My Adolescence

Chapter 379

Zhang Qingqing is watching a fish in the lake like a little girl, and I secretly look at the back of the quilt and her posture on the fence, secretly swallowing.

Zhang Qingqing looked for a while, then found that the group of koi move towards the lake swam away, and she quickly turned to move towards the other side of the gazebo, but I was behind her, she turned and hit me. Then Āiyā’s cry is about to fall.

I was looking at her body and thinking about it. She was shocked when she saw her falling. She quickly hugged her soft body. Wenxiang nephrite is in the arms, the nose smells all the smell of her body, and the position I hold is also just her hips, the hand has a surprising touch, this sense of smell and touch double stimulation Next, I immediately responded.

Chapter 428: I became a scum male

Zhang Qingqing didn’t even think that I was standing behind her, and she was wearing high heels. When I turned around, I almost fell. Even though I hugged her in time, she was scared. I was not looked back when I was in my arms, and looked at me with pity.

She rarely showed a soft side, so I couldn’t help the man’s protection, and had the urge to take care of her, and then almost couldn’t help but move towards her blushing lips.

Zhang Qingqing beautiful eyes, but I did not resist, let me kiss. And, yeah, we have kissed many times. They have a tacit understanding of each other. Almost as soon as our lips touched, she had subconsciously opened her mouth slightly, and then I tasted the taste of her cloves, so that the pores of the body were all relaxed.

Remember six months ago. When I bought the old street, Tu Wenxuan’s real estate manager insisted on selling the land in his hand, and also held Zhang Qingqing in disguise. At the beginning, I sold the old street for Zhang Qingqing. Zhang Qingqing was very moved at that time, and almost handed it over to me. It was a pity that she was the date of her relatives, so I could not eat her in the end.

Not long ago, my birthday, originally Zhang Qingqing is also ready to give me as a birthday present, even the hotel room is booked. It was a pity that I made myself smart, got a MSG cola cake, and finally I ate myself into the hospital, which led me to miss another chance to follow Zhang Qingqing.

I have been married for a year, and I have never really taken Zhang Qingqing down. I really feel that I am quite inferior, but tonight Zhang Qingqing seems to be not very resistant to the way I am intimate with her, even when I kiss, I have some initiative, let I am both happy and surprised.

I thought she was very reserved. How does it seem a bit different today? I suddenly remembered that Zhang Qingqing’s coming to relatives was very punctual every month. It’s been ten days since her relatives, and maybe it’s not her safety. Oh, it’s the kind of pregnancy that I used to say. I heard that women’s feelings in this two-day period are strong.

This discovery made me smile in my heart. My father-in-law and my mother-in-law invited me to be a female son-in-law. Isn’t it that I hope to have a child to inherit the incense of their Zhang Family? According to the agreement, Zhang Qingqing’s first child was surnamed Zhang, and when I had a second child, I was surnamed Chen. Hey, tonight, Zhang Qingqing may be able to complete the long-awaited wish of the two old people.

I kissed Zhang Qingqing for a while and was preparing for the next move. But Zhang Qingqing was awake for two points, holding my hand and whispering, “You can’t be here.”

Indeed, although it was 11 at night, but not far from the lakeside streetlights, the stone bench can sit a pair of lovers. Even occasionally there will be park-based security guards patrolling with flashlights to guard against gangsters such as night robberies.

I hesitated a little, and took Zhang Qingqing’s hand to move towards us in the direction of parking. After a while, I went out of the park and saw the Porsche 718 sports car that we parked on the side of the road. I hurriedly pulled Zhang Qingqing onto our two-door, two-seat sports car, reached out and closed the door, and then I took Zhang Qingqing to heat up.

“Chen Yu… don’t…”

Zhang Qingqing whispered, and both hands were unable to push me. I wanted to refuse to welcome the welcoming way, so that I could get the blood of the bloody side, and I would move towards it. However, at this time, the car window slammed two times, and someone was knocking on our window.

This kind of thing was suddenly disturbed. I suddenly had a smoldering fire in my heart. I suddenly pushed the door and got off the bus. I was angry and said: “Who is he damn it knocking on the window of Laozi… Hey, police officer Qin Da, so late you guys Still at work?”

The outside of the car knocked out the window is the beautiful criminal investigation team leader Qin Hao, she wore a slim shirt and a pair of blue jeans, a vest with a word of police written on the outside, tied with a pony tail, looking heroic. The cross street not far behind her. There are also several who are wearing police vests at the same time, holding weapons in their hands, and even some individuals still holding a wolf dog police dog, seemingly intercepting the pursuit of criminals?

“Someone saw that Madhuan appeared here tonight. Our entire department blocked this area and was searching him all night.” Qin said, while he couldn’t help but sneak in my car with her eyes, she used to video from the video. I saw that I had a glass of orange juice with Tang Anning. And I gave my life to protect Tang Anning’s life-saving vaccine, so she always thought that I was a couple with Tang Anning. I thought that Zhang Qingqing was Tang Anning in the car. She said, “I saw your car and I saw it faintly. Someone in the car is moving, guessing that you are here with Miss Tang, so come over and give you a wake up.”

Crazy China did not go to the water ghost to send him to leave Lihai City? He still stayed in Lihai City, and here is the site of the Chen family, which is the flattering land. How could he be here, isn’t Tu family sending him to kill and flatter? This is impossible. After the last madness, he became a wanted criminal. Tu family was afraid that he would fall into the hands of the police and expose himself. It is estimated that he would not want to go mad. It is impossible to hire a madman to kill someone.

When I was still in Lihai City, Qin Hao had already whispered: “Qing Qing?”


Zhang Qingqing also exclaimed, and then delighted to open the door from the car, pulling Qin Hao’s hand and shouting happy. Let me see a bit dumbfounded, feeling that the two of them are aware of it?

It turns out that Zhang Qingqing and Qin Qin High School are all at the same table for three years, or the same bedroom. At that time, the relationship between the two of them could not be described by girlfriends, or it was more appropriate to describe them with sisters. However, after the college entrance examination, they went to the police school, the other one studied the normal school, and they were not in the same province. Later, they slowly lost contact. They did not see each other for five or six years. Everyone did not know that the other party actually I came back to Lihai City to work.

The two women met and were surprised and happy, talking about their current situation.

After all, Qin Lan is engaged in criminal investigation. It is more rational. This time, she has already woke up from the joy of reuniting with the old sisters. She looked at me suspiciously and turned her eyes twice, then deliberately asked: “Qing Qing Do you know Tang Yuing’s boyfriend, Chen Yu?”

When I heard Qin Yu’s words, I almost scared my urine, and then I saw that Zhang Qingqing’s face suddenly froze, and the depths of my eyes flashed through a trace of coldness. I was scared and scared. It was a chill, and I felt that the surrounding temperature was suddenly cold for several times.

Zhang Qingqing glanced at me and said to Qin Xiao, “I know, but I am not familiar with him.”

When I heard Zhang Qingqing, I knew that I was finished, and Zhang Qingqing was angry.

Qin Zhen is basically a criminal investigation. It is her compulsory course to interrogate the prisoner to observe the psychology. When she saw the subtle expression changes of Zhang Qingqing, she seemed to understand what it was. The impression that I had a good impression on me began to collapse. From her eyes with a little contempt, I can see that I am in her eyes the scum man who is pedaling two boats.

Although Qin Xiao has not seen Zhang Qingqing for many years, he is the sister who has been the closest to him. She looked at me and took Zhang Qingqing a little further. Then the two women chatted in a low voice, while chatting and looking at me from time to time. I don’t know what the two women are saying, but I see Zhang Qingqing. Every time I look at my angry eyes, I feel that I am going to finish.

I stood in the same place and looked at a few colleagues from Qin Xiao who were not far away. I went up to chat with them, but because I repaired their colleague Liu Jinpeng, so few guys didn’t want to see me. No one took care of me and made me boring.

Even the police dog they were holding was actually screaming at me, and I was going to bite me. I am in a fire, and even your beast has come to bully me. So, I secretly took a breath and then yelled at the police dog: “Wang”

Qin Zhen and Zhang Qingqing have been shocked by the criminal police. Even the police dog was shocked by me. After being yelled at by Wang, it actually turned around and ran.

The criminal police who pulled the rope was groaning, the rope did not hold steady, and the police dog ran away. But not running far, it ran to a police van that was parked on the side of the road, and then ran back with a bone, and placed the bones at my feet like a treasure, then slammed against it. I wag my tail, it seems to please.

Qin Lan saw this scene, came over and stared at it and said, “Chen Yu, what did you do to my dog?”

“How do you hear this strange, what can I do to your dog, don’t I scare it?”

I saw that the police dog kept his head and kept waving his tail to please me. I couldn’t help but reach out and touched his head. It didn’t know if I was the leader of it. Anyway, I could enjoy it.

Since Qin Xiao knows that I am a scum man who has “footed on two boats”, I have not looked good to me. Even I reached out and touched her police dog. She said coldly to me: “Knowing I don’t know if you are an assaulting police?”

I am hearing this gas is green, attacking your sister, I will not touch the police dog, I have to touch and touch you.

Chapter 429: Qin Hao asked me for help

It should have been a very good night, but since the accident of Qin Yu, it not only destroyed my romance with Zhang Qingqing, but even she shook out the things that I had with Tang Anning. As a result of my drive along with Zhang Qingqing, Zhang Qingqing was holding a face and not talking. I took the initiative to talk to her several times and I ate.

When I got home and took a shower, I just walked into the bedroom, and Zhang Qingqing, who was sitting on the bed and leaning back against the bed, was looking up and gave me a look. I thought she would let me explain the relationship with Tang Anning, but what surprised me was that she didn’t ask anything, just pointed to the cabinet and said: “Look at what is left in the first cabinet on the left side?” ”

I didn’t respond at the time. I walked over and opened the cupboard. I found a mat inside, and a quilt and a pillow. I went back and told her stupidly: “It’s a mat and a quilt and a pillow.”

“So, do you know what this means?”

I am hearing this one. Then I suddenly understood, Zhang Qingqing, this girl, let me take these things out consciously, and then I will play in the room myself. I suddenly cried and said to Zhang Qingqing: “Qing Qing, don’t play this?”

Zhang Qingqing said faintly: “You can choose not to play the floor. You can choose who is living in the sofa or study.”

My father-in-law is still watching soap operas outside the living room. How can I go to sleep in the living room sofa and explain to the two old people? In the end, I can only do my own unwillingness to play the ground floor, and my heart is very sad. I thought that I could talk to Zhang Qingqing tonight, but I didn’t expect it to become a sleeping floor. It really fell from heaven to hell.

I just lie down with a sad face, and I still see Zhang Qingqing in the corner of my eyes. The girl actually sneaked me on the phone. She then seemed a little proud of who was sending a message and I couldn’t help it. Suspicion, who did she chat with, and still very happy, shouldn’t it be a man?

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