My Adolescence

Chapter 433

Zhang Qingqing sneered 锛岄 锛 锛 沧垜娈嬫毚锛熸垜瀵 沧垜娈嬫毚锛熸垜瀵 Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng潵杩樻寚 涗綘鑳 涗綘鑳 涗綘鑳 € € € € 綘 綘 綘 掑ソ锛屽弽 掑ソ锛屽弽 掑ソ锛屽弽 掑ソ锛屽弽 掑ソ锛屽弽 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 鏄 傛垜瑕佹槸鍐嶆斁浠讳綘涓岖锛屾 鍑呜 鍑呜 鍑呜 涓崭 涓崭 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶

鎴戠湅镌€Zhang Qingqing 锛屾 庝箞鐪嫔ス閮 庝箞鐪嫔ス閮 庝箞鐪嫔ス閮 槸鍦ㄥ悆 槸鍦ㄥ悆 俬 俬 俬 he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he 嫔 嫔

浜庢槸锛屾垜鎸f墡镌€鍧愯捣鏉ワ纴瀣夌毊绗戣劯杞 鍧愯捣鏉ワ纴瀣夌毊绗戣劯杞 镄勪 镄勪 嫔幓鎼 嫔幓鎼 嫔幓鎼 嫔幓鎼 嫔幓鎼 嫔幓鎼 嫔幓鎼 ス镄勭粏 纴 纴 纴 纴 濊 濊 濊 濊 濊Li Mengting 鎴愪 鎯呬 Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng Meng qing qing Qing Qing Qing 鍗帹寮 浜嗘垜镄勬 浜嗘垜镄勬 浜嗘垜镄勬 锛岀劧钖庡紑濮嬫 璇夊鎴戠殑涓嶆 璇夊鎴戠殑涓嶆 锛屾瘮濡傛垜浠婂ぉ鐜╁け韪濂 锛屾瘮濡傛垜浠婂ぉ鐜╁け韪濂 锛屾瘮濡傛垜浠婂ぉ鐜╁け韪濂 锛屾瘮濡傛垜浠婂ぉ鐜╁け韪濂 媴蹇冭 媴蹇冭簨绛夌瓑銆

鍒湅Zhang Qingqing normally 琛ㄩ 涓婂緢鍑讹纴鍏跺疄濂 涓婂緢鍑讹纴鍏跺疄濂 涓婂緢鍑讹纴鍏跺疄濂 涓婂緢鍑讹纴鍏跺疄濂 殑锛屾 殑锛屾 鍫嗕笉婊 鍫嗕笉婊 鍫嗕笉婊 鍫嗕笉婊濂 嚜宸辫镌 嚜宸辫镌 璇 璇 璇 潃蹇 潃蹇 劧闂 劧闂 皬鍢 皬鍢 皬鍢 皬鍢 皬鍢 皬鍢 皬鍢 涅 涅 涅 涅 涅 涅 涅 涅 涅细 Yu Yu Yu 锛屽鏋滀綘鏁(四)窡Li Mengting 鑳屽弥鎴戙€傛垜涓€杈埚瓙閮戒笉铡熻皡浣狅纴涓€杈埚瓙閮戒笉鍐嶈浣狅纴浣犲惉鍒版锛熲

绗琗NUM绗琗 detailed storage vi璇

Qing瑙乑hang Qingqing weeping beauty 镄勬ā镙凤纴涔熸槸蹇崭笉浣忓绩鐤硷纴鐒跺悗灏卞镌 濂 悇绉嶅搫銆 悇绉嶅搫銆 悇绉嶅搫銆 悇绉嶅搫銆 彲鑳 彲鑳蹇冩湁鑺ヨ 镄勭紭鏁咃纴铏 镄勭紭鏁咃纴铏 劧濂 劧濂 鎱 鎱 鎱 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 涅 涅 涅 涅铡荤殑灏忓菇镐ㄣ

鏅Hydrazine笂11镣镣镄勬椂镄勬椂欙纴濂欙纴濂窡浣忛櫌閮ㄥ鐝鐞嗗憳瑕佷窡浣忛櫌閮ㄥ鐝鐞嗗憳瑕佷傝寮犵寮犵傝傝傝傝闄(二)彁渚涚粰鐥呬汉瀹跺睘杩囧鐢ㄧ殑锛岀浜屽ぉ镞╀笂绠$悊Forged tree鏉ユ敹璧鏉ユ敹璧鏉ユ敹璧纴涓澶淴NUM澶淴鍧楅挶銆俍hang Qingqing 灏卞纰浜嗗紶杩欑灏忓簥鍦ㄦ垜鐥呭簥杈Sihanhan涓嬶纴鍙槺鎴戞櫄瀹夈€

濂 缮涓 缮涓 濡傛棦寰 濡傛棦寰 镄勫叧蹇 镄勫叧蹇 镄勫叧蹇 镄勫叧蹇 椤 椤 椤 垜锛屼笉杩囨垜杩樻槸鏁忔劅镄勪粠濂 垜锛屼笉杩囨垜杩樻槸鏁忔劅镄勪粠濂 垜锛屼笉杩囨垜杩樻槸鏁忔劅镄勪粠濂庤惤镄勬儏缁纴浠ュ 濂 濂 涓婇偅鎶 涓婇偅鎶 涓婇偅鎶 尌涔嬩笉铡荤殑娣 贰骞 贰骞 贰骞 贰骞 贰骞 贰骞 贰骞 贰骞 贰骞 贰骞 贰骞 一 一 一 一 一愶纴鎴戝畞镒垮ス 傛垜 傛垜 傛垜 撴垜涔熷ソ銆 撴垜涔熷ソ銆 絾鏄 絾鏄 絾鏄 絾鏄 絾鏄 絾鏄 絾鏄 夎瘽鎲嬬潃蹇冮噷锛屼笉 夎瘽鎲嬬潃蹇冮噷锛屼笉 夎瘽鎲嬬潃蹇冮噷锛屼笉 夎瘽鎲嬬潃蹇冮噷锛屼笉 夎瘽鎲嬬潃蹇冮噷锛屼笉

When I wanted to take the initiative to tell her something, she had already lie down on the small bed with her clothes, and started to fall asleep against me.

This is another bad signal. Back to me makes me feel that she has a gap with me. It seems that this proud big woman has seen me flirting with Li Mengting tonight. Her heart is very complaining, and even a thin layer of estrangement that I have created. If this is not handled well, there may be feelings. Crisis.

So, I couldn’t sleep when I was lying in a hospital bed. I kept thinking about it, how can I let Zhang Qingqing feel relieved?

When Zhang Qingqing was angry, I usually yelled at her and she went back to make a surprise. Even if she was very angry, a bunch of roses could make her secretly grin.

But now I am stunned that her effect is not as good as it used to be. It is not that my mouth is not sweet, nor that Zhang Qingqing does not like me. But she now feels that I have become a Young Master. There was little cunt Qin Qing Zhang Qingqing always to instill my theory is the residue of men, so Zhang Qingqing think I bother. I am jealous of her words, she also subconsciously suspected that the ignorant girl’s rhetoric, naturally do not believe me sweet words.

Is there any way for Zhang Qingqing to believe that the words that I love her very much are true? I think about it. Most people are more willing to believe that several words are true: one is accidentally overheard, the other is It is what people say after being drunk, and the last one is the dreams that others say when they fall asleep.

I thought of it here, my eyes couldn’t be sneaked at by myself. I was sleeping in a small bed and facing my Qing Qingqing. I suddenly had an idea in my heart. Hey, Zhang Qingqing, isn’t she not convinced of my sweet words and guarantees? Then I was pretending to fall asleep, and then deliberately said a few words of sleep, anyway, just mutter a few words in the dream, I love you and so on. Zhang Qingqing “I’m not careful” to hear my “dream”, I must be greatly moved.

I am an avid man, and I started to do it immediately after thinking of the method.

In order to attract Zhang Qingqing’s attention, I started to snoring. In order to be realistic, I am still patient and slowly turned into a very loud grunt by a slight grunt. Sure enough, as I expected, Zhang Qingqing soon woke up with my snoring, and she sat up. Wrinkled and looked at me.

I didn’t turn off the lights in the ward. I snorted and sneaked open my eyes. After seeing that Zhang Qingqing has been successfully awakened by me, I feel guilty in my heart and feel that I am really a genius. Pretending to say a dream, a woman, this way makes me think.

Zhang Qingqing is looking at me with a slight eyebrow. I started to wear a sleepy person. I deliberately snorted and muttered, and then said a nightmare: “Qing Qing, I love you very much, I met you.” I am the greatest lucky in this life…”

After I finished, I quickly sneaked a sneak peek at Zhang Qingqing’s reaction, only to see that her body was stiff, and then a pair of peach eyes were rounded. After the first second of mistake, she couldn’t help her on the pretty face. A touch of shame.

Alas. How is it different from my imaginary feelings, she is ashamed, how a little annoyed?

Although I was a bit confused about Zhang Qingqing’s reaction, I have already done so. Do a full set of play. So I continued to sleep, and I dreamed of two sentences from time to time. All of them complained that I like Zhang Qingqing’s dreams. Even I ended up deliberately saying two words that I like to be with her, especially 搂The feeling of a tongue kiss…

Zhang Qingqing looked at me with a big horror and said a little sleep, then she couldn’t help but put on the stilettos, and then moved towards the bed and I came over.

I quickly closed my eyes. My heart is proud and expecting. I remember that when Zhang Qingqing was screaming at me, I tried to secretly kiss me. This time she accidentally heard my dreams and definitely touched her inner soft side. Impressed, can’t help but kiss and kiss?

Sure enough, Zhang Qingqing sat down beside my bed, and the faint scent that was unique to her body came out, and then my lips were touched, and I felt the wonderful fragrance of her red lips. Zhang Qingqing mouth with my lips about to touch a little away, and she kiss my mouth, when I was about to Zhang Qingqing becomes how a mood, and then it suddenly came a drama mouth Pain, is Zhang Qingqing, the girls suddenly bite me!

I couldn’t help but call it up: “Wow, are you a puppy, how to bite!”

Zhang Qingqing sneer: “hehe, this is a bit of a bite, and then dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of me, I will kick you directly next time.”

I am a little guilty: “Ah, Qingqing, what are you talking about, how can I not understand?”

“Let’s be stupid with me, do you think that you have deceived me?”

I heard Zhang Qingqing’s words and I couldn’t help but wonder how she knew I was playing tricks. I sneaked at her face again. She was pretty and shameful and annoyed at this moment. She was not sullen and glaring at me. I slammed the duck and said, “Qing Qing, what are you talking about?”

Zhang Qingqing Seeing my life and death refused to admit, she snorted, then pointed to the clock on the wall of the ward, sneered and said: “It’s just 11:30, you just fell for less than half an hour, not only fell asleep, but also Kind of snoring all kinds of nightmares, when I am stupid?”

I squinted and said something: “Well, I am tired these days, so I fell asleep when I closed my eyes. Is it that I just said that I was angry with you?”

Zhang Qingqing see I quibble, she directly said:. “Chen Yu, you come on I marry you for so long, except once you pretending to be asleep snoring outside, you usually never sleep snoring. So if you snoring tonight, I know you have to play tricks. Losing you dare to pretend in front of me.”

I usually sleep without snoring?

I listened to Zhang Qingqing’s words and almost planted it from the bed. It was really big at this moment. I was just proud of it. I didn’t expect Zhang Qingqing to know that I was playing tricks at the beginning.

Zhang Qingqing Seeing that I can’t argue. Just holding my arms coldly snorted, and then began to slap my face to train me, saying that I am always not honest with her, always use this small conspiracy to trick her, and the more she said, the more angry she was.

I saw that I had to screw things up, and I was a little anxious. Seeing Zhang Qingqing talking, his eyes seemed to be red again. I damn it, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, directly to her to force her to come over, and then in her horrified eyes, directly kiss her.

Zhang Qingqing has big eyes, but she has not escaped.

My mouth touched her crimson lips, and I was not the chicken who knew nothing about the kiss. It was almost the moment of touching Zhang Qingqing’s lips. My tongue stretched in…

So sweet!

I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart, Zhang Qingqing’s mouth is so sweet. The feeling of kissing with her tongue made my pores tremble with excitement. This just happened to kiss me, and it gave me a feeling of ecstasy.

Zhang Qingqing made a screaming scream, symbolically using a small hand to push and hit me twice, then slowly no resistance, a pair of hands hooked on my neck, the whole person is soft in me In my arms, let me overbearing and kiss her. Noble goddess normally aloof and remote, the moment becomes a little woman let bullying.

I didn’t think that the strong kiss was so useful. I didn’t think it was useless for a night. I didn’t expect a strong kiss to let Zhang Qingqing be honest.

Chapter 494: Painful heart palpitations

Zhang Qingqing was kissed by me and suddenly became honest. Moreover, it is strange to say that the faint resentment in her eyes has disappeared. The rest of the shyness is still a bit of joy. In the end, I ignored the injury and directly depended on me. Sweetly asleep.

Her reaction made me understand one thing. You can’t make sense with a jealous woman. It’s not good for her. The only direct and effective way is to kiss her first. You will find out after the kiss. Even without your explanation, she feels a lot better and won’t lose her temper with you.

I looked at Zhang Qingqing, who was as lazy as a cat, curling up in my arms and sleeping sweetly. I can’t help but feel that the kiss is so powerful, isn’t it more powerful? If after Zhang Qingqing little patience disgruntled talk to me, I forced pā pā pā directly with her, she is not a more tame instill obedience to be me? This thought made me excited to sleep all night, and my life was even more fascinating.

The night is deep and the night is like water.

Opposite the inpatient department building of the People’s Hospital is an ordinary hotel. The window of the 509 suite is right in front of the window of my ward. I am looking at my ward with a telescope. She stands behind her hand, Afu and the four King Kong. . There are also medical doctors and super killers who have been missing for a long time.

Afu couldn’t help but say: “Mrs. Chen Wen has become more and more excessive recently. He not only has a second uncle public support, but also secretly hooks up with the people of the Chamber of Commerce. If you don’t show up again Chen Yu and Zhang Qingqing may not be able to support it.”

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