My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 367: Thousand Faces Girl

Xu Qingmo turned around and stared at the slowly opening door.

A figure came in, and Xu Qingmo's eyes were flesh-colored.

Yes, the person who walked in had no clothes on his body, but was covered with a layer of see-through tulle, just like the woman in some pictures outside.

Xu Qingmo didn't want to move. At this time, the suspicion in his heart had not yet eased, and he immediately went to see the woman's face.

It is very beautiful, no matter how you look at it, there are no flaws, but what is beautiful is impossible to say. When you see this face, you will think she is like many people, but you ca n’t tell which one.

This is the typical public face, the popular beauty face, a face is very beautiful, but it is the kind of beauty with no characteristics, it makes people look amazing, when you think about it later, you can't think clearly.

Xu Qingmo looked at the woman and felt as if she had seen the woman before, but at what time and place?

Xu Qingmo frowned and thought for a moment, deliberately thinking about the mysterious silver-haired beauty and the airport man Qi Yujiao who had met at first, and her eyes suddenly brightened, a little like, the two were similar to the naked girl before her.

"You're here." The woman didn't care about her body being exposed, closed the door with her backhand, then locked it, walking in style and heading towards Xu Qingmo.

"Well, I'm here," Xu Qingmo replied casually.

"You shouldn't come."

"But I'm still here."


Xu Qingmo grinned. Such a conversation didn't make much sense, so he turned and asked, "Have you reminded me not to come?"

The woman nodded. "But you didn't listen."

"Why should I listen?" Xu Qingmo said, in her mind, this woman was the shadow that pursued at 18 Guantang 2nd Road at the time, and it was she who left a note for herself.

"You will regret it," the woman said again.

"Uh-huh, isn't it?" Xu Qingmo looked at the woman's body, using only one word to describe it.

perfect! The golden proportion of the body is beautiful, the body is excellent, one point is fat, and one point is thin.

This figure is more touching under the cover of tulle.

After hearing the words of Xu Qingmo, the woman didn't explain, but just got closer, and came to Xu Qingmo's body to stand still.

"Who are you?" Xu Qingmo asked, staring at her eyes.

"Don't you remember me?" The woman smiled slightly. "I told you my name."

"Jade ... Jiao ... Slave?" Xu Qingmo couldn't agree.

The woman nodded gently.


Xu Qingmo was surprised, this is impossible. Although the woman at the airport is similar to this woman, she is not alone in any way! In this regard, Xu Qingmo can still be sure.

"Nothing is impossible, my name is Yujiao." Said the woman.

Xu Qingmo thought of something and slowly said, "Is that you, too, that silver-haired woman?"

"Do you mean the face that fought against you and the last leech escaped?" The woman asked, and Xu Qingmo noticed that her words were strange. What was that face? At least that person, right?

"That was me too, unfortunately that time I wasn't ready to meet you suddenly." The woman said.

Xu Qingmo shook her head unbelievably, what happened! The silver-haired woman had played against him. He could see the face of the silver-haired woman clearly, and remembered clearly that her nose was very different from this woman.

"Don't you understand yet?" The woman smiled. "I have many faces. You just saw two of them."

Xu Qingmo smiled: "Impossible, there is no face swap in this world."

"It really isn't, but it's easy to use. In the present words, it is makeup." The woman said, "My face is the face of the public."

Xu Qingmo nodded, she saw it at first sight.

"Therefore, my face is also easy to change, because no matter how I mix it, my face does not look out of harmony." The woman explained, "My face is like a face model with a good basic shape. Different aspects can be modified and processed into different faces. "

After Xu Qingmo's meal, he understood something.

"For example, if I just raise my nose and then make up, I am a woman with a high nose. After meeting someone, the impression that people have is a beautiful woman with a high nose." The woman raised her hand and touched her face, but But there is no meaning of pity, but I feel a bit disgusted. "Next time, I will focus on the makeup of the eyes and make the eyes bigger. It will give the impression that she is a beautiful woman with big eyes."

Xu Qingmo nodded slightly, it turned out to be this way.

"You said, I've seen me with a high nose bridge, and then I've looked at me with big eyes. Do they think they are two?" The woman looked up at Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo shook his head because he was the best example. He finally understood why he felt that this woman was similar to the silver-haired beauty and the airport guy qi, because ... they were all alone!

"I am now my true face." The woman looked at Xu Qingmo while touching her face. "My name is indeed called Yujiao."

"Who the **** are you? What's the purpose?" Xu Qingmo couldn't help asking.

The woman passed Xu Qingmo's side, came to the oil pool, raised her hand and pressed the button again, and saw an operating platform raised from the side, which was densely packed with buttons. She raised her hand and pressed one of them. The half of the "body" that had surfaced, rolled down, revealing the lower body ... another body.

This body is very small, only the size of a person's arms, and it is also made of steel. It seems a baby is alive.

"This is my child, you've seen it," the woman said lightly.

Xu Qingmo looked at the steel baby in the oil pool, and felt a bitter cold, but he remembered that when he was on the airport elevator, he saw the child crack his mouth and laughed, and he was dancing with his small arms. A robot?

"Do you remember a news the other day, about robots?" The woman continued to ask.

Xu Qingmo remembered that he did see such a news on his mobile phone. At a trade fair in the city next to Beijing, a female robot shined. This female robot was superb and almost the same as a real person, from skin to pupil, from The hair color and skin color are almost the same as real people. Wearing Chinese clothes, many tourists didn't even see that she was a robot, and ran to ask why the robot here is missing.

What is even more funny is that after this news came out, some people on the Internet actually questioned the female robot asking what to wear in a kimono instead of a Chinese cheongsam.

Xu Qingmo remembered this news because of this. Now some netizens are really short-sighted, thinking that the Chinese hanfu is only cheongsam. I do n’t know that the female robot is a traditional hanfu, which is completely different from the island kimono. The Han clothing passed from Huaxia in ancient times evolved slowly.

But, what does that female robot have to do now?

"The robot R & D laboratory is provided by us with technical support." The woman continued to press the button, and saw the steel baby in the oil pool actually grin, raise his hand and gently bend the little finger. These actions are very Lifelike, no different from real babies.

"You said, if you put a layer of skin on it, how is it different from a human baby?" The woman turned and looked at Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo was shocked. When she was at the airport, the baby in the woman's arms was not a real person, but a robot!

"How do you know ... am I also a robot in human skin," the woman said again.

Xu Qingmo suddenly changed color, immediately reached out and grabbed the woman's shoulder.

Instead of resisting, the woman straightened her body and left it to Xu Qingmo's mercy: "I was willing to serve you at the beginning, but you did not accept it. Now, I am still willing."

Xu Qingmo was not disturbed by the woman's words, her fingers were constantly walking around the woman's chest, back, waist, hips, and thighs, checking every inch.

Much like it! Much like human skin, whether it's skin color or hand feel, it's just like real human skin, but the feeling for Xu Qingmo is always a bit wrong!

Xu Qingmo took a few steps back in horror, stared at the woman, took a breath and said, "Aren't you human?"

"I'm a robot?" The woman smiled. "You really dream about it. Although our technology has been developing in this direction, there is still a long way to go to reach the point you said."

Xu Qingmo was relieved. If this woman was a robot, he would have to wonder if he was crossing the road to the future.

"I'm human, but my skin ..." The woman lowered her head, rubbing her right hand at the left wrist, actually "skinning" her skin like a glove!

There is no blood in the cracked area. Under the skin gloves, there is skin, fair and white. It seems that it has not been caused by the sun for many years, but it is very slender and thin enough to worry about whether it will suddenly fracture.

"All you see is my clothes." The woman handed the human leather gloves she had taken off to Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo started with a lot of weight. The heavy one seemed to be made of steel, but he could make steel into such thin gloves, and the process was very abnormal.

"I was sick since I was young, I was bedridden, and I needed to feed people to eat. I completely lost the ability to take care of myself," the woman whispered. "Thanks to my master, I can feel life again."

"What is your master?" Xu Qingmo was more and more frightened.

"have you seen."

"Huh?" Xu Qingmo was not impressed, but he was alert. "What the **** does your master want? What are you going to do?"

"The master is going to deal with you. I'm only responsible to get rid of you."


Xu Qingmo was startled, rushed to the door, and pulled hard, but the door remained motionless.

"It's late, everything is late, I reminded you, but you didn't care." The woman smiled bleakly.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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