t help but jump.

Mao Ang looked at me: “Hey, Mr. Chen, how is your forehead sweating, and the temperature in the morning is not hot?”

“It’s okay, I just took part in my hand when I washed it and took a little sweat.” I whispered to him, “That. It’s none of our business, we are still happy to go out for breakfast.”

Mao An took me through the hall, and Du Ruoqi was pointing at one of the eight-character Hu servants at this time and said, “Gray, put your hands out and let me see your hand.”

The singer Hu, who is called Gerry, honestly stretched out his hands and let Du Ruoqi look. Du Ruoqi looked at his eyes and said, “You will listen to me.”

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