My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 392: Yan Huowu's past

Chapter 392: Yan Huowu's Past

Xu Qingmo is awesome, but he is not Superman. Can he fly away?

Looking at the night sky out of the window, everyone was shocked.

"On the next floor!" The old man took the lead. Xu Qingmo couldn't jump straight from such a high floor. There was only one possibility. He broke through the window and jumped in through the window on the next floor.

The crowd turned around to find their mouths, and the martial arts outside were all stunned.

On the forty-seventh floor, Xu Qingmo was standing on the ground, looking at the people in front of him, all around his feet were glass fragments, and the **** right hand dripped blood, and then the glass refracted the bleeding light.

Opposite Xu Qingmo, a beautiful woman in a cheongsam was standing in front of an operating device and turned, looking very surprised. She was frightened by the sudden appearance of Xu Qingmo.

Cheongsam female, Yan Huowu.

Compassion Pavilion seventh seat!

The device behind her should be an elevator-like structure, parked on this floor, and above the elevator, there is an artificially created circular crack on the ceiling.

When Xu Qingmo saw it, he immediately understood.

This is where Shen Qingfo flew back. Shen Qingfo planned everything. He used the martial arts community and the police to block Xu Qingmo. If he still could n’t, he immediately retreated to the back room, and then went down to the forty-seventh floor using the office to escape. Yan Huowu takes on the complex here.

However, he never expected that Xu Qingmo was decisively abnormal. People in the martial arts could not stop him, and even the police were not able to stop him or even hesitate.

Xu Qingmo's attitude made things go so fast that it exceeded Shen Qingfo's calculations. Yan Huomeu was not ready for everything. Xu Qingmo had already started. As a result, he could only die in the last step of escape.

Yan Huowu apparently didn't know what was going on. She was very surprised to see Xu Qingmo, then she looked down and came to Xu Qingmo's right hand, which was full of blood and viscera, and her face changed instantly.


The police's footsteps again came quickly.

Xu Qingmo rushed to the elevator immediately, Yan Huowu reached out to stop, but Xu Qingmo slammed into the elevator.

The elevator quickly started running, and Xu Qingmo and Yan Huowu descended quickly. The old man rushed in with black, but Xu Qingmo's figure was no longer visible, only the red light of the operator was flashing.

"Chasing!" The old man resolutely said.

Xu Qingmo, such a violent killer, cannot easily let go of the Excalibur.

"These are" He curiously looked at the rest of the room, "Here is a laboratory?"

Speaking, Black came to the front of a wall, and the wall was a hidden cabinet that could fool the rest, but Black Sword Warrior, after strict training, is the most basic skill to identify and hide the dark grid.

"Wow" came to open the cabinet door with black hands, revealing the large glass bottles standing one and a half people tall, and the contents inside

Everyone in "Sizzle" took a breath, and the timid person even backed up, almost falling, and couldn't help retching.

They are not the girls who have n’t seen the world above, but only yell at meat sellers, but the police who are used to the dark side of time, can't help it?

Because these large glass flat bottles are full of Malfurin-like solutions, but humans!

Here is a human laboratory!

The old man turned suddenly, his face was gloomy, and Huaxia actually had such a cruel human body laboratory. This was an extremely wicked case.

The elevator descended extremely fast and kept accelerating, so that Xu Qingmo had a feeling of weightlessness, as did Yan Huowu in his arms.

Two people lie on the floor of the elevator. Xu Qingmo stunned Yan Huowu. No one hurt her, but Yan Huowu's cheongsam was lifted to reveal a large area of ​​spring light.

It happened that she and Xu Qingmo were upside down again, lying on Xu Qingmo's body, with her head at Xu Qingmo's feet, sitting on Xu Qingmo's chest ass, and the exposed spring light was right in front of Xu Qingmo's eyes.

However, at this time, there was no rampant in the elevator, but there were many killers.

Yan Huowu turned indignantly, and stretched out her hand to slap Xu Qingmo's Tian Ling Gai. This was a true killer.

Xu Qingmo clamped his legs, turned around, flipped Yan Huomao's body over him, took advantage of himself, and rode on Yan Huomao.

Xu Qingmo turned around again, sitting on Yan Huomao's waist, standing high with her eyes in Yan Huomao's body.

Yan Huowu did not give up, shot again, attacked fiercely, and fought hard.

Xu Qingmo grabbed Yan Huowu's hands and pressed it on the floor, and then saw Yan Huowu still struggling. He had to press himself with his body and pressed Yan Huowu to the ground.

Yan Huowu was finally unable to move, and even her chest was deformed by Xu Qingmo's compression, and her breathing was a bit painful.

Tears flooded, and Yan Huowu cried and cried, "I want to kill you! I want to kill you!"

Yan Huowu already knew that Shen Qingfo died in Xu Qingmo's hands.

Xu Qingmo was speechless, Shen Qingfo dared to move Lin Ruochu, he killed him, and Yan Huowu also regarded Shen Qingfo as the master, and it was natural to hate the folks.

However, Xu Qingmo won't let Yan Huowu kill himself. He is not the Virgin. She said to the vengeful woman with a chest and said that you would kill me.

Yan Huowu burst into tears and burst into tears.

The elevator stopped, and Xu Qingmo raised his body. Yan Huomao under her body had no more energy to cry. She lay on the ground and allowed tears to fall, and the cheongsam was scattered and opened without any care.

Xu Qingmo froze for a moment and did not leave immediately.

"You killed him," murmured Yan Huomai.

Xu Qingmo leaned on the elevator and listened to Yan Huowu's self-confidence.

"He is the greatest benefactor of my life." Yan Huowu looked at the road above the elevator.

"I grew up living in the country with my parents. Although poor, I was carefree and always happy and happy. Until one day, I saw a warrant on TV saying that there was a rogue in the city next door. And found that there are awards for reporting. "

"But my tuition for junior high school has not yet been settled. At lunch I still told my parents that if I found the gangster, just report it. The bonus was enough for me to finish all high school. My parents scolded me and said Don't hold on to this idea, don't meet bad people, peace is best. "

"I didn't listen. I ran out after dinner. I thought about walking around a lot, maybe I could find something, but when I came home,"

Yan Huowu cried, and her voice was intermittent: "That gangster, I saw it, he was in my house, my parents were lying in a pool of blood, and he was holding dumplings that were only wrapped in the morning. That person came for a bowl of rice. I recognized him, but I didn't dare to speak up. I just had to dump the dumplings honestly, hoping that he would leave after eating. "

"As a result, he finished his meal and saw that there was a TV at home.

"I hid behind the tree and waited until he rummaged through the house and left, then I came out and sat beside my parents for three days and three nights."

"On the third day, the fly covered my house. The master came and saw me. The opponent held out his hand."

"Change the world with me and let the bad guys get the punishment they deserve." Yan Huowu smirked. "He said to me, I took his hand and followed him."

"It was he who gave me a second life, but now he is dead."

After Xu Qingmo heard this, her brows frowned. How could this story be so familiar? Where have i heard

By the way, Yujiao!

This story is similar to Yu Jiao Nu's story. Yu Jiao Nu was lying in bed and left unattended, and then Shen Qingfo appeared just right and reached out to her.

The story of Yan Huowu and the story of Yu Jiao Nu has exactly the same taste, changing soup without changing medicine, new bottles of old wine.

Moreover, the story of Yu Jiao Nu, she did not tell the details, so Xu Qingmo could not hear anything, but Yan Huowu, Xu Qingmo heard it, and felt a lot of loopholes.

"You sat for three days, did no one find out?" Xu Qingmo asked.

"No, I have been with my parents for three days. There were only flies and buzzing in those three days. I still remember the sound." Yan Huowu said in pain.

"Even if it's in the countryside, no one can find it for three days." Xu Qingmo said, this is the biggest doubt. For three days, the body odor has spread. Even if there are no people around, it will attract wild dogs, vultures and other wild animals. How could there be only flies.

Most likely, there was a protective belt set up by someone outside to prevent people from coming in, but even the beast was stopped.

And why did Shen Qingfo appear on the third day?

If people do n’t eat or drink, three days is the limit. If Shen Qingfo appears a little late, Yan Huowu will starve to death.

"Change the world with me and let the bad guys get the punishment they deserve" is not casually spoken. It fits the mood of Yan Huowu at that time, but how does Shen Qingfo know the specific process of things.

Xu Qingmo said, "Did you find that gangster later?"

Yan Huowu shook her head: "No, I have never seen him again, and I will confess to injustice. Maybe he died long ago, but there are still many people like him in this world."

Xu Qingmo thought for a while and thought, "I suggest you check the person, maybe he is still alive."

Yan Huowu's whole body shook, and her eyes bloomed again.

Seeing this, Xu Qingmo stopped talking and got out of the elevator.

He didn't tell Yan Huowu indirectly, all of this may be a trap of Shen Qingfo, just to give her a clue. If it was really all that Shen Qingfo arranged, then that gangster was the most important point. Even if he died now, Yan As long as Fire Dance continues to track down, maybe it will find something.

The most important thing is that after the death of Shen Qingfo, Yan Huowu's performance was a bit ridiculous, and her whole body exudes death. Xu Qingmo gave her a goal to give her the motivation to continue to pursue, and she would not give up.

"I will kill you!" Yan Huowu looked at Xu Qingmo's back, word by word.

"Welcome, as long as you have this ability." Xu Qingmo shrugged and stepped out of here.

Just came outside, Xu Qingmo suddenly covered her chest, bowed her head, let go, and a blood-red flower bloomed on her left breast.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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