My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 321: Please accept me

"Sister Dandan, we can't run around, we will be dead if we are caught!"

"Well, you still have the courage to come to us. Dad just called, but we found you and won't let you go."

"Sister Dandan, although parents are not good for us, but at least follow them. We don't need to be hungry. We ran away with you. Where can we go? It's not stray and bullied."

The young girls around said one by one, the little girls inside were stomped and then refuted one by one.

"If we don't resist all the time, it will be completely waste. Do you want to be a thief all your life? Now you are young and you are fine after being caught. You have to go to jail when you grow up!"

"And you, I didn't come to you with the heart of everyone walking together? Otherwise I don't have to go ashore!"

"They are good to us? What's wrong with the injuries on your legs? In their eyes, we are the tools to make money. Those who can't steal the money will be slain and begged as beggars. What? "

Fierce quarrel broke out among this group of young people, so that they did not find Xu Qingmo ashore from the river.

"Follow me. This season, there will be wood flowing down the river. We can sit on the wood and can swim far away in a day. They can't catch up with us. When we leave here, we rely on our money and then we take the car. Go home. "The little girl looked at the crowd and said sincerely.

"I still have some money to buy a bus ticket."

"I also saved some money, and I want to go home."

Some children suddenly moved.

"I won't go with you. I don't have a home. There are moms and dads here and moms and dads everywhere else. It's the same."

"We will be chased by our parents on the way, we cannot escape."

"Well, be willing to come and stand up with me. We will leave together. If we don't hurry, we will be too late." The little girl raised her fist and said, like a leader of an uprising.

A few younger people stood up and the rest just looked at them.

"Let's go!" The little girl waved, but was blocked by the rest of the teenagers.

"What do you mean?"

"You can't leave. Parents will kill us when we know. We can't let you go." Said the young man.

"You ..." The little girl jumped angrily. "You fool, you won't let us go if you don't leave."

"I don't want to be beaten by my parents. Anyway, you can't go. Your parents are coming over. When that happens, tell them yourself."

"You guys are really their" children. "The little girl smiled, and then suddenly rushed to the unprepared young man, breaking through a gap in the encirclement.

"Jump into the river!" The little girl yelled, rushing after taking the lead.

"Catch them!"

The scene suddenly became confused. A dozen teenagers fought together. Xu Qingmo didn't step in. He stood behind a tall grass in the distance and looked at it. The little girl's skill was really good. Children need to be faster, so they are faster than the rest of the juveniles in terms of strength and speed. They take the lead in front and push all the juveniles who have come over.

But the rest of her followers were not so powerful, one by one, dragged by everyone around them, and finally, except the little girl, everyone else who wanted to escape was arrested.

"Sister Dandan, save me, I want to leave with you too!"

"Sister Dandan, I want to go home!" A few of the captured children cried.

The little girl who ran to the river suddenly stopped and turned to look at the crowd.

"Sister Dandan, you go away!" A little boy who was caught cried.

But the little girl resolutely walked back, glaring at the leading teenager: "Let them go!"

"No! We will be beaten by our parents if we release you."

"Then you go with us!" The little girl yelled.

The teenager still shook his head: "Either you run away alone, and I tell my parents I can't stop you, or you stay with them, and we just don't have anything happen. When your parents wait to come over and hit you, We all ask for you. "

"If you don't run away, stay here, we will always have any hope, why don't you understand it!"

The little girl screamed exhaustedly, almost crying, then suddenly reached out and took out a small knife from the back, and threw the boy in front of him to the ground.

Xu Qingmo was also surprised, and couldn't help but approach two steps, but quickly hidden.

"Don't come!" The little girl rode on the teenager's stomach on the ground, pressing the blade in his hand against his neck.

The crowd did not experience this scene, Qi Qi paused, and the teenagers on the ground even started to cry.

"Don't think I dare not kill people. I tell you that the big devil was hospitalized by a car. I made it. I started crazy. Everyone will die!" The little girl yelled, her hair was also in the recent battle It was scattered, and at this moment it was blown by the wind, and it seemed even more crazy.

"Let them go, otherwise I'll kill him!" The little girl said viciously.

The boys hesitated for a moment, then the little girl pressed **** the hand, and the blade immediately pressed the boy's neck out of a bloodstain.

"Save me, I don't want to die!" The teenager screamed in tears.

Then everyone let go.

"You go first!" The little girl said to those children who had been let go.

But they all stood still, looking behind the little girl.

The little girl realized what it was, and quickly turned around, and saw a man and a woman come down from the car with a rattan stick in their hands!

The little girl's face suddenly turned pale. She stood up from the teenager, holding the blade in her hand, stepped back, and shouted, "Everyone runs away. Come on, they only have two people and won't catch everyone."

But all of them seemed to have been fixed, and they stood still, shrinking and not dare to move.

"You are so brave, how dare you run away!" The bad woman held Teng Tiao in her hand and approached step by step.

The man held a wooden stick in his hand and pointed at the crowd: "Tell you, whoever dares to move one step will break anyone's leg!"

"Run, run away!" The little girl shouted anxiously, reaching out to drag the teenager on the ground, but couldn't pull it up, and then pushed the children who were to follow her before, but the children were pushed down by her The ground did not move one step.

This man and a woman, to them, is simply a demon, and dare not disobey any order in person.

"You really have a problem. I already said that you are an unfamiliar wolf cub. My brother can't get away with you in a car accident!" The man yelled at the little girl.

The little girl dodged from left to right, fleeing desperately, and finally stomped. Regardless of these teenagers, she turned and ran.

"Don't let her run away!" The woman yelled, and the man followed closely.

The man knew that the little girl was about to run away from the river, so she surrounded him. The little girl couldn't run to the river, but could only run all the way and finally got into a thick grass.

Strangely, she didn't move any more after drilling, as if she had settled in there. The man was not suspicious and chased him with a stick.


A figure flew upside down, flying back to the woman's feet, covering her stomach, her body bowed into a shrimp, her mouth bitter, and the stick in her hand also flew out and fell to the ground aside.

Everyone looked at the grass, and saw the little girl stepping out step by step, followed by a figure.

"Who are you? There is nothing for you here!" The woman panicked when she saw Xu Qing Mo.

"I said yes?" Xu Qingmo said coldly, originally thinking that the dogs and men were just out of order and didn't expect to be doing such an act of keeping stray children and forcing them to steal.

"I'll give you money, you go, just see nothing." The man got up, took out his wallet from his arms, took out a stack of money, thought about it, and found another wallet, and took the inside The money was all taken out, and it looked like tens of thousands of yuan, and handed it to Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo did not look at the money, but touched the head of the little girl around him.

"What do you want?" Xu Qingmo said suddenly.

The little girl hesitated, and then stared at the pair of men and women with eyes full of resentment.

"I think they die!"

Xu Qingmo frowned, but said nothing, but said to the men and women in front: "Kneel down!"

"You don't want to toast or not to drink!" The man said fiercely, snatching the article from the woman.

Xu Qingmo straightened out his legs, but with only two feet, he turned the two to the ground, holding their respective thighs and crying.

Xu Qingmo's two feet had no strength. Even if the thighs of the two people had no fractures, they were at least bone fractures and could not stand up again.

After all this, Xu Qingmo looked at the little girl.

The little girl calmly walked to the woman step by step, clutching the blade in her hand tightly.

All but the howling men and women were silent, watching the little girl's movements.

"You are not human, and you are not worth living in this world!" The little girl gritted her teeth and stabbed the woman with the blade in her hand.

Did Xu Qingmo take the shot and grab the little girl? He just wanted to test the little girl, but did not expect that the little girl was not joking, she really wanted to kill the man and woman.

"You kill her, you are just like them." Xu Qingmo said to the little girl.

"I've killed someone. I'm going to jail, and it's the same for killing two. They don't deserve to be treated. As long as they live another day, more children will be persecuted by them!" The little girl hissed.

Xu Qingmo grabbed the little girl's hand and softened it. This is what she has to go through. A 11-year-old girl who should have a smile on her face can say such things ...

Hugging the little girl tightly, Xu Qingmo told her: "It's not worth it. Such scum is not worth your life. They will have police officers to punish them."

The little girl shook her head and didn't believe it.

At this time, a taxi came from a distance, the bracelet woman hurried over, saw all of this suddenly, and hurried to Xu Qingmo.

"It's you!" The bracelet woman saw the little girl.

The little girl took out a purse and handed it to the woman without talking.

The bracelet woman quickly took it.

"Although in this world, although it is not absolute, the good will end in the end and the bad guys will be punished. For those unfair phenomena, some people need to come forward to deal with the bad guys. However, a little girl like you does not need to give their lives. The price. "Xu Qingmo stroked the little girl's head, word by word.

After speaking, Xu Qingmo turned and left.

"Bang!" The little girl knelt on the ground all at once.

"Please accept me!"

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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