My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 378: Lin Ruochu

"Hello, I'm going to the Qinghui Group Building." At the Jinling Airport, a man with long hair over his shoulders, wearing leather clothes, and chewing gum in his mouth staggered and stopped a taxi on the side of the road.

It's hip-hop.

The taxi stopped, and the hip-hop burrowed into it all of a sudden, tilted to the back seat of the taxi, stretched a comfortable waist, put his hands behind his head, and hugged his own head.

"Hey, how about the Qinghui Group?" Hip-hop asked.

"Qinghui Group? That's a big company and a big group, how can our little people know." The taxi driver smiled. "But listening to our taxi circle, people who taxi under the Qinghui Group Building are very polite. , Should be a good company, why are you going to apply? "

"Haha, do you want to apply for a singer?" Hip-hop laughed strangely. "Qing Hui Group, Qing Hui, 啧啧, really dare to take it, openly button the hat to the Lord Buddha, or green."

"Ah? What did you say? You lost your hat?" The taxi driver didn't understand.

"It's okay, drive your car." Hip-hop's eyes flashed sharply, quietly spit out gum, sticking to the back seat of the taxi.

He was hip-hop the moment before, asking the taxi driver about it, just because the driver had heard this sentence wrong, and suddenly changed his face, immediately gloomy, the word hip-hop strange is not in vain.

The taxi stopped at the crossroads below the Qinghui Group Building, and the hip-hop came out and looked up at the Qinghui Group Building, but often walked in the opposite direction.

At the street corner, a man with a peaked cap was standing in the shadow under the street lamp, and also deliberately pressed the hat on his head to completely hide his face in the shadow.

The hip-hop came to the street light, and then heard the low voice from the peaked cap in the shadow.

"Lin Ruochu is not here. She came back from the airport, just passed here, did not go upstairs, and then left."

"Oh? Where have you been?"

"Yinshan Ghost Realm!"

"Huh?" Hip-hop was weird.

"A deserted villa complex is in the Yinshan Mountains near Qiuming Mountain." The cap spoke this last sentence, and then turned and left.

"Ah? It's been a long time?" Hip-hop looked at him in the back and said, "The intelligence guy is so sneaky and afraid to see anyone."

Take out the earphones, plug them into your ears, and the rock music rushes in. The hip-hop is like being charged with electricity. The whole person is excited, shakes and beats, and returns to the side of the road. A taxi.

"Yinshan Ghost Realm."

"What, are you going to Yinshan Ghost Realm?" The taxi driver didn't sit still.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Hip-hop wondered.

"Don't you know? It's haunted!" The taxi driver looked ugly. "You can take someone else's car, I can't."

"Two hundred." Hip-hop blame.

"No, really not." The taxi driver shook his head.

"five hundred."

"I have money to spend if I have money." The taxi driver swallowed.

"one thousand."

"Deal!" The taxi driver patted the steering wheel and hurriedly started the car, afraid that the hip-hop would regret it.

"Tell me about this Yinshan Ghost Realm." Hip-hop blew bubbles with chewing gum, and burst with a pop.

"Yinshan Ghost Realm was originally called Yinshan Boudoir." The taxi driver was very happy when he got the money, so he kept talking. "At first, the advertisement was the most luxurious villa district in Jinling City, and I bought the whole Yinshan. It is said that Qiu Mingshan can be seen without leaving the house. "

"As a result, only a few villas were built. It was only a rough house when a heavy rain came, which was the last year when a heavy rainstorm occurred and many cities in Jiangnan were surrounded by floods."

"Jinling City is okay. There was no problem in the heavy rain, but there was a problem in Yinshan. A mudslide occurred. Most of the villas built were washed away. Only one or two were left unharmed."

"Later, an expert found out that the Yinshan mountain was not strong enough to meet the building standards, and the mountain collapsed easily. Therefore, the Yinshan Bougainvillea ended without disease, and the entire development company collapsed. It is said that some people jumped off the building. "

"Why is it called Yinshan Ghost Realm right now?" The hip-hop asked.

"There is only a rough house left there. If anyone goes there, it will be haunted by a long time, so it ’s called this name." Taxi drivers said with amusement. "Especially recently, many taxi drivers gave away people at night. When I went to Qiumingshan and passed by, I heard the sound of ghosts crying, like the bark of a **** three-headed dog. I have heard it myself. "

"Haha." The hip-hop smiled strangely. "Do you know anything about the **** three-headed dog?"

"Hey, why don't you believe it?" The taxi driver was anxious. "I heard it with my own ears. It's true, not only me, but also several taxi drivers. Everyone heard it."

The hip-hop was leaning on the back seat, and stuffed the ears that it had taken off into the ears again, and stopped talking.

The taxi driver opened the clip and couldn't hold it for a while, and then said a lot of rumors about Yinshan Ghost Realm to himself, but later discovered that the hip-hop monster ignored him and had to hate it.

Soon the taxi stopped at an intersection.

"That's it. I don't dare to go inside. Go inside yourself. You're not afraid anyway," the taxi driver said.

Hip-hop throws a hundred dollars in front of the road, then opens the door and walks out.

"Ah, you are the one, and say a thousand?" The taxi driver hurried.

"Ahh!" The hip-hop turned abruptly and made a face, matching his long hair, which was really scary.

The taxi driver was frightened, opened his mouth, but did n’t dare to ask for any more money, so he gave up, turned around, and drove away after a certain distance: "Little stingy ghost, I wish you the ghosts of Yinshan Ghost Realm Hell down. "

Hip-hop looks up at Yinshan in the dark, and smiles in his mouth, "What are you hiding for?"

"Forget it, why it's not important. It offends the Lord of the Buddha. You can't hide from it." The hip-hop trembled and walked towards the looming building at the foot of the Yin Mountain. what."

Not long after, the hip-hop came to the door of the villa. This is a rough house of a villa, but it was simply reinforced again. The door was still facing a lot of construction waste and it seemed to be demolished.

It is just that no damage can be seen on the periphery of the whole villa, and it is necessary that the walls were removed.

But why is this? The space of the villa is already large enough, and even the tallest person can move freely in it. Why do we need to remove the internal walls?

A shadow came out of the villa, exquisitely curvy and charming.

"Hmm." Hip-hop swallowed, "Very well, you didn't run, I'll take it lightly ..."

The first half of the sentence is still hip-hop, and the second half of the hip-hop can't be said. He looked up at the loud voice behind Lin Ruochu, his pupils narrowed, and he couldn't say anything.


After this night, many taxi drivers heard the magic sound of the Yinshan Ghost Realm in person that night.


Xu Qingmo speeded to Jinling City, it was already late in the middle of the night, and Dongtian even showed a hint of white.

Lin Ruochu's mobile phone was in his own hand. He had forgotten to give it to him in the hotel before, so Xu Qingmo called Dong Yan directly.

However, Dong Huan told Xu Qingmo that Lin Ruochu did not return to the company and did not find her, but told Xu Qingmo that these days, Lin Ruochu often goes to a place alone.

Xu Qingmo hurriedly asked that address-the abandoned Yinshan Boudoir!

Xu Qingmo remembered that when he went to Gusu City, Lin Ruochu suddenly said that he had something temporary and asked him to go to Gusu City first. Was it impossible? At that time, the place she went to was Yin Yin Boudoir?

Xu Qingmo mentioned the female driver's affairs to Dong Yan, and then hung up the phone. While talking to the female driver, she drove back to Chaoyang District and handed her keys to the female driver so that she could rest in the house.

As for Xu Qingmo, he took his Audi and set off again.

Xingye rushed for hundreds of kilometers, and the taxi was on the verge of being scrapped, so Xu Qingmo had to return to drive his own car.

The female driver took the key, and after a dreadful effort, the Audi car was gone.

The female driver looked at the small building behind him, not surprised, he ... just like this, handed the key of his house to himself?

He and he don't even know each other's name ...

The speed of the Audi car is much faster than that of a taxi. Xu Qingmo rushes all the way to Yinshan Boudoir, and he sees the villa at the foot of the mountain from a distance.

Jumping out of the car, Xu Qingmo turned around the villa, but found nothing, only to find that the walls in many places in the villa were opened, and several passages were enlarged to make it more accessible, but this " "People", at least more than two meters, need such treatment.

Where is Lin Ruochu?

Xu Qingmo was anxious, then his eyes narrowed and he saw blood on the ground.

The blood was winding, and Xu Qingmo immediately chased after him, walking around, and finally caught up in the wilderness outside the villa.

This is a man with a peaked cap, who is carrying a **** wounded man on his back, struggling to move forward.

Hearing the sound behind him, the peaked cap, tense, tripped under his feet, and suddenly fell down, the wounded on his back also fell down, lying on the ground, motionless.

Xu Qingmo stepped forward and looked carefully. The peaked cap didn't know him, but he was just an ordinary person, his eyes dodged, and he was very frightened when he saw Xu Qingmo.

As for the other wounded, Xu Qingmo was surprised.

It was the Beatles. In the news provided by Jin Lao, he was called a hip-hop monster.

Xu Qingmo has seen hip-hop shots, at least second-rate top master, and also an extreme master among ordinary people, but now he is almost on the verge of death, Qiqiao bleeding, his chest collapsed, and the whole body is like a huge shot Flat out!

What horrible thing, actually turned the hip-hop monster into this?

Where is Lin Ruochu?

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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